Obama volunteers, African-American leaders, community members to get tickets

NASHVILLE—Congressman Jim Cooper today announced plans to distribute tickets to the 2009 Presidential Inauguration to local Obama campaign volunteers, community leaders and dozens of other Middle Tennessee residents. Cooper will award about three dozen tickets by random drawing, while the rest will be distributed to community members and volunteers who have already made contact with his office.

Cooper said he was especially focused on ensuring that African-Americans got to participate in the inaugural ceremony due to record interest in the swearing-in of America’s first black president. Cooper received over 6,000 requests for 198 tickets.

“Clearly, Nashvillians of all ages, races, religions and backgrounds are excited about the inauguration of Barack Obama,” said Cooper, a longtime Obama supporter. “I wish I had enough tickets for everyone who wanted one, but I’ve tried to be as fair as possible with the few I was given. This will be a historic occasion for our country.”

Only those who contacted Cooper’s office by last month’s cutoff date will be eligible to participate in the drawing. They have been contacted by mail or email and must respond by Thursday, December 18, to confirm their interest in tickets.

Cooper and his staff are staying in touch with everyone who contacted the office about inaugural tickets in an effort to let them know about free public events in Washington during the January 18-21 Inaugural festivities, which coincide with the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.  The National Mall will be open to the public for the occasion.

“No matter where you celebrate the occasion, all Americans have a reason to be proud on January 20,” said Cooper. “We face many huge challenges, but never before have I seen the country so ready for shared sacrifice and so optimistic about the next chapter in our history.”

More information about the inaugural can be found at the official inaugural web sites: http://pic2009.org and http://inaugural.senate.gov/.




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