Tuesday - Jan 20,2009



Event Calendar

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Blog High Level Synthesis
EAQ Legislation

October 7, 2008-  Chairmen Boucher and Dingell Publish Discussion Draft for a Climate Change Cap and Trade Program

Read Press Release 


July 17, 2008- Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hearing on the Climate Benefits of Improved Building Energy Efficiency

Read Chairman Boucher's Opening Statement 


July 10, 2008- Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hearing on H.R. 6258, the Carbon Capture and Storage Early Deployment Act

Read Chairman Boucher's Opening Statement


June 26, 2008- Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hearing on Climate Change: The Cost of Inaction

Read Chairman Boucher's Opening Statement 


June 19, 2008- Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hearing on Pending Climate Change Legislation

Read Chairman Boucher's Opening Statement 


May 6, 2008- Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hearing on Renewable Fuels Mandate

Read Chairman Boucher's Opening Statement 


March 5, 2008- Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hearing on Climate Change and Competitiveness Issues

Read Chairman Boucher's Opening Statement 


February 13, 2008- Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hearing on Legislation Authorizing Diesel Emissions Reduction Projects

Read Chairman Boucher's Opening Statement 


January 17, 2008- Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Hears Perspectives on U.N. Climate Change Conference in Bali

Read Chairman Boucher's Opening Statement 



December 6, 2007 - House Passes Landmark Energy Legislation:

Boucher Floor Statement in Support of the Energy Independence Security Act



October 3, 2007- Climate Change Legislation Design White Paper: Scope of a Cap-and-Trade Program

Today we are releasing the first in a series of climate change white papers.  The purpose of this effort is to focus the discussion in the Congress as we move towards the development and eventual passage of comprehensive climate change legislation.


-- Climate Change WHITE PAPER (pdf)
-- Memo to Members from Chairmen Dingell and Boucher (pdf)
-- Dear Colleague Letter (pdf)


Energy and Commerce Committee Website: http://energycommerce.house.gov


Opening Statements of Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Chairman Boucher From 2007 Hearings:


"Addressing Climate Change - Views From Private Sector Panels" - February 13, 2007


Energy Subcommittee Reviews Administration's Energy Proposal for the Transportation Sector (February 28, 2007)


"Carbon Capture and Sequestration: An Overview" - March 6, 2007 


Energy Subcommittee Hears Views on Human Activities Contributions to Global Warming (March 7, 2007)


"Perspectives from the Auto Industry" - March 14, 2007


Energy Subcommittee Hears State and Local Views on Climate Change (March 15, 2007)


"Climate Change: Perspectives of Utility CEOs" - March 20, 2007


International Issues, Engaging Developing Countries - March 27, 2007


Energy Subcommittee Examines Existing Cap and Trade Programs (March 29, 2007)


"Alternative Transportation Fuels: An Overview" - April 18, 2007


Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Examines Appliance Efficiency Standards - May 1, 2007  


"Alternative Fuels: Current Status, Proposals for New Standards and Related Infrastructure Issues" - May 8, 2007  


Energy Subcommittee Hears Views on Legislation Pertaining to Energy Efficiency, Smart Electricity Grid, Loan Guarantees, and Coal-to-Liquids (May 24, 2007)


EAQ Subcommittee Holds Markup of Legislation to Promote Energy Efficiency, Smart Grid Transition, Loan Guarantees, Renewable Fuel Infrastructure, and Plug-in Hybrid Technologies (June 20, 2007)