Title 20--Employees' Benefits



TEXT PDF655.0 Scope and purpose of part.
TEXT PDF655.00 Authority of the Regional Administrator under subparts A, B, and C.
TEXT PDF655.1 Scope and purpose of subpart A.
TEXT PDF655.2 Applications.
TEXT PDF655.3 Determinations.
TEXT PDF655.4 Territory of Guam.
TEXT PDF655.90 Scope and purpose of subpart B.
TEXT PDF655.92 Authority of the Regional Administrator.
TEXT PDF655.93 Special circumstances.
TEXT PDF655.100 Overview of this subpart and definition of terms.
TEXT PDF655.101 Temporary alien agricultural labor certification applications.
TEXT PDF655.102 Contents of job offers.
TEXT PDF655.103 Assurances.
TEXT PDF655.104 Determinations based on acceptability of H-2A applications.
TEXT PDF655.105 Recruitment period.
TEXT PDF655.106 Referral of U.S. workers; determinations based on U.S. worker availability and adverse effect; activities after receipt of the temporary alien agricultural labor certification.
TEXT PDF655.107 Adverse effect wage rates (AEWRs).
TEXT PDF655.108 H-2A applications involving fraud or willful misrepresentation.
TEXT PDF655.110 Employer penalties for noncompliance with terms and conditions of temporary alien agricultural labor certifications.
TEXT PDF655.111 Petition for higher meal charges.
TEXT PDF655.112 Administrative review and de novo hearing before an administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF655.113 Job Service Complaint System; enforcement of work contracts.
TEXT PDF655.200 General description of this subpart and definition of terms.
TEXT PDF655.201 Temporary labor certification applications.
TEXT PDF655.202 Contents of job offers.
TEXT PDF655.203 Assurances.
TEXT PDF655.204 Determinations based on temporary labor certification applications.
TEXT PDF655.205 Recruitment period.
TEXT PDF655.206 Determinations of U.S. worker availability and adverse effect on U.S. workers.
TEXT PDF655.207 Adverse effect rates.
TEXT PDF655.208 Temporary labor certification applications involving fraud or willful misrepresentation.
TEXT PDF655.209 Invalidation of temporary labor certifications.
TEXT PDF655.210 Failure of employers to comply with the terms of a temporary labor certification.
TEXT PDF655.211 Petition for higher meal charges.
TEXT PDF655.212 Administrative-judicial reviews.
TEXT PDF655.215 Territory of Guam.
TEXT PDF655.300 Purpose and scope of subparts D and E.
TEXT PDF655.301 Overview of process.
TEXT PDF655.302 Definitions.
TEXT PDF655.310 Attestations.
TEXT PDF655.315 State plans.
TEXT PDF655.320 Appeals of acceptance and rejection of attestations submitted for filing and of State plans.
TEXT PDF655.350 Public access.
TEXT PDF655.400 Enforcement authority of Administrator, Wage and Hour Division.
TEXT PDF655.405 Complaints and investigative procedures.
TEXT PDF655.410 Civil money penalties and other remedies.
TEXT PDF655.415 Written notice and service of Administrator's determination.
TEXT PDF655.420 Request for hearing.
TEXT PDF655.425 Rules of practice for administrative law judge proceedings.
TEXT PDF655.430 Service and computation of time.
TEXT PDF655.435 Administrative law judge proceedings.
TEXT PDF655.440 Decision and order of administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF655.445 Secretary's review of administrative law judge's decision.
TEXT PDF655.450 Administrative record.
TEXT PDF655.455 Notice to the Attorney General and the Employment and Training Administration.
TEXT PDF655.460 Non-applicability of the Equal Access to Justice Act.
TEXT PDF655.500 Purpose, procedure and applicability of subparts F and G of this part.
TEXT PDF655.501 Overview of responsibilities.
TEXT PDF655.502 Definitions.
TEXT PDF655.510 Employer attestations.
TEXT PDF655.520 Special provisions regarding automated vessels.
TEXT PDF655.530 Special provisions regarding the performance of longshore activities at locations in the State of Alaska.
TEXT PDF655.531 Who may submit attestations for locations in Alaska?
TEXT PDF655.532 Where and when should attestations be submitted for locations in Alaska?
TEXT PDF655.533 What should be submitted for locations in Alaska?
TEXT PDF655.534 The first attestation element for locations in Alaska: Bona fide request for dispatch of United States longshore workers.
TEXT PDF655.535 The second attestation element for locations in Alaska: Employment of United States longshore workers.
TEXT PDF655.536 The third attestation element for locations in Alaska: No intention or design to influence bargaining representative election.
TEXT PDF655.537 The fourth attestation element for locations in Alaska: Notice of filing.
TEXT PDF655.538 Actions on attestations submitted for filing for locations in Alaska.
TEXT PDF655.539 Effective date and validity of filed attestations for locations in Alaska.
TEXT PDF655.540 Suspension or invalidation of filed attestations for locations in Alaska.
TEXT PDF655.541 Withdrawal of accepted attestations for locations in Alaska.
TEXT PDF655.550 Public access.
TEXT PDF655.600 Enforcement authority of Administrator, Wage and Hour Division.
TEXT PDF655.605 Complaints and investigative procedures.
TEXT PDF655.610 Automated vessel exception to prohibition on utilization of alien crewmember(s) to perform longshore activity(ies) at a U.S. port.
TEXT PDF655.615 Cease and desist order.
TEXT PDF655.620 Civil money penalties and other remedies.
TEXT PDF655.625 Written notice, service and Federal Register publication of Administrator's determination.
TEXT PDF655.630 Request for hearing.
TEXT PDF655.635 Rules of practice for administrative law judge proceedings.
TEXT PDF655.640 Service and computation of time.
TEXT PDF655.645 Administrative law judge proceedings.
TEXT PDF655.650 Decision and order of administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF655.655 Secretary's review of administrative law judge's decision.
TEXT PDF655.660 Administrative record.
TEXT PDF655.665 Notice to the Attorney General and the Employment and Training Administration.
TEXT PDF655.670 Federal Register notice of determination of prevailing practice.
TEXT PDF655.675 Non-applicability of the Equal Access to Justice Act.
TEXT PDF655.700 What statutory provisions govern the employment of H-1B and H-1B1 nonimmigrants and how do employers apply for an H-1B or H-1B1 visa?
TEXT PDF655.705 What Federal agencies are involved in the H-1B and H-1B1 programs, and what are the responsibilities of those agencies and of employers?
TEXT PDF655.710 What is the procedure for filing a complaint?
TEXT PDF655.715 Definitions.
TEXT PDF655.720 Where are labor condition applications (LCAs) to be filed and processed?
TEXT PDF655.730 What is the process for filing a labor condition application?
TEXT PDF655.731 What is the first LCA requirement, regarding wages?
TEXT PDF655.732 What is the second LCA requirement, regarding working conditions?
TEXT PDF655.733 What is the third LCA requirement, regarding strikes and lockouts?
TEXT PDF655.734 What is the fourth LCA requirement, regarding notice?
TEXT PDF655.735 What are the special provisions for short-term placement of H-1B nonimmigrants at place(s) of employment outside the area(s) of intended employment listed on the LCA?
TEXT PDF655.736 What are H-1B-dependent employers and willful violators?
TEXT PDF655.737 What are ``exempt'' H-1B nonimmigrants, and how does their employment affect the additional attestation obligations of H-1B-dependent employers and willful violator employers?
TEXT PDF655.738 What are the ``non-displacement of U.S. workers'' obligations that apply to H-1B-dependent employers and willful violators, and how do they operate?
TEXT PDF655.739 What is the ``recruitment of U.S. workers'' obligation that applies to H-1B-dependent employers and willful violators, and how does it operate?
TEXT PDF655.740 What actions are taken on labor condition applications?
TEXT PDF655.750 What is the validity period of the labor condition application?
TEXT PDF655.760 What records are to be made available to the public, and what records are to be retained?
TEXT PDF655.800 Who will enforce the LCAs and how will they be enforced?
TEXT PDF655.801 What protection do employees have from retaliation?
TEXT PDF655.805 What violations may the Administrator investigate?
TEXT PDF655.806 Who may file a complaint and how is it processed?
TEXT PDF655.807 How may someone who is not an ``aggrieved party'' allege violations, and how will those allegations be processed?
TEXT PDF655.808 Under what circumstances may random investigations be conducted?
TEXT PDF655.810 What remedies may be ordered if violations are found?
TEXT PDF655.815 What are the requirements for the Administrator's determination?
TEXT PDF655.820 How is a hearing requested?
TEXT PDF655.825 What rules of practice apply to the hearing?
TEXT PDF655.830 What rules apply to service of pleadings?
TEXT PDF655.835 How will the administrative law judge conduct the proceeding?
TEXT PDF655.840 What are the requirements for a decision and order of the administrative law judge?
TEXT PDF655.845 What rules apply to appeal of the decision of the administrative law judge?
TEXT PDF655.850 Who has custody of the administrative record?
TEXT PDF655.855 What notice shall be given to the Employment and Training Administration and the Attorney General of the decision regarding violations?
TEXT PDF655.900 Purpose, procedure and applicability of subparts J and K of this part.
TEXT PDF655.910 Overview of process.
TEXT PDF655.920 Definitions.
TEXT PDF655.930 Addresses of Department of Labor regional offices.
TEXT PDF655.940 Employer attestations.
TEXT PDF655.950 Public access.
TEXT PDF655.1000 Enforcement authority of Administrator, Wage and Hour Division.
TEXT PDF655.1005 Complaints and investigative procedures.
TEXT PDF655.1010 Remedies.
TEXT PDF655.1015 Written notice and service of Administrator's determination.
TEXT PDF655.1020 Request for hearing.
TEXT PDF655.1025 Rules of practice for administrative law judge proceedings.
TEXT PDF655.1030 Service and computation of time.
TEXT PDF655.1035 Administrative law judge proceedings.
TEXT PDF655.1040 Decision and order of administrative law judge.
TEXT PDF655.1045 Secretary's review of administrative law judge's decision.
TEXT PDF655.1050 Administrative record.
TEXT PDF655.1055 Notice to the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and the Attorney General (AG).
TEXT PDF655.1060 Non-applicability of the Equal Access to Justice Act.
TEXT PDF655.1100 What are the purposes, procedures and applicability of these regulations in subparts L and M of this part?
TEXT PDF655.1101 What are the responsibilities of the government agencies and the facilities that participate in the H-1C program?
TEXT PDF655.1102 What are the definitions of terms that are used in these regulations?
TEXT PDF655.1110 What requirements does the NRDAA impose in the filing of an Attestation?
TEXT PDF655.1111 Element I--What hospitals are eligible to participate in the H-1C program?
TEXT PDF655.1112 Element II--What does ``no adverse effect on wages and working conditions'' mean?
TEXT PDF655.1113 Element III--What does ``facility wage rate'' mean?
TEXT PDF655.1114 Element IV--What are the timely and significant steps an H-1C employer must take to recruit and retain U.S. nurses?
TEXT PDF655.1115 Element V--What does ``no strike/lockout or layoff'' mean?
TEXT PDF655.1116 Element VI--What notification must facilities provide to registered nurses?
TEXT PDF655.1117 Element VII--What are the limitations as to the number of H-1C nonimmigrants that a facility may employ?
TEXT PDF655.1118 Element VIII--What are the limitations as to where the H-1C nonimmigrant may be employed?
TEXT PDF655.1130 What criteria does the Department use to determine whether or not to certify an Attestation?
TEXT PDF655.1132 When will the Department suspend or invalidate an approved Attestation?
TEXT PDF655.1135 What appeals procedures are available concerning ETA's actions on a facility's Attestation?
TEXT PDF655.1150 What materials must be available to the public?
TEXT PDF655.1200 What enforcement authority does the Department have with respect to a facility's H-1C Attestations?
TEXT PDF655.1205 What is the Administrator's responsibility with respect to complaints and investigations?
TEXT PDF655.1210 What penalties and other remedies may the Administrator impose?
TEXT PDF655.1215 How are the Administrator's investigation findings issued?
TEXT PDF655.1220 Who can appeal the Administrator's findings and what is the process?
TEXT PDF655.1225 What are the rules of practice before an ALJ?
TEXT PDF655.1230 What time limits are imposed in ALJ proceedings?
TEXT PDF655.1235 What are the ALJ proceedings?
TEXT PDF655.1240 When and how does an ALJ issue a decision?
TEXT PDF655.1245 Who can appeal the ALJ's decision and what is the process?
TEXT PDF655.1250 Who is the official record keeper for these administrative appeals?
TEXT PDF655.1255 What are the procedures for debarment of a facility based on a finding of violation?
TEXT PDF655.1260 Can Equal Access to Justice Act attorney fees be awarded?
