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Information for Municipal Markets

The Office of Municipal Securities, which is located in the Division of Trading and Markets, coordinates the SEC's municipal securities activities, advises the Commission on policy matters relating to the municipal bond market and provides technical assistance in the development and implementation of major SEC initiatives in the municipal securities area. In addition, the Office assists the division of Enforcement and other Offices and divisions on a wide array municipal securities matters. The Office works closely with the municipal securities industry to educate state and local officials and conduit borrowers about risk management issues and foster a thorough understanding of the Commission's policies. In addition, it reviews and processes rule filings of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and acts as the Commission's liaison with the MSRB, FINRA and a variety of industry groups on municipal securities issues.


Current Events

Cases and Materials

Other Information


Continuing Disclosure Filings and Rule 15c2-121

Archives, Historical Information and Speeches

1The SEC does not endorse any particular product for complying with Rule 15c2-12.

Modified: 01/05/2009