Jerry McNerney

Congressman, 11th District of California

In Honor of Earth Day

April 22, 2008

Today, all over the world, concerned citizens are coming together to celebrate the 38th annual Earth Day.  Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day has become an international call to action on behalf of the environment, and I am proud to offer this resolution in support of the goals and ideals of Earth Day.

We are constantly reminded of the serious environmental challenges that our country, and our world, are facing.  The greatest challenge – global warming – continues to grab headlines, and it should.  We are already feeling the effects of a heating planet, and it’s long past time for our country to get serious about climate change. 

Global warming is a serious threat, but also presents the opportunity to develop the clean energy economy of the future.  I spent much of my career before entering Congress as a renewable energy engineer, and I’ve seen firsthand the development and evolution of the clean energy technologies that combat climate change.  We have much of the scientific knowledge and technical capability to tackle climate change head on, but there is still much more progress to be made. 

Today, Earth Day, is an important opportunity to rededicate ourselves, both as individuals and as a country, to making the best use of the resources available to us.  I want to commend the scientists, engineers, businesspeople, and educators who are working to develop the clean economy of the future, as well as the millions of Americans who are taking action to live a greener lifestyle.  I believe today is an important opportunity to honor their contributions to a healthy planet.

Earth Day is also an important opportunity to look forwards towards a greener tomorrow.  We should renew our efforts to push ahead with the research and development of the cutting edge, environmentally friendly technologies of the future, as well as the smart policies that will preserve our environment.  Confronting great environmental challenges will require technological innovation as well as a forward-thinking public policy, and I believe we are up to the task.

As important as combating climate change is, Earth Day also reminds us of the other crucial environmental issues of our time.  We need to preserve our precious natural resources, and to do that we have to maintain our national lands, protect biodiversity, ensure clean air, and make smart investments in environmental cleanup efforts.  There are important legislative opportunities before us, and I hope that we will embrace the chance to preserve our treasured landscapes.   

I am optimistic about our environmental future.  Looking forward, I see an America that runs on clean sources of energy and that supports a wide spectrum of family wage green energy jobs.  I see an America where environmentally sustainable building practices are the norm, not the exception.  I see an America where our most beautiful landscapes are protected for our children and grandchildren.   

I commend the organizers of Earth Day and the millions of people around the globe who are participating in Earth Day events.  Your dedication is admirable, and I am confident that with your example, environmental activism will continue to flourish.  I am inspired by the grassroots commitment to environmental protection that Earth Day embodies, and I look forward to celebrating many more Earth Days in the future. 

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I ask all of my colleagues to join me in supporting the goals and ideals of Earth Day.

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