Food and Drug Administration
FY 2004 Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees

Buildings and Facilities


FY 2002 Actual Obligations

FY 2003 Current Estimate

FY 2004 Request

Increase or Decrease

Total Program Level




+ $3,500,000

Budget Authority





President's Management Agenda
  Improving Management   
Arkansas Regional Laboratory



Historical Funding

Fiscal Year

Program Level

Budget Authority

User Fee

2000 Actual Obligations




2001 Actual Obligations




2002 Actual Obligations




2003 Estimate




2004 Estimate





The FDA Buildings and Facilities appropriation provides funding for new construction and for needed repairs and improvements to existing facilities across the United States. 


Improving Management:  + $3,500,000

The construction of the Arkansas Regional Laboratory is a cornerstone of the FDA field laboratory consolidation plan.  The completion of the ARL project will support the overall agency mission by ensuring that FDA-regulated products continue to comply with the Food, Drugs, and Cosmetic Act, as amended.  The ARL provides analytical support in chemistry and microbiology for FDA’s southwest region. The completion of building 50 will provide a common administration building for the National Center for Toxicological Research and the Office of Regulatory Affairs at the Jefferson Laboratories in Jefferson, Arkansas.

FDA’s FY 2004 budget reflects the final completion of Phase III of the Arkansas Regional Laboratory.  Phase III received $3 million in FY 2002. 

Building 50 Renovation and Common Area, Phase III Status

The first two phases of construction for Building 50 completed exterior demolition, structural work, roofing repair, installation of an elevator, and installation of a new exterior brick facade.  The interior architectural fit-out of the space has not been completed nor has the installation of mechanical and electrical infrastructure.  The cost of completing the project is $3,500,000. 


Repairs and Improvements

Base resources of $8,000,000 cover the costs of repairs and improvements to FDA facilities, owned and leased.  Included are Maryland site components which are now located in approximately 40 buildings in 16 separate locations; plus five regional offices, 19 field District complexes including 19 administrative and 13 specialized laboratory facilities nationwide; more than 120 field resident posts, eight field criminal investigation offices, two distinct program laboratory complexes outside the Washington D.C. Metro area; and the NCTR complex in Jefferson, Arkansas.  With all of these facilities combined, FDA maintains offices and staff in 49 of the 50 States, and in the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

For comparison purposes, industry components regulated by FDA spend between nine percent and 12 percent of the value of their physical plants on maintenance, alteration, and repair, while FDA's spends about two percent on laboratories and laboratory support facilities for the same purpose.  This makes it more difficult for FDA scientists to keep pace with the technological advances that fuel incoming premarket applications.  Planned repairs and improvement projects for FY 2004 are as follows:

ORA, Nationwide - Miscellaneous Repair and Improvement
CFSAN, Dauphin Island, AL -Miscellaneous Repair and Improvement
CFSAN, College Park, MD - Miscellaneous Repair and Improvement
CDER, St. Louis, MO - Laboratory fit-out costs
CDER, Kensington, MD - Nicholson Lane Decommissioning
CDER, Rockville, MD - Miscellaneous Repair and Improvement
CBER, Bethesda, MD - Miscellaneous Repair and Improvement
CDRH, Rockville, MD - Miscellaneous Repair and Improvement
CVM, Laurel, MD – Mod II - Miscellaneous Repair and Improvement
Mod I, Mod II, and BRF, Laurel, MD - Infrastructure Repairs and Improvement
NCTR, Jefferson, AR -Fire alarm design bldgs 5D, 51, and 6 and install alarm in bldgs 53 and 62
NCTR, Jefferson, AR - Construction funds for renovation of bldg 51
NCTR, Jefferson, AR - Design and construction funds for pathology lab
NCTR, Jefferson, AR - Miscellaneous Repair and Improvement


Arkansas Regional Laboratory (ARL)

As a part of FDA's plan to restructure its eighteen field laboratories, ARL is one of five multi-disciplined laboratories and will provide laboratory support for a seventeen statewide area and for the U.S-Mexican border stretching from Otay Mesa, California to Brownsville, Texas. The ARL provides analytical support in chemistry and microbiology. The ARL scientists are testing products regulated by the FDA to ensure compliance with the U.S. Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which will include products produced in the U.S. and imported.

Laboratory Facility status:

A building dedication ceremony for Phases I & II, the laboratory portion, was held on February 17, 2000. ORA began occupying the laboratory facility in June 2000. The laboratory building is now fully operational.

Los Angeles Laboratory

The contract for construction of Phase I was awarded to Hensel Phelps Construction Company (HPCC) on February 27, 2001 and Phase II was awarded on November 29, 2001. The total project was approximately 70 percent complete as of July 31, 2002. Construction completion is projected by July 2003.

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Web page edited by sml 06/27/2003