Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Fiscal Year 2005


FY 2003

FY 2004
 Enacted /1

FY 2005

Increase or

Program Level





     Budget Authority
     User Fees

GSA Rent





Program Level
Budget Authority
User Fees





Other Rent and Rent-Related Activities





Program Level

Budget Authority





  White Oak-CDER Move /2




User Fees













1/Contains a Budget Authority rescission of 0.59 percent for a total of $867,000 for Rent Activities.
2/ As directed, in FY 2004, FDA will use CDER PDUFA carryover funds of $3,625,000 for costs related to the CDER move in the Rent and Rent-Related program line.  Total resources for the CDER move to White Oak in FY 2005 is $33,081,000, including increases of $20,628,000 in new budget authority, $2,361,000 from FY 2004 enacted level, $3,000,000 from new PDUFA funds and $7,092,000 from CDER PDUFA carryover balances from previous fiscal years, that will be expended in the Rent and Rent-Related program line.



Rent is part of the Salaries and Expenses Appropriation and includes Rental Payments to GSA and Other Rent and Rent-Related Activities.  GSA Rental Payments includes charges for all of FDA's GSA space, both government-owned and GSA-leased.   The Other Rent and Rent-Related account includes rent and rent-related charges that are not part of the GSA account.


GSA Rent

User Fees

Prescription Drug User Fee Act III (PDUFA):  + $3,761,000 

PDUFA authorized the FDA to collect fees from the pharmaceutical industry to augment appropriations spent on drug review.  These additional resources were to be used to hire and support additional staff for the review of human drugs so that safe and effective drug products reach the American public more quickly.  The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 reauthorized the collection of user fees to enhance the review process of new human drugs and biological products and established fees for applications, establishments, and approved products.  The PDUFA amendments are effective for five years and direct FDA to strengthen and improve the review and monitoring of drug safety; consider greater interaction with sponsors during the review of drugs and biologics intended to treat serious diseases and life-threatening diseases; and develop principles for improving first-cycle reviews.  The increases will contribute to meeting these mandated directives.  The increase of $3,761,000 will cover inflationary costs and rent costs for additional staff associated with the implementation of PDUFA.

Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act (MDUFMA): + $178,000

Sound, risk based review processes are imperative to ensure that medical devices on the market are safe and effective. To strengthen FDA's medical device review process MDUFMA was authorized in FY 2002 as multi-year effort to improve the quality and timeliness of the medical device review process. This legislation authorizes the collection of user fees for the review of medical device applications from those who submit premarket applications, certain supplements to those applications, and premarket notifications. The funds, which supplement the appropriated portion of the medical device review program, will allow FDA to continue the following efforts:

The increase of $178,000 will cover inflationary costs and rent costs for additional staff associated with the implementation of MDUFMA.

Animal Drug User Fee Act (ADUFA):  + $121,000 

Safe and effective animal drugs allow food animal producers to maintain healthy animals, and help ensure that resulting food products will be safe, wholesome, and free of drug residue, and that companion, service animals that assist the disabled, and other animals such as zoo animals will live healthier and longer lives.   The ADUFA program, under which new animal drug applicants, sponsors, and manufacturers incur a fee to expedite their applications, will help provide a cost-efficient, high-quality performance-driven review process.  Modeled after PDUFA, this fee has strong industry support and provides a complementary set of incentives to all stakeholders.  The $121,000 increase will cover inflationary costs and rent costs for additional staff associated with the implementation of ADUFA.

Other Rent and Rent Related Activities:

Budget Authority

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Move:   + $20,628,000 

This phase of CDER's move to White Oak includes relocation costs (furniture, records management consolidation, specialized library furnishings and relocation coordination and moving), internal communication (equipment, cabling and audiovisual) and security (infrastructure and equipment). Total resources for the CDER move to White Oak in FY 2005 is $33,081,000, including increases of $20,628,000 in new budget authority, $2,361,000 in recurring move costs from the FY 2004 appropriation, $3,000,000 from new PDUFA funds and $7,092,000 from PDUFA carryover balances that will be expended in the rent and rent related program line from PDUFA funds previously appropriated to CDER. The funds will complete the second phase of the relocation of approximately 1,700 CDER employees to White Oak and will cover costs to occupy and equip the first phase of the Central Shared Use facility.

User Fees

Prescription Drug User Fee Act III (PDUFA):  + $3,000,000 

The PDUFA authorized the FDA to collect fees from the pharmaceutical industry to augment appropriations spent on drug review.  These additional resources were to be used to hire and support additional staff for the review of human drugs so that safe and effective drug products reach the American public more quickly.  The Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 reauthorized the collection of user fees to enhance the review process of new human drugs and biological products and established fees for applications, establishments, and approved products.  The PDUFA amendments are effective for five years and direct FDA to strengthen and improve the review and monitoring of drug safety; consider greater interaction with sponsors during the review of drugs and biologics intended to treat serious diseases and life-threatening diseases; and develop principles for improving first-cycle reviews.  The increases will contribute to meeting these mandated directives.

The Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act (MDUFMA) of 2002 is patterned after the successful Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), a successful example of a partnership between the Federal government and stakeholders to improve and expedite the review of applications.  MDUFMA is a multi-year effort to improve the quality and timeliness of the medical device review process.  It authorizes the collection of user fees for the review of medical device applications of those who submit premarket applications, certain supplements to those applications, and premarket notifications.  The funds continue the following FDA efforts begun in FY 2003 including:


GSA Rent

Protecting America From Terrorism

Base resources will be used to strengthen FDA's capability to identify, prepare for, and respond to terrorist threats and incidents. FDA will continue to:


A strong FDA will ensure a world-class professional work force, effective and efficient operations and adequate resources to accomplish the mission of FDA.  FDA will continue to: