Organizational Chart in Section 508 Accessible text format.

The Office of Equal Opportunity is headed by Director, Georgia Coffey.

The Office of the Commissioner consists of three officials:

The Office of the Administrative Law Judge is headed by the Administrative Law Judge, Daniel Davidson.  The Office of the Administrative Law Judge reports directly to the Secretary of HHS and has a coordination line to the Office of the Commissioner.

The Office of the Chief Counsel is headed by the Chief Counsel, Daniel Troy.

The Office of External Relations is headed by Associate Commissioner Peter Pitts.

The Office of Legislation is headed by Associate Commissioner Amit Sachdev.

The Office of Crisis Management is headed by Associate Commissioner Ellen Morrison.

The Office of Management is headed by Associate Commissioner Jeffrey Weber.

The Office of Science and Health Coordination is headed by Associate Commissioner Norris Alderson.

The Office of International Activities and Strategic Initiatives is headed by Associate Commissioner Murray Lumpkin, M.D.

The Office of Policy and Planning is headed by Associate Commissioner William K. Hubbard.

The Office of Regulatory Affairs is headed by Associate Commissioner John M. Taylor

The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition is headed by Robert Brackett, Ph.D.

The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research is headed by Janet Woodcock, M.D.

The Center for Veterinary Medicine is headed by Stephen Sundlof, D.V.M., Ph.D.

The Center for Devices and Radiological Health is headed by David Feigal, M.D., Ph.D.

The NationalCenterfor Toxicological Research is headed by Daniel Casciano, Ph.D.

The Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research is headed by Jesse Goodman, M.D. 

The chart was prepared by the Division of Management Systems at 301-827-4810.  The division is a component of the Office of Management Programs, Office of Management.  It was prepared on January 27, 2004.