Comparable Tables

The following tables represent FY 2003 Current Estimate, FY 2004 Enacted, and the FY 2005 Estimate on a comparable basis. The FY 2003 actuals reflect FDA's actual spending for FY 2003 and have not been adjusted for comparability.

Table of Contents for Comparable Tables

     Comparable All Purpose Tables

Comparability Adjustments

FY 2003 current estimate: Shows comparability for the following reallocations in FY 2004: GSA rent; OCC reallocation; Orphan Products; Office of External Relations; Office of Crisis Management; Office of Legislation; the Biologics and Human Drug Program Consolidation; Office of Combination Products; Women's Health Projects; and, the DHHS Human Resources transfer of 104 FTE (93 FTE budget authority and 11 FTE user fees).