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Satellite Telemetry

The Atlantic Seaduck Team


Surf Scoters

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  Argentina Study
  Captive Lesser Scaup
Feeding Ecology
  Food Habits
  Food Availability
  New Brunswick
Captive Colony
  Foraging Energetics
  Harlequin Duck Study (PDF)
  Disease Surveillance (PDF)
  Blood Parameters (PDF)
Chesapeake Bay Model
Churchill, Manitoba Study
New Studies
Signals of Spring
Seaduck Conference

Please cite this Web Page as:

Perry M.C, A. M. Wells-Berlin, P. C. Osenton, and C. S. Bond. 2008. Atlantic Seaduck Project, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD.

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey,
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, USA
Contact: Webmaster 
Last Modification: 28-Oct-2008
USGS Privacy Statement

For further information contact:

Caroline Bond (website design, maps, video, graphics)
Matthew Perry (food habits, telemetry, wintering ecology)

Website maintained by:
Caroline Bond


The Atlantic Seaduck Project is a cooperative study between the United States Geological Survey, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Canadian Wildlife Service, State Governments, Provincial Governments, and the Sea Duck Joint Venture.

The assistance of many persons is appreciated especially:

Myrtle Bateman, Rachel Bower, Tim Bowman, George Boyd, Kevin Brittingham, Neil Burgess, Robert Capozi, Kevin Connor, Daniel Day, Dave Ellis, George Haas, Al Hanson, Mike Haramis,Andrew Hicks, Randy Hicks, Larry Hindman, Patricia Holland, Jason Hudson, Janet Keough, David Kidwell, Mike Lushington, Woody Martin, Charlie McAlena,  Keith McAloney, Chris Neufeld, Kevin O'Connor, Glenn Olsen, Peter Osenton, Paul Padding, Dan Stotts, Ralph Yates, Ashleigh Walker, Alicia Wells.