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Photo of Earl Pomeroy

Rural Health Care Coalition

"Improving Health Care in Rural Communities."
Co-Chairs: Congressman Walden & Congressman Pomeroy 


The RHCC is a bi-partisan coalition of Members of Congress committed to advancing rural priorities in health care policy. Since its inception, the RHCC has been a very active and effective force in Congress. We have been successful in establishing the Office of Rural Health Policy within the Department of Health and Human Services, establishing the Rural Health Transition Grant Program, and forming the Critical Access Hospital program.


The Coalition has built on its successes by maintaining and increasing appropriations funding for various rural health programs, improving access to physicians in rural America by passing legislation to continue the J1 Visa Waiver program, and providing additional improvements to rural health programs.


The RHCC is looking forward to continued success in advancing rural health policy in the future. We will continue to provide assistance for vulnerable rural health care systems and beneficiaries nationwide.


A full list of the Members of Congress who are a part of the RHCC is below. For more information on the RHCC, please contact the office of one of the Co-Chairs of the coalition - Congressman Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) at 202-225-2611, (Staff: Melanie Rhinehart) or Congressman Greg Walden (R-OR) at 202-225-6730 (Staff: Valerie Henry).

Rural Health Care Coalition Members


Letters From Coalition

Pomeroy Leads Effort To Increase Rural Health Funding In Upcoming Budget
Click here to read the release