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Star Press: "Hard times main topic of Pence town hall gathering"

Congressman Pence and a constituent


Muncie, IN, Jan 13 -

Growing unemployment, business closings and other economic downturns dominated Pence's first town hall meeting this year in eastern Indiana, held at the Maring-Hunt library branch in south Muncie.

More than 50 people attended, including Mayor Sharon McShurley, who has her own wish list of nearly $90 million in federal funds from President-elect Barack Obama's proposed $775 billion economic stimulus package.

McShurley was counting on Pence's leadership in the U.S. House to help ensure some of those dollars reach the community.

Steve Lowry, president of Yorktown Town Council, said local perceptions were that coastal states with high populations, along with Wall Street, would benefit from the stimulus package, leaving out smaller communities.

Lowry wanted to know how the local community would get its share of money for roads, bridges and other programs.

Pence, who has opposed bailouts for banks and the auto industry, said he would be willing to support loans to the states for infrastructure and other needs.

"We cannot allow the stimulus bill to be a vehicle for pork barrel spending," Pence said.

Pence, recently elected chairman of the House Republican Conference, agreed Congress needed to act, but in a way that was both "effective and fiscally responsible."

New jobs will come by encouraging investment in small business and family farms, the congressman said.
Read the article in its entirety HERE.

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