Congressman Baron Hill Press Release
Contact: Katie Moreau PHONE (202) 225-5315   Congressman Baron Hill's Web site
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Hill Cosponsors Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act

(Washington, DC) - Congressman Baron Hill has added his name as an original cosponsor of the Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act.  The legislation would block the automatic pay increase Members of Congress are set to receive next year.

“I have consistently voted against this pay raise and will continue to support this effort,” Hill said.  “Particularly during this time of economic hardship, Members of Congress need to step up to the plate and do the right thing here.”

According to an article that appeared in The Hill on December 17, 2008, forgoing the anticipated 2010 pay raise for Members of Congress would save taxpayers approximately $2.5 million. 

In addition, Hill was an original cosponsor of H.R. 5087, which would have blocked the automatic pay adjustment for this year.

Congressman Baron Hill 223 Cannon House Office Building WASHINGTON,DC 20515