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Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial

The nation will celebrate Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday February 19, 2009. Indiana has special cause to celebrate as Lincoln spent his boyhood, from age 7 to 21, at the family home in Southern Indiana. Below you will find information regarding Lincoln Bicentennial events and links to helpful historical web sites, several of which emphasize Indiana's role in shaping Lincoln's life.

Important Links:

Important Dates for Indiana:

  • May 11, 2008 - Mother's Day Signature Event, Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, Lincoln City, IN
    Sponsor: Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial
    Summary: Signature event of the National Park Service recognizing Abraham Lincoln’s birth. The Ceremony is designed to honor Nancy Hanks, the beloved mother of Abraham Lincoln and highlight his 14 years in Indiana. The event will include public addresses by local dignitaries, a wreath laying ceremony, and musical and other performances.

  • August 8-9, 2008 - Indiana Historical Center Event, Indiana Historical Center, Indianapolis, IN
    Sponsor: Indiana Historical Society & Indiana Bicentennial Commission
    Summary: Indianapolis event featuring Lincoln and his legacy. A series of events including reenactments, presentations, displays and a special dinner honoring 19th century America and Abraham Lincoln.

  • September 9, 2008 - Lincoln's Journey of Remembrance, Riverfront Park, Rockport, IN
    Sponsor: Think Lincoln and Spencer County Partnering Organizations
    Summary: Cast-Off Celebration for the Recreation of Lincoln’s Flatboat Trip to New Orleans. The trip will travel along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to New Orleans in a historic flatboat displaying an early mode of travel and trade by settlers. The event, sponsored by the local Spencer County Think Lincoln organization will work to promote Lincoln and his Spencer County roots. Numerous stops in eight states are planned.

  • October 31, 2008 - Catch the Spirit of Lincoln at the Haunted Pioneer Village, Rockport, IN
    Sponsor: Lincoln Pioneer Village
    Summary: This event will feature games, music and portrayals of the spirits of Lincoln's Indiana friends and neighbors.

  • Sept. 27, 2008 - Civil War Era Ball, Courthouse, 200 Main Street, Rockport, IN
    Sponsor: Historic Spencer County
    Summary: Come dance the night away traveling back to Lincoln's time!

  • November 1, 2008 - Reenactment of Lincoln's Last Visit, Courthouse, 200 Main Street, Rockport, IN
    Sponsor: Spencer County Courthouse
    Summary: Abraham Lincoln last visited Rockport on October 30, 1844 while campaigning on behalf of Henry Clay. A commemorative ceremony will be held to pay tribute to this special visit. Guests may also walk down to the nearby Ohio River and pause for reflection at the landing where Lincoln once embarked on a flatboat trip to New Orleans.

  • November 22, 2008 - Lincoln Thanksgiving Dinner
    Sponsor: Chrisney 4-H Community Center
    Summary: Dine like the pioneers at this unique event inspired by the fact that while Lincoln was president he established the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.



Representing Indiana's 9th Congressional District