Rep. Roscoe Bartlett
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Representative Roscoe Bartlett | Sixth District of Maryland
Photo Gallery
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the 6th District

On January 6, 2009

The 111th Congress convened. 

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Supporting Our Troops
Rep. Bartlett Organized Small Business Workshop for Vets and Wounded Warriors
HubZone Business in Frederick Visited by SBA Deputy Administrator
Energy Updates
Fort Detrick
American Cancer Society Thanks Congressman Bartlett
Rep. Bartlett Thanks Korean War Veterans
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett received “Ability One Champion” Award for Support of Disabled Workers
2007 Art Competition
Humane Society Award 2007
March for Life 2007
National Canal Museum Opening
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett Testimony Before Congress
Liberty Day 2007
Veterans' Day 2006
SMART PROC 06 - Small Business Procurement Conference
Veterans' Townhall
Black Ankle Vineyards
Bartlett Bill, H.R. 42, Freedom to Display the American Flag is Now Law
2006 Congressional Art Competition
Public Pictures
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