Seal of U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

Graphical Version

August 8, 2005



SUBJECT:     FYI - Trade/WIA Co-Enrollment Tutorial

PROGRAM(S):         Trade, WIA

1.  Purpose.  To transmit a link to an on-line tutorial on Trade and WIA program co-enrollment.

2.  References.  None.

3.  Links.  This Alert is in the Regional website archive at:

Link to the Trade/WIA Co-Enrollment Tutorial

4.  Substance.  An on-line tutorial for Trade/WIA program co-enrollment has been developed by Social Policy Research Associates, under a project funded by ETA. SPRA worked with 10 States in Region 5 to find strategies to enhance performance in WIA and TAA dislocated worker programs while co-enrolling. 

At a February 2005 Regional Dislocated Worker Round Table in Kansas, SPRA's Vinz Koller gave a presentation using prior year WISARD and TAPR data, plus some polling data from States to show ways to narrow the gap in performance between the Trade and WIA programs while giving better services to Trade participants. 

The presentation was refined into an on-line tool which is being shared with States:

5.  Action.  Program Administrators are invited to share this Information Alert with appropriate staff and other agencies.

6.  Contact.  Comments or questions about the SPRA tutorial may be directed to Vinz Koller on 831.622.0749. Comments or questions about Trade/WIA co-enrollment may be directed to the Office of System Performance in your Regional Office:

Region 1 Boston - 617.565.3630
Region 2 Philadelphia - 215.861.5200
Region 3 Atlanta - 404.562.2092
Region 4 Dallas - 214.767.8263
Region 5 Chicago - 312.596.5400
Region 6 San Francisco - 415.975.4610

Comments or questions about the format of this Alert may be directed to Tom Coyne on 312.596.5435.

7.  Expiration Date. Continuing

8.  Attachment. None