Press Release

Media Contact: 
Alex Weintz (202) 225-2132

Fallin seeks student participation in “An Artistic Discovery”

{February 2, 2007}
OKLAHOMA CITY -- High school students with a flare for art could soon see their original work displayed in the nation’s Capitol.  Rep. Mary Fallin (R-OK) is encouraging high school students across Oklahoma’s Fifth District to participate in a nationwide, congressional art competition called “An Artistic Discovery.” 


“I’m excited to get the youth of the Fifth District involved in this competition,” Fallin said.  “I know there are some very talented high school students out there and this competition can offer them maximum exposure as aspiring artists.”


The competition is sponsored by the Congressional Arts Caucus and initiated by Members of Congress.  The first place entry from every congressional district across the country will be displayed in the Cannon Corridor leading to the U.S. Capitol Building, where it will be seen by thousands of visitors throughout the year.  The winning artist will receive free airfare for three people to participate in the Congressional Art Competition’s ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 28, in Washington, D.C.


High school students can enter original artwork in the form of paintings, drawings, collages, prints, mixed media, computer-generated art and photography. The deadline to enter “An Artistic Discovery” is April 21 by noon.  For entry forms and competition guidelines contact Sarah Tippit in Fallin’s Oklahoma City District Office at (405) 234-9900.

