FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION














                       Tuesday, February 3, 2004


                               9:00 a.m.




             Advisors and Consultants Staff Conference Room

                           5630 Fishers Lane

                          Rockville, Maryland






      P. Joan Chesney, M.D., Chair

      Thomas H. Perez, MPH, Executive Secretary




         Mark Hudak, M.D.

         David Danford, M.D.

         Richard Gorman, M.D., FAAP

         Robert Nelson, M.D., Ph.D.

         Susan Fuchs, M.D.

         Robert Fink, M.D.

         Victor Santana, M.D.

         Norman Fost, M.D., MPH

         Judith O'Fallon, Ph.D.

         Ralph D'Agostino, Ph.D.

         Mark Fogel, M.D.

         Tal Geva, M.D.

         Craig Sable, M.D.

         Vasken Dilsizian, M.D.

         Marilyn Siegel, M.D.

         Phillip Moore, M.D.




         Mary Glode, M.D.

         Steven Ebert, Pharm.D. (Consumer Representative)




         Mario Stylianou, Ph.D.




         Samuel Maldonado, M.D.




         Shirley Murphy, M.D.

         Solomon Iyasu, M.D.

         Hari Sachs, M.D.

         Julie Beitz, M.D.

         Sally Loewke, M.D.

         Shavhree Buckley, M.D.




                            C O N T E N T S


      Call to Order and Introductions,

         Joan P. Chesney, M.D.,                                  5


      Meeting Statement, Thomas H. Perez, M.P.H.,

         Executive Secretary                                     8


      Welcome, Rosemary Roberts, M.D., Office of

         Counterterrorism and Pediatric Drug

         Development                                            11


      Adverse Event Reports Per Section 17 of BPCA,

         Solomon Iyasu, M.D., Division of Pediatric

         Drug Development                                       12


            Use of Imaging Drugs in Conjunction with Cardiac

            Imaging Procedures in the Pediatric Population:


      Pediatric Regulatory Update, Susan Cummins, M.D.,

         Division of Pediatric Drug Development                 58


      FDA Perspective, Sally Loewke, M.D., Division of

         Medical Imaging and Radiopharmaceutical Drug

         Products                                               73


      American Academy of Pediatrics Perspective,

        John Ring, M.D., University of Tennessee

         Health Science Center                                  91


      Cardiologist Perspective, Tel Geva, M.D.,

         Children's Hospital Boston                            106


      Q&A for Speakers                                         126


      Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging,

         Mark Fogel, M.D., The Children's Hospital

         Philadelphia                                          143


      Contrast Enhanced Cardiac Computed Tomography,

         Marilyn Siegel, M.D., Washington University

         School of Medicine                                    172


      Contrast Enhanced Invasive Cardiac Imaging,

         Phillip Moore, M.D., UCSF Children's Hospital         174


      Contrast Enhanced Cardiac Ultrasound, Craig Sable,

         M.D., Children's National Medical Center              213


      Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Cardiac Imaging,

         Vasken Dilsizian, M.D., University of Maryland

         School of Medicine                                    234


      Q&A for Speakers                                         253




                      C O N T E N T S (Continued)


      Open Public Hearing:


         Michael J. Gelfand, M.D., Children's Hospital,

         Cincinnati                                            296


      Manuel D. Cerqueira, M.D.,

         American Society of Nuclear Cardiology                311


      Peter Gardiner, MB ChB, MRCP, Bristol-Myers Squibb       316


      Jack Rychik, M.D., American Society of

      Echocardiography                                         320




  1                      P R O C E E D I N G S


  2                 Call to Order and Introductions


  3             DR. CHESNEY:  Good morning and welcome to


  4   what should be a very fascinating day and a half.


  5   I would like to start by saying that there is the


  6   potential for us to finish our work today if we


  7   stay very focused and very attentive to the


  8   specific issues that the FDA is asking us to


  9   address.  But first we need to have the


 10   introductions and I think maybe we could start with


 11   Dr. Maldonado and go around this way, please.


 12             DR. MALDONADO:  Samuel Maldonado, from


 13   Johnson & Johnson.


 14             DR. MOORE:  Phillip Moore, from the


 15   University of California San Francisco, pediatric


 16   cardiology.


 17             DR. SIEGEL:  Marilyn Siegel, from


 18   Washington University in St. Louis, pediatric


 19   radiologist.


 20             DR. DILSIZIAN:  Vasken Dilsizian,


 21   University of Maryland, Director of Nuclear


 22   Cardiology, both adult and cardiology and nuclear


 23   medicine.


 24             DR. SABLE:  Craig Sable, Children's


 25   National Medical Center in Washington, Director of




  1   Echocardiography.


  2             DR. GEVA:  Tel Geva, Department of


  3   Cardiology at Children's Hospital in Boston.


  4             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Ralph D'Agostino, Boston


  5   University, statistician.


  6             DR. FOGEL:  Mark Fogel, pediatric


  7   cardiology, Children's Hospital, Philadelphia.


  8             DR. SANTANA:  Victor Santana, pediatric


  9   hematologist, oncologist at St. Jude's Children's


 10   Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.


 11             DR. GORMAN:  Rich Gorman, pediatrician,


 12   private practice, Ellicott City, Maryland.


 13             DR. EBERT:  Steve Ebert, infectious


 14   disease pharmacist, Meriter Hospital, Professor of


 15   Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, Madison.


 16             MR. PEREZ:  Tom Perez, executive secretary


 17   to this meeting.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Joan Chesney, Professor of


 19   Pediatrics at the University of Tennessee in


 20   Memphis and also at St. Jude's Children's Research


 21   Hospital.


 22             DR. FOST:  Norm Fost, Professor of


 23   Pediatrics and Director of the Beioethics Program


 24   at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.


 25             DR. NELSON:  Robert Nelson, Critical Care




  1   Medicine, Children's Hospital, Philadelphia.


  2             DR. FINK:  Bob Fink, pediatric


  3   pulmanology, Professor of Pediatrics, Children's


  4   Medical Center, Dayton, Ohio.


  5             DR. O'FALLON:  Judith O'Fallon,


  6   biostatistician, recently retired from the Mayo


  7   Clinic.


  8             DR. FUCHS:  Susan Fuchs, pediatric


  9   emergency medicine, Children's Memorial Hospital,


 10   Chicago.


 11             DR. DANFORD:  Dave Danford, Professor of


 12   Pediatrics, Section of Cardiology, University of


 13   Nebraska Medical Center and Crayton University in


 14   Omaha.


 15             DR. GLODE:  Mimi Glode, pediatric


 16   infectious disease at Children's Hospital,


 17   University of Colorado in Denver.


 18             DR. HUDAK:  Mark Hudak, Professor of


 19   Pediatrics and Neonatology, University of Florida,


 20   Jacksonville.


 21             DR. SACHS:  Hari Sachs, Professor of


 22   Pediatrics and medical officer at FDA.


 23             DR. IYASU:  Solomon Iyasu.  I am team


 24   leader at the FDA.


 25             DR. S. MURPHY:  Shirley Murphy, the "other




  1   Murphy."  I am the Director of the Division of


  2   Pediatric Drug Development and I am going to be


  3   sitting here today because the "other Murphy" may


  4   have to deal with counterterrorism.


  5             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you and we


  6   particularly welcome our cardiology and imaging


  7   consultants so that we have some expertise on the


  8   committee.  We are going to be very dependent on


  9   you to talk to us about degrading nuclear particles


 10   and so on in the major session for this morning.


 11   But next we would like Tom to give us the meeting


 12   statement, please.


 13                        Meeting Statement


 14             MR. PEREZ:  Thank you.  The following


 15   announcement addresses the issue of conflict of


 16   interest with respect to Section 17, Best


 17   Pharmaceuticals for Children Act Adverse Event


 18   Reporting, and is made a part of the record to


 19   preclude even the appearance of such at this


 20   meeting.


 21             This morning you will hear from Dr.


 22   Solomon Iyasu, lead medical officer with the


 23   Division of Pediatric Development.  As mandated in


 24   the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act, Dr.


 25   Iyasu will report on adverse events for the




  1   following drugs that were granted market


  2   exclusivity under 505(a) under the Federal Food,


  3   Drug and Cosmetic Act, Paxil, paroxetine; Celexa,


  4   citalopram; Pravachol, pravastatin and Navebjne,


  5   vinorelbine.


  6             Because the agency is not seeking advice


  7   or recommendations from the subcommittee with


  8   respect to these products there is no potential for


  9   an actual or apparent conflict of interest.


 10             The following announcement addresses the


 11   issue of conflict of interest with respect to the


 12   use of imaging drugs in conjunction with cardiac


 13   imaging procedures in the pediatric population and


 14   is made a part of the record to preclude even the


 15   appearance of such at this meeting.  Based on the


 16   agenda, it has been determined that the topics of


 17   today's meeting are issues of broad applicability.


 18   Unlike issues before a committee in which a


 19   particular firm's product is discussed, issues of


 20   broader applicability involve many sponsors and


 21   their products.  All subcommittee participants have


 22   been screened for their financial interests as they


 23   may apply to products and companies that could be


 24   affected by the subcommittee's discussions of


 25   imaging drugs used in conjunction with cardiac




  1   imaging procedures in pediatric populations.


  2             To determine if any conflicts of interest


  3   existed, the agency has reviewed the agenda and all


  4   relevant financial interests reported by the


  5   meeting participants.  Based on this review, it has


  6   been determined that there is no potential for an


  7   actual or apparent conflict of interest at this


  8   meeting.


  9             With respect to FDA's invited industry


 10   representative, we would like to disclose that Dr.


 11   Samuel Maldonado is participating in this meeting


 12   as an industry representative acting on behalf of


 13   regulated industry.  Dr. Maldonado is employed by


 14   Johnson & Johnson.


 15             In the event that the discussions involve


 16   any other products or firms not already on the


 17   agenda for which FDA participants have a financial


 18   interest, the participant's involvement and


 19   exclusion will be noted for the record.


 20             With respect to all other participants, we


 21   ask in the interest of fairness that they address


 22   any current or previous financial involvement with


 23   any firm whose product they may wish to comment


 24   upon.


 25             Ted Treves is Chief of the Division of




  1   Nuclear Medicine at Children's Hospital, Harvard,


  2   who was an invited speaker for today, will not be


  3   able to attend.


  4             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  Our first


  5   speaker this morning will be Dr. Rosemary Roberts,


  6   who is going to offer a welcome on behalf of the


  7   Office of Counteterrorism and Pediatric Drug


  8   Development.


  9                             Welcome


 10             DR. ROBERTS:  Good morning.  I would like


 11   to take this opportunity to thank you all for


 12   coming today.  I would also like to thank the


 13   "Murphys" for allowing me to come up and speak.  I


 14   rarely get to do it; you know, I am sort of the guy


 15   in the middle.  I know some of you had to


 16   experience much worse weather than we have here


 17   today in order to get here so we certainly


 18   appreciate all of your dedication in coming.


 19             Our office, as you know, has two high


 20   priority areas, counterterrorism which we might be


 21   dealing with today unfortunately, and also


 22   pediatric drug development, and we are certainly


 23   happy that we have this program today.


 24             We are excited about learning more about


 25   cardiac imaging and having this opportunity to




  1   discuss it and have such a distinguished group of


  2   people here to help us see how to move forward in


  3   this area.  So, thank you very much for coming.  I


  4   hope that you have a good day and we appreciate all


  5   the advice that you can give us.


  6             One other thing, as you know because Diane


  7   Murphy mentioned it yesterday, with the recent


  8   legislation, the Pediatric Research Equity Act, we


  9   now have a full pediatric advisory committee.  We


 10   are working on that charter and hope to have


 11   something going on with that in the next couple of


 12   months and then we will be setting up that advisory


 13   committee.  Thank you.


 14             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you, Dr. Roberts.  Our


 15   next speaker is Dr. Solomon Iyasu who is going to


 16   bring us up to date on the adverse event reports as


 17   required by the BPCA.


 18           Adverse Event Reports per Section 17 of BPCA


 19             DR. IYASU:  Good morning.  Yesterday I


 20   presented adverse event reports for paroxetine and


 21   citalopram pertaining to psychiatric adverse


 22   events.  Today I will be presenting on adverse


 23   events reported for paroxetine and citalopram and


 24   then, subsequently, I will report on adverse events


 25   for vinorelbine and pravastatin.




  1             [Slide]


  2             First I would like to acknowledge the


  3   contributions of these individuals.


  4             [Slide]


  5             First I will speak about paroxetine and


  6   citalopram and then vinorelbine and pravastatin.


  7             [Slide]


  8             The data source for the adverse events is


  9   from the FDA's Adverse Event Reporting System which


 10   is a spontaneous and voluntary system.  This system


 11   has several limitations which I wanted to bring to


 12   your attention.  The under-reporting is a very


 13   significant problem.  There are reporting biases


 14   that may be associated with either media publicity


 15   or depending on how long the drug has been on the


 16   market.  The quality of the reports is variable,


 17   often very scanty.  And, this database only


 18   includes the numerator data, therefore, it is very


 19   difficult to estimate the true incidence rate of


 20   events or exposure risk.


 21             [Slide]


 22             Since I will be talking about the use of


 23   these medications in the pediatric population, I


 24   would like to also tell you a little bit about this


 25   database that FDA has.  The first is IMS Health,




  1   National Prescription Audit Plus which measures


  2   prescriptions dispensed from retail pharmacies, but


  3   the disadvantage is that it does not provide


  4   demographic information or prescription use.  So,


  5   it only gives you total prescriptions dispensed.


  6             The other database is the National Disease


  7   and Therapeutic Index, which is a survey based on a


  8   sample size of about 2,000 to 3,000 office-based


  9   physicians.  The small sample size can make these


 10   data projections unstable, particularly when use is


 11   not very prevalent as in the case of the pediatric


 12   population.


 13             [Slide]


 14             Another database available to FDA is based


 15   on a large prescription claims database but, again,


 16   these data cannot be projected nationally.  There


 17   is no methodology developed for that.


 18             Premier is another database which contains


 19   inpatient drug use from about 400 acute,


 20   short-stay, non-federal hospitals.  There is


 21   national projection methodology available for this


 22   data, but accurate national estimates are


 23   selectively available.  Drug use cannot be linked


 24   to diagnosis or procedures, and the treatments


 25   administered at hospital outpatient clinics are not




  1   included in this database.


  2             [Slide]


  3             There is one more inpatient database,


  4   which is the Child Health Corporation of American


  5   Pediatric Health Information System which captures


  6   information from about 26 free-standing children's


  7   hospitals with charge level drug utilization data.


  8   Again, although this is very pediatric specific,


  9   the data are from a limited number of hospitals


 10   and, therefore, cannot be projected nationally.


 11             [Slide]


 12             Now coming to the drugs that I will be


 13   talking about today, there is some background about


 14   Paxil which I mentioned in yesterday's


 15   presentation.  It is an antidepressant which is


 16   marketed by GlaxoSmithKline, first approved in


 17   December, 1992.  Its adult indications are several


 18   psychiatric conditions--major depressive disorder,


 19   obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder,


 20   social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety


 21   disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder.  There


 22   are no approved pediatric indications.  Exclusivity


 23   for this drug was granted on June 27, 2002.


 24             [Slide]


 25             The relevant safety information on the




  1   label as it currently exists refers to pregnancy


  2   category C, which means that the drug has not been


  3   studied in pregnant women and, therefore, when


  4   using it in pregnant women the risks and the


  5   benefits have to be weighed.


  6             I talked about precautions specifically


  7   pertaining to psychiatric events yesterday.  Today


  8   I have listed them here but what is specifically


  9   important here are the seizures and the adverse


 10   reactions with abrupt discontinuation of this


 11   medication, and in patients with a history of


 12   seizures caution should be exercised with the use


 13   of this medication.


 14             [Slide]


 15             Additionally, there is information in the


 16   adverse event section of the label pertaining to


 17   pre-marketing reports and that includes


 18   hypertension, diabetes, dysphagia and nausea and


 19   vomiting.


 20             In post-marketing reports there are


 21   reports of serotonin syndrome, hepatic dysfunction


 22   and anaphylaxis, and also in the overdose section


 23   of the label about dangerous hepatic dysfunction.


 24             [Slide]


 25             Coming to the use data for this




  1   medication, it is the second most commonly used


  2   SSRI in children.  For some of you who were here


  3   yesterday at the other meeting this is a repetition


  4   but, for the benefit of the others who were not at


  5   that meeting I am repeating this information.  Both


  6   pediatric and adult prescriptions have increased


  7   steadily in recent years.  Pediatric diagnoses most


  8   often linked with use of this medication include


  9   depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive


 10   disorders.  And, pediatric patients account for


 11   approximately 3.5 percent of total U.S.


 12   prescriptions of Paxil between July, 2002 and June,


 13   2003.


 14             [Slide]


 15             When we looked at the one-year


 16   post-exclusivity determination period, there was a


 17   total of 127 pediatric adverse event reports.


 18   After my review and excluding all the duplicates,


 19   these are the unique reports for pediatrics in one


 20   year.  We categorized them into different


 21   categories and psychiatric adverse events accounted


 22   for about 68.  The rest of them are discontinuation


 23   syndrome, about 7 patients.  Maternal exposure was


 24   about 33; neurologic about 8; accidental ingestion


 25   in 2 and then others were 9.  So, today we will be




  1   talking mostly about the non-psychiatric which


  2   includes the 5 categories that I have here which


  3   are on this slide.


  4             [Slide]


  5             First I will talk about the adverse events


  6   pertaining to pediatric deaths.  There were about


  7   10 deaths involving direct pediatric exposures; 9


  8   completed suicides, which I discussed yesterday;


  9   and 1 case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome.  That


 10   patient was also receiving valproic acid, with a


 11   known association with Stevens-Johnson syndrome.


 12             [Slide]


 13             There were 3 deaths among patients with


 14   pediatric exposure.  The pediatric exposures


 15   included congenital heart disease and 36 premature


 16   infants who died after 75 days postnatally.  The


 17   second case was a 53-day old infant who was also


 18   getting OxyContin and immediate-release oxycodone


 19   and Paxil exposure prenatally--not the kid.


 20   Autopsy was done and it was determined to be a SIDS


 21   death by the medical examiner.  The third case was


 22   a multiple congenital anomaly, possibly a genetic


 23   syndrome.  This was an aborted fetus and it was a


 24   fetal death.


 25             [Slide]




  1             Going into detail about the 33 in utero


  2   exposures or breast feeding exposures, there was a


  3   possible withdrawal syndrome reported in 11


  4   patients, one of the fatalities previously


  5   described; and congenital anomalies in 5 patients


  6   and seizures in about 4 patients; developmental


  7   delay or abnormality in 4 and murmur or congenital


  8   heart disease in about 3; and insufficient weight


  9   gain in 2 patients; and there were others that


 10   included various events that could not be


 11   classified.


 12             [Slide]


 13             Focusing on the direct exposures, there


 14   were 8 patients with neurologic events.  Among


 15   these, 3 patients had extrapyramidal or movement


 16   disorders.  Two of these involved other medications


 17   as well that are listed here, which are known drugs


 18   associated with this kind of syndrome.  Seizures


 19   were reported in 3 patients.  Two of these patients


 20   had existing seizure disorders and were also


 21   receiving Paxil.


 22             There was one patient where there was a


 23   loss of consciousness and hallucinations.  The


 24   patient was also on amphetamine-dextro-amphetamine


 25   at the same time.  Then, there was one patient




  1   where serotonin syndrome was reported as an adverse


  2   event.


  3             [Slide]


  4             Continuing with the pediatric adverse


  5   events, there were also reports of accidental


  6   ingestion.  One was a 2-year old who ingested 6


  7   tablets of paroxetine and recovered without


  8   sequelae.  A 2-year old was a comatose patient with


  9   ingestion of multiple medications including


 10   paroxetine who recovered after an ICU course.


 11   There were a number of medications that were


 12   involved as concomitant medications, including


 13   other psychotropic agents, theophylline,


 14   amytriptyline--there were several of them so this


 15   was a very complicated polypharmacy case.  Other


 16   events--there were 9 single occurrences and the


 17   majority were labeled.


 18             [Slide]


 19             In closing, most of the events were


 20   labeled or related to labeled events.  Unlabeled


 21   events involved maternal exposures.  And, the


 22   safety of paroxetine will continue to be monitored


 23   in the future.  We could not determine causality of


 24   any of these medications because of the multiple


 25   medications and also the scant histories in some of




  1   the case reports.  Nevertheless, we will continue


  2   to monitor adverse events for paroxetine in the


  3   Adverse Events Reporting System.


  4             [Slide]


  5             Now I will talk a little bit about Celexa,


  6   citalopram which is also an antidepressant,


  7   marketed by Forest Pharmaceuticals.  Its only adult


  8   indication is for major depressive disorder and the


  9   typical adult dose is about 20-40 mg/day.  Again,


 10   there are no approved pediatric indications.  This


 11   was first marketed in July, 1998 and pediatric


 12   exclusivity was granted in July, 2002.


 13             [Slide]


 14             Again just mentioning some of the relevant


 15   safety labeling associated with this drug, it is


 16   again a pregnancy category C drug.  It is also


 17   excreted in breast milk so caution should be


 18   exercised when used in nursing mothers.


 19             In the precautions section there are


 20   precautions regarding impairment of intellectual or


 21   psychomotor functions with the use of citalopram.


 22   Also, there is danger of seizures, especially in


 23   ones who have history of seizure, and citalopram


 24   should be used with care.  In the post-marketing


 25   reports and overdose section of the label, there




  1   are adverse events pertaining to QTc prolongation.


  2             [Slide]


  3             Summarizing some of the use data for


  4   citalopram, it is the fourth most commonly used


  5   SSRI in children.  Both pediatric and adult


  6   prescriptions have, again, increased steadily in


  7   recent years.  Pediatric patients account for


  8   approximately 3.3 percent of the total U.S.


  9   prescriptions of Celexa.  Pediatric diagnosis is


 10   often linked with its use in depressive disorders,


 11   obsessive-compulsive disorder and attention deficit


 12   disorder.


 13             [Slide]


 14             For the one-year period of review, which


 15   includes the post-exclusivity period, there were 42


 16   unduplicated pediatric reports after this review


 17   was undertaken, and 16 out of the 42 were in utero


 18   exposures and mostly resulted in unlabeled events


 19   and one death that I will discuss later; 26


 20   children involved direct exposure and 8 resulted in


 21   unlabeled events and no deaths.  As I mentioned


 22   yesterday, there were 16 serious adverse events, 10


 23   hospitalizations and about 4 life-threatening and 2


 24   with disability.


 25             [Slide]




  1             Going to the gender and age distribution


  2   of these adverse events, they were both in females


  3   in both direct and in utero exposure.  As expected,


  4   the in utero exposures were reported in 4 patients


  5   who were less than 2 years.  The majority of them


  6   were actually less than 1.  In the direct exposure


  7   they were mostly in the older patients, 9 from 6-11


  8   years and 15 patients in 12-16.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Looking at the reasons for exposure to


 11   citalopram in these reports, as I mentioned, 16 of


 12   them were in utero and included 13 patients who


 13   were receiving citalopram for the treatment of


 14   depression.  Two involved ingestion of another


 15   person's prescription and then other events which


 16   are post-traumatic syndrome and GAD and RDD and


 17   also anxiety, aggression and one was ADHD, just one


 18   single occurrence of those conditions.  Then, in 6


 19   patients it was unknown why they were receiving


 20   citalopram.


 21             [Slide]


 22             Focusing on the known adverse events, of


 23   the 16, as I mentioned, there was one death.  There


 24   was an autopsy done and there was no cause of death


 25   identified by the medical officer.  It was signed




  1   out as a SIDS death in a 4-month old.  There were


  2   congenital anomalies in 7 patients.  Three were


  3   unrelated kidney malformations; 1 eye malformation;


  4   1 cardiac defect; 1 cleft lip and 1 congenital


  5   megacolon.  Then, there were 5 patients where


  6   potentially there was a neonatal withdrawal


  7   syndrome, and then there were 3 other patients with


  8   myoclonus and otitis in 1 patient and delayed head


  9   control at 1-month in 1 patient.  In the last


 10   patient there was a report of fetal asphyxia.


 11             [Slide]


 12             Among the direct exposure group there were


 13   21 patients, excluding the 5 psychiatric events


 14   that I reported on yesterday.  There were 4


 15   patients in which cardiovascular events were


 16   reported.  One was a supraventricular tachycardia


 17   in an 8-year old with a prior history of similar


 18   episodes.  It resolved after Celexa was


 19   discontinued.  There were 2 patients with prolonged


 20   QTc.  One involved syncope and seizure in a 13-year


 21   old who was also taking other medications


 22   concomitantly, albuterol, cetirizine and


 23   montelukast.  There was also a patient where an


 24   overdose of citalopram was involved in a 14-year


 25   old.  Whether this was an intentional overdose or




  1   accidental was not reported so we cannot give you


  2   additional details on that.  There was 1 patient


  3   where arrhythmia was reported in an 8-year old with


  4   overdose of citalopram.


  5             [Slide]


  6             In the group where there were reports of


  7   neurological or special senses adverse events,


  8   there were 8 patients.  One involved demyelinating


  9   spinal lesion in a 13-year old who was also on


 10   methylphenidate and multivitamins.  There was a


 11   patient with a visual field cut in a 15-year old


 12   who was also on Depo Provera and who improved after


 13   discontinuation of Depo.  There was one patient


 14   with a cataract, a 10-year old, also on


 15   risperidone, and 5 patients with seizures.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Among other events that were reported


 18   there were 2 patients where serotonin syndrome was


 19   predominantly given but also, as part of the


 20   syndrome, seizures occurred in both of these cases.


 21   Then, there was 1 where only syncope was reported


 22   with the use of Celexa.


 23             There was one curious report of a


 24   false-positive drug screen for cocaine on crushed


 25   tablet.  We tried to get additional information on




  1   this and from the chemistry point of view there is


  2   no relationship between these two structurally or


  3   chemically.  It may have been a problem of


  4   adulteration of the patient's medicine.  We do not


  5   have any details but this involved a police test


  6   that tested a crushed tablet found on a person


  7   found to be positive for cocaine.  There were


  8   others.  Five patients involved concomitant


  9   medications and/or complicated underlying disease


 10   which could not be categorized into a specific


 11   category.


 12             [Slide]


 13             In summary, unlabeled events included in


 14   the non-psychiatric adverse events are the ones


 15   that I mentioned involving in utero exposure and


 16   the case where demyelinating spinal cord lesion was


 17   reported for one patient; visual field cut in one


 18   patient and the supraventricular tachycardia in


 19   another patient.  These are single occurrences.


 20   Supraventricular tachycardia is not specifically


 21   labeled but tachycardia and sinus tachycardia are


 22   in the label.


 23             [Slide]


 24             In conclusion, we will continue to monitor


 25   these adverse events but I wanted to bring to your




  1   attention that there will be updates that will be


  2   provided in the future meetings regarding three


  3   issues that are under review, neonatal withdrawal,


  4   ophthalmologic malformation and then the QTc


  5   prolongations.  We will be reporting on this in


  6   future meetings.


  7             So, I am done with paroxetine and


  8   citalopram and if there are questions about this


  9   section I will entertain any questions.  There are


 10   more details that are needed but Dr. Hari Sachs


 11   will work very closely with me on these issues and


 12   we will have some details about the cases if there


 13   are any questions.  Yes?


 14             DR. CHESNEY:  Yes, Dr. Nelson?


 15             DR. NELSON:  Remind me, given our


 16   discussion yesterday, can you tell from the data


 17   or, if you can't is it worth finding out what the


 18   timing of the suicide events on paroxetine is in


 19   respect to when the drug was started?  In other


 20   words, within a week, the first two weeks of


 21   exposure to the drug?


 22             DR. IYASU:  It varied.  It varied from


 23   patient to patient.  There was no clear pattern.


 24   Most of them were on therapy at the time that the


 25   suicide events occurred.  It varied from about 14




  1   days to about a year in terms of how long they had


  2   been on therapy.  The events that were reported


  3   varied also.  But there was not much detail so that


  4   we can make a clear, distinct pattern as to when.


  5   Some of them were early; some of them were later.


  6   It was very difficult, as I mentioned yesterday, to


  7   try to pin it down because of the scanty


  8   descriptions that were provided in the case reports


  9   but most of them were on therapy.  There were a few


 10   that were post-therapy and during the withdrawal


 11   period.


 12             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Ebert?


 13             DR. EBERT:  Of the 33 maternal exposures


 14   you noted with paroxetine, do you know what


 15   proportion of those were in utero versus breast


 16   feeding?


 17             DR. IYASU:  Out of the 33, about 6 of them


 18   involved also breast feeding exposure.


 19             DR. EBERT:  I noticed there was no caution


 20   regarding breast feeding, or you didn't mention one


 21   specifically with that product in the labeling.


 22             DR. IYASU:  Yes, I think I may not have


 23   mentioned it but there is also in the label


 24   information about nursing mothers.


 25             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Glode?




  1             DR. GLODE:  I just want to clarify, as


  2   part of the pediatric exclusivity there is no


  3   requirement for the sponsor to do any sort of


  4   random sample or active surveillance for safety


  5   issues or adverse events?  They just also use this


  6   passive reporting system?  Is that right?


  7             DR. IYASU:  Well, as part of the BPCA, it


  8   is my understanding that the manufacturers are


  9   required, just by FDA regulations, to report all


 10   adverse events that come to them to the FDA.  But


 11   this is for the passive surveillance system.


 12   Unless there are specific sorts of adverse events


 13   that are agreed upon in the pediatric studies for


 14   follow-up, they do not have to report on follow-up.


 15   Diane can add to this.


 16             DR. D. MURPHY:  The only thing I wanted to


 17   add is that we have asked for specific


 18   post-studies, you know, completion of study


 19   surveillance for certain products.  But it has to


 20   be asked for in the written request.  Outside of


 21   exclusivity there are Phase IV commitments that


 22   could be asked for.  But, in general, what you


 23   heard is what usually happens--studies are


 24   completed and unless there is a specific


 25   requirement they revert to the passive reporting




  1   system unless a company notices a signal that they


  2   then bring to the attention of FDA.


  3             DR. S. MURPHY:  Joan, I just wanted to add


  4   for our guests that are here from imaging that this


  5   is mandatory one-year reporting required under the


  6   Best Pharmaceuticals for Children's Act in which a


  7   drug gets pediatric exclusivity, which you will


  8   learn about in a little while from Susan's talk.


  9   Then we are required by law to report to this


 10   committee publicly the adverse events that occur


 11   forward for one year.  So, that is why you are


 12   seeing reporting on these drugs.  They have


 13   triggered a time point for the committee to hear


 14   about the reports.


 15             DR. CHESNEY:  Could I ask a question,


 16   please?  Could you clarify this--Dr. O'Fallon


 17   mentioned in the van this morning reading about


 18   this neonatal withdrawal syndrome and it didn't


 19   come up yesterday.  I notice with paroxetine you


 20   commented that these are unlabeled events involving


 21   maternal exposure.  What exactly is the withdrawal


 22   syndrome, and is this something that should be in


 23   the label?  Could you elaborate a little?


 24             DR. IYASU:  These are issues that are


 25   under review right now, but to give you sort of




  1   additional information on what the concern is I


  2   have some notes here.  It is usually associated


  3   with reports that involve nervous or neuromuscular


  4   effects after birth when the mother is exposed to


  5   some of these SSRIs, including citalopram or Paxil.


  6   This may include symptoms like irritable or


  7   agitated crying, hyperreflexia, hypertonia,


  8   seizures or seizure-like movements, and also


  9   include some breathing difficulties as well as


 10   feeding difficulties.  So, this is sort of a


 11   syndrome that is increasingly being recognized with


 12   babies who have been exposed prenatally to some of


 13   these drugs.  It is still under continued review


 14   right now to see whether this is information that


 15   needs either to be communicated to the public or be


 16   put in the label.  I can't give you more details


 17   except that we are looking at it very closely.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Presumably, these were


 19   serious enough to cause somebody to make a report


 20   which is impressive to me.  This is quite an


 21   impressive number for just voluntary reporting.  Do


 22   you have any more information about whether they


 23   needed to be managed?  I assume if they had


 24   seizures they had to have some specific management


 25   issues.




  1             DR. IYASU:  I don't have additional


  2   information right now about what specific measures


  3   will be taken regarding this, except to say I think


  4   this is something that we are concerned about and


  5   specific recommendations as to what would happen as


  6   follow-up are still open.


  7             DR. CHESNEY:  Maybe I can ask some of the


  8   FDA folk, is there anything that we can do to help


  9   move this along?  This seems like it might be a


 10   significant issue.


 11             DR. S. MURPHY:  I think just what you have


 12   done is expressing your concern and we will take


 13   that back to the Division.  I think that it is


 14   under review right now and I think that is why


 15   Solomon can't say more.


 16             DR. IYASU:  Yes.


 17             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Gorman?


 18             DR. GORMAN:  Are you aware of the Canadian


 19   literature surrounding this withdrawal syndrome


 20   from the unit in Toronto that looks at


 21   maternal-fetal exposure rate and has noted an


 22   increased transfer to NICUs for babies born with


 23   these agents?


 24             DR. IYASU:  Yes, I am and it is good that


 25   you are pointing that out, and the Division is also




  1   aware of the data.


  2             DR. CHESNEY:  I have one other question


  3   relative, I guess, to yesterday's discussion, the


  4   paroxetine 68 psychiatric adverse events in


  5   children, were those along the lines of what we


  6   were talking about yesterday, which is activation


  7   of stimulant syndrome, or do you have any further


  8   breakdown of those?


  9             DR. IYASU:  Actually, we were talking


 10   about this with Hari.  Hari, do you want to comment


 11   on that?


 12             DR. SACHS:  You know, as Solomon pointed


 13   out yesterday, there are the 9 completed suicides


 14   and 17 suicide attempts.  I went back and just


 15   checked the case reports to see how many of them


 16   were associated with agitation.  I picked up 8, 2


 17   of which have resulted in completed suicide, 2 with


 18   suicidal ideation, 2 with suicide attempts and 2


 19   with self-mutilation.  Interestingly enough, for 4


 20   of them the kids' reasons for treatment were not


 21   major depression; they were OCD and anxiety; 4 of


 22   them were for depression and it was pretty split,


 23   half female, half male, and half of them were on


 24   concomitant medications, including other


 25   psychotropics or having a history of substance




  1   abuse.  So, it is definitely a very mixed bag.


  2             DR. CHESNEY:  If we subtract out the


  3   suicidal issues, that still leaves a significant


  4   number of other children.  What were their adverse


  5   events?


  6             DR. S. MURPHY:  The other psychiatric


  7   adverse events, as I said, the totals were the 9


  8   completed suicides, 17 suicide attempts, several


  9   cases of suicidal ideation and 10 of self-injury.


 10   Then, the rest of them were kind of emergence of


 11   other psychiatric symptoms such as mania.  So, it


 12   depends I guess on what you look at but what I was


 13   thinking was that the agitation was picked up, or


 14   at least the other suicidality issue was picked up


 15   as well as the agitation.  It wasn't that agitation


 16   looked, you know, linked to anything else at least


 17   in these 68 reports.


 18             DR. IYASU:  Yes, I think just looking at


 19   these case reports there was tremendous variability


 20   also.  But you can find some agitation in some of


 21   the case reports and no mention of it in others.


 22   So, it was hard to sort of see which one is


 23   predominant there; there is a mixture.


 24             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Nelson?


 25             DR. NELSON:  I realize this suggestion may




  1   be naive from a resource point of view but, given


  2   the discussion, does it make sense to do a more


  3   in-depth case ascertainment both for the cases you


  4   have got and to see if there are other cases, and


  5   to see if someone could do a case study design


  6   approach to see if they could ascertain that


  7   this--you know, similar to what happened with the


  8   rotaviral vaccine--might be a hint relative to the


  9   timing and to this issue of agitation?  I mean,


 10   that might be one way to try to sort this out?


 11             DR. IYASU:  I think that is a good


 12   suggestion.  These kind of studies always require


 13   additional resources that the Office of Drug Safety


 14   may not have available, but theoretically I think


 15   you can go back and try to ascertain some of these


 16   cases.  But one thing that we have to be careful


 17   about is that the cases that come to our attention


 18   are a selected few and we don't know what they


 19   actually represent because, you know, it is really


 20   a small percentage of an unknown group of adverse


 21   events.  So, it requires I think careful assessment


 22   of what the cases actually represent.  Do they


 23   represent other cases that are occurring in the


 24   population?  But it is a good suggestion.


 25             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Glode?




  1             DR. GLODE:  I would just like to


  2   emphasize, and I think this came up for many people


  3   yesterday, that with a database of between 3,000


  4   and 4,000 children with regard to safety issues, it


  5   is a very inadequate number for safety.  So, there


  6   needs to be some mechanism I think, other than this


  7   passive surveillance reporting, for doing


  8   additional safety studies whether that is by Phase


  9   IV studies from the sponsor, or whatever, but there


 10   needs to be more safety data beyond 3,000 to 4,000


 11   I think for children for these drugs.


 12             DR. IYASU:  I think your point is well


 13   taken.


 14             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.


 15             DR. IYASU:  All right, thank you.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Now I will report on two other medications


 18   that have received exclusivity.  The first drug is


 19   vinorelbine which is an anti-tumor drug marketed by


 20   GlaxoSmithKline.  The indications which are


 21   approved are in adults as a single agent or in


 22   combination with cisplatin for the first-line


 23   treatment of ambulatory patients with unresectable,


 24   advanced non-small cell lung cancer.  Again, there


 25   are no approved pediatric indications for this




  1   medication.  Exclusivity was granted on August 15,


  2   2002.


  3             [Slide]


  4             Summarizing the use data, there wasn't


  5   much in terms of our databases that revealed a lot


  6   of use for this medication in the pediatric


  7   population.


  8             In CHCA, which is a children's hospital


  9   corporation database which is 26 children's


 10   hospitals that I mentioned before, which is a


 11   discharge-based database, there were 5 discharges


 12   in 2001 and about 21 discharges in 2002 that


 13   indicated that this medication may have been used.


 14   The diagnoses that were closely linked with its use


 15   were put under the category of chemotherapy and


 16   most of them were Hodgkin's disease.


 17             [Slide]


 18             Looking at the adverse event reports for


 19   vinorelbine, the total raw number of adult and


 20   pediatric reports that were received were about


 21   495, and 181 of them were domestic and 314 were


 22   international reports.  These are not adjusted for


 23   duplicates so this includes duplicates also.


 24             Looking at the pediatric reports for the


 25   one year, there were 3 unduplicated pediatric




  1   reports and 1 was U.S. and 2 were foreign.  All


  2   were reported as having serious outcomes but there


  3   were no deaths with the use of this medication in


  4   the one-year period that was evaluated.  Five of


  5   the 16 adverse events that were reported were


  6   considered unlabeled.  The diagnosis or the reason


  7   its use was for the treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma


  8   in 2 of the patients and 1 of the patients had


  9   neuroblastoma and the drug was being given for that


 10   treatment.


 11             [Slide]


 12             I am just summarizing the 3 patients who


 13   were reported to us with adverse events.  The first


 14   one is a 14-year old with rhabdomyosarcoma who


 15   developed neutropenia, a labeled event, and was


 16   successfully treated with Nupogen.


 17             The second patient was a 2-year old with


 18   rhabdomyosarcoma who developed life-threatening


 19   adverse events including unlabeled events that


 20   included epidermolysis, muscle inflammation,


 21   somnolence and tachypnea.  This patient was also on


 22   cytoxan.  The patient was hospitalized for about 16


 23   days and eventually recovered and was discharged.


 24             A 6-year old was diagnosed neuroblastoma


 25   and developed adverse events including one of the




  1   unlabeled events, the muscle spasm, but the adverse


  2   events that reported for this patient resolved


  3   after lowering the dose of vinorelbine.


  4             [Slide]


  5             So, it was a small number of reports that


  6   we got for the labeled and unlabeled adverse events


  7   were reported, as I mentioned before.  The


  8   unlabeled events have also been reported in adults


  9   and are not unique to pediatrics.  The FDA will


 10   continue its routine monitoring of additional data


 11   on adverse events in all populations, including


 12   pediatrics, to follow-up on the significance of any


 13   of these events.


 14             [Slide]


 15             The last drug I will be presenting on is


 16   pravastatin, which is one of the statins.  It is


 17   marketed by Bristol-Myers Squibb.  In adults it is


 18   indicated for the prevention of coronary and


 19   cardiovascular events and hyperlipidemia.  In


 20   children it is approved for 8 years and older for


 21   the treatment of heterozygous familial


 22   hypercholesterolemia.  Pediatric exclusivity was


 23   granted on July 10, 2002.


 24             [Slide]


 25             Drug use databases indicate that the total




  1   dispensed prescriptions have increased by about


  2   17.5 percent between September, 1999 and August,


  3   2003.  That is, from 13.4 to 15.8 million per year


  4   for pravastatin and that is adults and pediatrics.


  5   This is total dispensed prescriptions.


  6   Pediatricians wrote about 47,000 or about 0.4


  7   percent of the total of the 15.8 million


  8   pravastatin prescriptions during that period.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Looking at the proportion of pediatric


 11   prescriptions, an estimated 7,900 prescriptions


 12   were dispensed nationwide to pediatric patients


 13   aged 1-16 years.  This is based on a calculation of


 14   the proportions that were obtained from advanced


 15   PCS, which is a database that I mentioned before


 16   which has demographic information, and applying it


 17   to the total dispensed prescriptions.  It is a


 18   small number but this has to be interpreted with


 19   caution because really this is an estimate.


 20             [Slide]


 21             There was a total number of adult reports,


 22   about 993 reports during the exclusivity period and


 23   691 were U.S. and 302 were international reports.


 24   There were no pediatric adverse event reports that


 25   were mentioned in the one-year exclusivity period.




  1             [Slide]


  2             Therefore, I don't have any additional


  3   comments on pravastatin in the pediatric


  4   population, except to say that we will continue to


  5   monitor the database and see if there are any


  6   adverse events that emerge.  Thank you very much.


  7             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  Are there any


  8   questions?  Yes, Dr. D'Agostino?


  9             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Could you tell me or us


 10   what the physicians do with the statins in terms of


 11   muscle, liver and so forth in the pediatric


 12   population?  Do they do anything routinely in terms


 13   of the side effects?  I mean, what do you do with a


 14   child with muscle problems?  The children are


 15   growing and so forth so how do you recognize that


 16   that is happening?


 17             DR. IYASU:  Well, from the adverse event


 18   reports there is no way to tell, or there is no


 19   information as to what actually is being done to


 20   treat that, except in the cases that were presented


 21   today where they were admitted but what actual


 22   treatment was given was not clearly specified.


 23             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Do we know if there is


 24   withdrawal of the drug in the children where things


 25   like that might be happening?  That is not an




  1   adverse event necessarily but if the children are


  2   complaining about muscle pains and so forth.


  3             DR. IYASU:  I can't tell you because the


  4   narratives that were provided to us were very


  5   scanty.  So, what treatment was given to these


  6   individual patients is not clearly stated in those


  7   narrative reports, except that there was an ICU


  8   course for one of them where it was considered to


  9   be serious enough that the patient was admitted.


 10   In terms of the complaints, they were elicited and


 11   reported by a health professional.  Whether these


 12   were based on clinical records or medical records


 13   or whether they were just clinical encounters, I


 14   couldn't tell from the narrative.


 15             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Santana?


 16             DR. SANTANA:  Can you clarify for me a


 17   process issue?  My understanding is that when an


 18   agent is granted exclusivity there is a commitment


 19   to do a number of studies and those studies may


 20   occur in different time lines.  When does that data


 21   from those studies surface in adverse event


 22   reporting to this committee?  Because it seems to


 23   me that what we are seeing are reports that are


 24   coming from different sources, more public kind of


 25   usage sources, but the data from the actual studies




  1   that are being done or have been done under the


  2   exclusivity--when does that surface for us to see


  3   in these reports?


  4             What made me think about that question is


  5   that for a lot of the oncology drugs that may be


  6   granted exclusivity, and I think this one is a good


  7   example, those studies will occur in a semi-closed


  8   system either through the cooperative group


  9   mechanism or through large oncology institutions,


 10   and those data may not necessarily show up in these


 11   other databases.  For the oncology drugs, why don't


 12   you go to the NCI and request their adverse event


 13   reporting for the pediatric patients that are


 14   participating in those studies under drugs that


 15   have been granted exclusivity?  That would be a


 16   more enriched data set than using this other


 17   system.  Can you comment, please?


 18             DR. IYASU:  My comment is that the adverse


 19   events are reported to FDA, again, through this


 20   passive system.  The exclusivity is granted on a


 21   specific data and then, if there is a change in


 22   labeling for example, it may not happen for several


 23   months after exclusivity is granted.  So, in


 24   theory, what you would expect is that there would


 25   have been a change in the label and then there




  1   would be increased usage of the medication and then


  2   we have to monitor or would pick up if there are


  3   any adverse events that emerge as use expands.  But


  4   with many of these drugs maybe the indication is


  5   not approved and, secondly, there is a time lag


  6   between the use and the period that we are looking


  7   at because this is immediately the one-year after.


  8             Now, we depend on adverse event reporting


  9   with the system that we have.  We don't have any


 10   other system.  But an active surveillance mechanism


 11   is where we actually go to do case finding and


 12   querying other databases is something that is a


 13   good idea.  But, again, as I said before, that


 14   system is not in place to go after that.


 15             DR. SANTANA:  So, the data that is being


 16   collected by the sponsors for the studies that may


 17   be related to exclusivity, when does that data


 18   surface for us to see?


 19             DR. IYASU:  Oh, that is a question that--


 20             DR. S. MURPHY:  Yes, the medical officers'


 21   reviews have to be posted on the web 180 days after


 22   exclusivity is granted.  I think you bring up an


 23   excellent point.  I think what we are trying to do


 24   is interpret the law and figure out the best way to


 25   report to you, and that is one of the things I was




  1   going to ask you, if this is the best information.


  2   What we are doing now is going to the AERS passive


  3   system and picking up all the reports for a year


  4   after exclusivity.  We are not going into the


  5   trials and pulling those out.


  6             DR. SANTANA:  Yes, what highlighted my


  7   comment was the oncology example.


  8             DR. S. MURPHY:  That is a very good


  9   example.


 10             DR. SANTANA:  You would not pick up a lot


 11   of the oncology adverse event reports through these


 12   databases.  You would have to go to a very enriched


 13   data set that already exists.


 14             DR. IYASU:  I agree.


 15             DR. SANTANA:  There is a lot of


 16   under-reporting here.


 17             DR. S. MURPHY:  Yes, there is a lot of


 18   under-reporting.


 19             DR. SANTANA:  This drug is an example but


 20   I suspect if we continue that practice with


 21   oncology drugs we will see a lot of under-reporting


 22   that will not come out until years later when the


 23   drugs are being used in a different way.


 24             DR. S. MURPHY:  Well, I agree with you.  I


 25   think that the reporting of a lot of this, you




  1   know, can be enhanced and we have sort of taken a


  2   year now to report this way.  I think we also


  3   realize that the label is going to get out there


  4   for six months at least.  So, is there really,


  5   after exclusivity, a big peak in pediatric use, or


  6   does the use come later, or was it used off-label


  7   before?


  8             DR. D. MURPHY:  I think the question is


  9   really good but it gets to a different process and


 10   I think it is an important process for this


 11   committee to think about because it has huge


 12   ramifications.  What the law mandates we do is, as


 13   has been noted, to report on the adverse event


 14   reporting after exclusivity.  At some period in


 15   that exclusivity the product will be approved and


 16   labeled.


 17             The issue is that the BPCA has said that


 18   this information will be posted.  The studies will


 19   be posted on the web and theoretically in the


 20   medical review information on the oncology


 21   product--I mean, the information that came out


 22   during the studies should be up on the web at that


 23   point.


 24             Now, I think the other issue though that


 25   people are pointing out, and that I think this




  1   committee is now very familiar with is that if you


  2   have a new label and that label is supposed to


  3   reflect the adverse events that were defined in


  4   those studies, then that is the way of


  5   communicating to the public what those adverse


  6   events were that were found in that better process,


  7   which is controlled studies, versus this passive


  8   adverse event reporting.  That label sometimes is


  9   not available except up on the web site somewhere


 10   for different periods of time depending on how many


 11   labels are out there already, etc.  So, it will


 12   vary.


 13             So, I think you are bringing forth a very


 14   important question which is access to this


 15   information, which we talked about yesterday quite


 16   a bit.  Second is the issue--and I really think the


 17   committee needs to think about this for a long


 18   time--are you asking us to review every study that


 19   is approved under exclusivity?  There have been


 20   over a hundred determinations and over 60, 70


 21   labels.  That would be 60 meetings literally to go


 22   over each of the studies.  So, I think that is a


 23   different question.  I just want to make sure that


 24   we define when the information will be available.


 25             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. O'Fallon had her hand up




  1   next.


  2             DR. O'FALLON:  I have another process


  3   issue.  I was curious because in looking at


  4   pravastatin, or whatever it is, there are two


  5   different estimates of the size of the prescription


  6   to the pediatric population.  On one slide it says


  7   pediatricians wrote 47,000 of the total


  8   prescriptions during that year and the other one


  9   says an estimated 7,900 prescriptions were


 10   dispensed.  Now, I realize you are working off two


 11   different sets but the difference between 8,000 and


 12   47,000 is big in my mind and I am wondering is that


 13   sort of a very high upper bound and a very low


 14   lower bound, or what.  You are trying to get at


 15   what is the piece of the pie that goes for


 16   prescriptions to this age group.


 17             DR. IYASU:  Yes, I think that is an


 18   important point.  There is obviously a big


 19   discrepancy between the two estimates.  One is


 20   referring to dispensed prescriptions written by


 21   different specialties.  The other one is getting


 22   proportions out of a database that is not


 23   nationally representative and applying the


 24   demographic percentage to the national database.


 25   So, we are trying to get sort of two estimates but




  1   they are giving us different estimates and we don't


  2   know how to sort of marry the two.  But we thought


  3   that we would give these databases and explain what


  4   the limitations of both of these databases are,


  5   which I mentioned before.  So, that is a good


  6   point.  It is something that we have to work on to


  7   try to get better databases that could give us


  8   better estimates and not miss significant portions


  9   of dispensed prescriptions.  That is a good point.


 10   Thanks.


 11             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Gorman and then Dr.


 12   D'Agostino.


 13             DR. GORMAN:  I can explain four of those


 14   pravastatin prescriptions, I wrote them for my


 15   mother.


 16             [Laughter]


 17             So, a pediatrician wrote them but it


 18   didn't go to a pediatric patient.  So, that is four


 19   and you only have 47,000 more to go.  So.


 20             The other issue that I think is a little


 21   bit more global is that I think I hear a different


 22   theme emerging from our discussion which is that we


 23   have listened to the AERS data reporting system and


 24   its weaknesses and we have listened to the concerns


 25   that there are safety signals we will not meet




  1   during the controlled clinical trials for efficacy.


  2   I think the AERS system grew up in a totally


  3   different generation of information collection and


  4   distribution and perhaps there needs to be a more


  5   active system looking for safety signals than we


  6   presently have.  I think I heard Dr. Glode say that


  7   and I have heard other people say that with active


  8   case finding there is a more active searching, and


  9   I am not sure that is inside the charge of the FDA


 10   but I am sure that that is something that would


 11   enhance the safety of these agents.  Rather than


 12   demanding of sponsors that the clinical trials get


 13   larger and larger and larger, look for clinical


 14   safety signals and perhaps there can be another


 15   mechanism that allows us to look for safety signals


 16   for the rare events after post-marketing.


 17             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. D'Agostino?


 18             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  My comment is similar to


 19   that.  I mean, in some fields like cardiology with


 20   the statins we have an idea, we have a very good


 21   idea of what some of the problems are and there are


 22   lots of different companies and lots of different


 23   trials, but it is quite quick in some cases to put


 24   together how many problems are developing.  Instead


 25   of each study being reported separately, I know




  1   with the OTCs and things that we do in some of the


  2   cardiology we can quickly find out how many muscle


  3   problems are developing, how many liver problems


  4   are developing without having a list of each study


  5   being laid out but these companies are constantly


  6   surveying.  They know what some of the problems are


  7   and they have active ways of getting at them.  Are


  8   we doing the same here?  I mean, I presume we are


  9   and the question is how do we get that information


 10   to the committee here and how you are actually


 11   pulling that data together because, as we said, the


 12   AERS is not really going to do it.


 13             DR. D. MURPHY:  The companies are required


 14   to report this to us so it is coming into AERS.  If


 15   the company knows about it, it is coming in to us.


 16             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  What I was saying is some


 17   of these are doing active registries, surveillances


 18   and so forth so they are actively looking.  They


 19   are not just waiting for a passive.


 20             DR. D. MURPHY:  I think what Dr. Gorman


 21   and you all are trying to say is that you have


 22   heard the limitations, and we have sort of pounded


 23   you with it multiple times, and that there needs to


 24   be a better way but that we can't power safety


 25   studies for rare events.  That just won't go




  1   forward; it is not feasible.


  2             I was just trying to see if somebody from


  3   our ODS Office was here because it would be good


  4   for them to hear your concerns and we will relay


  5   those back to them, how can we improve the process?


  6   Can we target--I think one of the questions is can


  7   we target areas, which it sounds like others have,


  8   where we think there needs to be an active


  9   surveillance system?  Certainly, as I mentioned


 10   earlier, we have done that in a few cases where we


 11   know what the safety signal is.  If you know what


 12   the safety signal is, then it is a lot easier to


 13   design that kind of surveillance system.  So, you


 14   know, it gets back to that kind of focused system


 15   versus finding in kids unexpected results which I


 16   don't know that we are able to do yet.


 17             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Danford?


 18             DR. DANFORD:  To briefly address Dr.


 19   D'Agostino's earlier question about what would the


 20   response of a pediatric cardiologist be to muscle


 21   pains, myalgias or muscle problems we might


 22   encounter in starting these medicines in children,


 23   I think that we would be pretty quick to withdraw


 24   the medicines under those circumstances.  I don't


 25   think, watching the people who handle our childhood




  1   lipid problems in our town--I don't think that the


  2   discovery of that or any of the other relatively


  3   well-known complications discovered by our adult


  4   colleagues would necessarily trigger a report that


  5   would show up in AERS.  You know, we know about


  6   these things; we stop the medicines and we don't


  7   think about it.  It highlights once again the


  8   inadequacies of this approach and our need to look


  9   for other ways.


 10             DR. IYASU:  I think these are all very


 11   good comments and, in terms of the limitations of


 12   the AERS database, I think everybody recognizes


 13   that it has very limited utility in terms of


 14   picking up adverse events.  It is useful to sort of


 15   maybe generate some potential signals, especially


 16   rare events that have not been picked up in


 17   clinical trials, but to confirm the existence of an


 18   event in association with a particular drug it is


 19   terribly inadequate and I understand and I hear


 20   what you are saying in terms of are there any


 21   better ways of looking at adverse events and


 22   monitoring them that would be a step forward.  But


 23   there are also limitations in terms of whether you


 24   do it for specific adverse events for a specific


 25   drug or whether you do it for all the medications




  1   that are regulated by FDA.  As Diane said, it has


  2   been done for certain specific events of concern


  3   but when you try to do it to capture all potential


  4   adverse events, that is a big undertaking and we


  5   look forward to having some specific


  6   recommendations from the committee.  Thank you very


  7   much.


  8             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  Just thinking


  9   out loud, Dr. Danford raises a very interesting


 10   point which is that if there were a difference in


 11   the incidence of a labeled adverse event in


 12   children we would never pick that up because we


 13   would just say, well, yes, we know that happens but


 14   if it were more common in children than adults we


 15   wouldn't pick that up.  Does that make sense?


 16             DR. IYASU:  Well, we look at sort of the


 17   pediatrics and compare whether it is more common in


 18   pediatrics for a specific event than in adults.


 19   But it is always very difficult also to sort of


 20   have a relative rate of the event in the two


 21   populations because of the different use patterns


 22   and different frequencies of use in the different


 23   populations.  So, a sort of head-to-head comparison


 24   sometimes doesn't work but it gives us some idea in


 25   terms of whether there is a potential signal that




  1   we need to look further into.


  2             DR. CHESNEY:  Right, but a lot of these


  3   wouldn't be reported to AERS because, "well, this


  4   is something that we know happens" and unless it


  5   may be happening much more often in pediatrics it


  6   wouldn't be reported because it is a labeled


  7   adverse event.


  8             DR. IYASU:  Absolutely.  Under-reporting


  9   is one of the big issues in AERS.  Thank you.


 10             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  I


 11   think we have one new person at the table, Dr.


 12   Stylianou, would you mind introducing yourself,


 13   please?


 14             DR. STYLIANOU:  Mario Stylianou,


 15   statistician from NIH.  I do some work with


 16   pediatric clinical trials at the National Heart,


 17   Lung and Blood Institute.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  There is nobody


 19   scheduled to speak at the open public hearing but


 20   let me ask if there is anybody not scheduled who


 21   would like to come to the microphone.  Apparently


 22   not.  We are scheduled for a 15-minute break.


 23   Given the small room and small number of people and


 24   potential to move ahead today, maybe we could take


 25   10 minutes and, according to this clock, be back




  1   between 10:20 and 10:25 to begin our discussion of


  2   the cardiac imaging drugs.  Thank you.


  3             [Brief recess]


  4             DR. CHESNEY:  Let's get started if


  5   everybody could find their seats, please.  We do


  6   have some new people at the table so I thought we


  7   might take this opportunity to let them introduce


  8   themselves and start over here.


  9             DR. BEITZ:  I am Julie Beitz.  I am the


 10   Deputy Director of the Office of Drug Evaluation


 11   III.


 12             DR. LOEWKE:  I am Sally Loewke.  I am the


 13   Acting Division Director of the Division of Medical


 14   Imaging and Radiopharmaceutical Drug Products.


 15             DR. BUCKLEY:  Hi, I am Shavhree Buckley.


 16   I am a medical officer in the Division of Pediatric


 17   Drug Development, and a pediatrician.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  Just one


 19   technical or business detail, it was brought to my


 20   attention that some people would be willing to


 21   either forego lunch or make it a brief 15-minute


 22   lunch in order to keep on going.  So, please keep


 23   that in mind and we will raise it again at the end


 24   of this morning's session as to whether you want to


 25   do that.




  1             The rest of our session very briefly, as I


  2   understand it--and this will be repeated to us a


  3   number of times but for the committee's benefit and


  4   for me thinking out loud, our challenge is to help


  5   the FDA determine what cardiac imaging drugs, not


  6   devices or procedures but what cardiac imaging


  7   drugs do we need pediatric labeling for.  Very few


  8   of these imaging agents or drugs currently have


  9   pediatric labeling, and how many need it and for


 10   how many could the use simply be extrapolated from


 11   adult labeling?  Specifically, they are interested


 12   in what imaging drug classes need further study.


 13   Secondly, what patient populations would be


 14   available to receive these drugs.  Along that line,


 15   utilization information is particularly important.


 16   In other words, how many children would undergo a


 17   procedure involving the agent such that there would


 18   be enough to do a study with the agent?


 19             So with that, I am pleased to introduce


 20   Dr. Susan Cummins who is the lead medical officer


 21   in the Division of Pediatric Development.  I


 22   understand that in addition to introducing this


 23   session, she may have some comments for us about


 24   the previous issue of adverse drug reporting.


 25             Use of Imaging Drugs in Conjunction with




  1           Cardiac Imaging Procedures in the Pediatric


  2              Population Pediatric Regulatory Update


  3             DR. CUMMINS:  Good morning.  First, just


  4   to comment on the adverse drug reporting feedback


  5   that you gave us, I wanted to let you know that we


  6   kibitzed over the break and what we will do for our


  7   next meeting and into the future is provide you


  8   with the medical officers' summaries for the drugs


  9   that are granted exclusivity.  We will also provide


 10   you with the labeling changes, as well as the AERS


 11   summary that you get now in the summary that is


 12   provided to you in your packets.


 13             Diane Murphy has already shared your


 14   concerns with the Office of Drug Safety who,


 15   themselves, are always interested in strengthening


 16   drug safety reporting to the FDA and we will be


 17   talking with them about your concerns and see how


 18   to go forward with them.


 19             [Slide]


 20             I want to welcome you all here.  There are


 21   a lot of new faces at the table.  I am Susan


 22   Cummins.  I am a medical team leader in the


 23   Division of Pediatric Drug Development and Shirley


 24   Murphy asked me to tell you a little bit about


 25   myself so here is a 30-second story.




  1             I came to the Division from the National


  2   Academy of Sciences a little over a year ago where


  3   I was the Director of the Board on Children, Youth


  4   and Families.  This board was a joint board with


  5   both the Institute of Medicine and the National


  6   Research Council.


  7             I also brought along a long experience


  8   with environmental health, especially in childhood


  9   lead poisoning.  For many years I managed the


 10   childhood lead poisoning prevention program for the


 11   State of California.  In that role we used meetings


 12   such as this one, advisory committees, extensively.


 13   We were actually mandated by state law to use


 14   advisory committees to help us with complex issues


 15   of science, medicine, public health and policy.


 16   So, I have a lot of experience with meeting


 17   processes both at the National Academy of Sciences


 18   and in California, and I love meetings like this.


 19   I think your input is just so valuable and really


 20   helps us be able to move forward.


 21             I want to thank you in advance for all


 22   your time and wisdom, and at the end of the day for


 23   the advice that you are going to give us.  Many of


 24   you, in addition to coming today, participated in a


 25   series of scoping interviews that we conducted to




  1   plan this meeting and to help us define the issues


  2   that we needed to address.  That was just


  3   unbelievably helpful.  I don't know that we could


  4   have moved forward in planning this meeting without


  5   the input that you have given us already.  We also


  6   look forward to a very stimulating and productive


  7   day so I want to thank you already for all that you


  8   have done.


  9             [Slide]


 10             What I am going to do today is give you a


 11   brief overview of the last decade of pediatric drug


 12   development efforts at the FDA.  I am also pleased


 13   to report that the agency is fully engaged in


 14   efforts to strengthen labeling of products for use


 15   in the pediatric populations.


 16             Today I am going to talk about the issues


 17   listed here.  First I am going to review pediatric


 18   issues, especially pediatric safety issues which


 19   have long influenced the evolution of FDA law,


 20   regulation and policy.  That said, today I am going


 21   to focus on recent milestones, those of the last


 22   decade.


 23             I will also briefly review the written


 24   request process, discuss current pediatric labeling


 25   and exclusivity statistics, the big goals of these




  1   efforts and pediatric resources that are available


  2   at the FDA Internet web site.  For the standing


  3   committee members this will be yet another review


  4   and I apologize for that, though I appreciate Joan


  5   Chesney's gracious comments yesterday that no


  6   review could be too many.  However, many of you are


  7   new, as I just mentioned and have just come for


  8   this meeting and this topic is intended to provide


  9   you with a quick primer on how these issues have


 10   unfolded at the FDA.


 11             [Slide]


 12             As in every field, we at the FDA conduct


 13   our work with many acronym shortcuts.  You have


 14   your MRI, your PET, your SPECT, your XR, and we


 15   have our FDAMA, BPCA, PREA and WR.  The acronyms I


 16   will use for my talk are listed here.  The first


 17   three refer to recent laws.  FDAMA is the Food,


 18   Drug and Cosmetic Modernization Act.  BPCA is the


 19   Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act.  PREA is the


 20   Pediatric Research Equity Act.  WR refers to a


 21   written request and PPSR refers to a proposed


 22   pediatric study request.  I will describe all of


 23   these throughout the course of my talk.


 24             [Slide]


 25             In 1994 FDA issued pediatric regulations




  1   that required data review for pediatric labeling.


  2   This rule required sponsors to review both their


  3   existing data as well as available published


  4   literature to see if enough data was available to


  5   support pediatric labeling.  No clinical studies


  6   were required by this rule.  Importantly, this rule


  7   introduced the concept of extrapolation of efficacy


  8   data from adults to children when that


  9   extrapolation seemed scientifically appropriate.


 10             [Slide]


 11             In 1997 FDAMA was passed by Congress.


 12   FDAMA actually brought the FDA law up to date.  It


 13   was a big law that modernized the Food, Drug and


 14   Cosmetic Act.  Included in this law were several


 15   pediatric provisions, most importantly the


 16   exclusivity incentive, which is a big carrot based


 17   on compliance with terms of a written request


 18   issued by the FDA to drug sponsors.  Before the


 19   passage of FDAMA the pediatric market, with the


 20   exception of perhaps antibiotics and a few other


 21   product classes, was too small to support a drug


 22   development program so pediatric studies were not


 23   done.  Pediatric exclusivity changed all of that,


 24   as you will see in a minute.  The pediatric


 25   exclusivity provisions of FDAMA sunsetted on




  1   January 1, 2002.


  2             [Slide]


  3             Now, what is pediatric exclusivity?


  4   Pediatric exclusivity is an additional 6-month


  5   period during which a sponsor retains exclusive


  6   marketing control of all forms of a drug product


  7   line.  It requires either an existing patent or


  8   exclusivity and is not a patent extension.  FDA


  9   doesn't have the authority to grant a patent


 10   extension; only the Patent Office can do that.


 11   Pediatric exclusivity attaches to an existing


 12   patent or to other exclusivities which have been


 13   granted by the FDA.


 14             This is a very powerful economic incentive


 15   for pediatric drug development because it confers


 16   to the entire drug moiety and every product that


 17   contains that active drug product.  It delays for 6


 18   months the introduction of generic products.  As


 19   soon as the generic product is introduced the sale


 20   of the branded product declines dramatically.


 21             For example, consider the steroid


 22   fluticasone.  When exclusivity was granted to


 23   fluticaszone it attached to Flovent, the inhaled


 24   product; to Flonase, the nasal spray; to Cutivate,


 25   the topical product; and to Advair, the combined




  1   fluticasone and salmeterol product.  Imagine, for


  2   example, a product with 2 billion dollars annually


  3   in sales.  Exclusivity translates to an additional


  4   1 billion dollars in sales.  So, this is a very,


  5   very powerful economic incentive for pediatric


  6   studies, and this was the carrot that made


  7   pediatric studies economically feasible.


  8             [Slide]


  9             I want to touch on one part of FDAMA about


 10   which there has been some confusion on the part of


 11   industry, the FDAMA priority list.  The priority


 12   list consisted of several hundred drugs that were


 13   prioritized for pediatric studies by the FDA.  If a


 14   drug was on the priority list it did not require


 15   FDA to issue a written request.  Issuance of a


 16   written request if a drug was on the priority list


 17   was optional.  But important for now, this list has


 18   sunsetted.  Its sunset was on January 1, 2002.  So,


 19   it sunsetted when the pediatric provisions of FDAMA


 20   sunsetted so now this list is a piece of history;


 21   it really no longer exists.


 22             [Slide]


 23             The next advance I want to mention is the


 24   Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act, the BPCA,


 25   which became law on January 4, 2002.  The BPCA




  1   re-authorized the exclusivity provisions of FDAMA


  2   for on-patent drugs.  In addition, it also includes


  3   an additional mechanism for obtaining information


  4   on the safe and efficacious use of off-patent drugs


  5   in the pediatric populations.


  6             There is a slide missing so I am going to


  7   tell you what it says.  The Best Pharmaceuticals


  8   for Children Act--as I just mentioned, BPCA


  9   establishes mechanisms for study of both on-patent


 10   and off-patent products.  It requires in addition


 11   the FDA to collaborate with NIH on these studies.


 12   For off-patent products that is the major focus of


 13   the work of our Office and for on-patent products


 14   that industry does not want to study.  So, if


 15   industry does not want to study an on-patent


 16   product we have a mechanism through BPCA to get


 17   studies done aon that product for pediatric


 18   labeling, as well as mechanisms for doing studies


 19   of off-patent products.  For both on-patent and


 20   off-patent products industry has the right of first


 21   refusal to conduct studies that are requested


 22   through the written request process.


 23             [Slide]


 24             There are two paths to a written request.


 25   First, FDA can itself issue a written request and




  1   this happens when the agency determines that there


  2   is a public health need for the studies that are


  3   being requested.  The definition of a public health


  4   need can vary on many factors, such as whether


  5   there is substantial off-label use; if the proposed


  6   use is a significant pediatric issue; and whether


  7   there are other treatment options available.


  8   Having a disease be prevalent is not the only


  9   factor that we fold into a decision about the


 10   public health need.  Pediatric studies for drugs to


 11   treat rare diseases may also have a high priority,


 12   especially when no other treatment options are


 13   available.


 14             The other path is when industry submits a


 15   PPSR to the FDA.  In that circumstance the FDA may


 16   accept the proposal as it is and issue a written


 17   request.  It may modify the proposal and issue a


 18   modified written request, or it may not accept the


 19   proposal at all and the factors that we just


 20   described fold into the decision-making process.


 21   In that case, if the FDA decides not to issue a


 22   written request then it will issue an inadequate


 23   letter.


 24             [Slide]


 25             Now, what is a written request?  A written




  1   request is a legal document that provides a


  2   detailed outline of the studies needed by the FDA


  3   to adequately label the product for us in the


  4   pediatric population.  It is an outline, a detailed


  5   outline that does not have the kind of detail you


  6   usually see in a protocol.  Once a study is moving


  7   forward based on a written request, then a protocol


  8   is developed.  The written request specifies all


  9   the study needs to label the product, including


 10   indication, population, types of studies, PK,


 11   safety and efficacy studies for example, safety


 12   parameters that need to be monitored, whether there


 13   is a need for long-term follow-up and what that


 14   might be and the time frame for response.  In the


 15   next few slides I am going to review the written


 16   request process.


 17             [Slide]


 18             These slides focus on the on-patent


 19   process.  The off-patent process is fairly similar.


 20   In this example the industry sponsor submits the


 21   proposed pediatric study request to the agency and


 22   the FDA reviews the PPSR to determine whether there


 23   is a public health benefit to the proposed studies.


 24   Again, the public health benefit issue here is


 25   important.  The agency only issues a written




  1   request if it determines that there is a public


  2   health benefit to the studies.  If so, it issues a


  3   written request and, again, if not, it issues an


  4   inadequate letter.


  5             [Slide]


  6             Once the FDA has issued its written


  7   request, the industry has 180 days to respond to


  8   that request.  If it declines the request, then the


  9   WR may be referred to the National Institutes of


 10   Health Foundation for funding of the requested


 11   studies.  I would add though that currently there


 12   are very limited funds available within the NIH


 13   Foundation to conduct studies of on-patent


 14   products.


 15             [Slide]


 16             I am not going to talk about this slide.


 17   I want to move on and talk a little bit more about


 18   the on-patent drug exclusivity process because that


 19   has been somewhat of a mystery, what happens at the


 20   FDA in this on-patent written request review


 21   issuance, and then review studies once they come in


 22   to the FDA.


 23             [Slide]


 24             This slide addresses all of that and I


 25   want you to focus on the right side of the diagram,




  1   this column right here.  Prior to issuing a written


  2   request the agency does background research on the


  3   drug product and the issues at hand and conducts a


  4   literature review.  That literature review is used


  5   to inform the drafting of a written request.  The


  6   draft request is then reviewed by PdIT, the


  7   pediatric implementation team which is a


  8   cross-functional team that meets regularly within


  9   the agency to discuss draft written requests.


 10             Once the draft is reviewed, has been


 11   discussed, has been revised and finally approved,


 12   it is issued to industry by the review division.


 13   The studies are completed by the sponsor, if the


 14   sponsor agrees to perform them, and the results are


 15   submitted to the agency.  So, we are right here.


 16             Once the FDA receives the submitted study


 17   reports a time clock starts.  It has 60-90 days to


 18   review the reports and make an exclusivity


 19   determination.  The submission is reviewed


 20   eventually by the exclusivity board which is a


 21   cross-CDER team.  It is a very formal meeting and


 22   the team is chaired by Dr. John Jenkins.  The


 23   review focuses not on whether efficacy has been


 24   demonstrated but, rather, on whether the sponsor


 25   has fairly met the terms of the written request. 




  1   That is the legal standard that we must meet.  This


  2   is determined by making a very careful comparison


  3   of the submission that we have received from the


  4   sponsor compared to the written request that was


  5   issued.


  6             If, for example, the written request asks


  7   that 10 children between the ages of 6 and 10 be


  8   included in the study population, then the review


  9   carefully checks to see if, in fact, 6 [sic]


 10   children were included in the study population in


 11   the submission.  If exclusivity is granted, then


 12   that notice is posted on the pediatric page and on


 13   the web.  Other actions to the label follow within


 14   a few months.


 15             [Slide]


 16             This incentive has really been a


 17   tremendous success.  Please note here, this slide


 18   reports on industry response to the written request


 19   process as of January, 2004.  Your handout may say


 20   2003.  It is one of those last minute errors you


 21   see after looking at a slide a dozen times.  To


 22   date we have received over 300 proposals from


 23   industry.  We have issued nearly 300 written


 24   requests.  We have made exclusivity determinations


 25   for 101 cases and granted exclusivity in 91 of




  1   those cases.  This effort has led to 63 new labels.


  2             The significance of these new labels


  3   really cannot be underestimated.  It isn't just


  4   data; the labeling changes determine how we use


  5   these drugs and provide new information on how to


  6   use these drugs safely in the pediatric population


  7   on issues such as dose, unanticipated adverse


  8   events and the like.


  9             [Slide]


 10             I want to move forward to the present.  On


 11   December 3, 2003 the President signed the Pediatric


 12   Research Equity Act, PREA, into law.  PREA mimics


 13   the Pediatric Rule which was overturned by the


 14   courts in 2002, and this form provides the stick


 15   that balances the carrot that I talked about


 16   earlier.  PREA is retroactive for applications back


 17   to April 1, 1999.


 18             [Slide]


 19             PREA requires pediatric studies of certain


 20   drugs and biologics for the issues listed here: if


 21   there is a new indication; if there is a new dosage


 22   form; a new route; a new dosing regimen; or a new


 23   active ingredient.  Biologics are included because


 24   biologics have not been eligible for exclusivity in


 25   the past because they don't have patents.




  1             The Act also establishes, as was mentioned


  2   earlier, a formal pediatric advisory committee and


  3   this committee will be seated at the Commissioner's


  4   level so it will advise the agency on pediatric


  5   issues for most of the FDA centers--for drugs,


  6   biologics, foods and devices, probably not


  7   veterinary medicine.  Its range of issues will be


  8   even broader than that of the current subcommittee


  9   which has tackled a number of issues.  The range of


 10   issues we have tackled since I have been here is


 11   just extraordinary.  Implementation of the Act is


 12   still under discussion within the agency.  The FDA


 13   is currently in the process of developing a


 14   guidance to advise on how we plan on implementing


 15   the Act.


 16             [Slide]


 17             This is our goal for all of these efforts,


 18   to add new pediatric information to the labels of


 19   drug products that are commonly used in children.


 20   Before pediatrics came to the FDA drugs were


 21   commonly used off-label, as I know you all know,


 22   and in that circumstance each child was an N of 1.


 23   Little was learned from any of these individual


 24   treatment experiments and we already have gathered


 25   a lot of very valuable information since this




  1   effort has started.


  2             [Slide]


  3             I want to close by mentioning just a


  4   couple of resources that are available on the FDA


  5   Internet.  If you go to the FDA home page, which is


  6   shown here, at www.fda.gov and you look at the


  7   lower right corner--this little arrow right here,


  8   there is a little link to the pediatrics web home


  9   page.


 10             [Slide]


 11             Then if you go to the pediatric home page


 12   there is a lot of valuable information--statistics,


 13   guidances, information about pediatric advisory


 14   subcommittee meetings and much, much more.


 15             That concludes my comments.  I want to


 16   thank you for your attention and I will turn the


 17   podium over to Sally Loewke.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Just in advance of Dr.


 19   Loewke, I wonder if all of the speakers who follow


 20   her, and including her, could tell us just very


 21   briefly, 30 seconds, about your background, please.


 22                         FDA Perspective


 23             DR. LOEWKE:  Good morning and welcome all.


 24             [Slide]


 25             My name is Sally Loewke.  I am the Acting




  1   Division Director for the Division of Medical


  2   Imaging and Radiopharmaceutical Drug Products.  I


  3   am a nuclear medicine physician and I am going to


  4   note some bias here.  I am a mother of twins with a


  5   son who has had some cardiac problems, who has


  6   actually had to have cardiac catheterization and


  7   some cardiac procedures.  So, I am going to throw


  8   that out just so you know.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Dr. Chesney and panel members, I really


 11   want to thank you very much for coming here today


 12   and taking time out of your busy schedules to talk


 13   about this very important topic, the use of imaging


 14   drugs in conjunction with cardiac imaging


 15   procedures in the pediatric population.  As you


 16   know, cardiac imaging plays an important role in


 17   the management of patients with cardiac disease and


 18   to date we have very few drugs that are approved


 19   for cardiac indications in the pediatric


 20   population.


 21             We are here today to get needed input from


 22   you about the use of these products in the


 23   pediatric population.  The information that you


 24   will bring forward will be invaluable to the agency


 25   as we proceed in our efforts to provide safe and




  1   effective drugs for the pediatric population.


  2             [Slide]


  3             These are several areas that I will be


  4   addressing over the course of this presentation


  5   this morning.


  6             [Slide]


  7             The FDA is a regulatory agency.  It is


  8   made up of 6 centers.  The center that is


  9   responsible for review of drugs for human use is


 10   the Center for Drug Evaluation Research.  We are


 11   also known as CDER.  An important piece of


 12   information to also take away from this slide is


 13   that the devices are regulated by a different


 14   center within the FDA, CDRH, Center for Devices and


 15   Radiologic Health.


 16             [Slide]


 17             CDER's mission is to assure that safe and


 18   effective drugs are made available to the American


 19   people.


 20             [Slide]


 21             The Division of Medical Imaging and


 22   Radiopharmaceutical Drug Products is one of 18


 23   divisions that makes up the Office of New Drugs


 24   within CDER.  The Division is responsible for the


 25   review of drugs that are utilized for diagnostic




  1   imaging including some radiotherapeutic products as


  2   well.  The medical imaging drugs have been broken


  3   down into two categories, the contrast agents and


  4   the radiopharmaceuticals.  The definitions you are


  5   about to see come from the FDA draft guidance which


  6   is in your packet.


  7             [Slide]


  8             A contrast agent is a medical imaging


  9   agent used to improve the visualization of tissues,


 10   organs and physiologic processes by increasing the


 11   relative difference of imaging signal intensities


 12   in adjacent regions of the body.  Some common


 13   examples of these types of agents include iodinated


 14   contrast, gadolinium and microspheres.


 15             [Slide]


 16             A diagnostic radiopharmaceutical is an


 17   article that is intended for use in the diagnosis


 18   or monitoring of a disease or a manifestation of a


 19   disease in humans that exhibits spontaneous


 20   disintegration of unstable nuclei with the emission


 21   of nuclear particles or photons, or any radioactive


 22   reagent kit or nuclide generator that is intended


 23   to be used in the preparation of such an article.


 24   One of the common radioactive tags that is used in


 25   nuclear medicine imaging, including nuclear cardiac




  1   imaging, would be technetium 99-M.


  2             [Slide]


  3             As an aid to your understanding of the


  4   Division and its thinking about the development of


  5   medical imaging drugs, you were provided with the


  6   draft guidance for developing clinical imaging drug


  7   and biologic products in your preparatory package.


  8   This document provides information on important


  9   areas that need to be discussed during the course


 10   of drug development.  I refer you to the guidance


 11   for specifics, however, I will briefly touch upon


 12   the types of indications that could be sought for


 13   both the pediatric and adult indications.


 14             Structure delineation--an imaging agent is


 15   able to locate and outline normal anatomic


 16   structures and, in doing so, can clarify the


 17   spatial relationship of that structure with respect


 18   to other body parts or regions.


 19             Disease or pathology detection--an agent


 20   is able to detect and locate specific disease or


 21   pathological states.


 22             Functional, physiological or biochemical


 23   assessment--an agent is able to evaluate function,


 24   physiology of biochemistry of a tissue, organ


 25   system or body region.  This type of indication




  1   could apply to an agent that is used to detect


  2   either a decrease or an increase of a normal


  3   function or physiological or biochemical process.


  4             Diagnostic or therapeutic patient


  5   management--a medical imaging agent would improve


  6   patient management decisions or improved patient


  7   outcomes, including predicting survival or patient


  8   response to specific therapies.


  9             [Slide]


 10             To provide you with a framework of the


 11   types of information we routinely see when new drug


 12   applications come into the agency, I have this one


 13   slide.  It is not all-inclusive for the clinical


 14   assessment and it is not all-inclusive for the


 15   information that we seek in a new drug application


 16   but it highlights a couple of points I wanted to


 17   discuss further.  For efficacy, obviously, we


 18   review the data and review the studies to make sure


 19   an appropriate dose has been selected that is going


 20   to give you a useful image.  We look at the


 21   pharmacokinetics and make sure they are well


 22   defined.


 23             The pivotal Phase III trials are the


 24   trials where we get most of our efficacy


 25   information and what we like to see is a trial




  1   design that includes clinically relevant endpoints,


  2   relevant patient populations and an appropriate


  3   standard of truth.


  4             The question is what does all that mean?


  5   I am going to give you an example to help


  6   illustrate my point here.  It is not a cardiac


  7   example but I still think it makes the point


  8   effectively.  If you are developing a medical


  9   imaging agent that you felt could distinguish


 10   between benign versus malignant lesions, having an


 11   agent that could identify a malignant lesion


 12   obviously has clinical utility.  Physicians will


 13   know what to do with that information and it is


 14   very useful.  So, you would then pursue study of


 15   that agent in a patient population who would


 16   present with a tumor or a lesion that needed


 17   further evaluation.  Ultimately, how do you


 18   validate the performance of the new drug?  You


 19   would do so in this case by getting biopsy and


 20   confirming the pathology of those lesions.


 21             From a safety perspective, we identify any


 22   major toxicities that might have come about during


 23   the course of drug development and we put together


 24   an adverse event profile that, if the drug is


 25   approved, generally is put into drug labeling.




  1             So, overall our review and action on a


  2   drug, whether it be approval or non-approval, is


  3   based on a risk/benefit assessment.  In this case


  4   risk can mean a safety hazard or risk. It could


  5   also mean hazard could be occurring from a


  6   misdiagnosis as a result of the imaging drug.


  7             [Slide]


  8             The Division has several drugs in which


  9   cardiac indications are approved.  This slide lists


 10   drug classes and some of the general indications


 11   that are approved in both the adult and pediatric


 12   populations.  The iodinated contrast drug class is


 13   the only drug class that has a cardiac indication


 14   approval in both the adult and pediatric


 15   populations, that being for conventional


 16   angiography.  The pediatric approval goes down to


 17   the age of 1.


 18             The gadolinium drug products are not


 19   approved in either the adult or pediatric


 20   populations for a cardiac indication, however they


 21   do have other indications that are approved in both


 22   populations.


 23             The radiopharmaceuticals--we have approval


 24   for myocardial perfusion identifying cardiac


 25   ischemia and other myocardial functional




  1   assessments such as ejection fraction, wall motion


  2   and viability.  Again, those are studied and


  3   approved in the adult population.


  4             Microspheres are one of our most recent


  5   drugs that have been on the market.  They have been


  6   approved for left ventricular opacification and


  7   endocardial border delineation but have only been


  8   approved in the adult population.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Historically, children were felt to be


 11   considered like little adults and we could dose on


 12   a milligram/kilogram basis and, therefore, research


 13   in children really wasn't necessary.  However, in


 14   the 1970s there was a change in that thinking where


 15   people actually felt it was unethical not to study


 16   drugs in the pediatric population as many new drugs


 17   were flooding the market and were being used in


 18   this population.


 19             Today, as Susan has mentioned, we have the


 20   Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act and the


 21   Pediatric Research Equity Act which are


 22   congressionally mandated, and Congress has clearly


 23   stated that children deserve the same level of


 24   evidence as that provided for the adult approvals.


 25             [Slide]




  1             The agency has tried to foster pediatric


  2   drug development and, in doing so, has made


  3   comments about the potential use of extrapolation


  4   from efficacy data from adults to the pediatric


  5   population.  Therefore, if the course of disease


  6   and the effects of the drug are similar in adults


  7   and pediatric patients, then the FDA may conclude


  8   that pediatric efficacy can be extrapolated from


  9   adequate and well-controlled studies in adults,


 10   usually supplemented with other information


 11   obtained in the pediatric population such as


 12   pharmacokinetic and safety studies.


 13             [Slide]


 14             When may it not be appropriate to


 15   extrapolate?  When the disease is different in


 16   etiology, pathophysiology or in its manifestations;


 17   when the response to therapy is different; when the


 18   pathophysiology may be comparable but the response


 19   unpredictable; or when pharmacokinetic parameters


 20   are not well-defined in the adult population.


 21             [Slide]


 22             We know that there are differences in


 23   pathophysiology of cardiac disease between the


 24   pediatric and adult populations.  Pediatric


 25   population presents with congenital heart disease




  1   and the adults with atherosclerotic heart disease,


  2   and most of our drug approvals for cardiac


  3   indications in adults have revolved around patient


  4   populations that have signs and symptoms of


  5   atherosclerotic disease.  So, the question to


  6   ponder later today is do differences in the


  7   etiology and pathophysiology affect imaging drug


  8   performance?


  9             [Slide]


 10             We have had great difficulty in getting


 11   accurate use data of these products.  In an effort


 12   to try to give you some perspective, we looked at


 13   the Child Health Corporation of America's Pediatric


 14   Health Information System database.  Currently,


 15   this is inpatient data from 31 free-standing


 16   children's hospitals with charge level drug


 17   utilization information.  It is our first access to


 18   pediatric inpatient drug use and, since many


 19   children's hospitals are the sites of research


 20   trials, we feel that we probably get great


 21   information on potential off-label use of these


 22   products.


 23             This database, however, has a lot of


 24   limitations to it.  You cannot nationally project.


 25   The FDA only has access to data dating back to




  1   1999.  There is no direct link between drug and


  2   diagnosis procedure.  It does not capture


  3   outpatient use and free-standing image center use.


  4   And, the contrast media radiopharmaceuticals are


  5   usually bundled together with the imaging procedure


  6   and cannot be specifically separated out.


  7             [Slide]


  8             So, this is the result of our database


  9   search and this is specifically from 26


 10   free-standing children's hospitals at the time this


 11   was done.  These are drug mentions in the pediatric


 12   population for the years 2001 and 2002 out of the


 13   total discharges that you see at the bottom of the


 14   slide.  The iodinated contrast agents have the most


 15   drug mentions for both 2001 and 2002, followed by


 16   the gadolinium contrasts, radiopharmaceuticals and


 17   the microspheres.


 18             [Slide]


 19             Since most of our products are not


 20   approved in pediatrics we have little knowledge


 21   about their safety.  I just want to step back for


 22   one second to make one more comment about that


 23   database information on use.  We are fully aware


 24   that it is not an accurate representation of the


 25   use of these products because we know many imaging




  1   procedures are performed on an outpatient basis and


  2   are performed at free-standing imaging centers.


  3   So, we hope that the discussions later today and


  4   the presentations from our experts will help


  5   enhance our knowledge of the frequency of use of


  6   these products.


  7             [Slide]


  8             Unfortunately, we have a limited knowledge


  9   base for pediatric safety data as well since we


 10   have few approvals.  So, in an attempt again to


 11   give you some kind of flavor of what we do know, we


 12   did a data search of the Adverse Event Reporting


 13   System, also known as the AERS database.  It is a


 14   spontaneous and voluntary reporting system and it


 15   too has many limitations which you heard about


 16   earlier today.  There is under-reporting; reporting


 17   bias; the quality of the reports is very limited;


 18   and you cannot estimate the true incidence rate of


 19   events or exposure risk.


 20             [Slide]


 21             I just want to go over the methodology


 22   briefly of our search.  We did not want this whole


 23   meeting to revolve around any one specific drug


 24   but, rather, the drug classes so in an attempt to


 25   keep that theme with the search of this database we




  1   selected two drugs per drug class which we thought


  2   were relative market leaders and did a search of


  3   the database in both the adult and pediatric


  4   population.


  5             Once we got those results, we then


  6   combined them and, as you will see, the slides that


  7   will be forthcoming are combined data for the drug


  8   class per se.  We report out the most common


  9   adverse events reported in 10 percent of the total


 10   or greater.  We report out the deaths and the


 11   search time frames were variable depending on the


 12   specific drug product that we used and their


 13   original approval dates.  Again, be warned that


 14   this database has its limitations and cannot be


 15   construed as an accurate representation of the


 16   adverse event profiles for these drug classes.


 17             [Slide]


 18             This is the data we generated for the


 19   iodinated contrast agents.  As you can see here,


 20   there were 2,997 reports in the adult population


 21   versus 68 in the pediatric population.  The common


 22   event types were pruritus, dermatitis and urticaria


 23   in the adults and urticaria, dyspnea and facial


 24   edema in pediatrics.  There was a total of 274


 25   deaths in the adults and 2 reported in the




  1   pediatric population.


  2             Those 2 deaths in the pediatric population


  3   included a 9-year old male having an abdominal CT


  4   who had an anaphylactic reaction and died.  This


  5   patient was noted to have a history of asthma.  The


  6   other patient was a 7-month old with multiple


  7   cardiac anomalies who died approximately 6 hours


  8   after a cardiac cath procedure.  As you can note,


  9   these common events are really a hypersensitivity


 10   type reaction and these are very common for


 11   iodinated contrast agents.


 12             [Slide]


 13             This slide represents the gadolinium drug


 14   class.  There is a total of 5,163 reports in the


 15   adult population versus 233 in the pediatric


 16   population.  Common events in adults include


 17   urticaria, vomiting, nausea, dyspnea and pruritus,


 18   and in children vomiting, nausea and urticaria.


 19   There was a total of 108 deaths in the adult


 20   population and 3 in the pediatric population.


 21             Those 3 deaths were as follows, a 7-month


 22   old with gastroenteritis had an MRI to exclude


 23   meningitis.  The patient had spina bifida and the


 24   patient died 2 hours after the procedure from


 25   septic shock.




  1             A 12-year old female died from


  2   complications of brain stem glioma and a 5-year old


  3   male with meningeal toxemia died approximately 8


  4   hours after an MRI from complications of


  5   hemorrhagic stroke.  Again, as I stated earlier,


  6   the gadolinium drug class does not have a cardiac


  7   indication approval in either population.


  8             [Slide]


  9             The radiopharmaceutical drug class--a


 10   total of 334 reports in the adult population versus


 11   no reports in the pediatric population.  Common


 12   events in adults include dermatitis, pruritus,


 13   urticaria, nausea, cough, headache and dyspnea and


 14   a total of 16 deaths were reported.


 15             [Slide]


 16             The microsphere drug class--a total of 107


 17   reports in the adult population, no reports in the


 18   pediatric population.  Common events in adults are


 19   back pain and headache and no deaths reported.


 20             [Slide]


 21             Overall, to date we have few approvals of


 22   cardiac imaging drugs in the pediatric population.


 23   We have limited use data and limited safety data,


 24   and we have the question to ponder whether the


 25   differences between cardiac disease processes in




  1   adults and kids can actually allow us to


  2   extrapolate the efficacy data.


  3             [Slide]


  4             These are basically the questions for the


  5   panel that will be coming up either later today or


  6   tomorrow.  I just flash them on the screen for the


  7   benefit of the audience so you can understand as


  8   you listen to the speakers talk later.


  9             The first question basically revolves


 10   around extrapolation.  Is it possible?  If so,


 11   when?  The second question is a series of questions


 12   that we would like addressed per drug class


 13   category, asking whether there is needed study for


 14   the drug class and, if so, what patient


 15   populations, what disease states, etc.


 16             [Slide]


 17             The third and last question is the


 18   relevance of new drug developments in the field of


 19   adult cardiac imaging and whether they are


 20   applicable to the pediatric population.


 21             [Slide]


 22             So, we would really like today's focus to


 23   be on the imaging drugs.  I know it is hard to


 24   separate the imaging procedure and the device but I


 25   ask that people try.  We also know that there are




  1   many ethical issues in pediatric research.  Again,


  2   we would like today's discussion to focus on the


  3   science and trial design issues.  Do we need


  4   additional drug labeling, and for what classes, and


  5   what do we need to know?  How are these products


  6   being used and for what purpose and what


  7   population?  And, how do they alter your management


  8   decisions, the information that you gather?  The


  9   bottom line, do you feel that extrapolation is


 10   potentially possible?


 11             [Slide]


 12             I want to thank you very much for


 13   attending today.  As Susan had alluded to, we


 14   counted on many people on this panel and others who


 15   are not present to help organize this meeting and


 16   your help has been very invaluable and I thank you


 17   very much.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you, Dr. Loewke.  We


 19   will have time for questions and answers of the


 20   speakers after the next two presentations.  The


 21   next presentation is by Dr. John Ring, representing


 22   the American Academy of Pediatrics, to give their


 23   perspective on the issues Dr. Loewke just outlined.


 24            American Academy of Pediatrics Perspective


 25             DR. RING:  One of the advantages of




  1   becoming middle aged is that you get a bit


  2   farsighted over time so I am thinking that this


  3   will probably work.


  4             [Slide]


  5             Apropos Joan's request to identify


  6   oneself, I have found, now that I am clearly


  7   unequivocally middle aged, that it is important for


  8   me to start each day by orienting myself to a


  9   person, place and time--


 10             [Laughter]


 11             --so, this is who I am.  This is where we


 12   are and this is who you are, in case any of you


 13   require this type of orientation as well.


 14             The five physicians sitting to my right


 15   along this part of the table will offer detailed


 16   information this afternoon regarding the


 17   application of intravascular contrast agents and


 18   radiopharmaceuticals to various pediatric cardiac


 19   diagnostic modalities.  My assignment is more


 20   general.  It is to present the position of the


 21   American Academy of Pediatrics as to whether these


 22   agents should be studied at all.  I believe I have


 23   been selected for this role because I have


 24   practiced pediatric cardiology for over 20 years


 25   with extensive experience in the cardiac




  1   catheterization lab and because I am also a member


  2   of the national AAP Committee on Drugs.  My two


  3   sons, Jack and Patrick who are sitting in the


  4   audience feel that I was selected for this


  5   presentation today so that they could miss three


  6   days of school.


  7             [Laughter]


  8             [Slide]


  9             The four points which I am about to


 10   summarize represent what we know for sure about the


 11   use of intravenous contrast agents and


 12   radiopharmaceuticals in pediatric cardiology.


 13   These points are that congenital and acquired heart


 14   disease is common in children and of considerable


 15   clinical importance; that accurate diagnosis is


 16   central in order to effect a good clinical outcome;


 17   that the diagnostic use of intravascular contrast


 18   agents and probably radiopharmaceuticals is likely


 19   to increase in the target patient population; and,


 20   finally, that our current use of these agents is


 21   guided really by good intentions rather than by


 22   data.


 23             Taken together, these points identify a


 24   clinical problem that is of major clinical


 25   significance in children.  They indicate that there




  1   is a trend toward increased utilization of these


  2   diagnostic units and they highlight what the


  3   Academy feels is a glaring deficiency in our


  4   knowledge base regarding their use.


  5             [Slide]


  6             As a good academician I did a literature


  7   search.  I did a literature search in large part


  8   because the American Academy of Pediatrics has not


  9   given these agents focused consideration and, thus,


 10   there are no official AAP policies, technical


 11   reports or practice guidelines that speak to their


 12   use.  Regardless, the AAP recognizes that in


 13   general children's health care needs are unique,


 14   that these needs commonly vary with the patient's


 15   age, and that optimal pediatric therapy, regardless


 16   of type, is predicated on the performance of


 17   appropriate scientific studies performed in


 18   children.


 19             [Slide]


 20             Put very simply, knowledge is good and


 21   children are not little adults.  I spoke a minute


 22   ago in regards to a literature search in order to


 23   see what guidance we had there.  With the help of


 24   three research librarians at two institutions, the


 25   University of Tennessee and St. Jude Children's




  1   Research Hospital, we searched key words such as


  2   intravascular contrast agents and


  3   radiopharmaceuticals.  We focused the search on


  4   children rather than adults.  We specified that we


  5   were most interested in cardiac disease and we had


  6   a particular interest in identifying complications.


  7             [Slide]


  8             The databases searched are those that are


  9   listed and the time frame for the search is a


 10   particularly long one.  Unfortunately, but not to


 11   much to my surprise, what we found is that there is


 12   virtually no information extant in the literature


 13   which speaks to the contemporaneous usage of


 14   contrast agents in pediatric cardiology or, by


 15   extension, radiopharmaceuticals.


 16             Something has happened to my script.


 17   Well, let's go back to the four things that we


 18   actually know for sure.


 19             [Slide]


 20             What in particular is the scope of the


 21   problem?  The reported frequency of congenital


 22   heart disease in the population is 2.03 to 8.56 per


 23   1,000 live births, with a median figure of 5.93.


 24   The figure that is generally quoted for the quiz is


 25   the higher of these.  Even when one requires more




  1   firm diagnostic criteria, for example cardiac


  2   catheterization, intraoperative inspection or


  3   postmortem examination, the figure is still


  4   substantial, up to 4.3 per 1,000 live births.


  5             We have a population of children with


  6   congenital heart disease which is aging.  An


  7   article from The American Journal of Cardiology, in


  8   1982, so a relatively dated reference, indicated


  9   that there were at that time approximately 8,500


 10   children with operated congenital heart disease


 11   reaching adulthood each year.  Thanks to advances


 12   in diagnosis and therapy that number is actually


 13   increasing.  In addition, those patients constitute


 14   an aging population, the natural history for which


 15   is entirely unclear.  So, we are obviously on a


 16   voyage of discovery.


 17             As far as inflammatory cardiac disease is


 18   concerned, the first two points indicate that the


 19   incidence and prevalence of Kawasaki syndrome and


 20   acute rheumatic fever are substantial in the


 21   pediatric population.  As far as myocarditis is


 22   concerned, more frequent myocardial biopsy in


 23   children coupled with better diagnostic modalities,


 24   for example PCR analysis, are beginning to extend


 25   the scope and define the specificity of this




  1   diagnosis which to date has been largely


  2   descriptive.


  3             [Slide]


  4             One of the ways in which pediatrics


  5   differs from adult medicine is with its focus on


  6   the future.  The mission statement of the American


  7   Academy of Pediatrics is very clear on this point:


  8   The AAP is committed to the attainment of optimal


  9   physical, mental and social health and well being


 10   for all infants, children, adolescents and young


 11   adults.  Balance this against the fact that


 12   congenital anomalies are the fifth ranked cause of


 13   premature mortality in the United States.  That is


 14   taken from a reference in Morbidity and Mortality


 15   weekly reports in 1998.  Of interest for this


 16   group's deliberations, structural congenital heart


 17   diseases account for 6 of the 15 most lethal


 18   congenital malformations in this group.


 19             [Slide]


 20             Optimal interventions in pediatric


 21   cardiology really do depend, in large part, on good


 22   imaging.  A good picture is worth a thousand words.


 23   Pediatric cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons


 24   are visually oriented practitioners.  We cannot


 25   treat effectively what we cannot see well.  This




  1   applies both to surgical and catheterization


  2   laboratory interventions.


  3             Our patient population today is undergoing


  4   higher risk interventions both in the cath lab and


  5   in the operating room.  These interventions reduce


  6   what we consider to be the acceptable margin of


  7   diagnostic error.  Our patients are usually


  8   younger, sometimes much older--for example, adults


  9   with grown up congenital heart disease--and usually


 10   sicker.  They have a limited tolerance for long,


 11   stressful procedures.  Accurate imaging then


 12   provides the road map to reach our therapeutic


 13   destination in a timely fashion.  Just as the


 14   children's oncologist can now choose the safest,


 15   most effective treatment for his or her patients


 16   with leukemia through use of genetic subtyping, so


 17   the pediatric cardiologist can choose, at least to


 18   a degree, the safest, most effective dilation


 19   balloon or closure device provided that he or she


 20   has a detailed and accurate image with which to


 21   work.


 22             Finally, different imaging modalities are


 23   complementary rather than competitive.  The


 24   echocardiogram, for example, will certainly


 25   satisfactorily define the basic anatomy of




  1   tetralogy of flow.  Angiography, however, is


  2   necessary to dilate and stent the focal pulmonary


  3   artery stenoses that often complicate this lesion


  4   and affect its clinical outcome.


  5             [Slide]


  6             The use of these agents is likely to


  7   increase.  The volume, for example, of


  8   interventional cardiac procedures performed in


  9   children is increasing rapidly and in most centers


 10   interventional procedures take place in a third to


 11   two-thirds of cardiac catheterizations.  These


 12   interventional procedures oftentimes require more


 13   angiograms, though of a different type or programs,


 14   and smaller but more frequent injections.


 15             The number of adult patients with


 16   congenital heart disease is increasing as well.


 17   Thus, the assessment of myocardial function and


 18   blood flow becomes clinically of greater


 19   significance.  This may be particularly true in


 20   those structural cardiac lesions which involve


 21   abnormalities of coronary arteries, for example


 22   transposition of the great arteries or anomalous


 23   origin of the left coronary artery from the


 24   pulmonary artery.  This may apply particularly to


 25   children who survive acute Kawasaki disease but may




  1   go on to be at cardiac risk for myocardial


  2   ischemia.


  3             Our colleagues in interventional radiology


  4   apply procedures to non-cardiac areas in pediatric


  5   practice as well.  For example embolization of


  6   venous malformations in the central nervous system


  7   and catheter-directed thrombolysis have


  8   implications for the use of these agents as well.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Young people search extensive databases on


 11   the web.  Older people, like myself, pick up the


 12   telephone and call respected colleagues at big


 13   programs.  So, what I did to prepare for this


 14   meeting was to query the cardiac cath lab directors


 15   at five programs throughout the United States.


 16   Four of these five programs are university


 17   affiliated.  One is a respected adult in a


 18   pediatric multi-specialty clinic that does a large


 19   volume of pediatric cardiac disease.  These five


 20   centers do a total of approximately 3,000 pediatric


 21   cardiac catheterizations in a year's time.  The


 22   number of children they catheterize who are under


 23   one year of age is 30-50 percent and in some


 24   programs somewhat greater.  The number of


 25   interventional procedures performed during these




  1   cardiac catheterizations at present are upwards of


  2   50 percent of these cases.  Each of the programs


  3   did a handful, in one case approaching 5 percent of


  4   their cath lab volume, of immediate postoperative


  5   catheterizations.  All of the centers had an


  6   increasing population of adults with congenital


  7   heart disease, 10-15 percent and in some cases


  8   larger.


  9             What do these inquiring pediatric


 10   cardiologists want to know?  the first thing they


 11   want to know is are nonionic contrast agents really


 12   that safe or have they just been lucky or good in


 13   their practice?  The type of complications that we


 14   are talking about do not really reference nausea


 15   and vomiting; they reflect the sort of


 16   complications which are meaningful to this


 17   gun-slinging subgroup of pediatricians.  That would


 18   be death, shock, anaphylaxis, life-threatening


 19   respiratory distress, gross hematuria, acute renal


 20   failure and so on.


 21             Their experience is that with the


 22   development of nonionic contrast agents those


 23   complications, all of which were seen previously in


 24   frighteningly high numbers, have now disappeared


 25   almost completely.  But there still is a question




  1   in the mind of the practitioners as to what is


  2   safe.  That is important particularly when we


  3   consider whether there is a maximum volume of


  4   contrast that I can inject safely.  Most pediatric


  5   centers will limit contrast injection to a total of


  6   somewhere between 5-7 cc/kg of body weight during


  7   the course of a single cardiac catheterization.


  8   Some centers have hinted that as they approach that


  9   contrast wall they will forego indicated diagnostic


 10   procedures till another day for safety-related


 11   reasons.  Is that a good practice?  Nobody really


 12   knows.


 13             So, cardiologists would like to know how


 14   safe these contrast agents are and does that safety


 15   factor vary with age, vary with lesion, vary with


 16   co-morbidities, or vary with the program of


 17   injection?  Are a couple of great, big angiograms


 18   like we used to do better or worse for the patient


 19   than a whole bunch of small angiograms that might


 20   guide an intervention during a dilation and


 21   stenting?  The data is simply not there.


 22             Finally, is there an agent that will give


 23   adequate opacification at lower volumes of contrast


 24   administered in large patients?  This is


 25   particularly apropos to that increasing patient




  1   population, the adult with congenital heart


  2   disease.


  3             The final question is one that many


  4   pediatric cardiologists ask themselves at the end


  5   of the day, especially if their day is ending in


  6   the middle of the night, how can I earn as much as


  7   my colleagues in internal medicine do?  I know that


  8   is beyond the scope of this committee to answer.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Why wouldn't you study these agents?  That


 11   is the question that I came to ask myself as I


 12   tried to prepare these comments.  There may be


 13   philosophical considerations at work here.  Some


 14   feel that data-driven decision-making is of no


 15   particular value.  Others may feel that children


 16   are unable for some reason to receive the benefits


 17   that accrue to the adult patient through scientific


 18   study.  Evidence-based medicine has refuted, I


 19   think quite effectively, both of these contentions


 20   and Congress has mandated that the benefits of


 21   study should be available to children as well as to


 22   adults.  There may be some who believe that


 23   clinical resources do not exist to study this


 24   problem effectively in children.


 25             Each of the institutions I have surveyed




  1   indicated that they would be pleased to participate


  2   in studies to answer some of the questions that


  3   were raised.  That doesn't represent written in


  4   stone commitment but it certainly does indicate


  5   interest and, coupled both with the incidence and


  6   prevalence factors that I spoke of initially,


  7   indicates that I think there is a patient


  8   population there readily available for study.


  9             Finally, there may be some hard-core


 10   skeptics who are either unfamiliar with or frankly


 11   doubtful that important practice improvements have


 12   been made as the result of the fruits of FDAMA.


 13             [Slide]


 14             Dr. Cummins pointed you toward the FDA web


 15   site which, much to my surprise, I was actually


 16   able to access in a user-friendly fashion.  That is


 17   a comment on me; that is not a comment on you.


 18   What I found is that the FDA has so far issued


 19   approximately 300 written requests and that, as a


 20   result of the studies requested, there have been


 21   over 90 changes in labeling.  I can say as a


 22   pediatrician that fully 15 of those 90 changes are


 23   changes that impact my practice, five of which very


 24   directly and I am a niche practitioner--studies on


 25   midazolam, studies on fentanyl, studies on all of




  1   the statins, studies on all of the prils have been


  2   important to me as a practicing pediatric


  3   cardiologist.  As the Carpenters would say, we have


  4   only just begun to gather this information.


  5             [Slide]


  6             If you look at the exclusivity statistics


  7   you will see that some divisions have been very


  8   active in requesting studies in pediatric patients,


  9   and one particular division has not, the Division


 10   of--what do you call yourselves?--Medical Imaging


 11   and Radiopharmaceutical Drug Products.  We single


 12   this out because it is the subject of today's


 13   discussion.  We feel clearly, as pediatricians,


 14   that this area deserves study as well.


 15             [Slide]


 16             So, what are the recommendations of the


 17   American Academy of Pediatrics?  We feel that the


 18   FDA should exercise its authority to require that


 19   appropriate studies be performed regarding the use


 20   of intravascular contrast agents and


 21   radiopharmaceuticals in children cardiac disease.


 22             We feel that those contrast studies should


 23   focus on dosing considerations, balancing safety


 24   concerns with imaging effectiveness.  As an aside,


 25   there is a question in the mind at least of all the




  1   practitioners as to whether the new nonionic


  2   contrasts achieve a comparable level of


  3   opacification and, therefore, diagnostic


  4   information.  Inadequate data or erroneous data can


  5   be as damaging as no data at all.  So, clearly,


  6   that has to be balanced against the safety


  7   consideration.


  8             Finally, we wonder, and this is just a


  9   question, whether a different regulatory posture


 10   may be needed on the part of the FDA in order to


 11   study these agents as effectively as others have


 12   been studied.  It is our understanding that


 13   currently intravascular contrast agents and


 14   radiopharmaceuticals are regulated or studied under


 15   the auspices of a device rather than a drug, and we


 16   are not certain, if that is the case, whether this


 17   is the most effective way to pursue that.


 18   Regardless of whether it is a drug or whether it is


 19   a device, whether it is done through this division


 20   or that division, we feel there is a substantial


 21   problem to address a large pediatric population


 22   which can potentially benefit from an informed


 23   consideration of these agents.  Thank you.


 24             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you, Dr. Ring.


 25   Because of how these meetings are run, since Dr.




  1   Ring is not at the table this is our only


  2   opportunity to ask him questions that the committee


  3   may have.  Once our next speaker begins we can no


  4   longer ask him questions.  Are there any questions


  5   for Dr. Ring?


  6             [No response]


  7             Thank you very much.


  8             DR. LOEWKE:  Excuse me, I just wanted to


  9   clarify that the contrast agents and


 10   radiopharmaceuticals are approved at the Center for


 11   Drugs.


 12             DR. CHESNEY:  Our next speaker is Dr.


 13   Geva, from the Children's Hospital Boston.  Please,


 14   do give us a few seconds of your background.


 15                     Cardiologist Perspective


 16             [Slide]


 17             DR. GEVA:  My name is Tel Geva and I am


 18   from the Children's Hospital in Boston.  Just give


 19   me a second here to set this up.  I spend the


 20   majority of my time--I divide my time between


 21   taking care of children with congenital heart


 22   disease and imaging.  With regard to imaging, I


 23   divide my time between the cardiovascular MRI


 24   program in Children's Hospital in Boston, which I


 25   direct, and the echocardiography laboratory.




  1             [Slide]


  2             My task this morning is to give you an


  3   overview of progress in the field of pediatric


  4   cardiology.  This is, of course, a mammoth task but


  5   what I will focus on are the following areas, first


  6   the scope of congenital heart disease; trends in


  7   congenital heart disease outcomes; trends in


  8   management; trends in imaging of pediatric and


  9   adult congenital heart disease; and, finally, I


 10   will try to identify some of the gaps in knowledge


 11   as they pertain to imaging.


 12             [Slide]


 13             As the previous speaker has alluded to,


 14   the incidence of congenital heart disease as widely


 15   quoted is approximately 8 per 1,000 live births.


 16   This comes from the American Heart Association.


 17   With approximately 40,000 patients born every year


 18   with some form of congenital heart disease there


 19   are presently approximately a million Americans


 20   currently living with congenital heart disease.


 21             An extensive review by Hoffman and Kaplan,


 22   published in The Journal of the American College of


 23   Cardiology in 2002, analyzed 62 studies on the


 24   incidence of congenital heart disease published


 25   since 1955.  They found an incidence ranging from




  1   4-50 per 1,000 live births.  It turned out that the


  2   variations between those studies had mostly to do


  3   with the inclusion of small ventricular septal


  4   defects and it has to do with what kind of imaging


  5   or diagnostic modality was used to identify those


  6   ventricular septal defects.


  7             However, moderate and severe congenital


  8   heart disease--the incidence of those is


  9   approximately 6 per 1,000.  Those are patients that


 10   require some active management of their heart


 11   disease, and the incidence of 6 per 1,000 relates


 12   to the population of patients without excluding


 13   bicuspid aortic valve.  If you include bicuspid


 14   aortic valve, then the incidence increases to


 15   approximately 19 per 1,000 live births.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Here is a rundown of the types of


 18   congenital heart disease, and that is taken from


 19   that paper published in JACC and the numbers here


 20   are the median incidence per one million live


 21   births excluding non-stenotic bicuspid aortic


 22   valves and silent PDAs.  Also excluded are tiny


 23   ventricular septal defects.  Still, VSD or


 24   ventricular septal defect is the most common form


 25   of congenital heart disease, followed by several




  1   acyanotic congenital heart diseases.  Tetralogy of


  2   flow is the most common form of cyanotic congenital


  3   heart disease, followed by transposition of the


  4   great arteries.  If you look down here, at the


  5   bottom, all cyanotic congenital heart diseases


  6   account for approximately 1,270 per million of live


  7   births; all congenital heart disease, approximately


  8   7,600, which is close to the 8 per 1,000; and then


  9   bicuspid aortic valve being the commonest form of


 10   congenital heart disease.  However it manifests


 11   clinically oftentimes later in life.


 12             [Slide]


 13             Moving on to outcomes of congenital heart


 14   disease first looking at mortality, mortality has


 15   consistently decreased over the years.  This is a


 16   paper that originated here from the CDC, published


 17   in Circulation in 2001, showing the deaths per


 18   100,000, age adjusted, and showing a trend of


 19   declining overall mortality from congenital heart


 20   disease from 1979 through 1993.


 21             [Slide]


 22             When you look at age at death, then it


 23   turns out that 51 percent of the deaths occur in


 24   infants; additional 7 percent between 1-4 years of


 25   age.  So, the majority of deaths occur early in




  1   life and then it plateaus for several decades until


  2   it starts to pick up again in the elderly.  There


  3   are some racial differences with approximately 19


  4   percent higher mortality in Blacks compared with


  5   Whites, as found in that paper, and slight gender


  6   variations, as you can see from this graph.


  7             [Slide]


  8             This is data from Children's Hospital in


  9   Boston looking at the cardiac intensive care unit


 10   admissions--the blue bars here, from 1992 through


 11   2003.  Here, in red, is the overall mortality from


 12   all causes in cardiac patients.  This does not


 13   capture all deaths from congenital heart disease,


 14   nevertheless, the majority do occur in the cardiac


 15   intensive care unit and that is a relatively


 16   accurate representation of mortality in a large


 17   tertiary care acute care referral facility.  If you


 18   look at the numbers, about 14 years ago overall


 19   mortality was approximately 6 percent and that has


 20   decreased quite consistently in the last several


 21   years to somewhere between 2.5 and 2.8 percent for


 22   overall mortality.


 23             [Slide]


 24             Still, despite the overall decrease in


 25   mortality there are some pockets of resistance and




  1   there are certain types of lesions that are still


  2   at a high level of mortality.  I am just bringing


  3   as an example pulmonary vein stenosis which is


  4   nearly universally a fatal condition.  There are


  5   fortunately not too many similar conditions,


  6   nevertheless, there are some challenges in the


  7   field of pediatric cardiology even when it comes to


  8   mortality.


  9             [Slide]


 10             However, the majority of patients with


 11   congenital heart disease survive and the majority


 12   of the therapeutic interventions--surgeries,


 13   interventional catheterization, medical therapy--do


 14   not lead to cure.  Residual anatomical and


 15   functional abnormalities are very common in our


 16   patients.  Neurodevelopmental issues are of


 17   substantial interest, as well as social and


 18   insurability issues.


 19             [Slide]


 20             As survival of patients with congenital


 21   heart disease improved attention shifted from


 22   getting these patients alive out of the hospital to


 23   improving their functional, psychological and


 24   social outcomes.  These are just a few slides


 25   showing some of the work that has been done in that




  1   field.  This is from the circulatory arrest versus


  2   low flow cardiopulmonary bypass trial where


  3   patients with transposition of the great arteries


  4   were randomized into circulatory arrest versus low


  5   flow cardiopulmonary bypass, and this is the 8-year


  6   full-scale IQ results showing that in patients


  7   transposition in ventricular septum--their


  8   full-scale IQ is nearly normal as a group, whereas


  9   patients with transposition in ventricular septal


 10   defect who were randomized to the circulatory


 11   arrest arm actually as a group,had lower overall


 12   IQ.


 13             [Slide]


 14             There is similar data on patients after


 15   the Fontan operation, again showing full-scale IQ


 16   verbal and performance tests, and showing that


 17   overall these patients are doing nearly as well as


 18   the normal population.


 19             [Slide]


 20             Here is a group that doesn't do as well,


 21   albeit a small group of patients with interrupted


 22   aortic arch.  Their performance is sub-normal in


 23   all levels of tests.


 24             [Slide]


 25             It is interesting to compare patients with




  1   congenital heart disease to other pediatric


  2   patients with different problems.  This is what


  3   this work did, published in Circulation in 2001,


  4   comparing physical health summary and psychosocial


  5   summary in patients with transposition, asthma,


  6   juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and attention deficit


  7   disorder and you can see the comparison in this


  8   slide.  Patients with congenital heart disease


  9   don't do particularly worse than some other common


 10   forms of pediatric illnesses.


 11             [Slide]


 12             I mentioned earlier that patients with


 13   congenital heart disease, despite the excellent


 14   survival, overall have residual anatomical and


 15   functional abnormalities.  This is an example of a


 16   22-year old woman who had coarctation repair in


 17   infancy so even when we think that our treatment


 18   leads to cure, these are some of the complications


 19   or residuals that could develop--a huge aneurism.


 20   You can see part of the dissection right here in a


 21   patient about 20 years after repair of congenital


 22   heart disease.


 23             [Slide]


 24             This is an example of a common problem in


 25   a fairly large and rapidly growing population of




  1   patients, survivors of TOF repair.  Most of them


  2   survive and they reach adulthood.  However, most of


  3   them have significant pulmonary regurgitation.  It


  4   is essentially part of the operation to repair the


  5   tetralogy and they have free pulmonary


  6   regurgitation which you can see here on this image.


  7   Here is a 4-chamber view showing the markedly


  8   dilated right ventricle and right ventricular


  9   dysfunction.  So, these types of functional


 10   abnormalities are quite common in our patient


 11   populations.


 12             [Slide]


 13             Let me switch gears to trends in


 14   management of congenital heart disease.  Many


 15   variables account for the dramatic progress in


 16   treatments of congenital heart disease:  Better


 17   understanding of the anatomy, embryology, molecular


 18   genetics, pathophysiology and natural history and


 19   improved diagnosis and I will come back to that as


 20   this is the focus of this meeting.  Support


 21   technology has improved dramatically, including


 22   cardiorespiratory support and monitoring technology


 23   in the intensive care unit, operating room and the


 24   like, development of extracorporeal membrane


 25   oxygenators, mechanical assist devices.  Those are




  1   some examples of improved support technology;


  2   pharmacotherapy such as pressors, ACE inhibitors,


  3   beta-blockers and the like.  Surgical techniques


  4   have improved and transcatheter therapy is playing


  5   a major role in management of congenital heart


  6   disease.


  7             [Slide]


  8             Let me briefly touch on the overall


  9   progress in our surgery for congenital heart


 10   disease.  There has been a revolution in surgical


 11   management of congenital heart disease with early


 12   emphasis on a staged palliative approach, with


 13   emphasis on treatment of symptoms.  Examples


 14   include aortic pulmonary shunts to treat cyanosis


 15   in patients with reduced pulmonary blood flow, or


 16   placement of a pulmonary artery band to control


 17   pulmonary over-circulation.  That was then.


 18             Nowadays there is a growing emphasis on


 19   early anatomical repair, with emphasis on


 20   restoration of normal physiology with complete


 21   repair of complex anomalies done soon after birth


 22   in patients that are as small as 1.8 kg, with or


 23   without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass.


 24             Other areas of improvement include


 25   protection of vital organs.  Areas of research




  1   include circulatory versus low-flow bypass that I


  2   have mentioned earlier; improved myocardial


  3   protection; improved oxygen delivery; and then


  4   development of minimally invasive surgeries such as


  5   video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and robotic


  6   surgery as an example.


  7             [Slide]


  8             This is the Da Vinci robotic surgery.  For


  9   the purpose of this presentation, this is in fact a


 10   pig with a coarctation model and the surgeon, in


 11   fact, sits right here and this is the robot.  The


 12   surgeon controls the robotic arms, which you can


 13   see here, from a distance.  In this case he sits


 14   next to the operating table.  In fact, it is


 15   possible to do that from thousands of miles away.


 16   Here is an example of coarctation surgery.  This is


 17   practice coarctation surgery using robotic surgery.


 18   This particular experiment was done by Dr. Pedro De


 19   Lido from our hospital.  You can see that the


 20   robotic arms are essentially doing pretty much


 21   everything that the human arm can do.  What Pedro


 22   is telling me is that the degree of accuracy and


 23   control is far superior with this type of approach.


 24   In the interest of time, I will stop here but


 25   essentially all of these surgeries can be




  1   accomplished robotically.


  2             [Slide]


  3             Moving on to another area where there has


  4   been tremendous progress, this is transcatheter


  5   therapy of congenital heart disease.  The


  6   interventionalists are able to treat a growing


  7   number of conditions without the need for a


  8   thoracotomy or full cardiopulmonary bypass, valve


  9   and vessel stenosis using balloon stents, radio


 10   frequency energy, occlusion procedures for atrial


 11   and ventricular septal defects, collateral vessels,


 12   fistulae and the like.  There is a variety of


 13   occluding devices and coils available.  Arrhythmia


 14   therapy and fetal interventions are only some of


 15   the excellent work that is done in the


 16   catheterization laboratory.


 17             [Slide]


 18             There has been a trend in the


 19   catheterization laboratory.  This is the annual


 20   case volume in the cath laboratories in Boston from


 21   1990 through 2003.  I would just like to turn your


 22   attention to two things.  Number one, the overall


 23   case load has gone up and down a little bit but


 24   hasn't changed dramatically.  What has changed is


 25   the proportion of cases, in pink, of purely




  1   diagnostic procedures.  Not only did they go down


  2   in absolute terms, but even more so in relative


  3   terms.  So, the percentage of non-interventional


  4   procedures, in fact, has gone down to less than 25


  5   percent.  That is, more than 75 percent of cases


  6   are, in fact, interventional.


  7             [Slide]


  8             Moving on to a different area, that is,


  9   improved diagnosis which is the focus of this


 10   discussion, there has been obviously an evolution


 11   in introduction, development and use of various


 12   imaging modalities in the field of pediatric


 13   cardiology.  Cardiac catheterization with the use


 14   of X-ray angiography has been the first, dating


 15   back to the late 1930s.  I am not exactly sure when


 16   nuclear radioactive tracers were first introduced


 17   but I am told that goes many, many years back.


 18   However, the modern use of radionuclear cardiology,


 19   if you will, is not as old.


 20             Echocardiography came into the clinical


 21   arena sometime in the late 1970s.  Use of


 22   ultrasound in medicine goes back several years


 23   earlier than that but echo has truly revolutionized


 24   the way that pediatric cardiologists practice.  I


 25   will not spend time on that.  Needless to say, that




  1   technology has evolved dramatically and is the


  2   primary imaging tool used in the field of pediatric


  3   cardiology.


  4             CT came to the clinical arena sometime in


  5   the mid-1970s and is continuously improving in


  6   terms of resolutions and its role in imaging


  7   patients with congenital heart disease certainly


  8   has a place.


  9             MRI is the newest kid on the block and is


 10   of particular interest to me.  The success of MRI


 11   in congenital heart disease has to do with the


 12   transition from being primarily an anatomical


 13   imaging modality to being a much more diverse tool


 14   that allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the


 15   cardiovascular system including anatomy, function,


 16   flow analysis, effusion viability and so on and so


 17   forth.  Dr. Fogel, I am sure, will get into that


 18   into more detail.


 19             [Slide]


 20             Just to give you a perspective with regard


 21   to the use of these imaging tools in congenital


 22   heart disease, here is the breakdown of use of


 23   imaging techniques.  I didn't include CT simply


 24   because we don't really have an identifying code


 25   for cardiac CT as opposed to chest CT for various




  1   lung diseases.  So, we don't really know how many


  2   CTs we perform.  Nevertheless, you can see here


  3   that echo by far has exceeded every other imaging


  4   modality.


  5             [Slide]


  6             So, the excellent overall survival of


  7   patients with congenital heart disease and the


  8   associated high rate of residual anatomic and


  9   functional cardiovascular impairments in these


 10   patients result in a rapidly growing population of


 11   individuals with a life-long need for surveillance


 12   that includes cardiac imaging.  In other words, the


 13   patient population that we will be asked to image


 14   is rapidly growing.


 15             [Slide]


 16             Here is some of the evidence for that.


 17   Here is the annual case load in echocardiography at


 18   our hospital.  I can tell you that this is not


 19   because of improved marketing or because we have


 20   changed dramatically our capture of the local


 21   market.  This is based on analysis of the data and


 22   mostly has to do with simply the growing


 23   population.  This is a reflection of improved


 24   survival and the fact that these patients come back


 25   again and again and again because they are not




  1   cured and they need to have continued imaging.


  2             [Slide]


  3             Similarly, in the cardiovascular MRI


  4   program, albeit there are much smaller numbers,


  5   this not only reflects evolution of the technology


  6   but also the fact that the same patients come back


  7   again and again, and it gives you a flavor as to


  8   how these imaging modalities are used in clinical


  9   practice.


 10             [Slide]


 11             The last issue I would like to touch on


 12   are safety issues in pediatric cardiac imaging.


 13   There are many safety issues that are worthy of


 14   in-depth discussion.  Not all of them directly


 15   relate to this committee or the other committee or


 16   this body of the Food and Drug Administration.  I


 17   am listing as many as I could think about.


 18             The issue that is unique to pediatrics or


 19   nearly unique has to do with sedation.  Young


 20   children cannot cooperate with many imaging tests


 21   and the more involved the imaging procedure is, the


 22   greater the need for sedation for the patient to


 23   stay still, calm, to alleviate anxiety, etc.


 24             There are inherent risks of invasive


 25   diagnostic procedures that I will not go into but




  1   they have to be taken into account.  So, when you


  2   have a choice of making a diagnosis or getting


  3   information by a non-invasive technique or an


  4   invasive technique, the inherent risks of invasive


  5   techniques must be taken into consideration.


  6             Ionizing radiation exposure--I will come


  7   back to that briefly.  Contrast agents is the focus


  8   of this discussion so I will not discuss those.


  9   Radiopharmaceuticals, the same.  Auditory trauma is


 10   something that is relevant to magnetic resonance


 11   imaging.  Pharmacological testing--I am not sure if


 12   Mark will touch on that but we are doing a growing


 13   number of pharmacological testing in the MRI suite


 14   with children.  Just to give you an example,


 15   children with Kawasaki disease who have large


 16   coronary aneurysms are being sent to us for


 17   assessment of myocardial ischemia and viability.


 18   So, we are doing adenosine stress, gadolinium


 19   perfusion and viability exams in those children.


 20             Lastly, improper use of imaging


 21   technology, including an unfavorable risk/benefit


 22   ratio--this is not an obvious safety issue but I


 23   think it is.  I think if a patient is set for a


 24   test such as cardiac catheterization or CT with its


 25   risk of ionizing radiation and there is an




  1   alternative at least as good non-invasive test


  2   without those risks, then that patient is exposed


  3   to an unnecessary risk.


  4             [Slide]


  5             Let me finish off by touching on ionizing


  6   radiation exposure.  Briefly, this is a paper that


  7   was published in 2001 in AJR.  I am sure many of


  8   you are familiar with it and, if not, the reference


  9   is available.  It looked at the estimated risk of


 10   radiation-induced fatal cancer from pediatric CT.


 11             [Slide]


 12             This is a graph of pharmacokinetics from a


 13   subsequent article.  This is the estimated lifetime


 14   attributable risk of fatal cancer in pediatric CT.


 15   On the X axis is age and on the Y axis is the


 16   percent risk.  So, 0.1 means 1/1,000 will die from


 17   cancer related to radiation from CT examination.


 18   Notice the relation between age and risk.  Here is


 19   a unique issue relevant to the pediatric


 20   population.  As you get to the first decade of


 21   life, especially during the first 4 years of life,


 22   these patients are particularly susceptible to risk


 23   of ionizing radiation.


 24             [Slide]


 25             Dr. Brenner estimated that above the dose




  1   of 50-100 mSv protracted exposure or 10-50 mSv


  2   acute exposure there is direct epidemiologic


  3   evidence from human populations that demonstrate


  4   that exposure to ionizing radiation increases the


  5   risk of some cancer.


  6             [Slide]


  7             It takes years to realize the risk from


  8   ionizing radiation, as it did for realizing the


  9   relationship between cigarette consumption and lung


 10   cancer.  So, with regard to cardiac catheterization


 11   in the pediatric age group, this is the first


 12   direct evidence or the first paper that I was able


 13   to find that actually demonstrated that link.  This


 14   is a paper published in the International Journal


 15   of Epidemiology in 2002.  The reference is up on


 16   top.  This group looked at 674 children who


 17   underwent cardiac catheterization between 1950 and


 18   1970 in Israel, and 28.6 had more than one


 19   catheterization.  The mean age at cath was just


 20   about 9 years.  Mean age at follow-up was 37.5


 21   years.  They compared the data to a national


 22   database and the expected number of malignancies


 23   was 4.75 whereas the observed number of


 24   malignancies was 11, yielding a standardized


 25   incidence ratio of 2.3 and you can see the 95




  1   percent confidence intervals.  Of the 11


  2   malignancies, 4 were lymphomas and 3 were


  3   melanomas.


  4             [Slide]


  5             In summary, advances in diagnosis and


  6   management of congenital heart disease have led to


  7   a dramatic decline in overall mortality to less


  8   than 3 percent.  With the rapidly expanding


  9   population of patients with congenital heart


 10   disease, currently estimated between 1-2 million in


 11   the United States and growing, patients are rarely


 12   cured.  Frequent anatomic and hemodynamic


 13   abnormalities require surveillance, that is,


 14   imaging.  And, there is an increasing use of


 15   transcatheter and minimally invasive surgical


 16   interventions that also are based on imaging.


 17             [Slide]


 18             Consequently, the number of cardiovascular


 19   imaging procedures in patients with congenital


 20   heart disease will continue to increase, and there


 21   is an urgent need for research in pediatric cardiac


 22   imaging with regard to safety and efficacy of


 23   radiopharmaceuticals; the cost and risk/benefit


 24   ratio of various imaging strategies; and minimizing


 25   exposure to ionizing radiation.  Thank you.




  1             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  Your


  2   graphics were wonderful.  We now can take questions


  3   for Dr. Cummins, Dr. Loewke and Dr. Geva.  Dr.


  4   Fost?


  5                         Q&A for Speakers


  6             DR. FOST:  I doubt that you have numbers


  7   on this but I am interested in how commonly you get


  8   adventitious findings with the expanded use of


  9   these various imaging procedures.  You mentioned


 10   one study showing 50/1,000 congenital heart disease


 11   picking up some clinically insignificant lesions


 12   but I am wondering if there were wider use of


 13   various imaging procedures how common do you think


 14   it would be that clinically insignificant findings


 15   would be picked up which could lead to both medical


 16   risks, that is, impulsion to do further studies and


 17   possibly even unneeded therapeutic studies but more


 18   invasive diagnostic studies, and psychosocial


 19   issues, stigmatization, confusion, parents thinking


 20   their child had some severe cardiac disease?  How


 21   common is that and how do cardiologists handle that


 22   now?


 23             DR. GEVA:  No, I don't have numbers but,


 24   in the spirit of an overview, I think that overall


 25   the problem is not widespread.  I don't think it is




  1   a major problem.  Perhaps I have a skewed view


  2   residing in a tertiary referral center.  There are


  3   some issues with identification and proper


  4   diagnosis of congenital heart disease that have to


  5   do with some of these imaging tests performed by


  6   non-experts or by people who don't do that for a


  7   living.  There has been, for example, an excellent


  8   paper published from UCSF where they looked at


  9   accuracy of diagnoses, accuracy of identifying


 10   congenital heart disease by echocardiography


 11   comparing pediatric echocardiography laboratory to


 12   adults and showing significant differences with


 13   either misdiagnoses or wrong diagnoses when echo


 14   was done in non-expert hands.  Certainly from


 15   anecdotal experience, that is true for other


 16   diagnostic testing in congenital heart disease.


 17             DR. FOST:  I was more interested in the


 18   issue of over-diagnosis rather than


 19   under-diagnosis, but I am also interested in


 20   adventitious findings of extracardiac lesions.


 21   That is, you do scans of various types and you pick


 22   up lesions that you weren't even concerned about


 23   which are in the body, in the kidney, brain and so


 24   on, some of which may be clinically significant and


 25   variable but many and probably most which will be




  1   of very uncertain clinical significance.  Is that a


  2   common phenomenon?  Do you have any thoughts about


  3   the expanded discovery of such adventitious things


  4   with the standard use of imaging, particularly in


  5   following up children over the years, and so on?


  6             DR. GEVA:  It happens.  I don't know how


  7   common it is.  I simply don't have data that I can


  8   provide you with.  In the course of either an


  9   echocardiographic examination or cardiac MRI


 10   examination we have discovered all sorts of


 11   non-cardiac abnormalities, anywhere from thyroid


 12   cancer in young patients who get an MRI for


 13   congenital heart disease to bronchial cyst picked


 14   up on echocardiogram, and so on.  This is


 15   anecdotal.  I am not aware of a systematic data set


 16   that, in fact, looks at it, that I am aware of.


 17             DR. CHESNEY:  Yes, Dr. Santana?


 18             DR. SANTANA:  As a non-cardiologist, can


 19   you help me understand how these modalities are


 20   used in different historical time points for the


 21   patient?  Do you always get an echo, a diagnostic


 22   cath or MRI diagnosis and then after that you say I


 23   am going to use this modality from now on or I am


 24   going to complement it with something else?  That


 25   is one question, if you could clarify it for me.




  1             The second is you obviously come from a


  2   large center where you have done a lot of cardiac


  3   caths historically.  Have you looked at your data


  4   set in terms of second malignancies in relation to


  5   radiation exposure, and how do you quantify the


  6   radiation experience for patients receiving all


  7   this imaging?


  8             DR. GEVA:  Let me answer the second one


  9   while it is still fresh in my mind.  We have not


 10   looked at the relationship between cardiac


 11   catheterization, ionizing radiation exposure and


 12   cancer in our center, and that would be an


 13   important study to do.  We certainly have the


 14   patient population, both in terms of how long the


 15   cath laboratory in Boston has been active as well


 16   as sheer numbers.  But that study, to my knowledge,


 17   is not under way.


 18             We do have the standard--whatever is


 19   mandated by the regulatory bodies--elements in


 20   place to monitor radiation but then I have to say


 21   that as I started looking into radiation exposure I


 22   discovered that this is not as simple as meets the


 23   eye.  There are various standards and measures and


 24   what is often measured and recorded is not


 25   necessarily what is biologically important.  My




  1   suspicion is that you would have to go in and


  2   prospectively set up a system to, in fact, evaluate


  3   the amount of radiation that patients are exposed


  4   to that is biologically relevant.  Again, I don't


  5   think that we or other places do that.


  6             With regard to your first question, I


  7   would say that echocardiography is being used


  8   widely almost as an extension of the stethoscope.


  9   When a question about congenital heart disease


 10   comes up based on clinical suspicion, it almost


 11   automatically triggers an echocardiogram.  Other


 12   tests or other diagnostic imaging testing that


 13   comes after that varies quite substantially across


 14   the field, even within a center from cardiologist


 15   to cardiologist whether to catheterize, when to


 16   catheterize.  Use of cardiac MRI as a widely


 17   available clinical tool is in its infancy.  I


 18   suspect that is the case for the high quality


 19   cardiac CT technology and similarly radionuclear.


 20             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fink?


 21             DR. FINK:  Just a quick question, you


 22   presented the spectrum for CT for head and abdomen.


 23   Where would cardiac CT fit in that in terms of


 24   radiation exposure?


 25             DR. GEVA:  Closer to abdomen, number one,




  1   but what I did not mention is the fact that these


  2   analyses were performed from standard CT


  3   examinations.  The modern CT angiography studies


  4   using multidetector CTs, in fact, expose patients


  5   to much higher doses of radiation.


  6             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Siegel?


  7             DR. SIEGEL:  Two comments, one is


  8   addressing the incidental findings in imaging.  I


  9   can address that from a CT standpoint.  Cardiac CT


 10   in children is still a relatively young tool but in


 11   our experience we have really not found incidental


 12   lesions I think in anyone in that population.  In


 13   adults it is different because there are more risk


 14   factors.  So, in adults we are going to see those


 15   pulmonary nodules and it is a problem--is it


 16   inflammatory or is it tumor?  In children that has


 17   not been the case so far in, again, relatively


 18   early experience.


 19             The other thing, which I will address in


 20   some of my presentation, is the radiation risk with


 21   CT.  In adults, if you do coronary CT you are using


 22   a limited area and you can get some high radiation.


 23   In children, when we do cardiac CT we are really


 24   examining the entire chest.  I will show you that


 25   some of the doses are lower now with the techniques




  1   that we are using.


  2             DR. CHESNEY:  Yes, Dr. Maldonado?


  3             DR. MALDONADO:  This question is for Dr.


  4   Cummins.  Before I ask the question I just want to


  5   make the comment that I fully agree with her that


  6   this carrot that the BPCA has created is really


  7   significant, except that not all the drugs are


  8   block-buster drugs like fluticasone or Viagra, and


  9   I am sure you know that Viagra has a written


 10   request for pediatrics in the FDA.  It had better


 11   be for a different indication.


 12             [Laughter]


 13             By saying that, I am not trying to


 14   minimize the importance even for all the other


 15   drugs that are not block-buster drugs.  For me,


 16   working in the pharmaceutical industry, it is a


 17   very good tool and it is a good tool that helps us


 18   to balance the fears and the disincentives that


 19   have been in place for years, like the liability


 20   issues that are very big in the minds of the


 21   leaders in the pharmaceutical industry.


 22             But there is another element that I should


 23   mention, and that is that the fact that the


 24   government has created two laws for pediatric drug


 25   development by itself makes a strong statement




  1   that, indeed, you mean business and it is better to


  2   respond to that.  Indeed, even when the economic


  3   incentive may not be significant, it is


  4   significant--those two statements that the


  5   government has made.


  6             That leads me to the following question,


  7   as chair of the pediatric working group in PhRMA,


  8   with all the other members of that group we do an


  9   extensive advocacy because we are not just trying


 10   to use these tools but also advocacy.  I went to


 11   the FDA web site in pediatrics--and by the way, as


 12   Dr. Ring said it is a very good, user-friendly web


 13   site--trying to look for the list of the sponsors


 14   who have not responded either because we have


 15   refused or basically have not responded to a


 16   written request, and I know that the list of


 17   non-responders was supposed to be made public and


 18   maybe I am looking in the wrong place or may have


 19   missed altogether that list of drug companies that


 20   have not responded.  Why I wanted that list is


 21   because if I can identify those, I can do


 22   advocacy--not me personally but through all the


 23   members of the pharmaceutical industry--to find out


 24   why they are not responding and maybe correct that


 25   problem.  But maybe I am looking in the wrong place




  1   and I don't know where that list is.


  2             DR. CUMMINS:  I am going to defer to my


  3   senior management on that one.


  4             DR. D. MURPHY:  Dr. Maldonado, I think


  5   what you are referring to is the process where if


  6   we issue a written request and it is turned down by


  7   industry and we send it forward to NIH or to the


  8   Foundation, then it becomes public.  But if we


  9   issue a written request to a sponsor for an


 10   on-patent product and they decline it and we do not


 11   forward it for some reason, such as additional


 12   information has occurred and maybe somebody else's


 13   study is done in some other way and we are not


 14   going to forward it, then we would not make that


 15   information public.  So, what you are asking for is


 16   really the list of off-patent plus those that are


 17   referred to the Foundation.  Is that correct?


 18             DR. MALDONADO:  Not the off-patent, the


 19   on-patent drugs that have minimal response from


 20   industry to forward to the Foundation.  Some people


 21   actually questioned that in the law, saying are you


 22   trying just to embarrass those companies by making


 23   it public.  That is fine, they can be embarrassed


 24   if you need to embarrass them but, at the other


 25   end, I would like to have that information to see




  1   if, through the PhRMA pediatric working group we


  2   can do some advocacy for them to respond.


  3             DR. D. MURPHY:  I guess one thing I am


  4   just not completely sure is once we send it to NIH


  5   or to the Foundation whether at that point it


  6   becomes completely public knowledge.  I mean, after


  7   we get the response from the industry that it is no


  8   and we refer it to the Foundation, it is when that


  9   process becomes public that we need to follow-up on


 10   with you.  Okay?  Because we do have a couple that


 11   we are referring to the Foundation.  We will be


 12   glad to get those to you as soon as we can.


 13             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fink?


 14             DR. FINK:  This is a question for FDA.


 15   From a regulatory standpoint, are there any


 16   obstacles or hurdles you would face in doing


 17   pediatric studies for some of these indications


 18   when the adult studies for similar--well, different


 19   indications but the same adult studies of cardiac


 20   use of these compounds have not been performed?


 21             DR. D. MURPHY:  You say this would be a


 22   new indication for the drug altogether?


 23             DR. FINK:  No, most of the FDA regulations


 24   seem to be based on the assumption that adult


 25   studies have already been performed and pediatric




  1   studies then follow on.  In some of these places we


  2   would actually potentially be jumping pediatrics


  3   ahead of adults because there is not an approved


  4   adult indication.  Is that a regulatory problem at


  5   all?


  6             DR. D. MURPHY:  Susan?


  7             DR. LOEWKE:  I don't believe so.  No, if


  8   there is a patient population for which there would


  9   be benefit to study this product we would pursue


 10   it.  Obviously, we like to rely on a database of


 11   information from adults.  That makes us much more


 12   comfortable when we move into pediatrics.


 13             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Glode?


 14             DR. GLODE:  I also have just a quick


 15   question for Dr. Cummins.  If, by virtue of a


 16   written request or a proposed pediatric study


 17   request, exclusivity is granted and the company


 18   does three studies in children and all three show


 19   no efficacy, is then automatically the label of the


 20   drug changed to say studies have been done in the


 21   pediatric population which demonstrated no efficacy


 22   or what happens?


 23             DR. D. MURPHY:  If they do three studies


 24   and they are all negative, and they came in after


 25   BPCA was enacted and after they had gotten the




  1   letter from us saying they were now under BPCA, all


  2   of those will go up on the web.  Those studies will


  3   go up on the web.  The controversy really now is


  4   the label.  The divisions have had different


  5   approaches to this depending on the risk of putting


  6   the information in and having that information


  7   actually lead to improper use versus putting that


  8   information in and thinking that they are able to


  9   qualify it or modify it in a way so people


 10   understand the context.  So, the bottom line is


 11   that sometimes they do put that in the label, that


 12   a negative study has been conducted, because they


 13   think that, unlike neuropharm where you may get 10


 14   or 12 studies, you know, usually you get positive


 15   studies fairly rapidly if they are well designed


 16   and they think it is important to say, and we have


 17   had that happen where they put that information in


 18   the label.


 19             One of the problems we have found is that


 20   if you put information in the label, and


 21   particularly if you describe the studies and the


 22   dosing that occurred in the study, it is taken as a


 23   de facto indication even when you say that that


 24   study didn't show efficacy.  So, there is a balance


 25   in trying to provide information in the label that




  1   describes the context of that information.  In


  2   other words, this is three studies out of three


  3   really good studies, and they try to tell you how


  4   many patients and whatever, and they were negative,


  5   or these are three small studies and we don't think


  6   that they were able to tell us that much.  That is


  7   the quandary because the label, as you know, is


  8   what allows marketing.  So, that is why we have to


  9   be careful what we put in it, even if it negative.


 10   So, it is a balance of trying to put very few


 11   sentences in that would describe those negative


 12   studies and put them in context and that is why you


 13   get some of them not put in the label.


 14             DR. CHESNEY:  Yes, Dr. O'Fallon?


 15             DR. O'FALLON:  A follow-up on that then,


 16   say pediatricians are needing something, this is an


 17   indication that is real in the pediatric


 18   population, and they got three negative studies,


 19   that is, negative for efficacy but they collected a


 20   whole ton of adverse events data, what happens?


 21   Does the adverse event data information get into


 22   the label?


 23             DR. D. MURPHY:  The answer is sometimes.


 24   It would depend on is it already labeled.  In other


 25   words, does the adult indication have the same




  1   adverse event?  And, there might be a statement in


  2   there and they may not say anything additional.


  3   However, if there are unique adverse events that


  4   are considered important and significant to be put


  5   in there, yes, they would put that in there.  From


  6   yesterday's discussion you can see where that cut


  7   might vary but the answer is if they are unique


  8   adverse events that are safety issues that the


  9   division agrees are solid data, then it would go in


 10   there.  But I think propyphol is one of those


 11   examples where there was a great concern about what


 12   it meant.  You had one positive, one negative.


 13   There was a lot of discussion as to one center


 14   driving that data; lots of controversy.  Yet, it


 15   was felt that we could find a way to state in the


 16   label in a limited way what the problem was so that


 17   safety data did go in.


 18             DR. O'FALLON:  Because yesterday we did


 19   see examples in which the statement was made that


 20   the adverse events pattern was similar to that of


 21   the adults and, yet, it really wasn't.  When you


 22   looked at it the same things were showing up but in


 23   rather significantly different frequencies of


 24   occurrence.  So, you know, they say "ah, yeah, they


 25   are seeing seizures."  Well, they are seeing




  1   seizures in half of one percent in adults and five


  2   percent of children.  Now, is that similar?  That


  3   type of thing.


  4             DR. D. MURPHY:  That gets to be a


  5   discussion within the division.


  6             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fink, you have another


  7   question?


  8             DR. FINK:  This is I guess also for Diane.


  9   It sounded like your implication was that, let's


 10   say, you took a dermatologic topical that had not


 11   shown efficacy in young children but the safety


 12   data was okay, if you put that in the label the


 13   company could potentially then advertise that the


 14   product was safe to use for children down to age


 15   two even though efficacy hadn't been shown between,


 16   let's say, in age two and five.


 17             DR. D. MURPHY:  No, they couldn't market


 18   it as being proven to be efficacious.  I guess what


 19   I would say is that if you got something in the


 20   package insert which says it has been studied and


 21   there were no adverse events, that might be


 22   utilized in a way that wouldn't be optimal.


 23             [Laughter]


 24             DR. CHESNEY:  Yes, another question?


 25             DR. FOGEL:  Yes, this is a question about




  1   the exclusivity rule.  It just wasn't clear from


  2   the presentation how many times can industry


  3   actually use it?  In other words, if they come out


  4   with one indication and they get the exclusivity


  5   rule and then they come up with a second indication


  6   does the exclusivity rule go into effect so they


  7   have a year's worth of exclusivity?  Or, can it


  8   only be used once?


  9             DR. ROBERTS:  They can actually have two


 10   exclusivities.  The first exclusivity is the one


 11   that Susan described in her talk where that six


 12   additional months of marketing attaches to the


 13   entire moiety or the entire product where they have


 14   existing exclusivity or patent to attach to.  The


 15   second period of exclusivity is much more limited


 16   and has not seemed to be of big interest to


 17   industry.  We have only had maybe three to five


 18   times where they have actually attempted to get the


 19   second period of exclusivity.  For the second


 20   period it will attach only to the indication that


 21   they receive.  Therefore, unlike the first period


 22   of exclusivity, they actually have to submit a


 23   supplement that gets approved and then they can get


 24   the six months of additional exclusivity on the


 25   three years of Hatch-Waxman exclusivity that they




  1   would get with the approved indication.  That has


  2   always been available to industry; that is not new,


  3   except for the six months of additional pediatric


  4   exclusivity.  They have always had the ability to


  5   get the three years of Hatch-Waxman.  So, we don't


  6   see that there has been much interest in that.


  7             DR. CHESNEY:  I think maybe we have


  8   exhausted all the questions.  We are scheduled to


  9   begin again at 1:15.  Unless I hear a significant


 10   outcry for making it 15 minutes instead of half an


 11   hour, I think maybe we will stick with the 1:15.


 12   Does the committee have any strong feelings about


 13   cutting off 15 minutes?


 14             [No response]


 15             So, we will reconvene at 1:15.  Thank you.


 16             [Whereupon, at 12:45 p.m., the proceedings


 17   were recessed for lunch, to resume at 1:15 p.m.]




  1             A F T E R N O O N  P R O C E E D I N G S


  2             DR. CHESNEY:  We are still looking at the


  3   possibility of finishing up today.  One suggestion


  4   that has been brought to my attention is that we


  5   could stay as late as 6:00 or 7:00 this evening if


  6   that would significantly affect people's travel


  7   plans.  If everybody is planning to stay over


  8   tonight regardless of when we finish, then maybe it


  9   is not quite so urgent to finish.  Does the


 10   committee have any feelings about whether we push


 11   on till later or shall we wait until after the


 12   break to make that decision?  The question is are


 13   we having cocktails at 5:00?


 14             [Laughter]


 15             Well, we will wait until we see how the


 16   afternoon progresses and at the break we will make


 17   a final decision, and the FDA has offered to help


 18   with getting people tickets out this evening if


 19   that is our decision.


 20             Our first speaker for this afternoon is


 21   Dr. Mark Fogel who will discuss contrast enhanced


 22   cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.


 23                Contrast Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic


 24                        Resonance Imaging


 25             DR. FOGEL:  While we are waiting, my name




  1   is Mark Fogel.  I am Associate Professor of


  2   Pediatrics and Radiology at Children's Hospital of


  3   Philadelphia.  I am a director of cardiac MRI.  I


  4   also spend a good portion of my time in the echo


  5   lab as well.  I have been doing cardiac MRI since


  6   1990 so I have seen a decade's worth, at least a


  7   decade's worth of development of the field.  I did


  8   take a three-year hiatus to run large-scale


  9   clinical drug trials for a pharmaceutical company


 10   so I have the unique experience of being able to


 11   see drug development from both sides.


 12             [Slide]


 13             Today I am going to be talking with you


 14   about contrast enhanced pediatric cardiac magnetic


 15   resonance imaging.  Although MRI is a multi-faceted


 16   technique, what I am going to concentrate on is


 17   just the contrast enhanced version of it.  What I


 18   am going to talk to you today about--and this is


 19   the order in which the talk is arranged--is the


 20   description and properties of the most commonly


 21   used contrast agents, in particular gadolinium; how


 22   it is used, for what purpose; the dosing and


 23   administration; and then just a brief slide about


 24   the future.


 25             [Slide]




  1             I first want to take 30 seconds and step


  2   back a little bit for how MRI generates an image.


  3   That is important because you need to know where


  4   some of the contrast agents act.  MRI can


  5   differentiate tissue by its magnetic properties.


  6   You will see on the screen the four major ways of


  7   how cardiac MRI does that:  The hydrogen and proton


  8   density of the tissue; the T1 recovery rates, and


  9   T1 is also called the longitudinal vertical or


 10   spin-lattice relaxation; the T2 recovery rate,


 11   which is also called the


 12   horizontal/transverse/spin-spin recovery rates;


 13   and, finally, the motion/flow properties of the


 14   various tissues.


 15             Gadolinium, the major contrast agent in


 16   MRI, works mostly in T1, right over here at this


 17   portion.  Gadolinium itself is, as I said, the most


 18   common contract agent that is used by cardiologists


 19   for contrast enhanced MRI.  It has 7 unpaired


 20   electrons in its outer shell.  It is paramagentic,


 21   meaning that it generates a large magnetic moment


 22   when placed in a magnetic field.  It is toxic.  It


 23   is a heavy metal.  So, the way we have gotten


 24   around that is that it is bound to a chelator.  The


 25   most common one, and I will probably pronounce this




  1   wrong, is diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid,


  2   abbreviated DTPA.  There are other ways in which


  3   gadolinium can be bound to large molecules, like


  4   albumin which doesn't diffuse through the capillary


  5   membranes, making it a blood pool agent.  However,


  6   that has yet to be FDA approved.


  7             [Slide]


  8             It is an extracellular agent.  It has


  9   rapid vascular equilibration and extravasation into


 10   the extravascular tissue.  The mechanism of action,


 11   the way it works is that it increases the


 12   relaxation rate of the surrounding protons when it


 13   is injected in a dose-dependent fashion.  As I


 14   mentioned before, it does affect T1 mostly and that


 15   is the major effect of gadolinium.  It decreases


 16   the T1 constant and, therefore, increases the


 17   signal intensity of the image.  For your reference,


 18   T1 of blood is 1,200 measure and it decreases it


 19   down to 100 measure at 1.5 tesla.  The formula you


 20   see on the bottom basically is the way people


 21   calculate the relaxivities of the various


 22   gadolinium agents, R being the relaxivity constant


 23   and the Gd with the brackets around it is the


 24   concentration of gadolinium.


 25             It does also affect T2 but that is a very




  1   minor component of it.  It increases the rate of


  2   decay of that and what tissues benefit the most


  3   from gadolinium targeting.  That is, if the target


  4   tissue, the T1 value is similar to the background


  5   but, yet, the target tissue takes up the


  6   gadolinium, such as blood, and the rest of the


  7   background does not, that is the tissues that


  8   benefit the most from gadolinium enhancement.  As


  9   such, because it affects T1 the most, sequences


 10   that have short repetition times, shown here as TR,


 11   moderately short echo times, or TE, as well as high


 12   flip angle studies are the ones that we use


 13   gadolinium with the most.


 14             [Slide]


 15             Pharmacokinetics is what makes this thing


 16   work.  You will see why in a second.  Free


 17   gadolinium, as you know, is a heavy metal and is


 18   toxic, as I mentioned.  Its half-life is actually


 19   several weeks.  The way we get around it is


 20   chelation, but chelation is a tradeoff.  Chelation


 21   decreases the efficiency of increasing the T1


 22   relaxation rate and, therefore, increasing the


 23   signal intensity.  At the same time, chelation


 24   allows the toxicity to be much, much less.  It


 25   decreases the toxicity because it allows for the




  1   excretion of the gadolinium very quickly.  When it


  2   is chelated there is a 500 time increase in the


  3   rate of renal excretion relative to pre-chelation.


  4   When it is chelated its half-life is about an hour


  5   and a half.


  6             There are two ways in theory that


  7   gadolinium can become more toxic.  One is that


  8   increased association from the chelated agent will


  9   increase the toxicity.  You may see it in the


 10   literature called transmetallation.  What happens


 11   is there are competing moieties, for example copper


 12   and zinc, that displace gadolinium from its


 13   chelator and, therefore, allows you to have free


 14   gadolinium in the body and, therefore, makes it a


 15   little bit more toxic.  Of course, increasing the


 16   time of gadolinium in the body also increases its


 17   toxicity.


 18             [Slide]


 19             The median lethal dose for gadolinium DTPA


 20   is 10 mmo/kg.  To put that in a reference frame for


 21   you, it is 60-300 times the diagnostic dose.  The


 22   LD50 for two of the more common types of gadolinium


 23   preparations is highest Omniscan and lowest


 24   Magnevist.


 25             Its safety profile is better than




  1   conventional iodinated contrast agents.  There are


  2   a number of studies.  I just picked these three


  3   examples that you see here.  There are few reported


  4   fatalities that were temporally related to


  5   gadolinium administration, and all those reports


  6   seem to question the association of the gadolinium


  7   administration with the fatality.  As far as I


  8   could tell, there are no known contraindications.


  9             [Slide]


 10             If you look through the literature,


 11   adverse events are very low.  Idiosyncratic


 12   reactions are rare.  There is a good review article


 13   by Runge in The Journal of Magnetic Resonance


 14   Imaging, in 2000, which I believe is in your


 15   packet, that reviews that.  In most of the studies


 16   the AEs that are related to gadolinium are


 17   approximately less than 5 percent, with the vast


 18   majority being minor, and there is a whole host of


 19   transient headache, nausea, vomiting, local


 20   burning, cool sensation, hives, temporal increase


 21   in bilirubin and a temporary increase in iron.


 22             Anaphylactoid reaction is estimated


 23   between 1/200,000 and 1/400,000 doses.  And, it is


 24   safe in renal patients even at doses of 0.3 mmo/kg,


 25   the normal dose being 0.1 mmo/kg.  It has been




  1   studied in numerous papers with patients with renal


  2   failure, dialysis, renal A stenosis and renal


  3   tumors.  There are numerous reports, although I


  4   have to say that the reports that I could pick up


  5   were very small numbers, and here are examples of


  6   some of the reports.


  7             [Slide]


  8             There are multiple safety studies for use


  9   in children without danger.  This is not for


 10   cardiac but it is for other indications so not in


 11   patients with congenital heart disease.  There are


 12   five papers which I have listed here.  The top one


 13   for example by Marti Bonmati, in investigative


 14   radiology, looked for example at lab values or


 15   vital sign abnormalities.  There were 51 percent in


 16   the contrast group with an N of 39 and 80 percent


 17   in the non-contrast group with an N of 20.


 18             If you take all these five studies


 19   together and you lump them together, they encompass


 20   doses of 0.1-0.2 mmo/kg, 1,368 children ranging in


 21   age from 15 days to 21 years of age.  The AEs vary


 22   between 2 to 5 percent, none of which were serious.


 23             [Slide]


 24             This is the latest I could find in terms


 25   of the approved MRI contrast agents.  The top seven




  1   are gadolinium based.  The one right below the


  2   purple box is a manganese ion.  The last two are


  3   superparamagnetic iron agents.  These two we don't


  4   use, we haven't used at all in cardiac.  If you


  5   look at some of the gadolinium agents you can see


  6   that there are some differences between them, and I


  7   will go into that in a second but since I have the


  8   table up here, the highest ones in terms of


  9   osmolality are Magnevist and MultiHance and the


 10   lowest one is Gadovist.  The osmolality is


 11   important because in case of extravasation of the


 12   gadolinium agent you can get pain at the site as


 13   well as sloughing so that is an important


 14   consideration.


 15             [Slide]


 16             There are similarities between the


 17   gadolinium agents, in particular reporting of


 18   adverse events in terms of their frequency being


 19   less than 5 percent and the types are all similar


 20   between the marketed products.  The dose in general


 21   for all the marketed products is around 1.1 mmo/kg.


 22   The packaging is all the same.  A 0.1 mmo/kg dose


 23   in a 0.5 mmo solution gives you a dose of 0.2


 24   cc/kg.


 25             The relaxivity, which is the amount of T1




  1   and T2 relaxation with a given field strength and


  2   concentration, meaning how much it increases the


  3   signal intensity in the image, is the same


  4   throughout.  Therefore, you really can't tell the


  5   difference between the gadolinium agents when you


  6   are examining the images.  The nephrotoxicity for


  7   all the marketed products is none.


  8             [Slide]


  9             There are differences, as I mentioned.


 10   Magnevist has been on the market four years longer,


 11   at least four years longer than some of the others.


 12   Magnevist was approved in 1988, ProHance and


 13   Omniscan in 1992 and 1993 respectively.  Some of


 14   the products are ionic.  Magnevist has a charge of


 15   minus 2, and some of them are nonionic like


 16   ProHance, Omniscan and OptiMark.  Their osmolality,


 17   as I mentioned, is different between the different


 18   marketed products.  The upper dosage of Omniscan


 19   and ProHance has been approved for up to 0.3


 20   mmo/kg.  Magnevist, for example, is only 0.1


 21   mmo/kg.


 22             [Slide]


 23             Now that we have talked about the


 24   different types and how gadolinium works, when we


 25   administer the gadolinium how do we monitor




  1   patients during the study?  The personnel that are


  2   available are cardiologists and radiologists, a


  3   sedation nurse and MRI technician.  The monitoring


  4   equipment that we use is direct visualization via


  5   video link, direct audio feed from the scanner,


  6   ECG, pulse oximetry and when a patient is sedated


  7   we use end tidal CO2 as well as blood pressure


  8   monitoring.


  9             [Slide]


 10             In terms of the frequency of use, it


 11   really depends on the institution.  At Children's


 12   Hospital Philadelphia we use gadolinium in a vast


 13   majority of cardiovascular cases and I would say


 14   that would be approximately 70-90 percent of the


 15   clinical cases that we do.  Out of approximately


 16   400 cases in the 2003-2004 academic year we will do


 17   approximately 330 cases with gadolinium.  The


 18   notable exceptions are, of course, patients who we


 19   do an MRI on and they are normal; patients in whom


 20   we are just looking at RV dysplasia, although there


 21   is one paper I believe in the literature that has


 22   actually looked at gadolinium and RV dysplasia.


 23   And, when we are strictly looking at ventricular


 24   dysfunction without perfusion we won't use


 25   gadolinium.




  1             The uses of gadolinium break down into


  2   three basic categories, anatomy, blood flow and


  3   tissue characterization, and we will go into those


  4   in detail in a second.


  5             [Slide]


  6             There have been multiple studies in


  7   congenital heart disease for anatomy, for efficacy.


  8   I just picked two examples here, one published in


  9   2001 which took 73 patients looking at pulmonary


 10   artery size anatomy with and without breath hold.


 11   Then, one that was published in 2000 that took 38


 12   patients with various types of congenital heart


 13   disease.


 14             Studies investigating blood flow and


 15   perfusion and tissue characterization are still


 16   underway in the pediatric age group.  The imaging


 17   itself you can divide up into two categories, first


 18   pass, meaning that the gadolinium is injected and


 19   we take the images during the first pass of the


 20   gadolinium through the circulatory system, or


 21   delayed enhancement, which means we will let the


 22   gadolinium circulate for 5-10 minutes and then do


 23   the study itself.  The first pass technique, in and


 24   of itself, can be divided up into two different


 25   kinds.  One is the time resolved where we are




  1   actually watching the gadolinium enter the body and


  2   watching it circulate throughout the circulatory


  3   system.  One is freeze frame where we will actually


  4   try and get all the pictures in one image and we


  5   are not following it through the body but we are


  6   going to get a static image that has all the


  7   gadolinium in it in the area of interest.


  8             [Slide]


  9             This is meant as an overview.  These next


 10   three slides are going to be overview slides of the


 11   various uses for gadolinium in congenital heart


 12   disease.  We will go over them in detail in a


 13   second.


 14             This is specifically for anatomy.  This is


 15   a gadolinium enhanced MRI looking at a patient with


 16   a coarctation which you can see right here.  We are


 17   basically marching through the body from right to


 18   left in very thin cuts.  There are maximum


 19   intensity projections which give you a much more


 20   three-dimensional picture of the cardiovascular


 21   system.  This is actually a patient with a right


 22   aortic arch with a coarctation.  There is a shaded


 23   surface display where we take the gadolinium volume


 24   data set and make a shaded surface display.  This


 25   is a patient with an isolated subclavian artery




  1   which you can see right here.  Those two were


  2   freeze framed.


  3             [Slide]


  4             This is a dynamic injection, a time


  5   resolved injection, if you will, where you can also


  6   see the anatomy.  This is during an angiography in


  7   the cath lab.  This is a patient who had a stenting


  8   procedure and you can see the upper and lower limbs


  9   of the pathway right here.


 10             [Slide]


 11             In terms of blood flow, which is the


 12   second of the three uses, again you can see blood


 13   flow to the lungs and you can actually


 14   qualitatively see the perfusion in this time


 15   resolved injection.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Then, of course, there is myocardial


 18   perfusion where you can actually look at how well


 19   the myocardium is perfused.  The cavities first


 20   light up and then the myocardial tissue itself


 21   lights up afterwards.


 22             [Slide]


 23             Finally, there is tissue characterization


 24   which is the third use.  One can identify scarred


 25   myocardium, also called delayed enhancement.  You




  1   can see the arrows here.  This is actually a


  2   patient after tetralogy flow repair and you can see


  3   the bright tissue here of the ventriculotomy.  You


  4   can actually identify scarred or infarcted


  5   myocardium, as well as that different tumors of the


  6   heart take up gadolinium in different ways and you


  7   can actually characterize a tumor with whether or


  8   not it takes up gadolinium.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Now that you know the uses, let's see how


 11   they help us when we want see a patient with


 12   congenital heart disease.  This is that patient


 13   whom we saw earlier who has a right aortic arch


 14   with a coarctation.  It is actually a circumflex


 15   aortic arch where the aortic arch passes over the


 16   right, comes across and goes down the left side of


 17   the spine.  So, these are the two-dimensional


 18   images that we would normally get.  These are axial


 19   images so this is anterior, posterior, and that is


 20   right and left.  You can see the aortic arch right


 21   over here.  If we move a little bit lower down you


 22   can see the ascending aorta, part of the aortic


 23   arch here and then another circle here which is


 24   actually the descending aorta.  If we go down a


 25   little bit further you can see the aorta crossing




  1   over to that descending aorta on the left and then,


  2   finally, if you move down further you can see the


  3   descending aorta right here.


  4             Although you are cutting at the picture,


  5   you would like to maybe see it a little bit better


  6   than to have to go through cuts.  Basically what


  7   gadolinium does for anatomy is that it gives a


  8   three-dimensional nature to the picture.


  9             [Slide]


 10             So, you can look at those straight cuts or


 11   you can look at a maximum intensity projection and


 12   see the squiggly cardiovascular structure that is


 13   the aorta, right here, much better than you can


 14   visualize it as you are just going through a


 15   two-dimensional cut.


 16             [Slide]


 17             So, not only can we make it a


 18   three-dimensional image and twirl it around any


 19   which way we want, we can actually make very, very


 20   thin cuts and we can make them parallel to each


 21   other or we can make them rotate.  For example,


 22   this is a rotation as if you were sitting on the


 23   top of the descending aorta and turning yourself


 24   over from posterior to anterior.  If you follow it


 25   here you will see it again as it starts in the




  1   middle.  One branch comes out to the descending


  2   aorta and the other branch comes to the ascending


  3   aorta.  So, it gives you a lot of flexibility in


  4   terms of visualization and getting a


  5   three-dimensional picture in your mind.


  6             [Slide]


  7             Not only can we do straight cuts, we can


  8   also do curved cuts.  This is a patient actually


  9   after an arterial switch procedure for


 10   transposition of the great arteries and with left


 11   pulmonary artery stenosis which you can visualize


 12   right here in this axial view.  What we asked the


 13   computer to do is to take this axial view and to


 14   cut it in this curved cut and show us what it would


 15   look like if we cut it in this particular plane.


 16   This is the resulting image.  The computer


 17   basically displays it and you can see the stenosis


 18   of the pulmonary artery here very nicely.  This is


 19   the left pulmonary artery, the right pulmonary


 20   artery and the main pulmonary artery right here.


 21             [Slide]


 22             Of course, if you don't like looking at


 23   any one of those, you can also go to a shaded


 24   surface display, again, made from the


 25   three-dimensional gadolinium images.  This is




  1   another patient with transposition after arterial


  2   switch and you can see how the pulmonary arteries


  3   drape over the aorta as the surgeon typically does


  4   a LeConte maneuver for that kind of repair.


  5             [Slide]


  6             Finally, time resolved gadolinium


  7   injection can also help.  This injection was done


  8   to rule out a clot in the superior vena cava.  You


  9   can see here is the gadolinium going in, first


 10   lighting up the right side and then lighting up the


 11   left side.  You can see here is the superior vena


 12   cava and you can see that there is no clot or


 13   filling defect in this blood vessel.


 14             [Slide]


 15             What are the kind of patients we use


 16   gadolinium for anatomy?  Well, we use it for


 17   patients with coarctation to get a


 18   three-dimensional picture of the coarct; patients


 19   with supravalvular aortic stenosis to get a


 20   three-dimensional picture of that for example in


 21   William's syndrome; a dilated aorta for patients


 22   for example with Marfan's.  This three-dimensional


 23   image down here, maximal intensity projection, has


 24   both the dilated aorta right here, as well as two


 25   areas of coarctation right up here, in the




  1   transverse arch and over here as we start going


  2   into the abdominal aortic arch; aortic aneurysms


  3   and dissection as well as vascular rings.  This is


  4   a shaded surface display of a double aortic arch.


  5   You can see why it is called a double aortic arch.


  6   Right here are the two limbs of the aortic arch.


  7   We can turn it over the lateral dimension,


  8   basically fly over it, and you can see the circle


  9   there which creates the vascular ring.  That is why


 10   it is called the double aortic arch.


 11             [Slide]


 12             So, you can see that there is a whole host


 13   of aortic anomalies, anomalies of the aortic


 14   branches like the isolated left subclavian which I


 15   repeated again down here that you can see so well;


 16   the relationship of the aorta to the pulmonary


 17   arteries which we saw earlier, like in


 18   transposition after arterial switch; collaterals


 19   from the aorta, for example in patients with


 20   tetralogy flow with pulmonary atresia; aortic


 21   conduits for complex congenital heart disease; or


 22   reconstructed aortas such as aortic-pulmonary


 23   anastomosis.


 24             This is a three-D shaded surface of the


 25   aortic-pulmonary anastomosis.  You can see here is




  1   the native aorta and here is the native pulmonary


  2   artery connecting to each other, right up here.


  3             [Slide]


  4             Not only do we use it for the aorta, we


  5   also use it for the pulmonary arteries as well.


  6   Patients with pulmonary stenosis, like in tetralogy


  7   of flow or pulmonary artery dilation like with


  8   tetralogy absent pulmonary valves which you can see


  9   right here how dilated the pulmonary arteries are;


 10   pulmonary origins, for example in patients with


 11   truncus or hemitruncus, or pulmonary artery


 12   conduits for patients with heterotaxia.  This is


 13   actually a maximum intensity projection of a


 14   patient with a left ventricle to pulmonary artery


 15   conduit.  The conduit starts here at the apex and


 16   goes out to the pulmonary arteries.  Or, patients


 17   with reconstructed pulmonary arteries like in


 18   Fontan patients.


 19             [Slide]


 20             We also use it for pulmonary venous


 21   anomalies, anomalous pulmonary venous connections.


 22   In the lower left-hand corner here you can see that


 23   we are going to be marching through the body from


 24   anterior, posterior and back again.  This is a


 25   patient with an anomalous right pulmonary vein that




  1   is entering the right atrium.  You can see it right


  2   over here as it comes down, entering into the right


  3   atrium right near the IVC close to a scimitar vein.


  4   Pulmonary vein stenosis or repaired pulmonary


  5   veins, or systemic venous anomalies like anomalous


  6   systemic venous connections.


  7             This is that normal that you saw earlier


  8   as a comparison.  You can see the right side


  9   lighting up first and then the left side.  Now if


 10   you look at this one, this is actually a patient


 11   where all the systemic veins go straight into the


 12   left atrium, the right and left superior vena cava


 13   and hepatic veins, and you see as soon as the


 14   gadolinium hits everything lights up.  You are not


 15   seeing the right side nicely and then the left


 16   side; everything lights up so you can basically


 17   confirm that, indeed, that is what the patient has,


 18   as well you can identify the left and right


 19   superior vena cava.


 20             [Slide]


 21             How does it help us?  As I mentioned, it


 22   gives you a three-dimensional nature to the study.


 23   It helps surgeons and cardiologists visualize what


 24   the anatomy is.  It also labels the blood so you


 25   can visualize the third to fifth generation




  1   branching of blood vessels.  You can identify small


  2   collaterals that can be used for coiling or for


  3   unifocalization procedure where we take the


  4   collaterals off the aorta and connect them back to


  5   the pulmonary arteries.


  6             [Slide]


  7             Moving on after anatomy to blood flow,


  8   remember, there are two kinds.  One is myocardial


  9   perfusion and the other would be lung perfusion.


 10   For the myocardial perfusion what happens is that


 11   the gadolinium is injected and it is followed by


 12   time resolved imaging, watching the gadolinium


 13   enter the circulation.  We image the myocardium in


 14   the region of interest that we want.  So, what


 15   happens is that first the chamber lights up and


 16   then the myocardium lights up afterwards.  Normally


 17   you should see uniform signal intensity around the


 18   entire myocardium.  Of course, abnormal is that you


 19   have localized areas of decreased signal intensity


 20   when it should be uniform across the entire


 21   myocardium.


 22             We can analyze this in a number of


 23   different ways: qualitatively, just basically


 24   eyeballing it; semi-quantitatively, looking at it


 25   with time intensity curves, looking at the




  1   intensity as a function of time in a region of


  2   interest; finally, quantitatively, which would be


  3   mathematical modeling of the perfusion of the


  4   myocardium itself.  The way imaging works is that


  5   the images at each slice position are taken at


  6   different parts of the cardiac cycle.


  7             [Slide]


  8             This is actually a patient after


  9   transposition of the great artery surgery after


 10   arterial switch procedure.  You can see here that


 11   first the right ventricle cavity lights up and then


 12   the left ventricle and then the myocardium, and you


 13   can see uniform opacification of the myocardium.


 14   However, if you now look here towards the apex and


 15   look right down here, you can see how decreased


 16   signal intensity just remains even throughout the


 17   entire injection, meaning that there is some kind


 18   of decreased flow to that particular part of the


 19   myocardium near the apex.  That doesn't necessarily


 20   translate into functional problems.  Here you can


 21   see that even though there is some decreased signal


 22   intensity in this region, you can see that that


 23   region of the myocardium is actually contracting


 24   pretty well.


 25             [Slide]




  1             Moving from myocardial perfusion to lung


  2   perfusion, you get a qualitative sense during this


  3   time resolved injection about the perfusion to both


  4   lungs, right and left.  Here you can see how


  5   symmetrical they are.  Whereas here, in this


  6   patient with left pulmonary artery stenosis you can


  7   see, one, how dilated this pulmonary artery is and,


  8   secondly, look at the perfusion to the lungs


  9   through the generation branch, and how little you


 10   can see over here with the left pulmonary artery


 11   stenosis which is right over there.


 12             [Slide]


 13             The types of patients one uses this for,


 14   of course, the myocardial perfusion would be useful


 15   in patients with coronary artery diseases, like


 16   anomalous left coronary arteries from the pulmonary


 17   artery; patients with other coronary artery


 18   anomalies like the right coronary coming from the


 19   left cusp; hypertrophic coronary myopathy; or


 20   patients who are postoperative who have had


 21   coronary artery manipulation, like patients after


 22   arterial switch procedure or patients with a Ross


 23   procedure.  Of course, for the lung perfusion one


 24   can use it for pulmonary artery or vein stenosis


 25   for example like in tetralogy.




  1             How does that help us clinically?  We can


  2   identify myocardium at risk and also for the lung


  3   perfusion it contributes to physiological


  4   information for the branch pulmonary artery


  5   stenosis and decrease in lung perfusion, basically


  6   confirming other types of imaging that we would do


  7   within MRI such as velocity mapping.


  8             [Slide]


  9             Finally, the third use of MRI is in tissue


 10   characterization, also called delayed enhancement.


 11   How does that work?  We inject contrast right over


 12   here and the time clock starts.  At approximately


 13   one minute or up until one minute is what we call


 14   the first pass technique.  Then, greater than five


 15   minutes is the delayed enhancement technique.  What


 16   happens is these curves represent the signal


 17   intensity or the contrast concentration within


 18   various types of myocardium.  The normal, in white,


 19   rises during the first pass and then gets washed


 20   out by blood that didn't have gadolinium in it.


 21   Ischemic myocardium, in yellow, the same thing--it


 22   rises, not as high as the normal myocardium, and


 23   then gets washed out.  But infarcted myocardium


 24   could do one of two things, in both of which after


 25   five minutes the infarcted myocardium or scarred




  1   myocardium has much more contrast agent in it than


  2   does the ischemic myocardium because there is not


  3   that normal blood flow to wash it out.  So, that is


  4   how that works.


  5             The first pass, as I said, just comes by


  6   in the first minute and that is what we see.  After


  7   five minutes is the delayed enhancement where we


  8   can actually identify scarred myocardial tissue


  9   that takes up the gadolinium, this infarcted region


 10   right over here.


 11             [Slide]


 12             How do we do this with MRI?  This is the


 13   ECG, right up here.  At the R wave we put in a


 14   trigger delay and then we do a non-selective 180


 15   degree pulse, which means we flip all the protons


 16   negative so that nothing has any signal intensity


 17   at all.  Then, as we watch them relax, what happens


 18   is the normal myocardium starts recovering and the


 19   infarcted myocardium starts recovering too but they


 20   recover at different rates.  What we do is we try


 21   to aim for hitting it right here where the normal


 22   myocardium is just about to cross the zero line


 23   where it starts to give off signal, and that


 24   maximizes the difference between the contrast of


 25   normal myocardium and the contrast of the infarcted




  1   myocardium.


  2             [Slide]


  3             This is an example of a patient after an


  4   endocardial cushion defect.  You can see here that


  5   this brightness represents scar tissue, fibrous


  6   tissue that has accumulated over the ventricular


  7   septal defect patch.  In short axis you can see it


  8   right here as well.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Not only can we look at scarred


 11   myocardium, myocardial tumors also take up


 12   gadolinium, different kinds of myocardial tumors


 13   take up gadolinium differently.  This, for example,


 14   is a patient who had a right ventricular mass right


 15   over here, in the apex.  This is a four-chamber


 16   view.  We injected gadolinium and you can see in


 17   the four-chamber view how the outside gets more


 18   perfused than the inside.  The short axis,


 19   unfortunately, didn't help us too much.  But then


 20   when you look at the delayed enhancement images you


 21   can see that this is the gadolinium accumulating an


 22   incredible amount compared to the rest of the


 23   myocardium in the tumor itself in the apex of the


 24   right ventricle.  That is in short axis and this is


 25   in the apical four-chamber view and you can see it




  1   right here.


  2             [Slide]


  3             What kind of cardiac masses enhance or


  4   don't enhance?  Hyperenhancement, tumors such as


  5   myomas, hemangiomas, angiosarcomas.  Thrombus does


  6   not enhance.  Then there are a couple that are


  7   non-specific as well as some that we haven't seen


  8   in published literature yet.


  9             [Slide]


 10             The types of patients we use tissue


 11   characterization for are, of course, those patients


 12   who have myocardial scarring; patients who have


 13   potential for that, patients with coronary artery


 14   disease or patients who are postop and, of course,


 15   as I mentioned, patients with myocardial tumors or


 16   masses.


 17             So, how does it help?  It identifies


 18   scarred myocardium and also can contribute to the


 19   prognosis in patients with tumors.


 20             [Slide]


 21             How do we dose gadolinium?  The freeze


 22   frame people do it anywhere between a single or


 23   double dose.  This reference that is right


 24   underneath is actually a reference from Journal of


 25   Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 1999 that actually




  1   recommends double dose for all great artery


  2   injections of gadolinium.  For the time resolved


  3   ones we can use anywhere between a quarter to half


  4   a dose as a minimum.


  5             When it comes to blood flow, that is


  6   either the myocardial perfusion or the lung


  7   perfusion, we use about half a dose of gadolinium.


  8   Finally, with the tissue characterization we will


  9   just use a single dose of gadolinium.  People do


 10   anything from power injectors to hand


 11   administration of the gadolinium itself.


 12             [Slide]


 13             What does the future hold for gadolinium


 14   enhanced cardiac MRI?  Newer first pass agents that


 15   have a high relaxivity.  A lot of them are higher


 16   concentrations instead of 0.5 mmo.  It is 1.0 mmo


 17   solutions.  Also, they can have a higher relaxivity


 18   for either one of two reasons, either increased


 19   protein interaction or an inherent increase in


 20   relaxivity depending on the chelator that one uses.


 21             The blood pool agents, as I mentioned,


 22   remain in intravascular space and have more robust


 23   imaging of blood vessels and that could be useful


 24   in coronary imaging.


 25             The superparamagnetic iron oxide agents,




  1   which are not really used in cardiac but there are


  2   some studies that are being done, they do have an


  3   advantage of having a long intravascular half-life


  4   which would be useful for coronary imaging.


  5             A now burgeoning field is molecular


  6   imaging where the gadolinium is tagged to


  7   antibodies or other agents that are directed


  8   against receptors and antigens.  Now the 3T


  9   systems, the ones with the higher magnetic fields


 10   are now coming on line.  They have improved signal


 11   to noise and better resolution types of sequences.


 12             [Slide]


 13             Whenever I talk about the future, I always


 14   temper that by quoting Yogi Berra who said "it's


 15   hard to make predictions, especially about the


 16   future."  With that, the talk is over so thank you


 17   very much.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  We


 19   will have questions and answers for all the


 20   speakers at the end of this session.  Our next


 21   speaker is Dr. Marilyn Siegel who is going to talk


 22   about contrast enhanced cardiac computed


 23   tomography.


 24          Contrast Enhanced Cardiac Computed Tomography


 25             DR. SIEGEL:  While we are bringing this




  1   up, I will just say who I am.  I am from


  2   Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, which is the


  3   imaging department for Washington University School


  4   of Medicine.  I am a pediatric radiologist.  My


  5   areas of interest are cross-sectional imaging and


  6   particularly CT, MRI and ultrasound.  I also do a


  7   little bit of work in adult imaging, particularly


  8   in chest and cardiac abnormalities.


  9             [Slide]


 10             This is the list of questions that we were


 11   sent by e-mail and I am going to address these


 12   individually but, before we do that, let's get a


 13   little background information on CT and cardiac


 14   imaging, the basic facts.


 15             If you are doing this you really need a


 16   multidetector CT scanner.  What does that mean?


 17   That means with each rotation of the tube we get


 18   multiple images.  When we first started CT we were


 19   getting a single image, now we can get multiple


 20   images.  That means that we have more data and we


 21   get better resolution and image quality.  We get


 22   faster imaging times with multidetector CT.  I can


 23   do a cardiac study in 20 seconds or less so we are


 24   moving patients through.


 25             Faster imaging time means fewer artifacts




  1   in children who can't hold their breath.  We get


  2   better spatial resolution from 0.5 to 1.25 mm.  We


  3   can get superb 3D images and we are getting better


  4   contrast enhancement and that is what we need to


  5   address, and the use of CT is increasing.


  6             [Slide]


  7             Contrast using cardiac CT--it is across


  8   the board 100 percent.  If we can't get contrast we


  9   are not doing this study.  There are problems in


 10   children which demand the use of contrast--small


 11   patient size.  They have little fat which means we


 12   can't see structures as well and contrast helps us


 13   see those structures better.  Then, intrinsically


 14   there is just poor differentiation of soft tissues


 15   on non-contrast enhanced CT.  You can't see the


 16   various chambers and it is hard to see some of the


 17   vessels.  So, we have to use contrast.


 18             [Slide]


 19             Let's start with the first question, the


 20   indications for cardiac CT in the pediatric


 21   population.  Two-fold basically, first of all to


 22   make a diagnosis.  Is there disease or pathology or


 23   is there not?  Secondly, to aid in clinical


 24   decision-making.  Is there a need for another


 25   diagnostic test?  Should angiography be done? 




  1   Should MRI be done?  Or, should there be some type


  2   of intervention?  We do not use CT for defining


  3   normal anatomy.  We don't use it for assessing


  4   function just yet.  It can assess ventricular


  5   function and size and output but there is a problem


  6   currently with radiation dose.  It increases when


  7   we look at the heart in different phases such as


  8   systole and diastole.  It is not a screening tool.


  9   We have an issue of radiation, which has been


 10   brought up and which I will address later.


 11             [Slide]


 12             What can we use it for?  We can divide


 13   this into a couple of categories, extracardiac


 14   great vessel anomalies, intracardiac shunt lesions


 15   and then some postoperative anatomy.  In children


 16   CT is performed most often for congenital diseases;


 17   in adults it is usually for acquired disease,


 18   although we are seeing more of this use in adults


 19   for congenital diseases or living longer.  We now


 20   have an adult cardiac clinic which has about 1,200


 21   adults currently with congenital heart disease who


 22   have survived infancy.  So, I think we will see


 23   more of that.


 24             [Slide]


 25             The extracardiac lesions--you have seen




  1   them displayed quite well on MR.  We see the same


  2   things--aortic arch anomalies, coarctations or


  3   narrowing, complete interruption of the arch, other


  4   anomalies such as a patent ductus arteriosus and


  5   pulmonary artery sling, these are the more common


  6   ones.  There are other ones that aren't as common


  7   that I am not going to review now.


  8             [Slide]


  9             I just want to show you some examples.  We


 10   are using more CT.  The reason is that we can make


 11   many diagnoses and obviate angiography which is


 12   longer, needs more sedation and has a higher


 13   radiation dose.  This is equal to MR but the


 14   advantage of CT is, again, the fast time.  I can do


 15   this in 20 seconds or less.  That means I don't


 16   have to use sedation.  Sedation is required for MR.


 17   Of course, CT has the radiation risks so, as we


 18   have heard this morning, it really is a


 19   risk/benefit analysis.  Some patients who are


 20   critically ill can't have MR and we need to do CT.


 21             [Slide]


 22             Just to give you a couple of examples, on


 23   the left-hand side we have a neonate with right


 24   arch.  There was some widening on the chest X-ray.


 25   This clearly shows the right arch.  We don't need




  1   to go further.


  2             This is an adolescent.  We have a double


  3   arch.  Here is the right arch, here is our left


  4   arch.  This was an incidental finding.  This


  5   patient doesn't need additional study.


  6             [Slide]


  7             Pulmonary sling is an anomaly where the


  8   left pulmonary artery arises from the right


  9   pulmonary artery.  This is a neonate, not sedated.


 10   Here is the pulmonary artery. Here is the right


 11   pulmonary artery and here is the left pulmonary


 12   artery arising from the right, crossing behind the


 13   trachea to go to the left hilum.


 14             [Slide]


 15             I mentioned aortic coarctation.  This is


 16   one of the lesions that we see--sorry, we will go


 17   to patent ductus arteriosus next.  Patent ductus


 18   arteriosus is a communication between aorta and the


 19   pulmonary artery, short tubular structure


 20   connecting them.  This is a 3D CT.  Here is the


 21   aorta, pulmonary artery and this patent ductus in a


 22   very young patient.  We can see similar findings on


 23   MR.  So, we really are equivalent and can provide a


 24   diagnosis quickly.


 25             [Slide]




  1             The other indications for pediatric


  2   cardiac CT, diagnosis of shunts at the atrial level


  3   or the ventricular level, and then we are using it


  4   to evaluate some postoperative anatomy, usually in


  5   very complex cyanotic heart disease.


  6             [Slide]


  7             This case is a one-year old, no sedation,


  8   about 10 multi-center of contrast.  There is a


  9   communication between the right atrium and left


 10   atrium, atrial septal defect and, similarly, a


 11   ventricular septal defect.  This patient had


 12   tricuspid atresia and has a graft in place, and


 13   they wanted to evaluate residual anatomic


 14   abnormalities.


 15             [Slide]


 16             This is another patient who had a murmur.


 17   They thought it was an atrial septal defect.  We


 18   did a CT as a first examination--we were beginning


 19   to use CT more.  We have contrast going between two


 20   atrial chambers.  Here is the right ventricle, left


 21   ventricle.  You can see normal tissue between the


 22   two.  This is following repair, right atrium, left


 23   atrium and there is no contrast flow; there is no


 24   residual septal defect.  By the say, you can see


 25   valvular anatomy quite well.  There is the aortic




  1   valve and you can see the three leaflets here.


  2             [Slide]


  3             Other postoperative evaluations, this is a


  4   patient who had tetralogy of flow, had bilateral


  5   Blalock shunts from subclavian artery to pulmonary


  6   artery.  Here is one; here is the other.  We can


  7   see that they are present and evaluate patency.


  8             This is a patient with tricuspid atresia


  9   who had a graft from the right atrium to the


 10   pulmonary artery.  That was the purpose of this


 11   study, to evaluate the graft.


 12             I have only shown you selected cases, just


 13   to show you that we are able to do this study, do


 14   it quickly and do it without sedation in our


 15   younger population.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Next, the impact of CT then on


 18   diagnosis--we can make a diagnosis with CT.  We can


 19   predict whether patients should undergo further


 20   invasive diagnostic testing, such as angiography,


 21   with CT.  We can clarify equivocal angiographic


 22   finding, and we are using it to predict whether a


 23   patient might need additional surgery.


 24             [Slide]


 25             Just to give you a couple more examples,




  1   this is a patient who had Mustard procedure for


  2   repair of transposition of the great vessels.  This


  3   patient is about 19, comes in with some increasing


  4   cyanosis.  Contrast is going in the superior vena


  5   cava, coming into the right atrium and going across


  6   the baffle Mustard into the left atrium and there


  7   is a leak here in the conduit which is abnormal and


  8   probably accounting for the cyanosis.


  9             This patient had a coarctation repair.  A


 10   stent was placed and you can see that a


 11   pseudoaneurysm has developed and has broken through


 12   the stent.  So, we are using this again to make a


 13   decision whether we should go on to angiography or


 14   whether there should be a need for additional


 15   surgery or intervention.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Let's get to the contrast specific


 18   questions and look at how we do CT, some of the


 19   doses, some of the limitations and how we monitor


 20   safety.


 21             [Slide]


 22             Contrast dosing, the contrast volume is


 23   simply determined empirically based on patient


 24   weight.  So, we are giving 2 mL/kg, maximum of 4


 25   mL/kg or 125 mL.  We are using nonionic contrast




  1   medium.  This is just standard now I think across


  2   the country in pediatric divisions, radiology


  3   divisions.  We are using 280-320 mg of iodine


  4   concentration.


  5             [Slide]


  6             There are two ways of giving this


  7   contrast.  One is by power injector, the other is


  8   simply pushing by hand.  Power injector is really


  9   desired if it can be done, and it requires a


 10   catheter in the antecubital region.  The flow rate


 11   depends on the size of the catheter in place.  If


 12   it is a 22 gauge we are going to use a slower flow


 13   rate, about 1.5-2.0 mL/sec.  If it is a 20 gauge we


 14   can use 2-3 mL/sec.  I have even used higher rates


 15   of 4 mL/sec and in adults they will go up to 5


 16   mL/sec.  A 24 gauge central line can be injected.


 17   It is determined to be safe but you need to use a


 18   lower flow rate.  If you have a catheter in the


 19   dorsum of the hand or the foot, you have to inject


 20   the contrast by hand or manually.


 21             [Slide]


 22             The limitations of contrast enhanced


 23   CT--the contrast-related ones are extravasation at


 24   the injection site and adverse contrast reactions.


 25   Then, there are some that are device related, and




  1   the big one is radiation exposure.


  2             [Slide]


  3             Extravasation, a study by Kaste, in 1995,


  4   looked at extravasation with poorer injectors and


  5   manual injection, very small, 0.3 to 0.4 percent.


  6   With nonionic contrast, lower osmolar, this is not


  7   a problem.  We have put a lot of contrast


  8   occasionally into a site where it shouldn't be


  9   because the catheter is not well positioned or it


 10   leaks and sometimes after 100 mL they may feel some


 11   fullness but there has been no really adverse


 12   sequelae.  The contrast gets resorbed.  There is no


 13   sloughing of the skin as there used to be with


 14   ionic agents.


 15             [Slide]


 16             Adverse contrast reactions--this is a new


 17   one that I added to the slide set.  This was sort


 18   of a meta-analysis of low osmolar and nonionic


 19   contrast media.  Looking at a number of


 20   institutions, overall the incidence of all


 21   reactions was 1-3 percent minor reactions, meaning


 22   no treatment necessary, maybe minimal rash or


 23   itching, or minimal vomiting--the incidence was


 24   near 1 percent.  Major or severe, meaning intensive


 25   treatment necessary and maybe some life-threatening




  1   issues such as hypotension or cardiac arrhythmia,


  2   is about 0.4 percent or 1/10,000.  Most of these


  3   reactions occurred immediately at the time of


  4   injection.  Five percent occurred late, after the


  5   time of injection and up to 24 hours.  Mortality


  6   rate in series looked at since about 1980 with low


  7   osmolar contrast medium, 1/100,000.  That is


  8   overall all-comers.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Now, if we look at children, and this is


 11   from a study in Finland and is one of the few I


 12   could find that has a larger number of patients and


 13   this was a questionnaire study so we have some


 14   limitation there.  There was a 73 percent return


 15   rate.  They used Omnipaque.  Acute reactions, 1.9


 16   percent, so in line with the larger meta-analysis I


 17   showed you, and all of them were minor or mild.


 18   They usually involved larger patients, older


 19   patients who weighed more than 24 kg.


 20             Late reactions after the injection or up


 21   to 24 hours were about 6.2 percent of the


 22   population, again consistent with the larger series


 23   meta-analysis I showed you.  These were mild.  Some


 24   were intermediate.  Intermediate means some


 25   treatment necessary but they are not




  1   life-threatening.  So more severe vomiting and


  2   large amount of urticaria is defined as


  3   intermediate.  This affected the younger


  4   population.


  5             [Slide]


  6             There is one more series.  This was one of


  7   the larger ones that had children and adults.  They


  8   looked at the overall prevalence of adverse


  9   reactions.  They found it was about 3 percent.


 10   Severe, 0.04 percent; deaths, 0.004 percent.


 11   Seventy percent of the reactions were within 5


 12   minutes, the remainder later.  They didn't quite


 13   define "later" but I guess 24 hours or maybe even


 14   later than 24 hours.  But if we look by age again,


 15   for less than 10 years the overall prevalence was


 16   0.4 percent; 10-19 years, 2.52 percent.  Once you


 17   get to adults you get a higher prevalence and then


 18   over 50 years it decreases.  So, that is just to


 19   give you a handle on how frequently adverse


 20   reactions to contrast occur.


 21             [Slide]


 22             This is the other issue.  It is device


 23   related; it is technique related.  It is radiation


 24   exposure.  This is one of the headlines in 2001 and


 25   we are still dealing with this.  There are a lot of




  1   articles that have come out.  There was another one


  2   that came out last week.  This is an issue that we


  3   need to face when we do these studies.


  4             [Slide]


  5             So, CT accounts for about 10 percent of


  6   all our X-ray procedures but 65 percent of all the


  7   dose we give from diagnostic medical X-rays.  Chest


  8   X-ray gives us about 0.1 mSv.  A pediatric chest CT


  9   ranges between 1-10 mSv.  With the current


 10   technology available we are able to do a scan and


 11   immediately know how much dose you are giving.


 12   This requires a 16-row detector.  The first


 13   generation multidetector CTs were 4 rows.  We were


 14   getting 4 images.  Now, with 16 rows this is


 15   automatically on the scanner so you know what you


 16   are getting at that time.  I have done neonates and


 17   I have gotten down as low as 1 mSv.  I can get very


 18   low doses, as I will show you in a moment, by


 19   adjusting certain parameters.  Adult chest CT, 7-15


 20   mSv.  Cardiac cath--this is something given to me


 21   by one of the cardiologists and there may be


 22   different numbers available but 20-30 mSv.  So, if


 23   we can do multidetector CT well we can reduce this


 24   radiation dose if we can obviate cardiac


 25   catheterization.




  1             [Slide]


  2             The relative risks to the individual--this


  3   is something given to me by Jim Brink from Yale who


  4   looked at a number of articles out there and the


  5   lifetime risk of cancer is 20-25 percent or 1


  6   person in 4 or 5.  Added risk of CT, 0.05 percent,


  7   1/2,000, not statistically significant.  In the


  8   population as a whole, there will be about 600,000


  9   pediatric CTs in the U.S. per year, and probably


 10   increasing.  Without CT, 135,000 will die; with CT,


 11   135,300 will die, again, not significant to the


 12   population but for each individual it is because


 13   you fear one of the children will get that cancer


 14   and that becomes a problem.


 15             [Slide]


 16             How do we monitor the safety?  How can we


 17   have an impact on these risks?  Well, obviously we


 18   don't want to overdose.  We don't want to have too


 19   much contrast.  That leads to a problem with renal


 20   failure, perhaps arrhythmias.


 21             [Slide]


 22             So, contrast is usually drawn up perhaps


 23   by a technologist at our place, but we always


 24   verify the dose prior to injection and contrast is


 25   administered by a radiologist or trained personnel.




  1   Procedurally, we watch the catheter site.  We


  2   actually feel the catheter site where the contrast


  3   is going in.


  4             [Slide]


  5             We try to identify patients at risk.  Have


  6   they had prior moderate or severe contrast


  7   reaction?  We are going to try to get another


  8   examination.  Medically treated asthma is a risk.


  9   We heard about deaths this morning and if I am


 10   correct one of them did have asthma.  Then, in


 11   patients who have had contrast reactions we may


 12   premedicate them with corticosteroids.


 13             [Slide]


 14             Again, the problem is the radiation dose.


 15   That is a harder one to deal with.  The dose is


 16   directly proportional to several factors:  Tube


 17   current, the amount of energy that is going into


 18   the patient; the voltage of the equipment; the scan


 19   time; the slice thickness; and the total number of


 20   slices.  If we want to reduce dose we have to pay


 21   attention to each of these factors.


 22             [Slide]


 23             So, how do we do t?  We reduce dose by


 24   optimizing those factors.  We use a lower tube


 25   current.  For quite a while, if you look at the




  1   studies, 200 milliamperage was used in chest and


  2   abdominal CTs and in some places it still is.  In


  3   pediatric radiology now, if we have an infant we


  4   decrease it to 25-30 milliamperage.  In an


  5   adolescent we might use 80 milliamperage.  So, by


  6   reducing that we can reduce the dose by half.  We


  7   reduce the voltage.  It is called kilo voltage.  We


  8   used 120 for a long time now I am using 80


  9   milliamperage or current.  Reducing the kilo


 10   voltage will decrease the radiation dose by 30


 11   percent.


 12             Limited number of scans--in adult cardiac


 13   work and liver or pancreas we are using multiple


 14   phases, non-contrast, earlier arterial, later


 15   arterial, venous delayed.  If you scan 4 or 5 times


 16   you are getting a lot of radiation.  Our goal is to


 17   do it once and, hopefully, get it right and,


 18   therefore, minimize some of the radiation.


 19             The newer equipment also has automatic


 20   dose reduction technology and they will tell you


 21   how low you can go.  Of course, if there is another


 22   study that can be used and the patient is a


 23   candidate and can tolerate that study, then that


 24   ought to be used.


 25             [Slide]




  1             How successfully are we using CT?  Well,


  2   as you heard this morning there are not a lot of


  3   studies out there that address that point.  In


  4   adults we do have data related to CT angiography of


  5   the coronary arteries and we have dissection


  6   information available and aneurysms.  In children


  7   there is overall paucity of data.  There are some


  8   data available on aortic imaging.  CT in children


  9   and in cardiac work really has just developed


 10   within the past two to three years so there are few


 11   studies out there.  It also is difficult to get a


 12   prospective study because we are dealing with


 13   radiation issues.  So, designing a study like that


 14   is going to be a little bit more difficult to do so


 15   a lot of what we are going to see is probably going


 16   to be retrospective analysis looking at series,


 17   meta-analysis.  There are several review articles


 18   but, again, there is not any type of bench science


 19   looking at results.


 20             [Slide]


 21             In adults, to show you this one slide on


 22   coronary artery disease, it can be done quite well.


 23   I have compiled two studies, 95 percent


 24   sensitivity, 86 percent specificity detecting


 25   cyanosis greater than 50 percent.  The key point




  1   here is these are small vessels.  We are seeing


  2   vessels and stenoses 2-4 mm in diameter.  Given


  3   that, we ought to be able to do this in children


  4   and, from my experience, we can.


  5             [Slide]


  6             This is a series that we recently


  7   reported.  It came out in The American Journal of


  8   Radiology.  It was retrospective.  We looked at 22


  9   pediatric patients with some type of aortic


 10   anomaly, whether it was right arch, double arch,


 11   coarctation, patent ductus arteriosus.  All of them


 12   did have some type of confirmatory study to confirm


 13   our findings.  We were 96 percent correct and we


 14   could see stenotic vessels, areas of coarct, down


 15   to 2 mm.  So, again, I think we can do it.  It is


 16   going to be a little difficult to prove though at


 17   times.


 18             [Slide]


 19             Direction for CT as far as drug


 20   development or utilization of contrast agents,


 21   well, the goal of CT is to get the highest contrast


 22   enhancement with the least amount of contrast


 23   agent.  So, when we do contrast enhanced CT we want


 24   a high level of contrast enhancement and a smaller


 25   amount of contrast agent.  What affects contrast




  1   enhancement?  The flow rate and iodine


  2   concentration.  Let me show you that.


  3             [Slide]


  4             If we look at different injection rates


  5   keeping everything else stable and we use a 5 mL


  6   flow rate, 3 mL and 1 mL, with faster flow rates we


  7   get higher enhancement, higher density, higher


  8   attenuation.  Increasing the injection rate


  9   increases contrast enhancement.  Theoretically, if


 10   we increase the contrast enhancement by increasing


 11   the injection rate we should be able to use a


 12   smaller volume of contrast.  If it goes in quicker


 13   we get a higher contrast enhancement with smaller


 14   volume.


 15             [Slide]


 16             There is a problem in children.  Because


 17   we have smaller catheters, sometimes we can't use


 18   that fast flow rate.  In our adolescent population


 19   we can but not necessarily in our neonates.


 20             [Slide]


 21             The next thing we can look at is what


 22   about the concentration?  In this model where they


 23   looked at different concentrations but keeping the


 24   iodine mass and flow rate constant, you can see


 25   that as the iodine concentration increased, 400 mg




  1   of iodine, 350 mg and 300 mg, you got better


  2   contrast enhancement.  So, perhaps we can get more


  3   iodine concentration in there and get better


  4   enhancement.


  5             [Slide]


  6             If we did that, we should be able to


  7   decrease the volume.  Well, Becker looked at


  8   concentration and actually looked at flow rates and


  9   looked at left ventricular density in adults, and


 10   he used 300 mg iodine/mL and a flow rate of 2.5


 11   mL/sec and he also used a higher concentration of


 12   400 mg at 2.5 mL/sec.  He found that if he used the


 13   low concentration and high flow rate he got the


 14   same result as a high concentration and a lower


 15   flow rate.  So, higher concentrations work.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Implication in children--if we can use


 18   higher concentrations, as I mentioned, we may get


 19   smaller contrast volumes.  This is the problem, the


 20   viscosity.  Once you get out to 400 or more you


 21   can't push it through a smaller catheter.  So, the


 22   challenge perhaps for manufacturers is can we get


 23   that high contrast or concentration out there and


 24   can we inject it?


 25             [Slide]




  1             What about future clinical utilization?  I


  2   think we are going to see some ventricular function


  3   studies based on images in systole and diastole.


  4   As soon as we learn how to keep the radiation dose


  5   down that is a potential.  But I think we will see


  6   more perfusion studies, pulmonary perfusion


  7   studies.  Basically, what we are looking at here is


  8   measuring density or attenuation value, peak


  9   attenuation and time to peak attenuation.


 10             [Slide]


 11             Just one more example here.  In this case


 12   we segment out part of the lung.  By computer we


 13   are able to subtract the lung, remove the soft


 14   tissues and remove the heart because now we want to


 15   look at the perfusion going to the lungs.  We can


 16   look at one lung.  The right is in blue, the left


 17   in green.  Or, we can look at both lungs and we can


 18   look at the densities of the whole lung, which I am


 19   showing you in this case.  I can segment out and


 20   look at one lung.  I can look at a part of a lung.


 21   I can do measurements or attenuation value on this.


 22   I can also apply color to this and look at


 23   perfusion to the lung.


 24             This work has not been done in children


 25   yet.  We are probably going to start this with some




  1   of our lung transplants to look at perfusion to the


  2   lung.  This has been done in adults.  They have


  3   looked at perfusion in patients with pulmonary


  4   emboli but I think this has the potential to look


  5   at perfusion abnormalities associated with heart


  6   disease as well, how much blood supply is there


  7   really going to the lungs.


  8             [Slide]


  9             In summary, we are going to be seeing more


 10   CT.  It is out there.  It is being used more and it


 11   certainly can provide a diagnosis impact here.  The


 12   challenge as far as the contrast medium goes is can


 13   we optimize contrast enhancement?  We have


 14   discussed that.  The other challenge for us is can


 15   we lower the radiation dose?  At that point, I will


 16   stop and thank you.


 17             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  Our next speaker


 18   is Dr. Phillip Moore who is going to speak about


 19   contrast enhanced invasive cardiac imaging.


 20            Contrast Enhanced Invasive Cardiac Imaging


 21             DR. MOORE:  While the computer is being


 22   switched over, I will introduce myself.  I am an


 23   Associate Professor of Pediatrics at University of


 24   California San Francisco and I run the congenital


 25   cardiac catheterization laboratory there.




  1             I was asked to give an overview of


  2   interventional catheterization and its current


  3   relationship to imaging modalities and some of the


  4   imaging agents.  So, i will try to do that for you


  5   in the next little bit.  Tom, I am either going to


  6   need your password or need your help, one or the


  7   other.  I will take either.  He chose the less


  8   interesting option, at least for us!


  9             [Slide]


 10             The role of interventional catheterization


 11   has changed over the years since the early '80s


 12   when it initially developed from basically blowing


 13   a balloon up into a clogged artery to a variety of


 14   things.  With respect to congenital cardiology, if


 15   you look at the history surgery really developed in


 16   the 1940s with initiation of PDA ligation and BT


 17   shunt, with a huge explosion in the 1950s with the


 18   development of cardiopulmonary bypass, allowing


 19   application to complex disease.  Then, in the '60s,


 20   '70s and into the '80s really the application of


 21   newer techniques and to younger and younger


 22   patients with congenital heart disease.


 23             Surgery now has settled down a little bit


 24   in terms of its development, other than some of the


 25   newer issues that Tal mentioned.  Interventional




  1   catheterization, on the other hand, is tracking


  2   this to some degree but starting not until the late


  3   '50s, early '60s with initially balloon septostomy;


  4   then an attempt at PDA and ASD closure in the '70s


  5   that really got rolling in the '80s and the '90s.


  6   Now, in the 2000 decade we are starting to see


  7   application of some of these more simple procedures


  8   to more complex disease, such as hypoplastic left


  9   heart and the initiation of pulmonary valve and


 10   aortic valve implants.


 11             [Slide]


 12             The cath lab nowadays however still


 13   consists primarily of angiography and radiography


 14   and the contrast agents that go with it, although


 15   that is changing and I will take you through that a


 16   little bit.  If you look at the impact of


 17   interventional catheterization on congenital heart


 18   disease, it is starting to become relatively


 19   significant.  This is a slide that was shown


 20   earlier in the day, just looking at the incidence


 21   of different types of congenital heart disease


 22   lesions.  You can see the common ones, VSD, PDA,


 23   ASD, pulmonary stenosis, coarctation.  I have


 24   highlighted in yellow those that are now primarily


 25   treated in the interventional cath lab.  Those in




  1   red are lesions that are really shifting nowadays


  2   and we will have to see what happens over the next


  3   ten years, but from surgery to the cath lab.  Even


  4   those more complex lesions, in green, often utilize


  5   interventional techniques in association with


  6   surgical treatment.


  7             [Slide]


  8             So, it is really becoming quite


  9   significant.  This is the data from UCSF which is


 10   not unlike the data from Boston.  We have had a


 11   steady increase in the number of patients we see a


 12   year in the cath lab, and some of that is


 13   significantly related to adult congenital heart


 14   disease.  But you can see--in yellow is diagnostic


 15   and in red is interventional--that there really is


 16   a dramatic shift over the last ten years to


 17   treatment modalities in the cath lab rather than


 18   just diagnostic.


 19             [Slide]


 20             The impact, if you look at it globally, is


 21   quite significant.  You have seen some of these


 22   numbers already and 32,000 to 40,000 infants a year


 23   are born in the U.S. with congenital heart disease.


 24   In fact, about 60 percent of those will require


 25   treatment at some point during their lifetime. 




  1   Right now about a third of those patients can be


  2   treated in the cath lab and with advancing


  3   modalities, both in interventional technique and


  4   imaging, as well as imaging drugs, the potential


  5   for up to two-thirds of these patients for


  6   treatment in the cath lab may be possible.


  7             [Slide]


  8             There are a variety of approved procedures


  9   already that are listed up here.  They are not all


 10   that important to this discussion but they


 11   encompass a variety of different techniques and


 12   devices for a variety of different lesions that are


 13   currently performed.


 14             [Slide]


 15             There are some very interesting and


 16   exciting investigational procedures that are being


 17   developed, including valve stent implantation for


 18   both pulmonary insufficiency and aortic


 19   insufficiency, the latter of which might have quite


 20   a substantial impact on adult acquired disease;


 21   covered stent implantation in more complex lesions


 22   such as Fontan completion and shunt palliation in


 23   infants; internal vessel banding for hypoplastic


 24   left heart palliation; and intravascular suturing


 25   which is just really in its infancy but may have




  1   some wide-reaching implications.  All of these are


  2   going to require very, very specific improvements


  3   in imaging to take these to the next level in the


  4   interventional cath lab.


  5             [Slide]


  6             One of the difficulties, which you have


  7   already sort of touched on today, is that the range


  8   of patients is very huge, from premature infants


  9   down as low as 600 mg for valvular pulmonary


 10   stenosis in some institutions to adolescents, young


 11   adults and even nowadays some middle-aged adults


 12   with congenital heart disease.  That obviously


 13   makes the application to imaging modalities and


 14   imaging drugs quite problematic.


 15             [Slide]


 16             Currently, in the cath lab by far and away


 17   radiography or fluoroscopy is the prime imaging


 18   modality that is used and nonionic contrast is the


 19   drug of choice that is used.  In fact, this really


 20   has been studied quite a bit both in adults and


 21   pediatrics with regard to cardiac imaging and


 22   probably doesn't warrant a huge amount more issues.


 23             We also use echocardiography, both


 24   surface, transesophageal and intracardiac imaging


 25   in the cath lab in interventional procedures




  1   primarily.  For contrast, it is agitated saline


  2   although some Optison type contrasts are currently


  3   being used.


  4             [Slide]


  5             This is just to give you an example of


  6   angiography.  This is a lateral X-ray or angiogram


  7   of a patient who has had a tetralogy repair and has


  8   some compression of the repair site in between the


  9   right ventricle and the pulmonary arteries.  We use


 10   that to define the anatomy, but you can see that


 11   you are quite limited here in terms of


 12   intravascular structures.  You obviously don't see


 13   the myocardium; you don't see soft tissue


 14   structures around it.


 15             Then, we also use this, including nonionic


 16   contrast, in some of the tools we use.  This is a


 17   stent implantation to open that up.  Then,


 18   afterwards again nonionic contrast angiography to


 19   look at the area where we have implanted the stent


 20   for improvement in the stenosis.


 21             [Slide]


 22             This is just an example of an ASD closure,


 23   using fluoroscopy here to define the delivery of


 24   the device.  This little tube right here is


 25   actually intracardiac ultrasound.  We are getting




  1   ultrasound pictures while we are implanting.  Then,


  2   using some nonionic contrast at the end of the


  3   procedure to confirm position of the device.  But,


  4   again, you can see we are quite limited in terms of


  5   sort tissue definition here.


  6             [Slide]


  7             We pick up some of that in the cath lab


  8   with the use of echocardiography.  This is an


  9   example of an intracardiac echocardiogram.  So, the


 10   right atrial space is up here; the left atrial


 11   space is up here.  We are evaluating the defect.


 12   This is a balloon that is passed through the wall


 13   here that has a hole in it.  Now we are getting


 14   ready to deploy a device.  This is a CardioSeal


 15   type device that has been opened in the left atrium


 16   and now we are bringing it back against the atrial


 17   septum.  As I mentioned, we do occasionally use


 18   some contrast with regards to echo in the cath lab


 19   to assess position of devices.  Again, this is the


 20   atrial septum hole; the device being positioned;


 21   the other side of the device has been deployed.


 22   Now the device has ben released and you can see we


 23   get much better soft tissue definition here.  We


 24   will sometimes use, obviously, colored Doppler but


 25   you will see some injection of some agitated salien




  1   contrast up here to look for any residual leak.


  2   But there are limitations to that technique in


  3   terms of some of the modalities we use.


  4             [Slide]


  5             How significant are complications or


  6   problems with currently used nonionic contrasts?


  7   They are really fairly limited.  If you look at


  8   just all complications associated with


  9   catheterization in children, particularly


 10   interventional caths, you find that major


 11   complications are quite rare, less than 2 percent;


 12   minor complications less than 10 percent.  In fact,


 13   the risk factors for complications are really


 14   related to age, less than a couple of years, and


 15   interventional procedures.  If you look at the


 16   larger series the use of contrast and types of


 17   contrast do not really fall out in terms of major


 18   issues for risk factors.


 19             There are, however, well-known and well


 20   described risk factors associated with contrast


 21   that is currently used.  Transient renal failure


 22   occurs, is dose dependent, and there are allergic


 23   reactions that I think have been discussed.  That


 24   being said, we are becoming more and more specific


 25   with the use of some of these additional imaging




  1   modalities in terms of our judicious use of


  2   contrast in the cath lab, and these complications


  3   or side effects are being reduced.


  4             [Slide]


  5             What adjunct imaging modalities are


  6   currently used and associated with interventional


  7   treatment?  The one that is most common at our


  8   institution would be MRI or magnetic resonance


  9   angiography, particularly as it pertains to arch


 10   abnormalities, coarctation, pre and post anatomy


 11   evaluation, as well as flow determination and


 12   patients who have right ventricular dysfunction,


 13   pulmonary insufficiency, particularly tetralogy or


 14   flow patients.  I should add that at other


 15   institutions CT might, in fact, be the imaging


 16   modality of choice in this setting but in our


 17   institution it tends to be MRI.


 18             [Slide]


 19             You have seen some beautiful examples of


 20   that so I won't belabor this.  This is an example


 21   of an MRI image of coarctation.  The way we use


 22   that in interventional is we obviously can get very


 23   detailed anatomic definition of how big the vessel


 24   is, how long the stenosis is, and what tools we are


 25   going to need during the procedure to then address




  1   that.


  2             [Slide]


  3             This is just an angiogram of a coarctation


  4   that we would then bring to the cath lab, evaluate


  5   prior with angiography with a nonionic contrast and


  6   then repair with a stent implantation--I apologize,


  7   I gave you two pre's and one post.  It looked


  8   great, trust me!


  9             [Laughter]


 10             [Slide]


 11             There are limitations currently with the


 12   use of some of these additional modalities and the


 13   tools we currently have in intervention.  This is


 14   an example of an MRI after we implanted a stent.


 15   Right now, currently available stents are all


 16   stainless steel based.


 17             [Slide]


 18             This is the image artifact you get on


 19   implantation of a stainless steel image in an MRI.


 20   So, we have this beautiful arch.  This is where the


 21   stent is and we see nothing in and around the area


 22   because of artifact.  So, there still is a


 23   disconnect.  All our tools are really based in


 24   fluoroscopy angiography at this point wo we do need


 25   some work in that area certainly.




  1             [Slide]


  2             Nuclear medicine perfusion scan,


  3   particularly as it relates to lung perfusion, is an


  4   adjunct modality we use quite a bit with respect to


  5   interventional treatment, particularly as it


  6   evaluates branch pulmonary artery stenosis in a


  7   large number of patients who have had surgical


  8   repair.


  9             [Slide]


 10             This is just an example.  This is an


 11   infant with a complex congenital heart lesion


 12   called pulmonary atresia, VSD, and these patients


 13   are born with no central or true pulmonary


 14   arteries.  Their arteries come off abnormal blood


 15   vessels arising from the aorta, which you can see


 16   here.  The surgeon can do a remarkable job of


 17   recreating lung arteries by sewing them together


 18   and bringing them back together but, in fact, these


 19   children are left, as I think Tal Geva mentioned in


 20   his presentation, with significant abnormalities to


 21   their blood vessels afterwards.  They do quite well


 22   and yet have very abnormal blood vessels.  So, we


 23   need some method of assessing how abnormal those


 24   different areas of the lung are and nuclear


 25   medicine is quite effectiveness at looking at those




  1   areas where there is too much flow and areas where


  2   there is too little flow so when we take that


  3   patient to the cath lab we can address our


  4   attention to those vessels that most need it.


  5             [Slide]


  6             This is just an example of a patient who


  7   has had this type of repair.  You can see in this


  8   right lower pulmonary artery that there is quite a


  9   bit of narrowing, as well as the right middle


 10   pulmonary artery.  That patient had limited flow to


 11   those areas.  So, we can bring them to the cath lab


 12   and can use balloons to work on those arteries and


 13   afterwards assess with angiography to show that we


 14   have had quite an effect on those areas.  Then we


 15   follow-up with additional pulmonary flow scans,


 16   nuclear medicine scans, to look at the effect and


 17   to follow those patients long-term.


 18             [Slide]


 19             As I have hinted at, there are significant


 20   limitations to angiography and radiography, the


 21   most significant of which is anatomic soft tissue


 22   detail.  In addition, as has been mentioned for CT,


 23   there is radiation exposure which is quite dramatic


 24   in these patients.  Then, this is a very expensive


 25   technique and non-portable so that makes quite a




  1   bit of limitations, particularly with application


  2   worldwide in small centers.


  3             [Slide]


  4             To just give you a glimpse of what the


  5   future of interventional may hold, it is going to


  6   be directly related to what you are talking about


  7   today and that is the use of additional imaging


  8   modalities and the development of better imaging


  9   drugs.  Certainly, MRI/MRA is the area that has the


 10   most activity and interest in terms of use for


 11   interventional cath.  CT is a definite possibility.


 12   Not much work has been done yet.  Then, 3D echo, if


 13   that modality continues to develop, may have some


 14   application.


 15             [Slide]


 16             Let me just talk for a minute about what


 17   has been done in the MRI area.  That is the one


 18   that I am the most familiar with and which has had


 19   the most activity.  Obviously, MRI is an excellent


 20   diagnostic and imaging tool and over the last


 21   number of years the magnets have gotten small


 22   enough that we can now get to the patients when the


 23   patients are in the magnets.  In addition, the


 24   speed at which the images can be obtained has


 25   improved enough so that we can actually get




  1   real-time imaging of the heart as it beats.  So,


  2   that has opened the door for us to now consider


  3   using the cath imaging modality as a direction for


  4   interventional techniques.


  5             [Slide]


  6             In fact, there are a number of combined


  7   MRI fluoroscopy interventional labs that have been


  8   put in place, a few in the United States and a


  9   number around the world, that really consist of an


 10   angiography suite and an MRI suite that are


 11   connected by an interconnecting table that can


 12   slide a patient from one to the other, with a set


 13   of doors that slide in between that allow isolation


 14   of the magnet from all the metal in the fluoroscopy


 15   area.


 16             [Slide]


 17             This is just a picture of the suite we


 18   have at UCSF.  This is a 1.5 tesla short-bore


 19   magnet and a Phillips C-arm rotating angiography


 20   suite.  It is separated by these isolating doors.


 21   This table slides between the two so you can work


 22   in one room or the other and move the patient back


 23   and forth.


 24             [Slide]


 25             This is just an example of moving the




  1   patient from the MR scanner back across to the


  2   angiography suite.


  3             [Slide]


  4             This is just showing that with these


  5   short-bore magnets you can actually get to the


  6   patient, either their head for neck vessel access


  7   or to the other side to their groin for leg access


  8   so that we can do some of these interventional


  9   procedures right in the scanner.  In fact, you have


 10   an image monitor there that you can look at in live


 11   image and that can be swung all around the room in


 12   front of the operator so they can watch what they


 13   are doing while they are moving.


 14             [Slide]


 15             This is just an example of a


 16   catheterization in the MRI scanner.  This is


 17   something that we have been working on.  This is a


 18   prototype catheter that allows you to detect the


 19   tip of the catheter very obviously.  You can see


 20   the soft tissue images nicely as the catheter moves


 21   up and around the aortic arch towards the left


 22   ventricle.  So, this is opening up the potential


 23   for use of this modality for catheterization and,


 24   in fact, last year there was nice work done by a


 25   group in Germany, developing a device specific for




  1   the atrial septum that can be used in the MRI


  2   scanner.


  3             [Slide]


  4             We have done some work at our institution


  5   that shows that even with currently approved


  6   devices they can be used.  This is an animal model


  7   closing an ASD, which is seen right here.  This is


  8   an Amplatzer device being deployed, the left atrial


  9   side of it being deployed in the left atrium.  This


 10   is live MR fluoro.  Here is the right atrial side


 11   of the device being deployed and then the device


 12   being released.  Obviously, the potential advantage


 13   here is that instead of just seeing the


 14   intravascular space we can see soft tissue around


 15   as well and help guide our interventions.


 16             [Slide]


 17             This is just showing what you can do in


 18   terms of a soft tissue look at a variety of


 19   different types of stents that are currently


 20   available.  This is some work we did in the


 21   pulmonary arteries.  You can see that the image


 22   quality can, in fact, get quite good if you can


 23   match some of the tools with the imaging modality.


 24   You can see the chain-link fence of the stent


 25   sitting in the right ventricular outflow track




  1   pulmonary artery in this model.


  2             [Slide]


  3             This is just an example of a stent being


  4   deployed in the right ventricular outflow track in


  5   an animal model that really shows us that we can


  6   use these images to guide some of these techniques.


  7             [Slide]


  8             Just to sort of summarize for you, I would


  9   say that the current radiography or angiography


 10   techniques that we use and the agents that we use


 11   really are quite safe and useful for pediatric


 12   interventional catheterization, and it is not clear


 13   to me that there needs to be a whole lot of study


 14   in that area.


 15             But advances in interventional cardiology


 16   are really going to come from advances in 3D


 17   imaging in these other modalities, MRI, CT or


 18   3-dimensional echo.  In fact, safe and effective


 19   contrast agents will be key to allowing these


 20   interventional advances because our image quality


 21   will need to increase substantially.


 22             [Slide]


 23             The challenges for this include faster


 24   acquisition time, which we are getting towards and


 25   which no doubt will come in the next few years. 




  1   But the other issue is image resolution.  We really


  2   need to be able to define images down to 1-2 mm in


  3   size for pediatric work in some of these


  4   procedures.  Right now, that is going to depend


  5   primarily on improved contrast agents.


  6             [Slide]


  7             I would just say my view of the future is


  8   the combination of real-time 3D imaging with some


  9   improved contrast agents for the use of


 10   interventional cath to really bring interventional


 11   repair to a new level, both improved accuracy but,


 12   more importantly, the ability to repair complex


 13   congenital heart disease in the cath lab.  Thank


 14   you very much.


 15             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  It has


 16   been suggested by our colleagues at the FDA that


 17   maybe we need to take a break at this point.  I


 18   don't know who has shown that they are not totally


 19   alert but somebody picked up on it.


 20             [Laughter]


 21             So, maybe we could take a ten-minute break


 22   now and come back at 2:55 for our next speaker.


 23   Thank you.


 24             [Brief recess]


 25             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you, all.  Just a




  1   business issue, we, as in the proverbial "we," have


  2   made a decision not to try to finish tonight.  I


  3   think for many of us for whom this information is


  4   very new, very interesting but, as a result of all


  5   the time and work that has gone into preparing for


  6   this meeting, I think that we probably will need


  7   time to do a little more thinking and absorbing all


  8   the material that you all have given us.  I


  9   understand that all of our consultants are going to


 10   be back here in the morning so we will try to


 11   finish on time tonight and reassemble in the


 12   morning.  That means that we need to have


 13   transportation back to the hotel.  So, I wonder if


 14   everybody who would like a ride in a van from here


 15   to the hotel at the end of this session would


 16   please raise their hands.  Dr. Santana is going to


 17   stay here for the night!


 18             Thank you for bearing with us.  Our next


 19   speaker is Dr. Craig Sable who is going to speak to


 20   us on contrast enhanced cardiac ultrasound.


 21               Contrast Enhanced Cardiac Ultrasound


 22             DR. SABLE:  Thank you.  I would like to


 23   thank the FDA for inviting me to speak.  I am the


 24   Director of Echocardiography at Children's National


 25   Medical Center.




  1             [Slide]


  2             The topic I have, contrast use in


  3   echocardiography, is a little bit of a dichotomy in


  4   that by far and away of all the imaging modalities


  5   we are discussing today echocardiography is the


  6   most common.  About 18 million per year are


  7   performed in the United States.  With that number


  8   ever increasing, especially as the machines become


  9   more and more portable, probably a conservative


 10   estimate, although there are no data, is that about


 11   one million of these are performed in children.


 12             It is done in real time.  It is low cost.


 13   it is portable.  It is very widely available.


 14   There is almost no discomfort.  There is no


 15   radiation.  It is primarily used for cardiac


 16   structure and cardiac function, both systolic and


 17   diastolic.  It gives us considerable information


 18   about hemodynamics.  It helps us with regional wall


 19   motion, both at rest and during exercise where the


 20   imaging is more difficult.


 21             The dichotomy is that even though echo is


 22   the most widely used, if you look at the data that


 23   Dr. Geva presented earlier, probably ten-fold more


 24   than all the other modalities combined but there is


 25   the least amount of information on contrast in




  1   echo, especially in children.


  2             [Slide]


  3             There are some limitations to


  4   echocardiography that contrast has the potential to


  5   overcome.  Many patients have poor acoustic windows


  6   which may make it difficult to look at structure,


  7   the endocardial border, regional wall motion and


  8   Doppler signals.  Patients at particular risk for


  9   this include those with pulmonary disease, obesity,


 10   chest wall deformity, postoperative patients and


 11   after exercise.  The consequences of these


 12   suboptimal images include misdiagnosis, low


 13   diagnostic confidence, need for additional tests


 14   and higher inter-observer variability.


 15             Finally, echo without contrast does not


 16   help us very much with coronary perfusion.


 17   Probably a conservative estimate is that up to 5


 18   percent of all the pediatric patients, probably


 19   tens of thousands per year, could benefit from


 20   contrast echo.


 21             [Slide]


 22             Well, what can contrast echo do for us?


 23   Why use it?  These agents are intravenously


 24   injected and may enhance the echogenicity of blood.


 25   The goal would be to delineate the echocardiogram




  1   by opacifying the cavity, enhancing Doppler signals


  2   and allowing us to image perfusion of the


  3   myocardium.  This would increase the sensitivity of


  4   the test, heighten the diagnostic confidence,


  5   improve the accuracy and reproducibility and


  6   enhance clinical utility.


  7             [Slide]


  8             This is not an uncommon example of an


  9   older patient, trying to see the endocardial


 10   border.  This is after contrast echo and the


 11   endocardial border can be shown right here.  It is


 12   much better seen with contrast echo.  I will show


 13   you some more examples as we go through.


 14             [Slide]


 15             The desired contrast agent properties are


 16   that they are non-toxic.  They can be intravenously


 17   injectable either as a bolus or continuous


 18   infusion.  They are stable both during passage


 19   through the heart and the lungs.  They remain in


 20   the blood pool or have a well specified tissue


 21   distribution.  The duration of the effect will be


 22   comparable to the study itself, and they will be


 23   very small size.


 24             [Slide]


 25             To give you some historical perspective,




  1   the original contrast agent was agitated saline.


  2   Agitated means that we literally put it in a


  3   syringe and we shake it up, mix it up with a little


  4   bit of air.  It is very helpful to identify shunts,


  5   particularly atrial septal defect shunts.  But the


  6   limitations are the bubbles are too big so if you


  7   inject it in the right side of the heart and it


  8   goes through the lungs you won't see it very well


  9   on the left side of the heart, and the bubbles


 10   dissolve very quickly.


 11             You can inject directly into the heart


 12   with agitated saline or into the coronary arteries


 13   but, again, that definitely has some limitations.


 14   The size itself can cause complications and it is


 15   invasive and impractical.


 16             [Slide]


 17             There have been newer generations of


 18   contrast agents that have come out in recent years


 19   that have tried to overcome some of these problems


 20   with agitated saline.  Albunex was the first agent


 21   that came out.  It is highly echogenic on the left


 22   side;  It is only 2-4 micrometers, which is about a


 23   third of the size of the red blood cell, but it is


 24   only effective for about 2 minutes.


 25             So, second generation agents use gas




  1   instead of air, and the two that are most commonly


  2   used and are FDA approved are Optison and Definity.


  3   These either have perfluoropropane or carbon or


  4   other gases.  These act for a longer time.  There


  5   are even third generation agents with newer gases


  6   and different shells that have even more exciting


  7   properties that I will touch on as we go through.


  8             [Slide]


  9             Air is highly soluble but it has low


 10   persistence and stability and diffuses rapidly


 11   versus some of the gases that are in the agents


 12   like Definity and Optison that have higher


 13   molecular weight, low solubility and are very


 14   persistent and stable.


 15             [Slide]


 16             This is just a cartoon on the left of


 17   Levovist, showing the contrast agent as it kind of


 18   adheres to the blood cells, and then an electron


 19   micrograph reproduction of Optison in the blood


 20   stream next to the red blood cells.


 21             [Slide]


 22             This is a list from the article that I put


 23   in your handout from 2000.  There are newer lists


 24   but this is just an example.  This is in the latest


 25   statement by the American Society of Echo on




  1   contrast echocardiography listing some of the


  2   agents out there.


  3             [Slide]


  4             Just to kind of summarize, Albunex is FDA


  5   approved but not very commonly used.  Optison and


  6   Definity--I believe there is one agent out there


  7   that is also approved that isn't used very


  8   frequently but Optison and Definity are the two FDA


  9   approved contrast agents that are most commonly


 10   used.  Then, Levovist and Echovist are approved in


 11   Europe.  There are several other contrast agents


 12   that are likely to be approved in the near future.


 13             [Slide]


 14             For us to understand how contrast agents


 15   are useful in ultrasound we need to know a little


 16   bit about how the ultrasound and contrast interact


 17   because that will become very important in


 18   understanding how these agents are used and how the


 19   machine is used with the agents.  The bubbles


 20   themselves, in addition to reflecting the


 21   ultrasound, are actually resonating with the


 22   frequency of the ultrasound beam.


 23             Just to review, with ultrasound we are


 24   sending ultrasound waves at a frequency much higher


 25   than human sound, anywhere from 1-7 MHz, even up to




  1   12 MHz.  The ultrasound bubbles actually resonate


  2   at the same frequency as the ultrasound beam.  The


  3   key, as someone mentioned earlier, that we need to


  4   have our echo machines do is differentiate the echo


  5   from the contrast from the ordinary tissue.


  6             [Slide]


  7             But it is not quite that simple, and to


  8   understand this a little bit further there is the


  9   principle called the mechanical index, which is


 10   essentially a measure of the energy at which we


 11   expose the tissue and ultrasound bubbles when we


 12   are doing an echo and it is displayed on the


 13   ultrasound machine.  All the ranges I am going to


 14   display are proven to be very safe.  At less than


 15   0.1 mechanical index the bubbles oscillate, just as


 16   I told you.  At higher power they actually


 17   oscillate at several different frequencies, and


 18   higher still they actually break.


 19             [Slide]


 20             This is just a cartoon kind of showing


 21   that at low power they resonate in a linear


 22   pattern.  At higher power they resonate in a


 23   harmonic manner, which I will talk about in a


 24   second.  This is the way that most echo machines


 25   function.  Then at a higher power still the bubbles




  1   will disrupt, which is very important for perfusion


  2   imaging.


  3             [Slide]


  4             Just to briefly review the principle of


  5   harmonic imaging, normally bubbles resonate at the


  6   frequency of ultrasound but at higher MI bubbles


  7   will have multiple different frequencies, the


  8   loudest being twice the normal frequency, or the


  9   second harmonic.  The resolution of ultrasound is


 10   higher at higher frequencies.  So, the fact that


 11   these bubbles can resonate at twice the normal


 12   frequency means we can significantly improve the


 13   resolution and that is a huge advantage of contrast


 14   echo.


 15             However, there is a caveat.  Tissue also


 16   has second harmonic imaging and the good news is


 17   that, just in a happenstance way, contrast echo


 18   allows us to have this new way to image tissue with


 19   much better image quality.  The bad news is that


 20   turning on the second harmonics of the echo machine


 21   doesn't necessarily completely distinguish the


 22   tissue from the ultrasound bubbles.  But just keep


 23   in mind that for purposes of this talk we are


 24   generally using second harmonic imaging to image


 25   contrast.




  1             [Slide]


  2             This just shows the first harmonic and


  3   second harmonic peak.


  4             [Slide]


  5             This is just an example.  The time at


  6   which you can image is much greater using second


  7   harmonic imaging.  This is an image without


  8   anything.  This is harmonic imaging without


  9   contrast, and the best image of all is harmonic


 10   imaging with contrast.


 11             [Slide]


 12             There are even some more higher grade


 13   technologies that I won't get into in detail, but


 14   they allow the bubbles to actually break and help


 15   us with perfusion.  So, harmonic imaging is best


 16   for tissue opacification and breaking the bubbles


 17   is best for looking at perfusion.


 18             [Slide]


 19             With left ventricular opacification, as I


 20   said before, it helps with poor windows; left


 21   ventricular systolic function; stroke volume


 22   calculations; space occupying masses such as clots


 23   and tumors; and regional wall motion both at rest


 24   and stress, both with exercise and drugs.


 25             [Slide]




  1             This is just an example of a four-chamber


  2   and two-chamber view with and without enhancement.


  3   With using contrast agents, a multi-center study,


  4   published in The American Journal of Cardiology,


  5   showed that 91 percent of patients got adequate


  6   enhancement using contrast.


  7             [Slide]


  8             This is just another example of an


  9   unenhanced image, and then with Definity the


 10   endocardial border is much better defined.  You can


 11   see a little bit of hypertrophy here.  If this were


 12   a clot or something like that, again, that would be


 13   much better defined with contrast.


 14             [Slide]


 15             Another study done in AJC using Definity


 16   looking at patients that had terrible images or


 17   non-diagnostic exams, the percent of patients with


 18   diagnostic exams was increased from zero percent to


 19   70 percent with Definity.


 20             [Slide]


 21             This is opacification, looking at


 22   different segments during a stress echo where it is


 23   very critical to evaluate wall motion.  This is


 24   without contrast and this is with contrast.  Again,


 25   the segmental wall is much better seen in four




  1   views with contrast than without.  Both at rest and


  2   exercise contrast echo improves regional wall


  3   motion detection and left ventricular


  4   opacification.


  5             [Slide]


  6             It can also help looking at Doppler


  7   signals.  We use Doppler signals for a wide variety


  8   of things in echo.  One of the things we use it for


  9   is pulmonary vein Doppler to help with diastolic


 10   function.  This is just an example of a pre- and


 11   post-injection of Levovist with contrast echo.


 12   Again, the signals are much more clear with the


 13   contrast.


 14             [Slide]


 15             Perfusion, as we have alluded to with MRI


 16   and other modalities, is really what we are moving


 17   towards in the field of imaging.  We look for


 18   structure.  We look for function.  But if we could


 19   really get a handle on coronary perfusion the field


 20   would be moved tremendously forward.  What we want


 21   to try to do is identify ischemic tissue and viable


 22   pericardium and find areas that are at risk.  So,


 23   we want to try to get ways to image the


 24   microvasculature in a non-invasive way.


 25             [Slide]




  1             This is just an example of a normal


  2   perfusion scan.  We are actually breaking the


  3   bubbles.  This is just the myocardium here using


  4   power imaging.  This dark area here is an area of


  5   apical infarction.  This is a similar patient with


  6   apical infarction both on contrast echo and on


  7   SPECT nuclear scan, and SPECT scans are still the


  8   gold standard but there are several adult studies


  9   comparing perfusion using contrast echo versus


 10   SPECT with very good results.


 11             [Slide]


 12             This is an image using pulse inversion.


 13   First you will see the endocardial border light up


 14   and then after a little bit of time you can


 15   actually see the myocardium light up, very similar


 16   to one of the images that was shown in the MRI talk


 17   looking at the perfusion of the myocardium


 18   itself--incredible potential.


 19             [Slide]


 20             There are additional applications.  One


 21   that we are using in adults is treatment of


 22   hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by injecting alcohol


 23   direct into the coronary artery of the hypertrophic


 24   myocardium.  When you are doing that procedure, you


 25   definitely want to make sure that you are injecting




  1   in the right part of the heart and contrast echo is


  2   used to identify that.


  3             The really exciting thing is that these


  4   contrast bubbles--and, hopefully in the next five


  5   to ten years we will be back here talking about


  6   them for that particular use--can be the magic


  7   bullet for treating things like clots, injecting


  8   genes in certain parts of the heart or other parts


  9   of the body, doing some interventional things like


 10   opening up ASDs or dilating valves and even


 11   treating cancer.  As the field of pediatric


 12   cardiology has moved from diagnostic caths to


 13   interventional caths with less diagnostic caths and


 14   more diagnostic echo, hopefully, in the future we


 15   are actually going to move towards therapeutic


 16   echo, and using some of these contrast agents of


 17   the future could definitely get us there.


 18             [Slide]


 19             This is just an example of using contrast


 20   to identify the area of a ventricular septum that


 21   has hypertrophied and injecting ethanol to ablate


 22   that area and treat hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


 23             [Slide]


 24             Well, we are really here to talk about


 25   safety.  Hopefully, I have given you an idea of




  1   what contrast echo can do in adults.  The safety


  2   has been established and there are two ways to


  3   think of contrast.  It is a drug and, as a drug, it


  4   has been very well established, using very


  5   stringent criteria, that there are very minimal


  6   side effects.  I will show you a few examples.


  7   There is only one study in pediatrics.


  8             But then there is the ultrasound-contrast


  9   interaction where there are some biological effects


 10   of the sound waves and the bubbles working


 11   together.  In terms of a drug, there have been very


 12   few side effects.


 13             [Slide]


 14             There is only one study I could find that


 15   had any substantial amount of side effects.  This


 16   had Optison being used at 100 times the current


 17   recommended dose and only 70 percent of patients


 18   had side effects, only one of whom needed to be


 19   treated.  Those included headache, nausea,


 20   vomiting, flushing and dizziness.  Again, this is


 21   at 100 times the dose.  There were no side effects


 22   in an interoperative study when it was given in 57


 23   patients.


 24             [Slide]


 25             In terms of the ultrasound-contrast




  1   interaction, at exposure levels well above clinical


  2   use and clinical power of ultrasound, there could


  3   be bioeffects in the tissue itself.  You could


  4   actually heat up the blood to the point where there


  5   could be potential problems, but using ultrasound


  6   levels identical to normal exams that is unlikely


  7   to happen and has been shown in repeated animal


  8   studies to have no bioeffects even though


  9   ultrasound is disrupting the bubbles and this could


 10   theoretically lead to cavitation at very high


 11   temperatures.  But it is something that has not


 12   been shown to happen in animals, but as we go


 13   forward it may be the basis for some studies.


 14             [Slide]


 15             As I said, there is no evidence of


 16   bioeffects at conventional imaging with normal


 17   hematocrits, a mechanical index at 1.9 which is


 18   higher than we ever use, and agent concentration


 19   less than 0.2 percent which, again, is much higher


 20   than we ever use.  At very high concentrations,


 21   high ultrasound energy and very low hematocrits


 22   there have been reports in animal models of


 23   hemolysis, platelet lysis and pulmonary hemorrhage.


 24             [Slide]


 25             There are alternatives to contrast echo,




  1   including transesophageal echo, MRI, nuclear


  2   studies and angiography, but contrast echo has the


  3   advantage that it is not invasive; it can be widely


  4   available; and it can be done at the bedside.


  5             [Slide]


  6             So, based on all of this data, the


  7   American Society of Echo recommended in their 2000


  8   statement that physician and sonographer competence


  9   is critical, but any echo, either standard or


 10   stress, that has suboptimal views, meaning that you


 11   can't see 2/6 apical segments, and/or there is


 12   inadequate Doppler, contrast echo could be


 13   considered to be indicated.  However, your lab has


 14   to have the ability to have the highest quality


 15   standard equipment before you move to contrast echo


 16   for left ventricular opacification.  For myocardial


 17   perfusion it is still considered investigational.


 18             [Slide]


 19             To summarize the adult data before I get


 20   into the pediatric data, in the past we have used


 21   it to identify intracardiac structures and shunts.


 22   Presently, we can do intracoronary myocardial


 23   contrast.  We can enhance endocardial borders and


 24   do Doppler.  In the near future--myocardial


 25   perfusion, stress perfusion and viability, and in




  1   the far future drug gene delivery and clot lysis.


  2             [Slide]


  3             Pediatrics is a little bit different.  We


  4   look at structure more than function.  We have less


  5   experience with wall motion assessment.  We do have


  6   better windows because the heart is closer to the


  7   chest, and we have higher frequency transducers.


  8   There aren't very many large multi-center trials,


  9   and we do use drugs in an off-label manner quite a


 10   bit.


 11             [Slide]


 12             But there are many potential uses for


 13   contrast.  We use it for shunts.  We have about


 14   three-quarter of a million adults with congenital


 15   heart disease in this country.  That number is


 16   going way up.  Many of them have complex disease,


 17   or are in the postop setting or have single


 18   ventricles.  There is a large number of pediatric


 19   patients with coronary disease, maybe not typical


 20   atherosclerosis but we have a huge population of


 21   children and adults with Kawasaki disease.  We have


 22   a large transplant population.  And, some of the


 23   diseases, such as transposition of the great


 24   arteries, are at risk for coronary artery disease.


 25   And, there is a growing field of stress echo in




  1   kids.


  2             Some limitations--putting an IV in a


  3   little baby is kind of a big deal but in an older


  4   child it really isn't.  There is very little data


  5   and it is a little harder for us to get the volume


  6   needed to have competence.  Coronary artery disease


  7   is somewhat uncommon and in many of our patients


  8   image quality is satisfactory so getting an


  9   appropriate volume to have competence is somewhat


 10   of a limitation.  And, contrast agents are


 11   relatively expensive.


 12             [Slide]


 13             There is one study in pediatrics.  When I


 14   first thought about this talk I thought I would


 15   just show you this study and let you all think


 16   about it.  But, clearly, this is an issue because


 17   we have a long way to go.  Dr. Kimball, in


 18   Cincinnati, published this study in 2003 looking at


 19   patients referred for stress echo, Kawasaki


 20   disease, transplant postoperative patients and


 21   atypical chest pain.


 22             [Slide]


 23             Here is the stress echo protocol using


 24   dobutamine or bicycle.  They used 0.1 mL to 0.2 mL


 25   kind of empirically for the contrast protocol of




  1   Optison, using 25 mg as a cutoff.  The adult dose


  2   is 0.5 mL.


  3             [Slide]


  4             They followed by a saline flush and


  5   monitored saturation heart rate and blood pressure


  6   for 45 minutes after the injection.  They got


  7   standard parasternal and apical views using


  8   harmonic imaging with a mechanical index of 0.4.


  9             [Slide]


 10             They tried to look at 16 myocardial


 11   segments.  Six are seen in two views.  There was a


 12   total of 22 segments that were graded on a scale


 13   from 0-3 by one blinded pediatric cardiologist,


 14   both with and without contrast.


 15             [Slide]


 16             They looked at 22 children over a 14-month


 17   period.  Their diagnoses are shown here, 19 were


 18   dobutamine studies and 3 were exercise.  The


 19   smallest patient was 8 months old.


 20             [Slide]


 21             They had no hemodynamic changes or


 22   complaints.  Image quality was improved in 21/22


 23   studies, especially in the apical segments.  When


 24   talking to Dr. Kimball recently, he said that they


 25   have since done about 20 more patients, again, with




  1   zero side effects reported.


  2             [Slide]


  3             In summary, contrast echo has been proved


  4   to be safe in adult patients.  It has been endorsed


  5   by the American Society of Echo for left


  6   ventricular opacification studies at rest and


  7   exercise.  There are important additional uses for


  8   contrast that are likely to be developed and


  9   approved in the near future, including myocardial


 10   perfusion and tissue specific delivery.


 11             [Slide]


 12             In pediatrics we are a little bit behind


 13   the adults, but echo is the most commonly used


 14   diagnostic modality in children with cardiovascular


 15   disease and there are important potential uses for


 16   contrast echo, as I said earlier, probably tens of


 17   thousands of patients per year.  Based on Dr.


 18   Kimball's study we can begin to conclude, from his


 19   study at least, that contrast echo can safely be


 20   performed in children and it improves the quality


 21   of stress echo.  But there are obviously limited


 22   data.  We are only looking at 22 patients published


 23   evaluating the use of contrast echo in children.


 24             [Slide]


 25             My recommendations would be that we need,




  1   as a pediatric cardiology community with the


  2   support of the FDA, to develop dosing for


  3   pediatrics, assess safety and establish specific


  4   indications.  Hopefully, we can get together with


  5   the American Society of Echocardiography and


  6   develop specific guidelines that will serve as a


  7   resource for additional pediatric cardiologists to


  8   use contrast echo.


  9             Finally, I would like to acknowledge Dr.


 10   Weissman, Dr. Rychik, Dr. Kimball and the American


 11   Society of Echo for contributing to some of the


 12   content of this talk.  Thank you.


 13             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  Our


 14   last speaker for the afternoon session is Dr.


 15   Dilsizian who is going to speak to us on


 16   radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear cardiac imaging.


 17         Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Cardiac Imaging


 18             DR. DILSIZIAN:  Thank you very much.  I


 19   appreciate the invitation to be part of this panel.


 20   My background is that I am an adult cardiologist


 21   who is also double-boarded in nuclear medicine.  I


 22   have spent the last 13 years at the NIH doing work


 23   in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy involving also the


 24   pediatric population.  Currently, I am the Director


 25   of the Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine at the




  1   University of Maryland.  I have been there now for


  2   a couple of years.


  3             [Slide]


  4             We have heard about a lot of technologies


  5   and if I were sitting in the audience I would say


  6   it seems like everybody is showing function,


  7   perfusion and all this nice stuff and you say why


  8   would I even want to use nuclear?  Just the name


  9   itself is scary and why would we even bother with


 10   this?


 11             So, what I would like to do is I would


 12   like to say to my colleagues that as far as anatomy


 13   is concerned, echo, CT, MRI--it is great.  Any time


 14   you think about nuclear you have to think about the


 15   physiology and metabolism.  Okay?  So for anatomy,


 16   nuclear has no business.  Whenever we think about


 17   the physiology or metabolism we should be thinking


 18   about nuclear medicine.


 19             Why?  It is because unlike some of the


 20   flow tracers that they have mentioned so far, the


 21   beauty of nuclear cardiology--which, although the


 22   field was back in the 1940s the real perfusion


 23   imaging began in mid-1970s--because of the fact


 24   that it has been used for the last three decades in


 25   the adult population to detect coronary artery




  1   disease, it has passed the test of time and we


  2   respect that field.


  3             Now, there is something about perfusion


  4   imaging in nuclear that has to be important and


  5   unique.  What is it about it?  It is because when


  6   we inject a tracer like thallium-201, technetium,


  7   maybe tetrofosmin, rubidium-82 with PET and N-13


  8   ammonia with PET we are not only looking at flow,


  9   we are looking at retention of that radiotracer in


 10   the cell.  It is a very, very unique characteristic


 11   of nuclear medicine.  The isotope that you inject


 12   and that is attached to a radio ligand is being


 13   actually intercepted and retained in the cell.  No


 14   other technology can do that.  With tetrofosmin


 15   they will enter the mitochondria and, therefore,


 16   they tell you about the intactness of the


 17   mitochondria where ATP is formed and no other


 18   technology can do that.


 19             SPECT imaging stands for single photon


 20   emission computer tomography, while PET is positron


 21   emission tomography.  The only difference between


 22   these two terms is the P and the SP, which means


 23   that what differentiates these two technologies is


 24   the radiotracer.  Radiotracers used with PET are


 25   positron emission radiotracers.  The tracers used




  1   with SPECT are single photon emission radiotracers.


  2   I don't want to get into that detail.  All that you


  3   need to know is why do we need to move into the PET


  4   technology which has also been around for a couple


  5   of decades.  It is because as we move from


  6   thallium-201 to technetium perfusion to PET what we


  7   are trying to do is we are trying to get the same


  8   biological/physiological behavior, yet reduce


  9   radiation exposure.


 10             So, this is a very important concept.


 11   Thallium-201 is an elegant biological tracer, a


 12   potassium analog injected as a salt.  What is the


 13   problem?  Physical properties, low energy, high


 14   physical half-time of 72 hours, long physical


 15   half-time.  Therefore, we are limited by the


 16   dosimetry, 5 mCi is all we can get.  That limits


 17   our quality of images and diagnostic capabilities,


 18   especially in large patients.  It may not apply to


 19   kids but in kids we are not talking about large


 20   size, we are talking about the long physical


 21   half-life and, therefore, we want to limit the body


 22   distribution, limit exposure to the kids.


 23             Moving to technetium-labeled perfusion


 24   tracers, its physical properties are 6-hour


 25   half-life, 140 K energy.  Again, why do I need to




  1   know that?  It is because the energy is much more


  2   appropriate for the current gamma cameras that are


  3   available.  Tomorrow, if we change the sodium


  4   iodide crystal we may choose another radiolabel but


  5   the ligand remains the same.  So, short half-life


  6   and, therefore, we can give 25-30 mCi.  Suddenly,


  7   we have been able to get similar information, if


  8   you will, but getting a higher count and that


  9   allows us to not only get myocardial perfusion but


 10   also function with the same setting--very important


 11   concept.                      Where does PET come in?


 12   Well, let's push the envelope further.  Now we are


 13   going to use radiotracers that, because of the


 14   energy characteristics, you are going to have much


 15   better, higher count rates.  In addition to that,


 16   you can have attenuation correction.  It may not be


 17   important for kids again.  But more importantly,


 18   what is important is that rubidium-82 has a very


 19   short half-life, 32 seconds.  Ammonia N-13,


 20   ten-minute half-lie.  So, now we are talking about


 21   not only physical properties that are shorter and


 22   shorter but biological properties.  Rubidium goes


 23   in and goes out 32 seconds later.  Therefore, the


 24   radiation exposure to the kids will be limited and


 25   now we can concentrate on the physiology.  That is




  1   what is exciting about nuclear medicine.


  2             In the era of genomics and proteomics you


  3   understand that we are really in the field that is


  4   becoming the molecular imagers.  So, now let me go


  5   into clinical applications based on this


  6   background.


  7             [Slide]


  8             The main applications will be congenital


  9   heart disease, diagnosing coronary circulation


 10   anomalies.  We have heard all of that and I don't


 11   want to show you any images; Kawasaki disease,


 12   hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or monitoring


 13   chemotherapy which can be done with


 14   echocardiography or MRI, but in some patients you


 15   actually want to know reproducibility with very


 16   accurate numbers.


 17             [Slide]


 18             I want to pick specifically hypertrophic


 19   cardiomyopathy.  That hasn't been discussed much


 20   and I want to tell you why.  One is because I have


 21   done a lot of research on this but the other thing


 22   is that it exemplifies where perfusion imaging with


 23   nuclear has an advantage over other technologies.


 24             We have learned in the last several years


 25   that with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is




  1   really thickening of the heart and it can be


  2   asymmetric septal hypertrophy or concentric


  3   hypertrophy, there are some genetic diverse


  4   features.  When I was in medical school I was


  5   taught that the prevalence of hypertrophic


  6   cardiomyopathy in the general population was 3


  7   percent.  That was my education and that is based


  8   on what?  That wasn't based on genetic studies.


  9   Those were just learned recently.  That was based


 10   on echocardiographic or abnormal EKG findings.  The


 11   prevalence, therefore, actually may be higher.


 12   And, I am going to show you that now that we are


 13   getting into genetic identification we can identify


 14   that there is a higher prevalence perhaps in the


 15   general population than 3 percent.


 16             What is important here in kids is that


 17   sudden death, unfortunately, occurs commonly in


 18   young patients.  What do I mean by that?  If you


 19   diagnose hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a child


 20   between ages 1 and 14, 50 percent of those kids


 21   after diagnosis will die in 9 years.  That is


 22   scary.  Okay?  Therefore, everything that I am


 23   going to say now about radiation exposure you have


 24   to put in perspective of what we are talking about


 25   and what we are identifying because I think at the




  1   end of this we have to say what is the added


  2   potential fatal cancer in these kids versus their


  3   survival.  Again, this is one subset of patients


  4   that exemplifies how we have to think about nuclear


  5   imaging.


  6             [Slide]


  7             I mentioned to you that there was recently


  8   an elegant publication in The New England Journal


  9   that told you the prevalence of where some of the


 10   genetic abnormalities can be in patient


 11   populations.  Now you can screen them, especially


 12   if there are increased sudden deaths in those


 13   patients.


 14             This is one pathologic slide from a young


 15   patient who died suddenly with cardiac arrest.


 16   This is the septum and you can see all of this red


 17   stuff is scarring.  You see these small vessels


 18   here.  They are thickened.  This is a young patient


 19   that has an unusual interstitial structure and


 20   coronary arteries that causes these kids to die.


 21   You have heard about these athletes playing


 22   basketball and dying suddenly.  This is the same


 23   patient population.


 24             How do I identify these?  In the


 25   traditional way we say, well, you know, I will do




  1   CT angiography.  Guess what, the coronaries are


  2   normal.  So, CT angiography is not going to give


  3   you the information.  Now, what is it that I am


  4   going to do?  What I would like to do is identify


  5   ischemia.  Right?  Ischemia is a supply-demand


  6   mismatch.  Even though the vessels may be normal,


  7   the demand component may be abnormal because it is


  8   a thickened heart.


  9             Now, one of the strengths of nuclear


 10   medicine is that we are going to put patients on


 11   the treadmill.  All of the other fun stuff we have


 12   heard is pharmacologic stress.  It is not what


 13   patients actually do.  We are looking if someone is


 14   running on the basketball court--running--is he


 15   going to have arrhythmias, is he going to die?


 16   That is what I want to know and, therefore, I am


 17   going to reproduce that on the treadmill and inject


 18   a nice radiotracer which will tell me if that


 19   patient is ischemic or not.


 20             [Slide]


 21             We did this study at the NIH and here is a


 22   very nice example.  This is a young kid, 8 years


 23   old.  Obviously, the dark area would be lack of


 24   blood flow.  This patient has no coronary disease.


 25   We are talking about ischemia based on a




  1   supply-demand mismatch that is completely


  2   reversible.  So you say, well, why is this


  3   important?  Why do I need to know that?  Is there


  4   any relationship between ischemia and sudden


  5   cardiac death?


  6             [Slide]


  7             Again, what I want to show you is that


  8   even though that is done with thallium, you can get


  9   the same information with Sestamibi or tetrofosmin.


 10   Again, it is flow tracers.  If the body


 11   distribution is such that the kids are getting less


 12   radiation exposure, obviously you will be moving in


 13   this direction and perhaps PET in some direction.


 14   I just want you to have that in mind, that we are


 15   not just stuck in the 1970s.  We could actually be


 16   in the 21st century as the technology moves with


 17   the radiotracers as long as we are getting the


 18   signal that we need for a patient.


 19             [Slide]


 20             Again, this is  patient before and after


 21   treatment with verapamil.  You can see that the


 22   extent of ischemia is actually better, just medical


 23   therapy.  Therefore, now I can follow the patient


 24   and say that by treatment with a beta-blocker and


 25   verapamil am I really impacting ischemia and am I




  1   going to impact sudden cardiac death?


  2             [Slide]


  3             Again some pathological--these are


  4   thickened arterial walls.


  5             [Slide]


  6             This is the data that I want to share with


  7   you which I published in 1993.  So, 23 patients


  8   presenting to NIH--these are kids.  They presented


  9   either with symptoms of cardiac arrest or syncope


 10   and they obviously survived a syncope episode, or


 11   had a very strong family history of cardiac arrest.


 12   So, now these patients were being evaluated with EP


 13   studies looking at arrhythmogenicity and you can


 14   see that by doing EP studies, inducible VT was only


 15   27 percent of these cardiac arrest or syncope kids,


 16   and none in those who had family history of cardiac


 17   disease.


 18             On the other hand, the thallium SPECT


 19   study showed all of these guys who had syncope or


 20   cardiac arrest actually had ischemia, and 3/8 with


 21   the family history also had ischemia.  Now you


 22   would say, well, how do I know this is not--you


 23   know, is it too sensitive; it may not be specific?


 24   On the other hand, you are seeing more kids than


 25   you would.  They didn't have any symptoms; they




  1   didn't arrest.  And, the follow-up is very


  2   interesting.  All of these kids obviously had AICD


  3   placed and were treated with verapamil and beta


  4   blockers.  You treat them medically and you also


  5   have a backup.  You know, these are kids.  They may


  6   not take their medication.  Four out of the 15


  7   patients with cardiac arrest had further episodes


  8   on anti-ischemic therapy.  Three of the 4 events


  9   were temporally related to discontinuation of the


 10   medication.  The kids didn't take it.


 11             How do we know the patient was going to


 12   have an arrest?  AICD fired which could capture it.


 13   You know these three patients here, this is


 14   one-year follow-up.  One of the kids was playing


 15   basketball and had sudden cardiac arrest.  So, not


 16   only were we right, we actually predicted it.


 17             [Slide]


 18             So, I want us to think about radiotracers


 19   and what decision we are going to make regarding


 20   research or clinical indication vis-a-vis


 21   risk/benefit of radiation.  Coming to the bread and


 22   butter of our meeting here, how do I look at


 23   radiotracers and how do I decide?  How do I


 24   translate an adult dose to a pediatric dose?


 25             What did we do?  What we did was simple. 




  1   In the 1980s we just dosed the thallium based on


  2   the kid's weight.  That is all we did.  So, that is


  3   one way to do it.  The other way is to do it on


  4   body surface area.  Right?


  5             Well, one interesting approach would be


  6   why don't we just look at the relative dose based


  7   on radiation exposure?  That is, can we take a


  8   millicurie administered to a child and decide that


  9   dose based on the same absorbed radiation of 1 mCi


 10   administered in adults, that is, the radiation


 11   exposure translated into millicuries rather than


 12   some body weight or body surface area?


 13             [Slide]


 14             Let me emphasize two points.  One is what


 15   I would like to do is whatever patient population I


 16   am studying.  As you know, no kid is going to


 17   undergo nuclear study unless there is a real


 18   diagnostic dilemma or question.  Right?  So, the


 19   last thing I want to do is inject the radiotracer


 20   in a kid and get non-diagnostic, poor quality


 21   images because I didn't give enough dose.  So, I


 22   have wasted a dose.  I don't have any information


 23   or, worse yet, I don't have the right information


 24   because the images were of poor quality.  Okay?


 25   That is critical.




  1             The next question is everything is


  2   risk/benefit, not just imaging.  Forget about


  3   nuclear, everything we talked about, everything is


  4   risk/benefit ratio.  That is part of medical


  5   decision-making.  So, hopefully, today and tomorrow


  6   we are going to have to decide what is it that we


  7   are talking about.  I mean, obviously we should not


  8   be studying kids unless they are going to be


  9   benefiting from that technology.  Therefore, we


 10   have to put into perspective how much risk are we


 11   willing to take based on that technique versus the


 12   benefit.


 13             [Slide]


 14             What is different about


 15   radiopharmaceuticals versus X-rays or CT?  The


 16   difference is that when you inject a


 17   radiopharmaceutical it is not a total body


 18   exposure; it is a non-homogeneous exposure because


 19   these are targeted agents.  Hopefully, we are


 20   targeting the liver; we are targeting the heart.


 21   That is the goal.  If we just went equally


 22   everywhere, then we would not be doing the right


 23   thing.  So, we are creating radiotracers to target


 24   specific organs to do the right thing.  If that is


 25   what we are doing, therefore, you understand that




  1   it is not one number.  It is an uneven distribution


  2   and each tracer has its own distribution.


  3             [Slide]


  4             How do we go about deciding what is


  5   exposure?  A couple of ways have been done.  As you


  6   know, one is to look at the total-body or


  7   whole-body dose.  That is the total energy


  8   deposited in the body divided by the mass of the


  9   body.  This approach assumes a uniform whole-body


 10   exposure to radiation.  We just discussed that that


 11   is not the case in nuclear medicine.


 12             What is the other approach?  Well, the


 13   other approach is a very clever approach I think


 14   which is the effective dose or the effective dose


 15   equivalent.  That is, you say, you know, here are


 16   multiple organs, the top nine or ten most commonly


 17   involved in the radiotracer you are using and you


 18   use weighting factors and summing the individual


 19   contributions of the single dose organ to come up


 20   with a number.  When you inject thallium or


 21   rubidium or tetrofosmin or FDG, this is the body


 22   exposure and these are the weighying factors.  What


 23   are weighting factors?


 24             The tissue weighting factors we are going


 25   to use for different organs--very nice in that each




  1   of these account for fatal cancers or risk of


  2   disease above the normal incidence per unit of


  3   ionizing radiation for each organ system.  Okay?


  4   In essence, we are taking each organ system and we


  5   are saying what is the potential risk and weighing


  6   each and coming up with a number.  I think it seems


  7   to be the most logical thing to do, at least at the


  8   present time.


  9             [Slide]


 10             Now you take that and you sum it up for


 11   patients and it is going to give you some


 12   tabulation.  These are the weighting factors or the


 13   risk that I just mentioned for each of these organ


 14   systems.  The remaining organs you can estimate to


 15   be about 0.5.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Let's take a patient example.  I just


 18   picked an adult, 10 mCi FDG which is a


 19   fluorodeoxyglucose.  It is a PET agent that is


 20   commonly used.  Now you use the weighted factors


 21   and the 10 mCi dose.  This is the body distribution


 22   and you come up with an effective dose for the


 23   total body, which is unity.  Right?  If you add up


 24   all these weighted, it should be 1 and it is 0.68.


 25   Now you take that number and you say if 0.68 is my




  1   effective dose I need to know what is the incidence


  2   of fatal cancer per rem for that age group.  We


  3   have different age groups and we have the risks for


  4   each age group.


  5             [Slide]


  6             These are the nominal probability


  7   coefficients for stochastic effects.  This is


  8   detriment times 10                                                       

    -4 per rem in ICLP.  Just quickly,


  9   I think it is an important thing to look at.  Here


 10   are the children.  Fatal cancer is 8 times 10                            




 11   rem; non-fatal cancer, 1.6; severe hereditary


 12   effects, 1.6; the total is 11.2.


 13             Adults, you can see fatal cancer is 4;


 14   total, 5.6.  Geriatric--I didn't think over 50 is


 15   geriatric but I am approaching geriatric age, I am


 16   afraid--total cancer is 1 and fatal cancer is much


 17   lower even compared to the rest of the population.


 18             So, what is the point here?  For children,


 19   you can see that the risk is two to three times


 20   greater than for adults--cancer or total.  Okay?


 21   For individuals over 50 years of age the risk is


 22   one-fifth or one-tenth.  So, you know, when we are


 23   making decisions about radioisotopes you can say,


 24   well, based on these we should, again, optimize the


 25   dose and for this patient population, the so-called




  1   geriatrics, who cares?  Because we are really not


  2   having much effect here.


  3             [Slide]


  4             Here is the calculation.  We take that 10


  5   mCi FDG for adult patients and we come up with a


  6   number of 0.68 effective dose.  We multiply that by


  7   the fatal cancer rate, which is 4 times 10                               

                                                                     -4 and we


  8   come up with the probability.  The probability is


  9   what?  It is 0.27 percent.  As was brought up


 10   before, we know that the natural incidence for


 11   fatal cancer is 25 percent over someone's lifetime.


 12   Right?  So, now we say what is the added


 13   incremental fatal risk of doing this procedure with


 14   FDG?  You say, well, it is 0.3.


 15             Now, in kids I am going to make it very


 16   simple.  It is double.  Right?  It is 0.06.  So,


 17   all we are saying is that this is going to be


 18   25.0-something, 24.06, 24.09 but that is the risk


 19   for that procedure.  Now we have to make a


 20   decision, is this worth the procedure versus the


 21   benefit?  That is really what we are discussing


 22   here.


 23             [Slide]


 24             So, NIH--and I am proud to have been there


 25   and I consider the Radiation Safety Committee a




  1   pretty bright group of individuals--have recently


  2   changed their requirements for research.  Perhaps


  3   we should take guidance from this.  As you know,


  4   previous guidelines said organ dose--organ, not


  5   total-body effective dose--should be 3 rem


  6   quarterly or per injection or 5 rem annually.  That


  7   is what we have been doing all this time.  They


  8   have decided that, you know what, that is too


  9   conservative and, therefore, for research subjects


 10   at the NIH the total effective dose now is 5 rem


 11   and that is a significant drop.  The guidelines,


 12   again, for pediatrics were to do one-tenth of the


 13   dose.  Now they are saying one-tenth of the dose of


 14   the total effective which is much, much better.


 15             So, just food for thought, I mean, we


 16   don't have to reinvent the wheel.  We can always


 17   kind of look at how NIH came to this conclusion.


 18   Perhaps we can take it from there and move forward.


 19   Thank you very much.


 20             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  If you ever


 21   wondered what your classmates in medical school who


 22   majored in physics as undergraduates did when they


 23   got out of medical school, I think we now know!


 24             [Laughter]


 25             It is pretty overwhelming to some of the




  1   rest of us!  I wanted first of all to say that the


  2   handout you received during this talk, reducing


  3   radiation risk from computer tomograph for


  4   pediatric and small adult patients, came from Dr.


  5   Andrew Kang who is with the Center for Devices and


  6   Radiological Health.  Questions for the speakers?


  7   Dr. Fink?


  8                       Q&A for the Speakers


  9             DR. FINK:  Just to try and put things in


 10   perspective, I read a long time ago that air flight


 11   at 35,000 ft gave you an exposure of about 0.01 rem


 12   per hour.  Is that still an accurate figure for air


 13   flight?


 14             DR. DILSIZIAN:  I am not exactly sure


 15   about the number but it is equivalent to about a


 16   chest X-ray or so, yes, just going, say, from


 17   Boston to California.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Nelson?


 19             DR. NELSON:  I guess I would suggest we


 20   reserve radiation risk as its own particular


 21   discussion.  The question I would like to ask is


 22   throughout the presentations at times I didn't get


 23   a very clear sense about where in the development


 24   of some of these agents you would need to use


 25   children, as opposed to where you would be able to




  1   get the answers from using adults.  For example, if


  2   the question is the accuracy of imaging at 1-2


  3   mm--likely adult vessels that are 1-2 mm or in the


  4   breakdown, for example, of a chelation compound


  5   what is different about the milieu of the pediatric


  6   patients' blood stream as opposed to adult blood


  7   stream and clearance.  I mean, what is it that we


  8   need to use children for, not in terms of what we


  9   can use it for diagnostically because, obviously,


 10   that is very impressive, but what do we need to use


 11   them for in terms of development of new products as


 12   far as testing to get them to a point where they


 13   can be used safely and effectively?


 14             I didn't hear that specific question come


 15   out.  Because in research the principle is you use


 16   the adult first if you don't need to use the child


 17   to get the information.  Once you have it, then you


 18   can use it clinically.  So, I am just curious both


 19   in terms of imaging capabilities but also


 20   metabolism and excretion for compounds such as the


 21   chelated gadolinium compounds.  What do you really


 22   need to use kids for, for research?


 23             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Geva?


 24             DR. GEVA:  I am not sure about the


 25   radiopharmaceuticals but as far as, certainly, MRI




  1   and echocardiography and perhaps CT, as well as in


  2   the catheterization laboratory, I would say that as


  3   a rule extrapolation of data from adults to


  4   pediatrics is fraught with potential danger.


  5             Just to give you an example, if you are


  6   looking at gadolinium dosage and use of contrast


  7   agents in MRI, there are considerations that come


  8   into play that the adult imaging folks do not have


  9   to contend with, such as small body size, signal to


 10   noise ratio, fast heart rates and things of that


 11   nature that all impact on what we do and the kind


 12   of data that we get and the type of contrast agents


 13   that we have to use.


 14             DR. SABLE:  I think I can just add from


 15   the echo perspective.  I do agree that the


 16   indications are clearly a different issue.  I think


 17   there is some needed information for safety, not


 18   because the adult data isn't very clear but because


 19   some of the data needs to be obtained to make kind


 20   of a segue into the pediatric community.  I think


 21   not having any pediatric studies definitely hurts


 22   the perception that these drugs can be used at all


 23   in pediatrics.


 24             I think the main role I would think of in


 25   studies for contrast echo would be to establish




  1   minimal dosing guidelines that may be efficacious.


  2   One study just randomly picked a dose between 20-40


  3   percent the adult dose but it would be very


  4   important to establish specific dosing that would


  5   be acceptable.  I think that is probably the main


  6   role that I see.


  7             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fogel?


  8             DR. FOGEL:  Yes, I think that with trying


  9   to extrapolate adult data down to kids, I have to


 10   agree with Tal that it is fraught with danger in


 11   terms of being able to know exactly what you are


 12   dealing with, especially with the small size.  When


 13   you inject, for example, gadolinium in a baby it


 14   reaches the heart in, like, 2, 3, 4 seconds,


 15   whereas in an adolescent or an adult it make take


 16   10, 15 seconds before it gets there.  There are all


 17   these differences in kids versus adults and, as you


 18   alluded to, metabolism.  I think in kids we really


 19   have to get a handle that we potentially don't have


 20   if we try to extrapolate it from adults.  So, I


 21   would strongly recommend that children be studied.


 22             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fost?


 23             DR. FOST:  It is on a different subject.


 24   Are we still on this one?  I wanted to change the


 25   subject.  So.




  1             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Moore?


  2             DR. MOORE:  I would just take a little


  3   different approach I guess, and that would be that


  4   obviously there are limited resources and that we


  5   do get an awful lot of information from the adult


  6   studies that is applicable.  But the specific areas


  7   that probably vary quite dramatically, as I think


  8   both the previous speakers hinted at, are the


  9   smaller children and infants.  In particular, I


 10   think that extrapolation is a bit much.  So, if one


 11   had to focus one's resources in the pediatric


 12   population for these agents, I would say that the


 13   dramatic differences are down in the younger age


 14   groups because of the difference in metabolism, the


 15   faster heart rates in particular, and the smaller


 16   body and image size that you need to detail that


 17   makes dramatic differences.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Nelson?


 19             DR. NELSON:  Just as a clarifying question


 20   so I understand, a lot of the need out here is in


 21   terms of the ability to capture effective images


 22   and to accomplish what you, indeed, want to get but


 23   does that also translate into what I would consider


 24   sort of basic metabolism issues?  Do they break


 25   down the gadolinium?  Do they chelate and do they




  1   disassociate any differently?  If you know the GFR


  2   of a neonate, do you really need to know what your


  3   clearance of the drug is, etc.?  That is very


  4   different from imaging modalities related to heart


  5   rate and, you know, when do you start turning on


  6   the scanner, etc.  I just want to get clear about


  7   where the differences are.  Is it in the imaging


  8   areas or is it in the actual basic metabolism and


  9   dosing?


 10             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fogel?


 11             DR. FOGEL:  Well, I don't think we know


 12   that.  I mean, I don't think we have the data in


 13   terms of metabolism and safety in kids to be able


 14   to extrapolate that from adults.  We have seen a


 15   number of presentations today already that showed


 16   that the cancer risk and other things are dependent


 17   on the age at which you are actually doing the


 18   study.  I mean, we don't know.  If we are injecting


 19   gadolinium in kids how do we know that when they


 20   are age 40 that those people who had that long-term


 21   effect many, many years ago are all of a sudden


 22   going to start turning up with cancer of some organ


 23   system?  The fact that we don't know this, and that


 24   we don't know what the long-term effects are, and


 25   we don't have as much of a handle on the metabolism




  1   and how the body handles gadolinium or other


  2   contrast agents make it important that we, one,


  3   start doing the testing now; two, we start making a


  4   log of the people we are testing; and, three,


  5   hopefully in the future we will be able to get


  6   follow-up studies 10, 15, 20 years down the road to


  7   be able to say, yes, we did this kid a service or


  8   maybe we did the kid a disservice by doing it.  I


  9   don't know.


 10             DR. CHESNEY:  Let's see, Dr. Sable, Dr.


 11   Moore, Dr. Geva and Dr. Siegel.


 12             DR. SABLE:  I think it is tempting to


 13   start to separate out the device from the agent


 14   but, especially with ultrasound, you really can't


 15   because the agent reacts to the ultrasound and in


 16   children, especially small infants, the


 17   transmission is closer to the chest and you are


 18   using different frequency transducers so it is


 19   almost impossible to separate out the device


 20   because the device determines the actual properties


 21   of the agents and they could be different with


 22   different types of devices and different heart


 23   rates.  So, it is all kind of intertwined together.


 24             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Siegel?


 25             DR. SIEGEL:  With ionated or contrast




  1   agents there is a lot of experience out there so,


  2   to address your first question, is there a need for


  3   doing this in children per se, if we look at the


  4   reactions to contrast agents for CT, the reaction


  5   types are different.  In adults they are more


  6   severe type of reactions; in children they are


  7   usually milder or intermediate.  That is important


  8   if you are going to talk to a parent and say we are


  9   giving a contrast agent but in children we will


 10   expect this, and you can tell them that the


 11   reactions will be minimal rather than that there is


 12   a great risk that you are going to have some type


 13   of severe reaction.  So, I think based on that,


 14   there is a need to look at children.


 15             As far as your second one goes on


 16   metabolism, I believe even with the contrast agents


 17   for CT we are still not sure at this point why it


 18   happens.  We think there are obviously two types of


 19   reactions, either direct drug toxicity or something


 20   due to their idiosyncratic reaction.  I am not sure


 21   we will ever be able to work that out but I think


 22   it is important to know what the risk is in


 23   children per se and, based on that previous


 24   evidence, it does differ.


 25             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Moore?




  1             DR. MOORE:  I would just make the argument


  2   that I think there are precedents set in other


  3   pharmacotherapeutic areas where the metabolism and


  4   response in small children is different, and I


  5   would be quite concerned, particularly with some of


  6   the new MRI agents and the blood pool agents that


  7   are going to spend a lot of time in the circulation


  8   and are cleared by a variety of mechanisms


  9   including hepatic mechanisms, that their response


 10   may be different to the younger age group, and


 11   those probably should be looked at a priori as


 12   opposed to after the fact.


 13             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  Dr. Geva?


 14             DR. GEVA:  I would just make a distinction


 15   between the metabolism and the behavior of


 16   gadolinium agents.  There is actually a fair body


 17   of knowledge, including pediatrics and including


 18   infants.  That literature goes back to the late


 19   '80s and early '90s.  But what is unique and hasn't


 20   been discussed in great detail is the clinical


 21   indications.  If there is any discussion about


 22   labeling for use of these contrast agents for


 23   specific diagnostic indications, then there are


 24   gaps in knowledge.  Otherwise, gadolinium is being


 25   used or has been used on a large scale for many




  1   years for known cardiac indications and information


  2   can be used from that experience.


  3             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fost, Dr. Gorman and


  4   then Dr. D'Agostino.


  5             DR. FOST:  This is directed to anybody in


  6   the room, the experts, the FDA or anyone else who


  7   can answer.  How close are we to nanotechnology


  8   becoming part of this whole question--devices,


  9   coding of devices, drug delivery devices?  My


 10   understanding is that the EPA for example is still


 11   stuck in thinking of a chemical as a chemical.  It


 12   is benzine and we have rules about that, and the


 13   notion that it might be in a much smaller particle


 14   size and different format has not yet penetrated.


 15   The developmental effects of these devices or


 16   particles might be, obviously, much more worrisome


 17   for children than for elderly adults.  What does


 18   anybody know about that?  Is anybody yet


 19   manufacturing things?  Is it in the pipeline?  Is


 20   it a year away or ten years away?  And, how will we


 21   react to that?  That skips the question of whether


 22   you would want different studies.  I think you


 23   would have to have very different studies for


 24   developmental studies for children than adults in


 25   the early phases of that.  Does anybody know




  1   anything about that?


  2             DR. CHESNEY:  Nanotechnology for our


  3   experts?  Dr. Fogel?


  4             DR. FOGEL:  I have read a little bit about


  5   it in terms of reviews and my understanding, both


  6   from a medical standpoint as well as an


  7   electronic/technology standpoint, is that that is


  8   like 10, 15 years down the road at a minimum,


  9   although they are making large advances every


 10   single day and I will probably have to eat my words


 11   in 5 years.  But I think at least the estimates


 12   from the people who are really into it are that it


 13   is at least 10, 15 years down the road before we


 14   see anything.


 15             DR. CHESNEY:  Any other consultant want to


 16   speak to that issue?  Dr. Gorman?


 17             DR. LOEWKE:  Dr. Chesney, I am sorry, I


 18   wanted to follow up on the last topic.  Before we


 19   get too far away from it I just wanted to ask a


 20   question.  Most of the comments about extrapolation


 21   appear to be from a safety standpoint and I was


 22   wondering how you feel about efficacy from the


 23   adult population and extrapolating that to the


 24   pediatric population.


 25             DR. GEVA:  I think there is an easy




  1   answer.  I think it is a big no-no.  I think you


  2   simply cannot do that.  It is just a different


  3   animal.


  4             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fogel?


  5             DR. FOGEL:  Yes, I mean I think we are,


  6   one, dealing with different disease processes; two,


  7   we are dealing, as we all mentioned before, with


  8   kids who are very small, with very tiny blood


  9   vessels and that can make a real big difference,


 10   and I don't think you can extrapolate one from the


 11   other.


 12             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Sable and Dr. Siegel.


 13             DR. SABLE:  I would agree with those


 14   comments.  There may be some diseases that have a


 15   few exceptions--adolescents with heart transplants


 16   versus adults.  But I think the vast majority of


 17   the diseases we do see in pediatric cardiology are


 18   different though there are some that have enough of


 19   an overlap that would be a starting point to use


 20   adult studies.


 21             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Siegel?


 22             DR. SIEGEL:  I am going to agree with the


 23   rest of the panel.  Children are different.  Their


 24   heart rates are faster.  They are not going to


 25   cooperate.  They can't hold their breath,




  1   particularly if we are talking under five or six.


  2   They have less fat.  So, you can't really


  3   extrapolate the efficacy from the adult studies.  I


  4   think when you get to the adolescent population you


  5   probably can but in the younger population it is


  6   going to be very difficult.


  7             DR. CHESNEY:  On the same issue?  Dr.


  8   Danford?


  9             DR. DANFORD:  We are going to be asked to


 10   discuss what specific kinds of heart lesions might


 11   be special categories that warrant special


 12   investigation.  I am going to throw that out for


 13   the panel of experts but I am going to ask you


 14   about a specific one, and that is shunt lesions and


 15   do you find that you need to dose your contrast


 16   material differently for any of these modalities in


 17   the setting of a shunt where your contrast might go


 18   places that you don't necessarily want it right


 19   away?


 20             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Siegel?


 21             DR. SIEGEL:  Well, for CT the dosing will


 22   not change with the lesion.  We have a set


 23   technique and that is what we use.  What might


 24   change is the timing of the study, whether I do it


 25   during an earlier arterial phase or perhaps later




  1   in a venous phase, or trying to do just one phase


  2   if it is possible.  But we use a very standard


  3   dose.


  4             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fogel?


  5             DR. FOGEL:  When we inject gadolinium what


  6   we do is we actually watch the gadolinium flow


  7   through the body before we put our foot on the


  8   pedal, if you will, to start the imaging for freeze


  9   frame or, if it is time resolved gadolinium we


 10   always have basically our imaging so we can tell


 11   where the opacification is going to happen and then


 12   start the imaging.  So, in terms of not seeing


 13   things when we want to because of the shunt itself,


 14   we can time exactly when we start the imaging to


 15   see when we want to actually grab that freeze frame


 16   to do it.


 17             I have to say that in all the gadolinium


 18   studies that we have done, even those with shunt


 19   lesions, we have never really had a problem in


 20   terms of opacification.  Now, if we had studies


 21   that were done that would decrease the dose and


 22   keep ratcheting down the dose to its minimum


 23   effective dose to decrease whatever safety issues


 24   there might be, then, yes, I think that we might


 25   have to take into account shunt lesions versus




  1   non-shunt lesions.  But at the doses that we are


  2   giving, at least with MRI gadolinium, we don't


  3   really see any difference in terms of


  4   opacification.


  5             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Sable?


  6             DR. SABLE:  With echo contrast there is


  7   absolutely no data.  Theoretically, if you are


  8   trying to light up the left ventricle, if you had a


  9   right to left shunt, you may actually have to use


 10   less but it obviously depends on where the shunt is


 11   and the size of the shunt.  It would be an


 12   interesting thing to study but since all the


 13   studies are done on opacification of patients


 14   without shunts there really is no precedent for


 15   even trying to answer the question accurately.


 16             DR. CHESNEY:  Same subject or a different


 17   one?


 18             DR. NELSON:  The same one.


 19             DR. CHESNEY:  Go ahead, Dr. Nelson.


 20             DR. NELSON:  I am trying to figure out why


 21   I am confused, and it may be because I am a simple


 22   critical care medicine doctor.


 23             [Laughter]


 24             I mean, if a company hands me a catheter I


 25   decide if I am going to be able to stick it in a




  1   vessel or not as long as they tell me the catheter


  2   is safe.  And, I am trying to figure out what is it


  3   that we are going to ask--since ultimately I am


  4   assuming that this kind of conversation would find


  5   its way into written requests, etc.--what is it


  6   that we are going to ask the sponsor to do versus


  7   what it is we are going to then do with whatever


  8   tool they give us.


  9             So, it is unclear to me if what we would


 10   want them to have to do in order to fulfill the


 11   requirement of the written request is to


 12   demonstrate that it is better to image this lesion


 13   doing it this way versus that way, using all the


 14   different modalities, and the like, that have been


 15   beautifully demonstrated.  It is clear that you


 16   can't be a cardiologist unless you have very good


 17   computer skills in imaging, and the like.  So, it


 18   is unclear to me that you would expect them to do


 19   that as opposed to give you tools that are safe,


 20   that have been demonstrated that you can put into


 21   someone at a certain dose.  Then, from there, it is


 22   up to the field to then do those kinds of studies.


 23             So, that is where I am getting a little


 24   bit confused about a discussion of safety versus


 25   efficacy.  It is not that it doesn't have to be




  1   done but in my mind it is a question of who does


  2   what.  What do you expect to be done in the


  3   development of the product before the trials are


  4   done to show whether it is better to do it by


  5   contrast echo versus MRI or combination modalities,


  6   etc.?  It is not clear to me that that would be


  7   part of the actual agent development program.


  8             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Hudak?


  9             DR. HUDAK:  I am glad you said that


 10   because I am just a simple neonatologist and I am


 11   having the same confusion.  I mean, you are the


 12   experts.  You have brought all these techniques


 13   forward.  You showed marvelous pictures.  You have


 14   shown us lots of different ways that these methods


 15   sort of amplify the diagnostic abilities and


 16   amplify your physiological understanding of


 17   different situations.  So, in terms of efficacy I


 18   have the same confusion.  I mean, you are the


 19   experts; you know if this works or not; you know if


 20   you are seeing what you want to see; and you are


 21   the ones really to tell us.  I don't know that


 22   there is a role for requesting studies that


 23   demonstrate efficacy.


 24             With respect to the echo, I have one


 25   particular question and that is what sort of a time




  1   window do you have after giving the injection to be


  2   able to conduct your study?


  3             DR. SABLE:  I will answer your second


  4   specific question and then comment on your first


  5   comment.  There have been several adult studies


  6   looking at this.  If you do a bolus injection you


  7   probably have 5-7 minutes.  So, if you are doing a


  8   stress study you would probably give 2 boluses.  I


  9   didn't show this in my slides but I have several


 10   slides on this topic.  If you do a continuous


 11   infusion with a very low dose you can probably do


 12   it for 20 or 30 minutes.  A typical echo without


 13   exercise, just looking at functional wall motion,


 14   probably can be done in 10 minutes.  So, a single


 15   bolus--the goal of it is to last the length of the


 16   study.


 17             In terms of your first question and


 18   comment, I think echo is much more immature in


 19   terms of how contrast echo has been used in


 20   children than the other modalities here.  So, from


 21   my own field I would make a plea that we definitely


 22   do need help in trying to get some pediatric


 23   studies off the ground looking at efficacy.


 24             DR. HUDAK:  I guess with regard to that I


 25   am not sure what the role of the FDA or this




  1   committee is with respect to that issue.  I mean, I


  2   think that the way these technologies have


  3   progressed--I mean, they are out of the box and


  4   going forward before agencies like this even get a


  5   chance to get a handle on what is going on.


  6             With regard to the other issue, the safety


  7   issue, I couldn't agree more with the safety


  8   concerns.  I think, again, the critical issue, as


  9   Dr. Fost suggested, are the things that we are not


 10   going to necessarily know for years to half a


 11   lifetime.  I think that certainly with any of these


 12   new agents or new technologies or sonicating funny


 13   bubbles in the blood and in the organs, one needs


 14   to carefully consider what registries or long-term


 15   follow-up one needs to establish on these patients


 16   to have some sort of mechanism to see exactly what


 17   happens to these patients.  It is certainly not


 18   going to be a randomized, controlled study but I


 19   think that, you know, 20 years from now we


 20   certainly want to know if there are any major


 21   complications from some of these techniques.


 22             DR. CHESNEY:  Can I just ask--and I don't


 23   know how good an analogy this is but we have been


 24   using antibiotics for years and not knowing dosing;


 25   not knowing really precise efficacy.  We knew they




  1   worked in adults.  We extrapolated to children.  We


  2   didn't know about the metabolism.  And, I think


  3   that is what I am hearing from our colleagues here,


  4   which is that maybe they would get better pictures


  5   if they had a different concentration of the drug


  6   or understood its metabolism better.  Dr. Fogel?


  7             DR. FOGEL:  I am just a simple


  8   cardiologist; let me say that.


  9             [Laughter]


 10             For me, I think that when one looks at a


 11   drug one not only has to consider--I keep getting


 12   the sense that a lot of people are trying to


 13   separate the efficacy and the safety.  We have


 14   always been taught, you know, that it is a


 15   risk/benefit.  For example, we may be using 0.1


 16   mM/kg in kids and seeing that things are fine but


 17   how do I know that with 0.5 mM/kg I couldn't see


 18   something just as fine.  You know, in general,


 19   although it is not a general rule, one thinks that


 20   the lower the dose you give the better the safety


 21   profile of the drug would be, and that is not


 22   necessarily the case in every single drug but in a


 23   substantial portion of the drugs that are out there


 24   you would think that common sense would tell you


 25   that that would be better.




  1             So, for me, I would want to see, one,


  2   clinical trials, controlled clinical trials not


  3   open-label Phase IV reporting, rigorous controlled


  4   clinical trials looking at various doses and dose


  5   response, and then safety and then having a log of


  6   patients who are getting it and, hopefully they


  7   would consent to it to be able to follow them up in


  8   10 years.


  9             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Loewke?


 10             DR. LOEWKE:  I agree.  We definitely look


 11   at things from a risk/benefit perspective and we


 12   look at the safety of the product and the efficacy


 13   of the product in the  patient population.  Much of


 14   what we are talking about here, and the drugs that


 15   are being used, and for the purposes for which they


 16   are being used are not approved in kids.  So, we


 17   don't have knowledge that these products, when used


 18   in kids, would give us the right information to go


 19   forward with.  We don't have that information and


 20   that is why we are also talking about efficacy


 21   here.


 22             If you talk about extrapolation and


 23   extrapolating efficacy data from adults to kids, we


 24   stated that then you could use the adult data as


 25   your basis for efficacy to support efficacy in kids




  1   and then you would do additional studies,


  2   pharmacokinetic studies and safety studies in


  3   pediatrics.  But here I am hearing, if I am


  4   correct, that you feel we need to pursue efficacy


  5   as well as safety in the pediatric population.


  6             DR. CHESNEY:  Can I just make a comment?


  7   Is it safe to say that efficacy in your world is a


  8   better image?  Is that a fair statement or not?


  9   What is efficacy as you see it?  Dr. Siegel?


 10             DR. SIEGEL:  Well, I don't think efficacy


 11   is a better image.  We would love to have that.


 12   But is it an image that provides useful clinical


 13   information?  Does it get it right?  Is it


 14   accurate?  Can you make a diagnosis with it?  That


 15   is efficacy.  I mean, is it an accurate imaging


 16   test, whatever we use it for--for diagnosis or


 17   improving patient management?  We like pretty


 18   pictures.  Of course, we would like them to look


 19   better but when we are talking about efficacy I


 20   think that is it.  Safety is obviously its own


 21   issue.


 22             I am not sure where dose is falling into,


 23   if it is safety or if it is for efficacy to get


 24   prettier pictures.  But I think we all work under


 25   the assumption that less is better.  If we can give




  1   less contrast, that would be better for the


  2   patient, although we don't know that and we really


  3   don't know what dose works out there and what the


  4   risk factors are.  When we report the adverse


  5   reactions we never say really what the dose was


  6   that was given.  We presume it was just a standard


  7   dose.  So, dosing would be important, if we could


  8   have a study that would say at different doses we


  9   get different outcomes or reactions--safety; and


 10   also different diagnostic quality.


 11             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  I think that is


 12   similar for almost every drug we use, the lower the


 13   dose, the better.  In my world of antibiotics if


 14   you give less, wouldn't that be better in the long


 15   run?  Dr. D'Agostino and then Dr. Sable.


 16             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  It would help me greatly,


 17   and I also am simple-minded--it would help me


 18   greatly if I could have some discussion from the


 19   experts on what is, in fact, the indication.  We


 20   have been told by the FDA there are four


 21   indications that they are interested in--structure


 22   delineation, disease detection,


 23   functional/physiological assessment and diagnostic.


 24   Like, in the MRI it seemed like you could do


 25   everything.  In the CT it seemed like it was only




  1   diagnostic.  It would help me very much when we


  2   come to these questions if I sort of knew what


  3   these were aiming at, and what is it that this


  4   population should look like, what the sample should


  5   look like.  Is that reasonable to ask of the


  6   speakers, if they could just sort of rattle off


  7   what they think their modalities are aiming at?


  8             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Loewke?


  9             DR. LOEWKE:  I think that is one of the


 10   major questions to the panel for the discussion


 11   that we have planned.


 12             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Well, the speakers didn't


 13   necessarily present their material in that way.  If


 14   we could start having the speakers tell us what


 15   they think is going on, then I think we could agree


 16   or disagree with them.  I mean, they use quite


 17   different vocabulary.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Did you want to propose a


 19   vocabulary that we should ask them to use?


 20             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Well, we have been given


 21   the vocabulary by the FDA and the speakers didn't


 22   necessarily use that vocabulary.  So, if you could


 23   just rattle off, each of the speakers saying is it


 24   a diagnostic tool that they have; is it a


 25   structural delineation tool that they have?




  1             DR. LOEWKE:  It may vary depending on the


  2   population you are studying, what your endpoints


  3   would be and what type of indication a manufacturer


  4   would seek.  So, I think if we have our discussion


  5   about what populations you feel need additional


  6   study for the drug classes some of that is going to


  7   come out as we go through the questions tomorrow.


  8             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Why do you not want to


  9   have the speakers tell us what they think--is there


 10   any reason?


 11             DR. LOEWKE:  Time-wise--


 12             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  I am talking about


 13   something that would take two minutes at most on


 14   the part of the speakers.  I mean, the one for CT


 15   said it is for diagnostics.  Does that exclude


 16   others?  It would help us I think in terms of


 17   answering the questions.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  As long as it only takes two


 19   minutes for each speaker and each speaker


 20   understands what you are asking for because I am


 21   not quite sure I do.  But if you all are clear,


 22   then let's go ahead.


 23             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  The FDA said there are


 24   four indications.  I am not asking something


 25   profound.  The FDA said there are four indications,




  1   structural delineation, disease assessment,


  2   functional assessment, diagnostic.  When Dr. Fogel


  3   made his presentation he chose to use the


  4   words--let me see if I can fish it out--anatomy,


  5   blood flow, tissue characteristics.  Are they all


  6   structural?  Are they different?  I mean, it is a


  7   different vocabulary.


  8             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Geva, Tom has singled


  9   you out.


 10             DR. GEVA:  I think it is actually quite


 11   complicated and perhaps one can differentiate


 12   between an outcome variable for a trial as opposed


 13   to what is clinical reality.  In clinical reality I


 14   think that in most cases what we are being asked to


 15   do is to evaluate a set of clinical questions and


 16   it depends on the imaging modality that you are


 17   using, but it is rare to really draw these concrete


 18   boundaries between structure, anatomy--this is


 19   somewhat artificial.


 20             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  But we are asked to


 21   design or help them design clinical trials so you


 22   are going to have to do that.


 23             DR. GEVA:  Exactly, I agree.  As I said,


 24   it is useful perhaps to distinguish between


 25   defining endpoints for clinical trials and to try




  1   and formulate the indications for the use of


  2   specific contrast agents sort of in an


  3   all-inclusive fashion.  I do think that we need to


  4   make that effort and one of my hopes for all of


  5   these discussions is to be able to come to a


  6   conclusion about indications for use of, let's say,


  7   contrast agents in pediatric cardiac imaging.


  8             DR. CHESNEY:  I think maybe Dr. Loewke was


  9   referring to this, that maybe this is something we


 10   should address in the morning with respect to


 11   specific endpoints, specific studies, specific


 12   conditions and so on, whereas now I think we are


 13   more asking questions of the presentations that


 14   were given, although Dr. D'Agostino's is a broader


 15   question.  Dr. Loewke, did you want to comment?  I


 16   have a whole list of questions still here that


 17   people are asking.


 18             DR. LOEWKE:  I agree.  I think, as we talk


 19   more about the populations that need additional


 20   study and what endpoints you would recommend, we


 21   will be able to figure out from that what types of


 22   indications could be sought based on the population


 23   studies and the clinical value of the information


 24   you are going to obtain.


 25             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  Why wouldn't you ask the




  1   question the other way around?  If you want


  2   structural delineation, then what type of


  3   population and what type of study would you run, as


  4   opposed to a diffuse question--well, here is a


  5   population, what kind of indication do I want?  Why


  6   aren't you addressing it the other way around?


  7             DR. LOEWKE:  We are trying to assess how


  8   these products are being used out there, and that


  9   is the information--


 10             DR. D'AGOSTINO:  That is what I am asking,


 11   how are they being used, and then that will tell us


 12   how to, hopefully, put studies together.


 13             DR. CHESNEY:  Can we tackle this long list


 14   here?  I have Sable, Ebert, Fogel, Nelson, Fink,


 15   Moore.  So, Dr. Sable, you are first on the list.


 16             DR. SABLE:  In terms to referring to his


 17   comment or just previous questions?


 18             [Laughter]


 19             DR. CHESNEY:  Whatever!


 20             DR. SABLE:  I just wanted to add one thing


 21   to the efficacy/safety issue.  In many cases we


 22   move from one modality to the other as we get


 23   better at them.  If echo is the least invasive and


 24   safest thing to do, if we find new reasons to do


 25   echo it may lead to safer management of our




  1   patients overall.  So, I think, again, it is almost


  2   impossible to separate safety and efficacy because


  3   we are really trying to do both with everything we


  4   do.  If I come up with new ways of keeping kids out


  5   of the cath lab, if Dr. Moore comes up with ways


  6   for keeping patients out of the operating room,


  7   then we have achieved both and I don't see any way


  8   to separate them.


  9             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.  Dr. Ebert?


 10             DR. EBERT:  I don't want to belabor the


 11   point on dosing but I would like perhaps some of


 12   the experts to address the issue of dose ranging


 13   and how well that has really been established in


 14   adults.  We are talking about dose ranging of these


 15   agents in pediatrics but my impression from some of


 16   the presentations is that we may not even have the


 17   dose ranging established for these agents in the


 18   adult population.  There was some mention of


 19   different infusion rates for example, but there may


 20   be some benefits of trying to do this in adults so


 21   it is not an extrapolation per se but if we can


 22   show that this is a relatively flat dose-response


 23   relationship or a steeper curve, does that give us


 24   some information in the pediatric population?


 25             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Dilsizian?




  1             DR. DILSIZIAN:  I can answer that from the


  2   nuclear perspective.  For example, if you take a


  3   traditional thallium stress study and go back to


  4   the literature, the usual dose of injection is 2


  5   mCi for adults, but the range is up to 5 mCi.  With


  6   time it has gone up to 3 mCi, 3.5 mCi.  Now we


  7   double the dose and the reason for that is,


  8   obviously, the quality of the images or maybe the


  9   obesity population.  Maybe the weight change also


 10   dictates the dose.  But we have a range and the


 11   range is pretty large.  Also, even with technetium


 12   perfusion tracers, although the package insert will


 13   say 8 mCi at rest and 22 mCi with stress, if the


 14   patient is large we can give up to 30, 35, 40 mCi.


 15   So, we do have a range.


 16             How do we decide that?  Well, it has been


 17   more anecdotal.  It hasn't been a series of


 18   patients, for example, with 20, to 30, to 40 to


 19   say, you know, well, if you are above 100 kg, which


 20   is what I do in my lab now--I say above 100 kg I


 21   want to do two large dose technetium studies


 22   because in my experience that is what is shown.


 23   But no one has shown that 100 kg is the cutting


 24   edge.  Maybe you would like to have that type of


 25   study, maybe some dose escalation with some




  1   methodology to say, well, what is the optimum dose


  2   and what is the range.


  3             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fogel, Dr. Nelson, Dr.


  4   Fink and Dr. Moore.


  5             DR. FOGEL:  At least with the


  6   gadolinium--and I have to say I am not as familiar


  7   with the adult dose ranging trials and I don't even


  8   know if there were any--I know in children, for


  9   example, when not as much gadolinium got in as was


 10   intended we have had less opacification and less


 11   diagnostic imaging than we would like.  I would


 12   personally like to know what the minimum dosage


 13   would be in the various age ranges that I could use


 14   to get a diagnostic study but I have to say, from


 15   an anecdotal standpoint, there must be some dose


 16   response and it is probably steep in the small dose


 17   ranges and that is where I want to be.


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  I think this is fascinating.


 19   I am glad you brought this to us because I think


 20   most of us just assumed that this had all been


 21   worked out; you know exactly what you are giving


 22   and why; and when we send a patient down for an


 23   X-ray it is guarantied safe and effective, and now


 24   we are discovering that it has never been done.


 25   This is very interesting--at least in children. 




  1   Dr. Nelson?


  2             DR. NELSON:  I would like to change the


  3   topic to one that I notice isn't on our questions


  4   for tomorrow but it might become a part of the


  5   discussion of CT scans and the nuclear area, and


  6   that is the radiation risk that was mentioned by a


  7   couple of speakers.


  8             I guess my question is to what extent,


  9   other than the one study that was quoted which I


 10   have not looked at, to what extent are a lot of the


 11   figures about radiation risk extrapolated based on


 12   a linear theory of risk?  I will say that at least


 13   in my institution we have deviated from that and


 14   have, in one case, approved up to 2 rem on a SPECT


 15   scan for a non-therapeutic, non-direct benefit


 16   procedure on the argument that there is, in fact,


 17   no documented risk of any radiation and that most


 18   of this is all just linear extrapolation.  Except


 19   for that one study, which I would have to look at


 20   and see where that would fit in with all the data,


 21   some of the other studies that have looked at


 22   epidemiololy have shown no evidence of radiation


 23   risk at low levels.  So, we concluded in looking at


 24   it that one couldn't say there was any risk below 5


 25   rem and then felt that under those circumstances it




  1   might be appropriate to go forward.


  2             So, I just put that on the table because 5


  3   rem strikes me as an exceedingly low number if, in


  4   fact, you are going to be doing studies that are


  5   outside of the potential for benefit.  Now, if you


  6   are doing studies under that rubric you are not as


  7   limited to the risk, thinking of the IRB


  8   categories, but I just wanted to get that on the


  9   table to have some conversation about that, whether


 10   that will be a backdrop for discussions of those


 11   two development plans tomorrow or not.


 12             DR. DILSIZIAN:  I am glad you brought this


 13   up.  Obviously, that was my conclusion in that that


 14   is very low.  If you look at even PET radiotracers


 15   with short half-lives, if you look at the body


 16   distribution even in research in kids to make some


 17   new diagnostic metabolic finding in cardiomyopathy,


 18   we are not allowed to if we follow the 0.5 rem


 19   rule.  So, we need to, in essence, come up with a


 20   better endpoint.  I agree.


 21             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fink, Dr. Moore and Dr.


 22   Siegel.


 23             DR. FINK:  Yes, as the discussion


 24   progresses I guess one of the questions that occurs


 25   to me is have we done our homework?  We don't have




  1   a lot of background data and if we are going to


  2   study these agents in kids, don't we really need


  3   some of the background data?  Particularly in the


  4   imaging field it would seem that this is an arena


  5   that is particularly well suited to going back to


  6   animal models; that animal models could answer many


  7   of the technical questions in terms of dye dosage.


  8   You have a range of different sizes you can look


  9   at; different heart rates.  You can even answer


 10   some of the questions of pulmonary capillary


 11   toxicity to particulates.  You can put in


 12   catheters.  You can measure minimal changes in


 13   oxygenation.  And, should we be discussing human


 14   studies and using children as guinea pigs when we


 15   have guinea pigs?


 16             DR. CHESNEY:  I am going to think that was


 17   rhetorical.


 18             [Laughter]


 19             Point well taken.  Drs. Moore, Siegel and


 20   Gorman.


 21             DR. MOORE:  Just a follow-up to the


 22   radiation comment, that is the one thing I think


 23   you do have to keep in perspective with these


 24   patients is that these procedures are repetitive


 25   diagnostic follow-up procedures on these patients. 




  1   So, the exposures you are talking about acutely


  2   certainly are relevant but many of these patients


  3   start in infancy and continue throughout their life


  4   and throughout their adult life to go ahead and


  5   accumulate these radiation exposures.  So, I think


  6   that just needs to be considered in that particular


  7   issue with this patient category.  It is very


  8   different than some other areas.


  9             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Siegel?


 10             DR. SIEGEL:  To respond to a few of the


 11   points, first of all, dose.  The dose that I stated


 12   was 2 mL/kg.  We use that; we know that it is safe.


 13   I mean, the contrast agents are sort of maturing


 14   and I think it is an issue of the safety there; we


 15   have been there.  But when it comes to dose, that


 16   is an area that can be investigated.  CT has much


 17   better resolution.  That is why we like it.  We get


 18   thinner sections; we are able to see more anatomy.


 19   We should be able to do less in the way of dose and


 20   volume.  I do but I am one person and it works if I


 21   get down to 1 mL/kg.  I know it does.  I can't


 22   necessarily get in the full volume but I can't


 23   prove that to anybody unless we do the research


 24   with that.


 25             Let me just get to the animal models and I




  1   will go back to radiation.  We are using animal


  2   models actually.  We are doing research now on


  3   animal models that are closer to adults I think,


  4   looking at the amount of contrast we need to get a


  5   diagnostic examination--the amount of the


  6   concentration that I talked about, all the


  7   parameters.  I have looked at the issue of doing


  8   this also on animals that would be similar to


  9   infants.  It is difficult.  Of course, doing animal


 10   research is even becoming more difficult than doing


 11   human research so nothing sounds that easy in this


 12   world.  But I think if we can get the support out


 13   there, that is what we need to be able to do, to


 14   get back to the basics and show it there.


 15             Radiation dose--most of the radiation dose


 16   that we are talking about with CT, this being, you


 17   know, a new use for CT now, a lot of it is going


 18   back to the atomic bomb and, you know, doing this


 19   extrapolation.  We have no data on CT and we are


 20   talking about different types of, you know


 21   radiation and different exposure times and


 22   different intensities in any one moment in time.


 23   So, there is a lot of work to be done out there to


 24   look at this dose factor, this radiation dose


 25   factor and then the diagnostic or efficacy ability.




  1             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fogel and then Dr.


  2   Gorman.


  3             DR. FOGEL:  In terms of the


  4   radiopharmaceuticals and the radiation exposure, I


  5   guess I am not 100 percent clear that I am totally


  6   sanguine with the notion of the effective dose and


  7   tissue weighting factor.  I guess if you read the


  8   definition correctly it takes into account fatal


  9   cancers and the risk of hereditary disease.  So,


 10   that means that non-fatal cancers, ones that we


 11   have 90 percent cure rates for, are not taken into


 12   account when we look at the total effective dose.


 13   So, I guess I am wondering doesn't that minimize


 14   what the risk is?  What if it induces cancers that


 15   have a 90 percent cure rate and that doesn't count


 16   in the total effective dose?  What if the radiation


 17   induces cardiomyopathy in children?  That doesn't


 18   get factored into this total effective dose.  So, I


 19   guess I am not 100 percent happy with using total


 20   effective dose as a number by which one can then


 21   hang their hat on, saying this is a safe dose or


 22   this is not a safe dose.  I am wondering if there


 23   is any comment.


 24             DR. CHESNEY:  Not this late in the


 25   day--hold back until tomorrow morning!  Dr. Gorman,




  1   and we do have two speakers for our open public


  2   hearing today--three?  I am sorry.


  3             DR. GORMAN:  One of the issues that is


  4   becoming increasingly clear to me as I have


  5   listened to you talk is that we have at least three


  6   different technologies and at least three different


  7   maturities of the contrast agents we are talking


  8   about.  I think when we talk about ionizing


  9   radiation, whether the cath lab or CT, we have a


 10   lot of information.  When we go to the MRI we have


 11   less and when we go to echocardiography we have


 12   even less.  I would like our experts to postulate,


 13   looking into the future, is there going to be


 14   enhancement of the technology of the device or


 15   enhancement of the contrast agents that are going


 16   to lead to increasing diagnostic ability of your


 17   technology?


 18             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Sable?


 19             DR. SABLE:  I think with regard to


 20   ultrasound it is probably going to be both but


 21   probably more with the agents themselves as we


 22   begin to think about therapeutic ultrasound.  As I


 23   said in my talk, I think the biggest gap is between


 24   volume and use of contrast.  Pretty much every


 25   catheterization uses contrast and most MRIs and all




  1   CTs usw contrast, and echo.  We are using it in


  2   zero percent of our studies; we probably should be


  3   using it in some number far greater than that.


  4   But, clearly, the agents have to get a little bit


  5   better.  The machines are pretty much there for us


  6   to use it in their current state but the potential


  7   to go much further is certainly there.


  8             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fogel?


  9             DR. FOGEL:  I think with gadolinium


 10   agents, just like echo, it is probably both, again,


 11   more weighted towards the agent itself.  I am


 12   thinking more along the lines of the blood pool


 13   agents and molecular imaging.  I would also have to


 14   say that with 3 tesla machines coming on line and


 15   with the software always becoming better and faster


 16   scans we will be able to do more and more with the


 17   agents we already have and, hopefully, more and


 18   more with the agents that are coming.


 19             DR. GORMAN:  When you talk about


 20   increasing the magnetic strength of the coil, what


 21   does that do for you?  Does that give you increased


 22   resolution or increased speed or both?


 23             DR. FOGEL:  Both.


 24             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Siegel?


 25             DR. SIEGEL:  As you stated, the CT is more




  1   mature so I think the advances we will see there


  2   will be more in the device, basically how fast we


  3   can give it and the time to start scan.  The only


  4   thing in the contrast agents, as I mentioned, might


  5   be the concentration.  It is already out there, the


  6   400 mg of iodine.  The question is can we change


  7   the viscosity.  Most of the advancements at this


  8   point will be in the new technology that is coming


  9   out in the device.


 10             DR. CHESNEY:  Yes?


 11             DR. LOEWKE:  Dr. Chesney, can I ask a


 12   question?  As you mentioned, many of these


 13   modalities can be used without the contrast agent.


 14   As Dr. Siegel pointed out, she is not doing cardiac


 15   CT unless she is using a contrast agent.  I would


 16   like to know, in your routine clinical practices


 17   for the patients you see, do you do non-contrast


 18   images?  They are not effective and then you move


 19   on to contrast?  Do you automatically start with


 20   contrast enhanced images?  Then, and I don't know


 21   if you can do this, what is the first-line


 22   diagnostic?  Is it ultrasound and if ultrasound


 23   doesn't give you the answer do you go to MR?  Is


 24   there a hierarchy or a path you follow?  And, are


 25   there certain patient populations where, if this is




  1   non-diagnostic, you move to this test, if that is


  2   not diagnostic--if you could give some input.


  3             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Sable?


  4             DR. SABLE:  In our practice and I think


  5   most pediatric cardiology practices ultrasound is


  6   definitely the first-line of imaging modalities.


  7   Then you kind of take your pick as to what comes


  8   next.


  9             DR. LOEWKE:  That is non-contrast?


 10             DR. SABLE:  In our practice we don't use


 11   contrast yet.  As I said, there is one group out


 12   there--a few places are using it a little bit but


 13   there is only one group that has done enough to


 14   publish.  So, unlike all my other colleagues, we


 15   would almost never--we are thinking about starting


 16   a contrast program but we haven't done so yet.


 17   There is a small percentage of our patients that we


 18   think clearly would benefit from contrast echo.


 19   Those patients are now getting sent to MRI, CT or


 20   angiography.  So.


 21             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Siegel and Dr. Fogel.


 22             DR. SIEGEL:  As far as non-contrast goes,


 23   we don't use it.  If you are doing cardiac it


 24   really is contrast.  There will be an occasional


 25   exception.  If you are looking for calcification




  1   you might do it but the contrast resolution is so


  2   poor that all you are doing is wasting radiation.


  3   In that instance we will go for the contrast


  4   enhanced because of that issue.


  5             As far as first-line of imaging, I totally


  6   agree that if it is cardiac or intracardiac related


  7   we will be using echo.  But our approach if it is


  8   extracardiac where we are wondering about


  9   mediastinal great vessels is, if there is a


 10   vascular ring or abnormal arch, then we are going


 11   to CT.  So, we sort of will do stratification based


 12   on the lesion that we are interested in.


 13             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Fogel and then Dr. Geva.


 14             DR. FOGEL:  In terms of MRI and contrast


 15   versus non-contrast, we actually view contrast as


 16   an adjunct to the non-contrast images.  We will


 17   always get the non-contrast images first unless we


 18   are doing viability and perfusion, in which case we


 19   do contrast very early on in the study.  For the


 20   most part we will do the non-contrast ones first.


 21   That is because if you do the contrast ones first


 22   you can't get good dark blood images if that is


 23   what you are trying to do.  Plus, we feel that in


 24   terms of it being an imaging modality, in and of


 25   itself it is more of an adjunct with some rare




  1   exceptions, like viability and perfusion.  It adds


  2   to the diagnostic information but we always get the


  3   non-contrast ones as well.


  4             In terms of the order in which one gets


  5   imaging studies or the protocol by which one gets


  6   imaging with relation to a specific disease or


  7   specific clinical syndrome, I think we do echo


  8   before we do something like MRI or cath.  I have to


  9   say that there is some good justification for it.


 10   There are times when that is done because the


 11   people who are managing the patient's course aren't


 12   necessarily educated enough in terms of all the


 13   diagnostic imaging modalities to tell which one is


 14   the optimal one to do first, and because echo, as


 15   Tal said, is being used almost like a stethoscope


 16   it almost comes like a knee-jerk reaction, "let's


 17   get an echo first and then whatever we can't do we


 18   will get by another non-invasive imaging modality."


 19   But there are certain things that have been shown


 20   to be nearly gold standards like vascular ring


 21   anatomy by MRI, ventricular function parameters by


 22   MRI that are clearly better than echo but, yet, we


 23   will generally see an echo always being performed


 24   first.  I think that is because of the education of


 25   our colleagues rather than the fact that it is a




  1   better imaging modality for those specific types of


  2   disease entities.


  3             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Geva?


  4             DR. GEVA:  I agree with what Mark has just


  5   said.  Just to add, I think that what you are


  6   hearing here is a little bit a reflection of


  7   variations in access to technology and expertise


  8   around the country in various centers.  That all


  9   comes after the echocardiogram.  As far as use of


 10   contrast agents in pediatric ultrasound, I agree


 11   with Craig, at this point in time it is esoteric;


 12   it is rare.  It is being used in very, very small


 13   numbers.


 14             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Sable?


 15             DR. SABLE:  The other thing I think to


 16   keep in mind when you listen to us speak, we are


 17   somewhat of a biased group when you have MRI and CT


 18   and cath experts from around the country.  If you


 19   go out into the community in small pediatric


 20   cardiology practices I think it is even more


 21   weighted toward echo because of the availability


 22   and the portability, not that it is a better


 23   technique.  It is just so easily obtainable.


 24                       Open Public Hearing


 25             DR. CHESNEY:  I think maybe we should move




  1   on to the open public hearing.  We do have


  2   something that I have to read but my understanding


  3   is that Dr. Gelfand and Dr. Duffy, on Dr.


  4   Gardiner's behalf, will be making presentations,


  5   and the other two speakers are just going to


  6   provide us with handouts.  Am I correct about that?


  7             MR. PEREZ:  No, there is one additional


  8   handout and two statements.  The handout is in your


  9   packets.


 10             DR. CHESNEY:  So, we have three


 11   altogether, people who are going to speak--four


 12   people who are going to speak.


 13             This has to be read before the open public


 14   hearing.  Both the Food and Drug Administration and


 15   the public believe in a transparent process for


 16   information gathering and decision-making.  To


 17   ensure such transparency at the open public hearing


 18   session of the advisory committee meeting, FDA


 19   believes that it is important to understand the


 20   context of an individual's presentation.  For this


 21   reason, FDA encourages you, the open public hearing


 22   speaker, at the beginning of your written or oral


 23   statement to advise the committee of any financial


 24   relationship that you may have with any company or


 25   any group that is likely to be impacted by the




  1   topic of this meeting.  For example, the financial


  2   information may include a company's or a group's


  3   payment of your travel, lodging or other expenses


  4   in connection with your attendance at the meeting.


  5   Likewise, FDA encourages you at the beginning of


  6   your statement to advise the committee if you do


  7   not have any such financial relationships.  If you


  8   choose not to address this issue of financial


  9   relationships at the beginning of your statement it


 10   will not preclude you from speaking.


 11             Our first open public hearing speaker is


 12   Dr. Michael Gelfand.


 13             DR. GELFAND:  I am Dr. Michael Gelfand.


 14             [Slide]


 15             I am the immediate past president of the


 16   Society of Nuclear Medicine.  My trip was funded by


 17   the Society of Nuclear Medicine, which is the large


 18   professional organization in nuclear medicine, a


 19   scientific organization.  I have no current


 20   relationships with any of the manufacturers in the


 21   drug field.  I have never been a consultant for any


 22   of them, nor have I ever received any honoraria


 23   from them.  I am Professor of Radiology and


 24   Pediatrics at the University of Cincinnati and the


 25   head of Nuclear Medicine at Children's Hospital.




  1             [Slide]


  2             I basically want to point out the context


  3   of pediatric nuclear medicine with some reference


  4   to cardiac imaging.  There is going to be some


  5   deviation from that but, basically, the pediatric


  6   nuclear medicine is alive and well and growing.


  7             [Slide]


  8             The number of nuclear medicine procedures


  9   done in children's hospitals--I was able to get the


 10   figures from Boston and Philadelphia.  This is the


 11   annual volume in 2003.  These are hospitals that do


 12   about 150,000 total imaging procedures per year in


 13   each case.  So, it runs to 3, 4, 5 percent of the


 14   total imaging.


 15             [Slide]


 16             The distribution of studies is quite


 17   different from adult nuclear medicine and varies a


 18   lot from hospital to hospital.  What studies are


 19   being performed?


 20             [Slide]


 21             It turns out that the largest percentage


 22   of what we do is GU studies.  We do tumor imaging,


 23   GI imaging, bone imaging which is a fair component


 24   of it, and others.


 25             [Slide]




  1             To break that down further, GU cases


  2   include cystography in our institution.  Just to


  3   give you an idea of the radiopharmaceuticals that


  4   we are using, some of these are heritage


  5   radiopharmaceuticals that go back many, many years;


  6   some of them are more recent.


  7             [Slide]


  8             We do tumor imaging.  I might point out


  9   that half of our tumor volume is with agents that


 10   are either in a gray area or are fully approved by


 11   the FDA.  This is an IND agent.  FDG-PET is sort of


 12   in a gray area.  There is a special NDA type of


 13   situation for FDG right now which will change


 14   according to congressional mandate at some point.


 15   Actually, a lot of cardiac imaging is lung imaging,


 16   as was pointed out at the University of California


 17   at San Francisco, probably two-thirds of this, and


 18   this is done with technetium-MAA.


 19             I might point out here is an example where


 20   safety is not in the package insert.  If my


 21   technologist were to mix 1 mCi of technetium or 5


 22   mCi with the kit and make it up and then I was to


 23   give this dose in an appropriate amount to an


 24   infant, we would have a problem.  We would have a


 25   clinical adverse effect because, in fact, this




  1   infant may be getting 30, 50 times as many


  2   particles as an adult would get, perhaps even more.


  3   This kind of information is often not in package


  4   inserts.


  5             We do brain perfusion, endocrine and


  6   mostly thyroid, and we do heart imaging at our


  7   hospital but in our particular case we do not do as


  8   much as, say, Boston or Philadelphia where they do


  9   substantial amounts.


 10             [Slide]


 11             At Cincinnati Children's Hospital we have


 12   experienced continued growth in nuclear medicine


 13   volumes, but at a somewhat slower rate than the


 14   total number of imaging exams.


 15             [Slide]


 16             We have been growing at 4.8 percent per


 17   year in nuclear medicine.  I might point out that


 18   this is the year that I was president of the


 19   Society of Nuclear Medicine and half of this year,


 20   and when I came back and paid attention to what I


 21   did for a living we had the best half year we have


 22   ever had.  We have been having a 7.5 percent


 23   increase a year in the radiology department.


 24             [Slide]


 25             Boston and Philadelphia, according to the




  1   information I was given by the department chiefs in


  2   those areas, are also reporting increasing volumes


  3   from year to year.  Pediatric nuclear medicine case


  4   volumes are dependent on having an imaging


  5   physician who is interested in pediatric nuclear


  6   medicine.  If the staff imaging physicians in a


  7   hospital are disinterested or believe that nuclear


  8   medicine is likely to disappear or pediatric


  9   nuclear medicine is likely to disappear, this


 10   becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.


 11             [Slide]


 12             The numbers of myocardial perfusion


 13   imaging studies, according to manufacturers' data,


 14   were about 4,000 per year in the U.S. in 2002.  It


 15   may actually be slightly more if you brought in


 16   another brand.  Boston does about 100 per year or


 17   over 1 percent of their nuclear medicine volume.


 18   Philadelphia did 224 last year, which is about 3


 19   percent of their nuclear medicine volume, and this


 20   number is not that far below the number of MR


 21   contrast administrations for cardiac imaging


 22   according to the information we were given earlier.


 23             [Slide]


 24             What can you do myocardial perfusion


 25   imaging for?  In children one is Kawasaki's




  1   disease, as was alluded to.  In a study published


  2   in The Journal of the American College of


  3   Cardiology, in 46 patients myocardial perfusion


  4   defects were present by mibi; in 37 percent of 27


  5   patients who had normal coronary arteries by


  6   angiography; in 63 percent of 11 who had resolved


  7   aneurysms; and in all the patients who still had


  8   aneurysms.  So, that is one indication that is


  9   solid.


 10             Another, we are getting information about


 11   hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.  Another possible


 12   indication is after the arterial switch operation


 13   where there are fixed perfusion defects in a


 14   considerable number of children.  In this one study


 15   almost all the children had fixed perfusion defects


 16   by mibi imaging after the switch operation a number


 17   of years later.


 18             [Slide]


 19             Myocardial perfusion imaging in pediatrics


 20   with technetium-labeled radiopharmaceuticals--one


 21   of the technetium agents has a shorter half-time


 22   and a considerably lower radiation dose;


 23   thallium-201, better image quality, flexible timing


 24   of image acquisition and you can do a gated wall


 25   motion study as well as get information about wall




  1   motion, which may give you some feeling as to what


  2   is working and what is not working.


  3             [Slide]


  4             Radiation exposure from diagnostic


  5   pediatric nuclear medicine procedures is


  6   acceptable.  Comparisons between different


  7   radiographic procedures, and between radiographic


  8   procedures and nuclear medicine procedures is


  9   accomplished by use of effective dose calculations.


 10   This is really the industry standard.  It has taken


 11   over from whole-body dose.  It has taken over from


 12   exposed dose from individual organ doses because of


 13   the weighting.  Of course, any weighting scheme is


 14   going to be somewhat imperfect but that is the best


 15   we have and it is the industry standard.


 16             [Slide]


 17             Effective dose has a weighting factor for


 18   each tissue and a calculated dose for each tissue.


 19   If you sum it up across a number of tissues, 10,


 20   12, 15 tissues, you have an estimate of the risk to


 21   the patient.  Implicit in that radiation dose it


 22   should have a lot to do with what the patient would


 23   get if they just got a whole-body exposure, you


 24   know, standing 5 miles from the Hiroshima bomb for


 25   example.




  1             [Slide]


  2             To give you an idea of how some of these


  3   things fit in, in tumor imaging, CT of the chest,


  4   abdomen and pelvis, and this is using the low dose


  5   Tc, as was alluded to by Dr. Siegel.  This is


  6   probably a third or fourth of what people used to


  7   get in a lot of places--very comparable to what we


  8   do with tumor imaging in PET, and less than gallium


  9   which is a long half-life radiopharmaceutical, 2.7


 10   days.  It turns out that our neuroblastoma imaging


 11   with I-123-MIBG is about half of either of either


 12   of those two.


 13             One of the interesting things too is when


 14   I was preparing the article with Mike Staven on


 15   pediatric dosimetry, we talked about weight basis.


 16   It turns out that smaller children, if you accept


 17   the Hiroshima Nagasaki data that are presumably


 18   more at risk, actually get lower effective doses as


 19   they decrease in age for a given


 20   radiopharmaceutical that is given on a weight


 21   basis.  So, generally the infants are getting about


 22   half the effective dose of what teenagers and


 23   adults are getting when it is given on a weight


 24   basis.


 25             [Slide]




  1             CT of the chest, abdomen and pelvis


  2   imaging for infection, white cells--very similar


  3   dose of gallium because of the longer half-life.


  4   One of the things again here is you have a target


  5   organ.  Spleen gets radiation doses for white cells


  6   but when you factor in the exposure in the


  7   effective dose calculation it is not a huge risk.


  8   You get to renal infection only and it turns out


  9   that nuclear medicine studies are considerably


 10   lower than CT.


 11             [Slide]


 12             Heart and lung, MAA studies for lung


 13   perfusion are low.  Technetium agents are


 14   considerably lower than thallium.  We can give


 15   extremely low dose when we start doing things like


 16   cystograms.  You know, we are talking about flying


 17   from here to St. Louis, or something.


 18             [Slide]


 19             Bone and brain, again low doses.  Renal


 20   agents, very low doses.  Sometimes we are a little


 21   higher than the equivalent X-ray procedure; often


 22   we are lower; often we are in the same range.


 23             [Slide]


 24             Why we need implementation of the Best


 25   Pharmaceuticals for Children Act, we basically have




  1   been doing this whole thing off-label for children


  2   under 18 years, for 30 years within nuclear


  3   medicine off-label.  There is a mandate in the Best


  4   Pharmaceuticals for Children Act to look at


  5   pediatric data to work with drug manufacturers.  To


  6   do so, you know, there is some point to this.  You


  7   get safety data our of it.  You may get


  8   effectiveness data out of it as well.


  9             [Slide]


 10             As I pointed out, you can have problems if


 11   you don't use radiopharmaceuticals intelligently in


 12   very small children because there may be a


 13   non-radioactive component that will cause you a


 14   problem when you give 50 times as much on a per


 15   kilo basis to the patient.  So, there are reasons


 16   to do this.


 17             [Slide]


 18             Another thing that Dr. Dilsizian alluded


 19   to was the whole concept of what happens when you


 20   try to do research, and the mechanism in a lot of


 21   the basic research in radiopharmaceuticals is the


 22   Radioactive Drug Research Committee and it


 23   basically states what he went over, that the


 24   radiation dose for an adult subject for a single


 25   study conducted with one year--and they have limits




  1   here--and they say that basically from a single


  2   dose the whole body, the blood and the lens of the


  3   eye shouldn't get more than 3 rem and other organs


  4   shouldn't get more than 5 rem.


  5             [Slide]


  6             Then, they say under 18 years of age you


  7   have to cut that to 10 percent.  First of all, we


  8   are talking about whole-body dose which is an


  9   obsolete concept and, secondly, it doesn't address


 10   the whole problem that there isn't a


 11   radiopharmaceutical around that has a target organ


 12   that has only 60 percent more than the whole-body


 13   dose.  They are all 5, 10 times higher.  But when


 14   you factor back in the effective dose this is not a


 15   significant factor.


 16             [Slide]


 17             For example, fluorodeoxyglucose for


 18   myocardial viability and for tumor imaging, for


 19   standard adult dose you are looking at an effective


 20   dose that is above that 0.3 limit.  You are talking


 21   about a bladder dose that is way above that.  As


 22   you go down, as effective doses drop a bit as the


 23   patients get smaller, if you give it on the same


 24   weight basis you still have bladder wall doses and


 25   effective doses that are way above those limits.




  1             [Slide]


  2             For a whole series of radiopharmaceuticals


  3   that are particularly of interest in tumor imaging


  4   at the moment, again everything is higher.


  5   Effective doses are higher.  Here you could


  6   probably sneak in with carbon-11 methionine but the


  7   bladder doses are higher and it is either the


  8   kidney or the bladder that is the target organ in


  9   each case.  But these doses are factored into the


 10   effective dose and they stand out here but it


 11   doesn't mean that there is a huge amount of risk


 12   associated with them.  What this means is that the


 13   whole area of molecular imaging becomes an area


 14   that you can't approach in pediatrics.


 15             [Slide]


 16             Well, could you use a faster camera?


 17   Well, there are some faster cameras but if you drop


 18   the dose 50 percent you are still not there.  Can


 19   you reduce the administered activity another 50


 20   percent and double the imaging time?  You are still


 21   not there for most of these agents.


 22             [Slide]


 23             Basically, effective dose takes into


 24   account all these risks.  We have regulations for


 25   experimental use of radiopharmaceuticals that have




  1   an arbitrary standard that no target dose should


  2   exceed the whole-body dose by more than 67 percent.


  3   We don't use whole-body absorbed radiation dose


  4   anymore and target organ dose for most


  5   radiopharmaceuticals is way above that 67 percent.


  6             [Slide]


  7             With the current RDRC regulations,


  8   molecular imaging technology will not be readily


  9   available for the study of pediatric


 10   life-threatening diseases, including cancer, but


 11   also heart disease.  With the current RDRC


 12   regulations you can't evaluate new molecular


 13   imaging techniques and we should develop an up to


 14   date standard based on effective dose that permits


 15   the study of children with life-threatening


 16   diseases including cancer and heart disease.


 17             [Slide]


 18             Finally, I would just like to point out


 19   what others have said, that children and adults may


 20   differ in the pharmacokinetics of drugs.  Pediatric


 21   disease processes are very different from adult


 22   disease processes, and I think you have been


 23   getting that kind of information all through this.


 24   Finally, pediatric data from adequate and


 25   well-controlled clinical trials are better than




  1   extrapolated adult data.  Thank you.


  2             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Cerqueira is our next


  3   speaker.


  4             DR. CERQUEIRA:  Thank you very much.  It


  5   is a pleasure to be here.  My name is Manuel


  6   Cerqueira.  I am a cardiologist at Georgetown


  7   Hospital here, in D.C., and I am representing the


  8   American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.  I drove


  9   myself here so they are not paying my expenses in


 10   any way.  I am a former president of the American


 11   Society of Nuclear Cardiology.


 12             The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology


 13   is pleased to comment on pediatric cardiology and


 14   the use of imaging agents.  ASNC is a professional


 15   medical society of more than 4,500 members which


 16   provides a variety of continuing medical education


 17   programs related to nuclear cardiology.  We develop


 18   standards and guidelines for training and practice


 19   within nuclear cardiology and we promote laboratory


 20   accreditation and physician certification in this


 21   sub-specialty to guarantee overall quality.


 22             We are principally an advocate for the use


 23   of nuclear cardiology in both adult and pediatric


 24   populations.  The Society believes that the medical


 25   necessity for the use of cardiac radionuclide




  1   imaging in children can really be included in four


  2   different areas.  There is a handout which is


  3   available at the back of the room.


  4             These areas include congenital heart


  5   disease, including anomalies of the coronary


  6   circulation and the presence of cardiac shunts.


  7   Anatomic methods of imaging, which have been


  8   described by some of the other presenters, do not


  9   always identify the physiological consequences of


 10   abnormal communications between the various


 11   chambers of the heart.  The radionuclide


 12   techniques, however, are able to adequately


 13   describe the passage of the radionuclide throughout


 14   the heart and allow detection of these


 15   physiological changes that are present.


 16             Another area in which we believe there is


 17   value for nuclear cardiology in the pediatric


 18   population is Kawasaki's disease, which is a


 19   systemic vasculitis syndrome occurring in early


 20   childhood which affects the coronary arteries and


 21   may cause aneurysms as well as thrombotic


 22   occlusions both at the time of the acute disease,


 23   as well as later on in life.  Long-term, it may


 24   affect coronary artery blood flow and the degree of


 25   perfusion to the myocardium.  Initial obstructive




  1   lesions may be difficult to evaluate and long-term


  2   there may be formation of aneurysms, and optimal


  3   management of these patients should include


  4   assessment of cardiac function as well as blood


  5   flow at a minimum of one-year intervals.  This was


  6   published in the guidelines that were put out by


  7   the American College of Cardiology and the American


  8   heart Association for the use of cardiac


  9   radionuclide imaging.


 10             Risks associated with Kawasaki's disease


 11   include subsequent stenosis and thrombosis leading


 12   to myocardial infarction as well as sudden death.


 13   The incidence of Kawasaki's disease in the year


 14   2000 requiring hospitalization was 4,248 patients.


 15   The median age of these patients at the time of


 16   admission was 2 years old.  Again, many of these


 17   children will benefit from subsequent long-term


 18   following with radionuclide methods.


 19             Another area in which radionuclide


 20   techniques can be useful in children is the


 21   identification of myocardial ischemia in patients


 22   with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


 23             The fourth area is radionuclide


 24   ventriculography or MUGAs, as they are commonly


 25   called, to monitor children receiving Adriamycin as




  1   part of therapy for various tumors.


  2   Echocardiography and some other techniques can be


  3   used but the reproducibility of measurements has


  4   not been as well established and standardized as we


  5   have for the use of radionuclide techniques.  For


  6   that reason, this will provide a very valuable


  7   method.


  8             Physicians make medical decisions daily in


  9   the diagnosis and treatment of children.  Within


 10   the practice of medicine, medical judgment has


 11   supported use of available radiopharmaceuticals in


 12   the treatment of children.  The advantages of using


 13   myocardial perfusion imaging in children include,


 14   one, reducing a potential long period of sedation


 15   which may be required in some children; two,


 16   reduction of overall radiation exposure associated


 17   with conventional angiography; and, three,


 18   providing a more accurate diagnosis in many cases.


 19             Having affirmed a role for cardiac


 20   radionuclide imaging in the pediatric population,


 21   the Society wishes to point out that there is a


 22   paucity of clinical studies in this area.  Clinical


 23   guidelines relative to pediatric populations are


 24   estimates based on the best available information.


 25   General agreement has been achieved to use as low a




  1   dose of radiation as possible and to carry out the


  2   procedures as quickly as possible.  However, we do


  3   not have criteria for identifying appropriate


  4   pediatric referrals, nor do criteria exist to


  5   determine optimal protocol or technical settings


  6   for the imaging studies.


  7             In approaching the pediatric population we


  8   know that children are more sensitive to radiation


  9   than adults; the number of radionuclide-enhanced


 10   phases must be minimized; and automated dose


 11   reduction technology exists; and inappropriate


 12   referrals can and should be eliminated in many


 13   cases.


 14             Several questions remain however.  How


 15   little radiation is needed to ensure accurate


 16   results?  How are dosages for various ages


 17   determined or differentiated?  How can the medical


 18   profession develop criteria for appropriate


 19   pediatric referrals?


 20             The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology


 21   looks forward to working with the FDA and with


 22   other interested parties and stakeholders to


 23   resolve these questions.  Thank you for the


 24   opportunity to comment on this important matter.


 25             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  Our




  1   next speaker is Dr. Peter Gardiner from


  2   Bristol-Myers Squibb.


  3             DR. GARDINER:  Dr. Chesney, thank you.  I


  4   will actually be very brief and, in the interests


  5   of disclosure, not only did the company pay for my


  6   travel but they pay my salary as well.


  7             [Slide]


  8             We consider ourselves worldwide leaders in


  9   cardiovascular imaging research.  Our current


 10   product line includes Cardiolite, which is a


 11   technetium-labeled radiopharmaceutical, as well as


 12   Definity, the ultrasound contrast agent.  You have


 13   heard quite a lot already today about both of these


 14   agents in their respective technologies and, in the


 15   interest of time, I will really just skip to my


 16   summary slide in that basically the points that I


 17   would have made have been covered already.


 18             [Slide]


 19             I would just like to point out that


 20   nuclear imaging is the only modality approved by


 21   FDA for the assessment of both myocardial perfusion


 22   and function in adults.  There is clearly extensive


 23   experience, and you have heard much of that today,


 24   in the adult population.  Again, as you have heard,


 25   there is limited and variable experience in the




  1   pediatric population.  There are certainly some


  2   challenges in terms of how to conduct clinical


  3   research in that population and that is certainly


  4   something that we look to continue to work with the


  5   agency and others, whether it is looking for


  6   creative ways to actually gather the information


  7   that has been discussed today.


  8             Perhaps to Dr. Maldonado's point,


  9   certainly as a company we very much support the


 10   FDA's initiatives to evaluate nuclear cardiac


 11   imaging and, in fact, other cardiac imaging


 12   modalities in the pediatric population.  So, thank


 13   you.


 14             DR. CHESNEY:  Although we deeply


 15   appreciate your brevity, I wonder if you would want


 16   to comment just a little bit more about how you


 17   would support pediatric studies or support the


 18   issue today, and in what ways or where do you see


 19   the most important need?


 20             DR. GARDINER:  I think it is really in


 21   many of the topics that have been discussed in


 22   terms of defining the appropriate dosing, the


 23   appropriate efficacy and the safety of these


 24   agents; the challenges, the size of the population


 25   and the variety of the pediatric population, and




  1   clearly some modalities are more appropriate than


  2   others.  But I think the areas that have been


  3   touched on are certainly ones that we would see as


  4   being important in terms of the questions to


  5   address, the questions that are going to be the


  6   subject of discussion tomorrow.


  7             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Maldonado and then Dr.


  8   Gorman.


  9             DR. MALDONADO:  Actually, I wasn't even


 10   aware of the CFR regulation that Dr. Gelfand


 11   presented.  I see these CFR regulations that he


 12   said are obsolete and probably might be an


 13   impediment for studies, and I can see your lawyers


 14   stopping you from doing the studies although they


 15   may be very good.  But if there is another law in


 16   the Code of Federal Regulations with limits, it may


 17   be problematic.  I don't know if there is a


 18   solution to this because that can be also an


 19   impediment.  As obsolete as it is, it may be an


 20   impediment and I think that Dr. Nelson may have the


 21   answer.


 22             DR. GARDINER:  It may be the difference


 23   between investigational clinical research and


 24   clinical practice that may have some bearing on


 25   that question.




  1             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Nelson, do you want to


  2   address this issue?


  3             DR. NELSON:  Yes, it might depend on your


  4   RDRC but often if it is an intervention that is


  5   designed for the possibility of benefit they won't


  6   apply those restrictions to it.  If it is an


  7   intervention that is of no benefit but for research


  8   purposes only, they would apply those restrictions.


  9   So, it depends then on how you construct the trial


 10   and how it is designed.  It sets up a whole other


 11   set of issues you need to address but it is


 12   possible to go above that exposure if it offers the


 13   possibility of diagnostic benefit.  Then, how much


 14   evidence do you need to establish that would then


 15   be the question.


 16             DR. GARDINER:  Dr. Gelfand I believe would


 17   like to make a comment, if he is allowed to.


 18             DR. GELFAND:  I don't believe that the


 19   RDRC limitations apply to an IND by an


 20   investigator, and an investigator by a company.


 21   So, that would not be a problem in that situation.


 22   The second aspect is I have generally found that


 23   many, many RDRCs are terrified of going over those


 24   limits, regardless of what has just been said about


 25   possible benefit to the patient.




  1             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Loewke, would you like


  2   to comment on this issue?


  3             DR. LOEWKE:  Basically I wanted to say


  4   that 361.1 is non-IND research.  For these


  5   products, if they are administered following the


  6   regulation, the research can be conducted and they


  7   do not have to submit an IND.


  8             DR. CHESNEY:  Dr. Gorman, you had a


  9   question?


 10             DR. GORMAN:  If you are willing to share


 11   this information, was Bristol-Myers Squibb


 12   responsible for the two PPSRs to this division?


 13   And, if so, what are you intending to study?


 14             DR. GARDINER:  That is not something I am


 15   prepared to discuss at this point.


 16             [Laughter]


 17             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you very much.  Our


 18   last speaker in the open public hearing is Dr. Jack


 19   Rychik from the American Society of


 20   Echocardiography.


 21             DR. RYCHIK:  Thank you.  I will just read


 22   a brief statement.  Good afternoon.  My name is


 23   Jack Rychik.  I am a pediatric cardiologist with a


 24   specialty interest in pediatric echocardiography.


 25   First of all, I would like to congratulate my




  1   friends and colleagues here in the field of


  2   pediatric cardiology who I think have done a superb


  3   job today in really framing this question very


  4   well, and I truly enjoyed your presentations today


  5   so thank you.


  6             I am a staff member at the Children's


  7   Hospital of Philadelphia.  I have served as


  8   director of echocardiography at that institution


  9   from 1996 to 2003.  Currently, I am the director of


 10   the fetal heart program at Children's Hospital of


 11   Philadelphia.  I come before this committee as a


 12   representative of the American Society of


 13   Echocardiography and as chair of the Pediatric


 14   Council of the American Society of


 15   Echocardiography, and they have paid for my Amtrak


 16   to get down here from Philadelphia.


 17             The American Society of Echocardiography


 18   is an organization of nearly 9,000 professionals


 19   committed to excellence in cardiovascular


 20   ultrasound and its application to patient care


 21   through education, advocacy, research, innovation


 22   and service to our members and the public at large.


 23   As a member of this organization and a physician


 24   with a strong interest in the clinical application


 25   of non-invasive imaging modalities in children, I




  1   am here to advocate for the promotion of the safe


  2   and effective use of ultrasonic contrast agents for


  3   cardiovascular imaging in children.


  4             Ultrasound imaging of the cardiovascular


  5   system, or echocardiography, is, as we have heard,


  6   the most commonly used modality for imaging of the


  7   cardiovascular system in infants and children.  The


  8   application of echocardiography in children has


  9   over a 30-year track record of safety; is an


 10   imaging modality which is highly reproducible with


 11   excellent temporal and spatial resolution; provides


 12   for real-time data on both cardiac structure and


 13   function; and is a mobile technology which means it


 14   can be performed repeatedly and serially at the


 15   patient beside.  As such, echocardiography has


 16   become the first-line modality for imaging in


 17   children with cardiovascular disease and has grown


 18   tremendously in its use, again as we have heard


 19   today.


 20             Despite its first-line use, however, there


 21   are still some limitation, primarily related to


 22   difficulties in ability to acquire a complete and


 23   satisfactory image in every patient in every


 24   specific subtype of lesion.  Ultrasound is


 25   dissipated within tissue as it travels through long




  1   distances and is impaired by bony structures and


  2   air.  These issues become of primary importance in


  3   older or larger patients, however oftentimes


  4   acoustic windows, even in small children, can be


  5   poor which can lead to poor image resolution.  The


  6   usual sharp distinction between the borders of


  7   blood and tissue can be blurred, thereby making it


  8   difficult to reliably measure cavity volumes and


  9   wall thicknesses, and consequentially impairing our


 10   ability to measure ventricular ejection and wall


 11   motion abnormalities.


 12             Hence, for our adult cardiology


 13   colleagues, the advent of echo contrast agents has


 14   been extremely helpful.  Intravenous injection of


 15   ultrasound contrast agents has been documented to


 16   improve endocardial border delineation.  Contrast


 17   enhancement of the blood-tissue boundary has


 18   improved assessment of ventricular wall motion,


 19   wall thickness, ejection fraction and delineation


 20   of structural abnormalities.


 21             Recent experimental results indicate that


 22   echo contrast has the potential to provide


 23   qualitative and quantitative assessment of


 24   myocardial perfusion and coronary blood flow.  This


 25   would add tremendously to the diagnostic




  1   capabilities of echocardiography.  As we have


  2   heard, the safety profile of the echo contrast


  3   agents in adults has been well defined and there


  4   are currently several third generation products


  5   approved for us, but its utility and its safety in


  6   children has not been defined.


  7             We believe that the time has come for


  8   children to reap the potential benefits of this


  9   form or cardiovascular imaging.  There are some


 10   great potentials for its use and let me give you


 11   some examples:


 12             One can utilize echo contrast for


 13   endocardial border, volume and ejection fraction as


 14   we have talked about.  It can be used for


 15   evaluation of intracardiac shunts and in


 16   particular, for example, in cases of patent foramen


 17   ovale in patients who have had stroke.


 18             It can be used for visualization of


 19   complex baffles and channels.  This is specific for


 20   congenital heart disease in cases of Mustard or


 21   Senning operation for transposition of the great


 22   arteries or in the Fontan operation for single


 23   ventricle.


 24             Contrast agents could potentially be used


 25   to improve visualization of thrombus in venous




  1   pathways of patients after Fontan operation for


  2   single ventricle.  Visualization of thrombus by


  3   conventional surface echocardiography is oftentimes


  4   a difficult task due to the scatter created by the


  5   synthetic patch material that is used.  Contrast


  6   agents may be extremely helpful in reliably


  7   identifying thrombus and avoiding the need for


  8   further testing, such as transesophageal


  9   echocardiography or more invasive modalities such


 10   as angiography.


 11             As well, as we have heard, it can be


 12   useful in the assessment of coronary artery flow


 13   and myocardial perfusion.  Although coronary


 14   atherosclerotic disease in infants and children is


 15   rare, there is still a great need to reliably


 16   assess coronary blood flow in conditions such as


 17   congenital coronary anomalies before and after


 18   surgery; Kawasaki disease; after arterial switch


 19   operation for transposition; after Ross operation


 20   in which coronary re-implantation is performed; for


 21   aortic valve disease and after palliation for


 22   hypoplastic left heart syndrome in which aortic


 23   reconstruction is undertaken and coronary flow


 24   potentially impaired.


 25             From personal experience, I can tell you




  1   that I would conservatively estimate that


  2   approximately 5-10 percent of our patients coming


  3   to our echo labs at Children's Hospital of


  4   Philadelphia could potentially be candidates who


  5   could benefit an in incremental manner from the


  6   addition of a contrast evaluation.  At our single


  7   center, where close to 15,000 echocardiograms are


  8   performed each year, this means that approximately


  9   1,000 patients per year could potentially benefit


 10   from this additional modality.


 11             The American Society of Echocardiography


 12   has in the past taken the lead in providing a


 13   synthesis of available evidence justifying the


 14   adoption of relevant new technologies in the field


 15   of echocardiography.  In addition, the ASE has


 16   played a key role in establishing guidelines for


 17   training and experience in these various modalities


 18   and uses of echocardiography.  An example is one


 19   that Dr. Sable mentioned early, the position paper


 20   that was published in 2000 on the use of contrast


 21   echocardiography in adults.  I can tell you that an


 22   update is currently being planned for utility,


 23   again, in adults.  The ASE, therefore, plans to


 24   take an active role in the process of promoting the


 25   safe use of contrast echo in children.




  1             With growing interest in the subject, we


  2   have formed an ad hoc committee of the Pediatric


  3   Council of the American Society of Echo to look


  4   specifically at this issue of safety and utility of


  5   contrast echo in children.  This committee is


  6   comprised of experts in pediatric echocardiography


  7   as well as adult echocardiography, professionals


  8   who can share their knowledge and experience in the


  9   use of contrast agents.  It is the desire of this


 10   ad hoc committee, the Pediatric Council of the ASE


 11   and the ASE as a whole to promote and advocate the


 12   expansion of the safe and effective use of contrast


 13   echocardiography in children and to develop


 14   guidelines for use and training.


 15             We look forward to working with the FDA


 16   and acting as a professional resource to them as


 17   they move forward in these endeavors.  Thank you


 18   all very much.


 19             DR. CHESNEY:  Thank you.


 20             DR. LOEWKE:  Dr. Chesney, may I just make


 21   one clarification, back again to the CFR 361.1 just


 22   so people fully understand that that applies to


 23   basic research.  It is not IND drug development


 24   clinical trials where you are actually looking to


 25   develop and ultimately manufacture a new drug.




  1             DR. CHESNEY:  I think that brings our


  2   afternoon session to a close.  On behalf of the


  3   committee and the FDA, I want to thank our speakers


  4   enormously for the incredible expertise you


  5   brought, and we look forward to working with you


  6   tomorrow to answer the more specific questions.


  7             With respect to administrative issues, the


  8   van will leave the hotel tomorrow morning at 7:15


  9   to bring us here.  I understand there is a van to


 10   take us back to the hotel now, those of us who are


 11   not going to the Ritz Carlton--


 12             [Laughter]


 13             Did the FDA want to make any other closing


 14   comments today?  I guess not.  Thank you all very


 15   much.


 16             [Whereupon, at 5:20 p.m. the proceedings


 17   were recessed, to resume at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday,


 18   February 4, 2004.]


 19                              - - -