FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION


















                       ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DSaRM)


                           COMMITTEE MEETING















                         Wednesday, May 5, 2004


                               8:18 a.m.










                CDER Advisory Committee Conference Room.

                           5630 Fishers Lane

                          Rockville, Maryland



                        P A R T I C I P A N T S


      DSaRM Committee Members:


      Peter A. Gross, M.D., Chair

      Shalini Jain, PA-C, M.B.A., Executive Secretary


      Michael R. Cohen, R.Ph., M.S., D.Sc.

      Stephanie Y. Crawford, Ph.D., M.P.H.

      Curt D. Furberg, M.D., Ph.D.

      Jacqueline S. Gardner, Ph.D. M.P.H.

      Arthur A. Levin, M.P.H.

      Henri R. Manasse, Jr., Ph.D.

      Robyn S. Shapiro, J.D.

      Annette Stemhagen, Dr.PH

      Brian L. Strom, M.D., M.P.H.


      GI Advisory Committee Members:


      Alexander H. Krist, M.D.

      Maria H. Sjogren, M.D.




      Leslie Hendeles, Pharm.D.


      FDA Participants:


      Carol Holquist, R.Ph.

      Marci Lee, Pharm.D.

      Paul Seligman, M.D., M.P.H. [a.m. and p.m.]

      Vibhakar Shah, Ph.D.

      Eugene Sullivan, M.D.


      Mark Avigan, M.D., C.M.

      Julie Beitz, M.D.

      Robert Justice, M.D., M.S.

      Ann Marie Trentacosti, M.D.



                            C O N T E N T S

      AGENDA ITEM                                             PAGE


      Call to Order and Opening Remarks, Introduction of

      Committee - Peter Gross, M.D., Chair, DSaRM                5


      Conflict of Interest Statement - Shalini Jain,

      PA-C, M.B.A., Executive Secretary, DSaRM                   8


      Opening Remarks - Paul Seligman, M.D., M.P.H.,

      Director, Office of Pharmacoepidemiology &

      Statistical Science (OPSS) and Acting Director,

      Office of Drug Safety (ODS)                               11


      FDA Presentations


      - Permeability of LDPE Vials:  A Clinical

        Perspective - Eugene Sullivan, M.D., Deputy

        Director, Division of Pulmonary Drug Products.          13

      - Medication Errors and Low-Density Polyethylene

        (LDPE) Plastic Vials - Marci Lee, Pharm.D.,

        Safety Evaluator, Division of Medication Errors

        and Technical Support                                   23

      - LDPE Vials for Inhalation Drug Products:  A

        Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (CMC)

        Perspective - Vibhakar Shah, Ph.D., Chemist,

        Division of New Drug Chemistry II                       36


      Questions from Committee                                  55


      Industry Presentations


      - Container Labeling Options using rommelag Blow-

        Fill-Seal Technology - Mohammad Sadeghi, V.P.,

        Research/Development, Holopack International

        Corp.                                                   65

      - Labeling of LDPE Containers:  Options for

        Improving Identification for Prevention of

        Medication Errors - Rick Schindewolf, V.P. & GM,

        Biotechnology & Sterile Life Sciences, and

        Patrick Poisson, Director of Technical Services,

        Biotechnology & Sterile Life  Sciences, Cardinal

        Health                                                  90

      - American Association of Respiratory Therapy

        Care - Karen Stewart, M.S., R.R.T.                      93


      Questions from Committee                                  94



                      C O N T E N T S (Continued)


      Open Public Hearing                                      106


      Introduction of LDPE Issues

                Paul Seligman, M.D., M.P.H.                    118


      Committee Discussion                                     118


      Committee Discussion (Continued)                         182


      Opening Remarks and Reintroduction of Advisory

      Committee - Peter Gross, M.D., Chair                     182


      Conflict of Interest Statement - Shalini Jain,

      PA-C., M.B.A.                                            185


      Introduction of Lotronex Issue - Paul Seligman,

      M.D., M.P.H.                                             187


      Open Public Hearing                                      189


      Sponsor Presentation


      Risk Management Program for Lotronex - Craig Metz,

      Ph.D., V.P., U.S. Regulatory Affairs,

      GlaxoSmithKline                                          206


      FDA Presentation


      Lotronex Update - Robert Justice, M.D., M.S.,

      Director, Division of Gastrointestinal and

      Coagulation Drug Products                                241


      Questions from Committee                                 248


      Adjourn                                                  298




  1                      P R O C E E D I N G S


  2             DR. GROSS:  Good morning.  I'm Peter


  3   Gross.  I'm Chair of the Drug Safety and Risk


  4   Management Committee, and starting with the person


  5   at my left with that famous laugh, Brian Strom,


  6   would you please introduce yourself?


  7             DR. STROM:  Thank you.  I'm Brian Strom


  8   from the University of Pennsylvania.


  9             MS. JAIN:  You know what?  Before we go


 10   on, Brian, Peter and the rest of the committee as


 11   well as the division wanted to say a warm thank-you


 12   for serving on our committee.  You've been a great


 13   asset for a year and a half, and we realize that


 14   you're going to continue as consultant, and we just


 15   wanted to say thanks.


 16             DR. STROM:  It's been a real pleasure, and


 17   it was a hard decision to let the rotation happen.


 18   I've enjoyed it, but given other commitments back


 19   home--but it's been fun.


 20             MS. JAIN:  Thank you.


 21             DR. GROSS:  You've been great, Brian.  We


 22   will continue to take advantage of your skills.




  1             DR. MANASSE:  My name is Henri Manasse.


  2   I'm chief executive officer and executive vice


  3   president of the American Society of Health-System


  4   Pharmacists, a membership organization that


  5   represents about 32,000 pharmacists practicing in


  6   hospitals and organized health systems.


  7             MS. SHAPIRO:  Robyn Shapiro.  I'm a


  8   professor and director of the Center for the Study


  9   of Bioethics at the Medical College of Wisconsin.


 10             DR. STEMHAGEN:  I'm Annette Stemhagen.


 11   I'm Vice President of Strategic Development at


 12   Covance, a contract research organization, and I


 13   serve as an industry representative to this


 14   committee.


 15             DR. GARDNER:  Jacqueline Gardner,


 16   University of Washington, Department of Pharmacy.


 17             MR. LEVIN:  Art Levin, Center for Medical


 18   Consumers, and I serve as the consumer


 19   representative.


 20             DR. FURBERG:  Curt Furberg, professor of


 21   public health sciences at the Wake Forest


 22   University.




  1             DR. HENDELES:  I'm Leslie Hendeles.  I'm a


  2   clinical pharmacist at the University of Florida,


  3   and I've done research on the bronchospastic


  4   effects of preservatives in nebulizer solutions.


  5             DR. CRAWFORD:  Good morning.  Stephanie


  6   Crawford, associate professor, College of Pharmacy,


  7   University of Illinois at Chicago.


  8             DR. COHEN:  Mike Cohen, Institute for Safe


  9   Medication Practices.


 10             DR. SELIGMAN:  Paul Seligman, Director,


 11   Office of Pharmacoepidemiology and Statistical


 12   Science, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research,


 13   FDA.


 14             DR. SULLVAN:  My name is Gene Sullivan.


 15   I'm the Deputy Director of the Division of


 16   Pulmonary and Allergy Drug Products here at FDA.


 17             MS. HOLQUIST:  I'm Carol Holquist.  I'm


 18   the Director of the Division of Medication Errors


 19   and Technical Support in the Office of Drug Safety,


 20   Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.


 21             DR. LEE:  Marci Lee, a pharmacist and


 22   safety evaluator in the Division of Medication




  1   Errors and Technical Support.


  2             MS. JAIN:  Thank you, everyone.  My name


  3   is Shalini Jain.  I'm the Executive Secretary for


  4   the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory


  5   Committee.  I'll now read the conflict of interest


  6   statement for the meeting today.  The meeting issue


  7   is low-density polyethylene vials.


  8             The following announcement addresses the


  9   issue of conflict of interest with respect to this


 10   meeting and is made a part of the record to


 11   preclude even the appearance of such at this


 12   meeting.


 13             Based on the agenda, it has been


 14   determined that the topics of today's meeting are


 15   issues of broad applicability, and there are no


 16   products being approved at this meeting.  Unlike


 17   issues before a committee in which a particular


 18   product is discussed, issues of broader


 19   applicability involve many industrial sponsors and


 20   academic institutions.


 21             All special government employees have been


 22   screened for their financial interests as they may




  1   apply to the general topics at hand.  To determine


  2   if any conflict of interest existed, the agency has


  3   reviewed the agenda and all relevant financial


  4   interests reported by the meeting participants.


  5   The Food and Drug Administration has granted


  6   general matters waivers to the special government


  7   employees participating in this meeting who require


  8   a waiver under Title 18, United States Code,


  9   Section 208.


 10             A copy of the waiver statements may be


 11   obtained by submitting a written request to the


 12   agency's Freedom of Information Office, Room 12A-30


 13   of the Parklawn Building.


 14             Because general topics impact so many


 15   entities, it is not prudent to recite all potential


 16   conflicts of interest as they apply to each member,


 17   consultants, and guest speaker.


 18             FDA acknowledges that there may be


 19   potential conflicts of interest, but because of the


 20   general nature of the discussion before the


 21   committee, these potential conflicts are mitigated.


 22             With respect to FDA's invited industry




  1   representative, we would like to disclose that Dr.


  2   Annette Stemhagen is participating in this meeting


  3   as an industry representative, acting on behalf of


  4   regulated industry.  Dr. Stemhagen is employed by


  5   Covance Periapproval Services, Incorporated.


  6             In addition, we would like to note that


  7   Karen Stewart, FDA's invited guest speaker, is


  8   participating as a representative of the


  9   respiratory therapists in the United States through


 10   the American Association for Respiratory Care.  She


 11   has no financial interest in or professional


 12   relationship with any of the products or firms that


 13   could be affected by the committee's discussions.


 14             With respect to the three invited industry


 15   guest speakers, we would like to disclose that


 16   Mohammad Sadeghi is employed by Holopack


 17   International,  Richard Schindewolf is employed by


 18   Cardinal Health and is vice president and general


 19   manager of Biotechnology and Sterile Life Sciences.


 20   Patrick Poisson is employed by Cardinal Health, and


 21   he serves as Director of Technical Services at the


 22   Biotechnology and Sterile Life Sciences division.




  1             In the event that the discussions involve


  2   any other products or firms not already on the


  3   agenda for which FDA participants have a financial


  4   interest, the participants' involvement and their


  5   exclusion will be noted for the record.


  6             With respect to all other participants, we


  7   ask in the interest of fairness that they address


  8   any current or previous financial involvement with


  9   any firm whose product they may wish to comment


 10   upon.


 11             Thank you.


        x                   DR. SELIGMAN:  Good morning.  On behalf of         



 13   the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, it is


 14   my pleasure to welcome members of the Drug Safety


 15   and Risk Management Advisory Committee and members


 16   of the public to today's meeting.  As always, we


 17   greatly appreciate the time and efforts devoted by


 18   the committee members and all participants in


 19   providing advice to the FDA on important public


 20   health issues.


 21             We have two topics on the agenda for


 22   discussion today--the first related to the




  1   prevention of medication errors and the second


  2   providing an update on a risk management program


  3   that was considered by this committee two years ago


  4   and was implemented in 2002.


  5             The first topic will focus primarily on


  6   minimizing the incidence of medication errors with


  7   drug products packages in low-density polyethylene,


  8   or LDPE, containers.  The package is intended to


  9   preserve drug product purity and quality.  However,


 10   current techniques used to label the product create


 11   problems related to legibility of the product name


 12   and strength.  Additionally, various products are


 13   packaged in containers that look similar.  We've


 14   found that these difficult-to-read labels and


 15   look-alike containers have contributed to


 16   medication errors involving the administration of


 17   wrong dosage strength or wrong drug product to the


 18   patient.


 19             Today, we would like to discuss what other


 20   solutions or alternative packaging designs exist


 21   that could improve the legibility of the label,


 22   prevent ingress of chemical contaminants, and in




  1   the process reduce or eliminate medication errors.


  2   Then later this afternoon, we will receive an


  3   update on the Lotronex risk management program.


  4             With that brief introduction, I look


  5   forward to our discussions today and, again, I also


  6   want to personally thank Dr. Strom for his service


  7   on this committee.


  8             With that, I guess we may proceed with the


  9   first speaker.  Dr. Gross?


 10             DR. GROSS:  Dr. Sullivan will be the first


 11   speaker on the Permeability of LDPE Vials:  A


 12   Clinical Perspective.


 13             DR. SULLIVAN:  Good morning.  As I


 14   mentioned, my name is Gene Sullivan.  By training


 15   I'm a pulmonologist, and I'm the Deputy Director of


 16   the Division of Pulmonary and Allergy Drug Products


 17   in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research here


 18   at FDA.


 19             This morning, I'm going to spend about 15


 20   minutes or so providing some background for the


 21   discussions today.  I'll be conveying some clinical


 22   observations regarding issues raised by the use of




  1   LDPE vials in the packaging of inhalation drug


  2   products, particularly as it relates to the


  3   permeability of the vials.


  4             This slide provides an overview of my


  5   presentation.  I'll begin with some introductory


  6   remarks which will put my presentation into the


  7   context of today's discussions and will serve to


  8   introduce the remainder of the talk.  Next I will


  9   discuss the inhalation drug products that are


 10   involved, providing some examples and a brief


 11   description of the nature of these drugs.


 12   Following this, I will discuss the patient


 13   populations for which these drugs are used,


 14   emphasizing aspects of these populations that put


 15   them at risk for adverse effects of chemical


 16   contaminants.  Then I will discuss the potential


 17   sources of chemical contaminants, their potential


 18   adverse effects, and the difficulties that exist in


 19   terms of adequately monitoring for them.  Finally,


 20   I will summarize the issue and current state of


 21   affairs in order to set the stage for the remainder


 22   of today's discussion regarding minimizing the




  1   potential for medication errors.


  2             The topic for discussion for today's


  3   Advisory Committee meeting is how best to minimize


  4   the potential for medication errors associated with


  5   LDPE containers, particularly given the clinical


  6   concerns related to their permeability and the


  7   resulting move away from the paper labels that have


  8   previously been used to identify the products.  My


  9   presentation is intended to review the nature of


 10   these clinical concerns in order to provide


 11   background for the remainder of the discussions


 12   today.


 13             This slide summarizes the clinical


 14   concerns that I mentioned.  Many inhalation drug


 15   products are packaged in LDPE containers.  LDPE is


 16   a material that is permeable to volatile chemicals,


 17   and there are numerous volatile chemicals that


 18   exist in the immediate packaging environment.


 19   Volatile chemicals that find their way into


 20   inhalation solutions may have a number of adverse


 21   effects on the airways, and because these adverse


 22   effects may be poorly tolerated by patients,




  1   efforts should be made to minimize the potential


  2   for contamination of inhalation drug products.


  3   Such efforts have included minimizing the content


  4   of volatile chemicals in the immediate packaging


  5   environment.


  6             For instance, the practice of using paper


  7   labels, which are applied directly to the LDPE


  8   containers and which contain numerous volatile


  9   chemicals, is not recommended.  However, as you


 10   will see in subsequent presentations, the use of


 11   alternative labeling approaches has raised the


 12   issue of medication errors.


 13             Now, I also want to point out that my


 14   presentation is focused on the clinical concerns


 15   related to chemical contamination of these


 16   products.  In the next presentation, Dr. Shah will


 17   also talk about product quality concerns.  For


 18   instance, ingress of volatile chemicals might


 19   adversely affect the stability of the active drug


 20   substance in a particular drug product.


 21             This slide provides some examples of


 22   inhalation drug products that are packaged in LDPE




  1   containers.  They include bronchodilators, such as


  2   Albuterol, Ipatropium, Metaproterenol, and


  3   Levalbuterol; also a mass cell stabilizer, cromolyn


  4   sodium; an inhaled steroid, Budesonide; and an


  5   antibiotic, Tobramycin.


  6             These products are inhalation solutions,


  7   or sometimes suspensions, that are intended for


  8   oral inhalation using a nebulizer.  One thing to


  9   keep in mind is that the manufacturing processes


 10   and materials for inhalation products are very


 11   carefully controlled in order to maintain a very


 12   high standard of product purity.  That is, a


 13   significant amount of attention is paid to the


 14   manufacturing processes and the materials used so


 15   that the content of contaminants is minimized.


 16   This would include contaminants that arise during


 17   the manufacturing processes, so-called process of


 18   synthetic impurities; contaminants that arise due


 19   to degradation of components of the formulation; or


 20   the subject of today's concern, contaminants that


 21   enter the formulation from the packaging materials,


 22   so-called leachables.




  1             These drugs may be used in a regular


  2   dosing schedule or may be used as an as-needed


  3   basis, and the bronchodilator products in


  4   particular are common used in the inpatient and


  5   acute-care settings, including emergency


  6   departments and intensive care units.


  7             These inhalation products are used by


  8   patients with a variety of pulmonary disorders,


  9   most commonly patients with asthma, COPD--which is


 10   chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a category


 11   of lung disease comprised of chronic bronchitis and


 12   emphysema--and cystic fibrosis.  Although these


 13   diseases are distinct, in general they are


 14   characterized by fixed or variable obstruction to


 15   airflow and a variety of patterns of histologic


 16   abnormalities, including various patterns of airway


 17   inflammation.  In addition, asthma in particular is


 18   associated with an underlying propensity for


 19   allergic responses.  And most of the diseases are


 20   associated with a sensitivity to nonspecific


 21   irritants which result in acute bronchospasm, a


 22   feature known as airway hyperresponsiveness.




  1             To focus specifically on asthmatics for a


  2   moment, asthmatics may react adversely to both


  3   nonspecific chemical irritants and to allergens to


  4   which they have developed specific immunity.


  5   Irritant reactions are characterized by symptoms of


  6   wheezing and shortness of breath.  It is well known


  7   that patients with severe asthma may react to very


  8   low levels of exposure to irritants.  Clinically,


  9   this is often related to perfumes, cleaning agents,


 10   or smoke in the environment.  In fact, we commonly


 11   make use of this feature of asthma to help


 12   establish the diagnosis using methacholine


 13   challenge testing.  In the methacholine challenge


 14   test, patients with suspect asthma are exposed to


 15   successively higher concentrations of this irritant


 16   in order to elicit bronchospasm.


 17             In addition to the nonspecific irritant


 18   reactions, asthmatics may also develop bronchospasm


 19   from inhaled allergens.  This allergic reaction is


 20   associated with both an acute early-phase broncho-


 21   constriction and a delayed late-phase response


 22   characterized by airway inflammation and airflow




  1   limitation.


  2             So what are the potential sources of


  3   contaminants in inhalation drug products packaged


  4   in LDPE?  In general, these are from volatile


  5   chemicals found in the labels and secondary bulk


  6   packaging.  These chemicals may be found in the


  7   various glues, inks, and lacquers that are used.


  8   One thing to point out is that the specific


  9   chemical nature of these inks, glues, et cetera,


 10   may, in fact, change after approval due to changes


 11   in the sources of these packaging materials.


 12             The FDA conducted an analytical survey of


 13   approved inhalation solutions marketed in LDPE


 14   containers and found that 29 of the 37 samples


 15   tested positive for various volatile chemicals that


 16   were presumed to have originated in the packaging


 17   materials.  Dr. Shah will describe this analysis in


 18   much more detail in his presentation later this


 19   morning.


 20             Chemical contaminants in inhalation drug


 21   products may be associated with a variety of


 22   adverse effects, including irritant and immunologic




  1   effects, leading to acute bronchospasm and airway


  2   inflammation and hyperresponsiveness, other toxicologic


  3   injury, or even potentially carcinogenicity.


  4             In terms of monitoring for adverse effects


  5   that might be attributed to chemical contaminants


  6   in these products, it is important to note that


  7   appropriate attribution may be very difficult


  8   because the expected adverse effects--bronchospasm


  9   and airway hyperresponsiveness--mimic the symptoms


 10   for which the drugs are being used.  This is a very


 11   difficult circumstance and makes it quite likely


 12   that adverse effects would not be recognized and


 13   reported.  For instance, modest bronchospasm


 14   related to chemical contaminants might lead to


 15   reduced efficacy of the drug, but this would likely


 16   not be identified.  Even if the adverse effect were


 17   more significant, the findings would likely be


 18   attributed to refractory underlying disease.


 19             So, to summarize, many inhalation drug


 20   products are packaged in low-density polyethylene


 21   containers.  This material is permeable to volatile


 22   chemicals.  Numerous volatile chemicals exist in




  1   the immediate packaging environment.


  2             Various volatile chemicals have, in fact,


  3   been identified in these products.  These volatile


  4   chemicals may have irritant as well as other


  5   toxicologic effects.  And because these effects may


  6   be particularly poorly tolerated by patients,


  7   efforts should be made to minimize the potential


  8   for contamination of inhalation drug products.


  9             It was this line of reasoning that in part


 10   led to the development of the Draft Guidance


 11   entitled "Inhalation Drug Products Packaged in


 12   Semipermeable Container Closure Systems."  Among


 13   other things, the Draft Guidance recommends that


 14   measures be taken to limit chemical contamination


 15   of these products.  One such measure would be the


 16   use of alternative approaches to paper labels, such


 17   as direct embossing or debossing of the containers.


 18             However, as will be discussed in


 19   subsequent presentations, the move away from paper


 20   labels has introduced a new concern, that of


 21   medication errors due to difficult-to-read and


 22   look-alike packaging.  The issue of how best to




  1   minimize the potential for medication errors will


  2   be the topic for today's discussion.


  3             DR. GROSS:  Thank you, Dr. Sullivan.


  4             The next speaker will be Shah.


  5             MS. JAIN:  He is not here.


  6             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Later for Dr. Shah.


  7             Dr. Marci Lee will now talk about


  8   medication errors and low-density polyethylene


  9   plastic vials.


 10             DR. LEE:  Good morning.  My name is Marci


 11   Lee.  I am a pharmacist and safety evaluator in the


 12   Division of Medication Errors and Technical Support


 13   in the Office of Drug Safety.


 14             The purpose of this presentation is to


 15   describe medication error reports and feedback from


 16   patients and practitioners involving products


 17   packaged in LDPE containers.  I will focus on some


 18   factors we identified that may contribute to


 19   confusion and errors with these products.  Finally,


 20   I will describe packaging and labeling approaches


 21   for your consideration.


 22             Our error analysis included in your




  1   background package was from 87 relevant reports.


  2   These came from patients, caregivers, and


  3   practitioners, such as respiratory therapists and


  4   pharmacists, who reported to the programs listed.


  5   These reports were received between January 1993


  6   and August 2002.  Many reports involved difficulty


  7   reading embossed product containers.  Some reports


  8   were actual errors where the wrong medication or


  9   the wrong dosage strengths were dispensed.


 10   Although some of these were detected before the


 11   medication was administered to the patient, some


 12   were not.  The outcomes of these reports ranged


 13   from no harm to difficulty breathing, which can be


 14   life-threatening.  The remainder of the reports


 15   described the potential for confusion and errors


 16   with these products.  Subsequently, as of April


 17   2004, 51 additional relevant medication error


 18   reports were identified for a total of 138 reports.


 19             In addition to our analysis, FDA received


 20   correspondence from ISMP, USP, and Senator Harkin


 21   regarding the safe use of products packaged in LDPE


 22   containers.




  1             Several themes emerged from the narratives


  2   of the medication error reports as factors that can


  3   contribute to errors.  They include


  4   difficult-to-read containers, look-alike packaging,


  5   and routine handling of LDPE by patients and health


  6   care practitioners.


  7             Some of the slides for this portion of the


  8   presentation will include direct quotes from the


  9   error reporters.  The first contributing factor to


 10   consider is the difficult-to-read labeling.


 11   Concern was expressed in a medication error report


 12   because it is difficult to see the name of the drug


 13   and its ingredients.  Another person noted that if


 14   the lot and expiration date are on opposite sides


 15   of the same area of plastic, it is even more


 16   difficult to read.  In addition, practitioners


 17   described how the vials needed to be angled in the


 18   light to read them.  For some, the text is


 19   difficult or impossible to read.


 20             In addition to difficult-to-read


 21   containers, another concern from the medication


 22   error perspective is the issue of look-alike




  1   packaging.  Often there is very little on the


  2   container itself to help people distinguish these


  3   products.


  4             This photo accompanied one medication


  5   error report.  It highlights the potential for


  6   confusion from look-alike vials from just a few of


  7   the products available in these containers.  Almost


  8   all of these vials contain a different drug


  9   product.  The paper labels and the unique round


 10   vial shape help to differentiate three of the vials


 11   from the rest.  However, these two can be difficult


 12   to read.


 13             In addition, this problem spans various


 14   drug classes and routes of administration.  This


 15   complicates the picture for practitioners and


 16   creates the opportunity for errors to occur among


 17   inhalation, injection, ophthalmic, and oral


 18   products.


 19             In this case, heparin is an injectable


 20   medication.  This photo was included with the


 21   report of potential for confusion between heparin


 22   and Tobramycin due to look-alike containers. 




  1   Pharmacies may store a variety of these products,


  2   and the potential for confusion will likely


  3   increase as we see more products other than


  4   inhalation solutions packaged in the LDPE


  5   containers.  This increases the likelihood for


  6   administration of the wrong drug product by the


  7   wrong route of administration.


  8             Another example of an injectable drug


  9   product with similar packaging is Naropin.  These


 10   ampules are specially design to fit both Luer lock


 11   and Luer slip syringes.  Although this feature may


 12   minimize the likelihood for confusion with the


 13   other LDPE containers, there is still potential for


 14   confusion between the dosage strengths within the


 15   Naropin product line.  This vial includes black


 16   type on a clear background.  Again, for some this


 17   may be difficult to read.


 18             Timoptic OCUDOSE is an example of an


 19   ophthalmic solution packaged in an LDPE container.


 20   This image shows that the tip of the container has


 21   been extended to allow for a label.  However, there


 22   may be potential for contamination despite the




  1   placement of this label.


  2             Gastrocom is an example of a product for


  3   oral administration that is packaged in an LDPE


  4   container.  This image illustrates the instructions


  5   for use.


  6             In summary, there are least four different


  7   routes of administration for products packaged in


  8   LDPE containers.  Again, this complicates the


  9   picture for practitioners and creates the


 10   opportunity for errors to occur among inhalation,


 11   injection, ophthalmic, and oral drug products.


 12             We have discussed several issues that


 13   contribute to medication errors with LDPE


 14   containers.  We have seen examples of containers


 15   that are difficult to read and difficult to


 16   distinguish from one another.  We have noted that


 17   the look-alike contains look-alike containers are


 18   not from a single drug product category or


 19   associated with a single route of administration.


 20   Now we will explore how routine handling of LDPE


 21   containers by patients and practitioners can


 22   contribute to errors.




  1             The foil overwrap serves to protect the


  2   containers from light and the environment.  It is


  3   recommended that the containers are stored in the


  4   foil overwrap until time of use.  However, the


  5   reality is that the foil overwraps are commonly


  6   discarded.  Once discarded, the clearly labeled


  7   portion of the packaging is often eliminated.


  8             One reason noted in our analysis for the


  9   overwrap to be removed is an effort to fit the


 10   products into a medication cart.  The foil overwrap


 11   and carton for many inhalation solutions use color


 12   to differentiate the dosage strength.  Most foil


 13   overwraps contain multiple unit dose LDPE vials.


 14   For example, the foil overwrap for Xopenex contains


 15   12 vials.


 16             Carol, if you'll pass the sample?


 17             This image includes the 12 vials which are


 18   contents of a single foil pouch of Xopenex.  All of


 19   the vials in this image are the same dosage


 20   strength.  However, Xopenex is available in three


 21   different dosage strengths.  The vials for all


 22   three strengths look alike when they are removed




  1   from the foil.  Although the foil helps to


  2   differentiate them, it is possible that these vials


  3   may not remain in the foil pouch until their time


  4   of use.  These individual LDPE containers can be


  5   stored in a variety of places once removed from the


  6   foil overwrap.


  7             It is a common practice for LDPE


  8   containers to be stored in the pockets or pouches


  9   of the practitioners who administer these


 10   medications.  In summary, while it is possible for


 11   various products to have clearly marked foil


 12   overwraps, as long as the containers themselves are


 13   poorly marked there is still potential for


 14   confusion.


 15             Once the container leaves the foil


 16   overwraps, it no longer matters how well labeled


 17   the foil pouch is.  This is a concern, regardless


 18   of the number of vials contained in the foil


 19   overwrap.  However, a single container in the foil


 20   pouch may minimize the likelihood for the vial to


 21   become separated from the overwrap.


 22             At this point we would like to stimulate




  1   ideas for discussion about how to address the


  2   issues that have been raised so far.  The remainder


  3   of this presentation will include a series of


  4   photos.  These images will highlight various


  5   packaging and labeling approaches to consider.


  6   Remember to keep in mind who will be using the


  7   products and how they will be used.  Our goal is to


  8   identify packaging that will resolve our concerns


  9   but not introduce any new problems for those who


 10   manufacture or use the products.


 11             The paper label approach allows for use of


 12   color to distinguish look-alike vials.  For some,


 13   these may difficult to read due to the small font


 14   size of the text.  The reports in our analysis


 15   demonstrated that some people may identify these


 16   medications by the color of their label alone.


 17   Based on the earlier presentation, we learned of


 18   the potential safety and product quality concerns


 19   with this approach for inhalation solutions.


 20             Although this packaging no longer appears


 21   to be used for Timoptic, this image illustrates


 22   another approach with paper labels.  The paper




  1   label is applied to the tip of the container.  The


  2   packaging allows for use of color to differentiate


  3   the containers and dosage strengths.  However, it


  4   may not address the potential for ingress.


  5             Again, consider the size of the label and


  6   the potential font size issues which may make the


  7   text difficult to read.


  8             We have a sample of this also going


  9   around.


 10             Here is an approach that extends the tip


 11   of the container to allow for the text to be


 12   embossed in the flange instead of the body of the


 13   vial.  This approach allows for more space for


 14   printed text; however, if both sides are embossed,


 15   they tend to interfere with the readability of the


 16   text.


 17             In contrast, this approach includes an


 18   embossed container without an extended flange.  In


 19   addition, the container is topped with the letter


 20   V-shaped tip.  In this case, V is for Ventolin.


 21   This approach allows for use of the unique vial


 22   shape and possibly texture to help differentiate




  1   the product.


  2             Another approach used to differentiate the


  3   various products in LDPE vials is the use of the


  4   embossed letters A, I, and R at the tip of the


  5   container.  In addition to a visual cue, the vial


  6   makes use of texture to distinguish the products.


  7   A is for Albuterol, I is for Ipatropium, and so on.


  8   Again, for some this is difficult to read.


  9             One approach that has contributed to


 10   medication errors with acetylcysteine is the use of


 11   a glass vial.  The packaging has led to medication


 12   errors where practitioners inject the product


 13   instead of administering the drug via inhalation


 14   because the vials look similar to those that


 15   contain an injectable product.  According to the


 16   May 30, 2001, ISMP newsletter article, these error


 17   occur despite warnings on the label that state "Not


 18   for injection" or "For inhalation."  In addition,


 19   they have a target area on the rubber stopper


 20   similar to the injectable products.


 21             Another approach used to distinguish these


 22   products includes the use of a uniquely shaped




  1   container.  Although these round vials distinguish


  2   Pulmicort from other drug products, it is difficult


  3   to differentiate between the two dosage strengths


  4   of Pulmicort once they are removed from the foil.


  5   The image on the right illustrates what the


  6   containers look like once the foil overwrap is


  7   removed.


  8             Some products, such as sodium chloride


  9   inhalation solution, utilize a tinted vial as a


 10   means of differentiation.  This approach allows for


 11   the use of color to help differentiate the


 12   containers from other products.  However, this


 13   particular packaging has not been evaluated by CDER


 14   at FDA.  These vials also include embossed text.


 15             Another approach is the shrink wrap


 16   approach which allows for the combination of


 17   embossed information on the end of the vial and the


 18   use of black print on a clear background.  Again,


 19   for some this may be difficult to read.  The


 20   printed portion of this label clings to the vials


 21   without adhesives, eliminating one potential source


 22   of packaging contamination.  However, there are




  1   still sources of volatile chemicals with the shrink


  2   wrap approach.


  3             There's also a sample of this going


  4   around.  The individual foil overwrap approach was


  5   described in the Draft Guidance that Dr. Sullivan


  6   referred to in his presentation.  This method will


  7   protect the drug product from contamination from


  8   the environment and minimize the opportunity for


  9   contamination from the packaging itself.


 10             Each foil overwrap contains a single vial.


 11   This is thought to increase the likelihood of the


 12   pouch staying with the container and minimize the


 13   risk for errors.  The overwrap allows for the use


 14   of color and other means of differentiation to help


 15   distinguish these products.


 16             At this time we are seeking other ideas


 17   and approaches to consider.  What other materials


 18   could we use?  What has been done for other


 19   products?  What will meet the needs of those using


 20   the products in both the inpatient and outpatient


 21   setting?  How should FDA evaluate any proposed


 22   changes?




  1             Also ask yourself, Will it prevent


  2   contamination from secondary packaging in the


  3   environment?  Will it be difficult to read?  Will


  4   it look like other containers?  Will it create new


  5   problems?  Will it be difficult to use?  And,


  6   finally, should inhalation products be handled


  7   separately from products with other routes of


  8   administration?  We look forward to hearing your


  9   ideas and suggestions.


 10             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  To round out the


 11   presentations, Dr. Shah will talk about the


 12   perspective for chemistry, manufacturing, and


 13   controls.


 14             DR. SHAH:  Good morning.  My name is


 15   Vibhakar Shah, and I'm a chemist in the Office of


 16   New Drug Chemistry for Pulmonary and Allergy Drug


 17   Products.  Before I start, I would like to


 18   apologize for my delay.  I was stuck in traffic for


 19   almost one and a half hours.  Let me tell you, it's


 20   not a pleasant experience.  But, in any case,


 21   that's life.  And I'm sure when we move to White


 22   Oak it's going to get worse.




  1             [Laughter.]


  2             DR. SHAH:  You were supposed to hear this


  3   talk before Marci's talk, but, anyway, here it


  4   goes.


  5             You already heard from Dr. Sullivan the


  6   clinical concerns arising due to the permeability


  7   of LDPE vials, especially when used with paper


  8   labels for inhalation drug products, and also you


  9   heard some of the medication errors which are


 10   caused because of legibility issues with the paper


 11   labels.  And I'm going to talk about in the next 20


 12   minutes regarding the problems and issues with


 13   product quality concerns arising due to the use of


 14   LDPE containers, with or without paper labels and


 15   with or without overwrap, for these drug products.


 16             In the context of today's discussion, my


 17   presentation will also focus on how best to


 18   minimize the potential medication errors given the


 19   quality concerns associated with these container


 20   closures.


 21             With that, this slide gives you the


 22   outline of my talk.  I'm going to start with a




  1   brief introduction to the type of inhalation drug


  2   products that are packaged in LDPE containers, and


  3   after that I'll be overviewing the current


  4   container-closure systems that are used.  Following


  5   that, I would like to discuss the results of an


  6   analytical survey conducted by the agency for


  7   several inhalation drug products under the Drug


  8   Product Quality Surveillance Program.  This survey


  9   particularly identified the clinical concerns as


 10   well as the quality concerns arising from the drug


 11   product contamination by packaging components


 12   because of the permeability of LDPE.


 13             Following that, I would like to discuss


 14   some of the quality concerns arising with the use


 15   of LDPE vials, with or without paper label and foil


 16   overwrap.  I will discuss the agency's current


 17   approaches to control and minimize the product


 18   contamination from packaging components and discuss


 19   current recommendations for packaging of inhalation


 20   drug products as provided in the Draft Guidance.


 21   And I will end my presentation with summarizing the


 22   quality concerns, what I have discussed so far.




  1             This slide lists the inhalation dosage


  2   forms administered by oral inhalation, and these


  3   drug products include inhalation solutions,


  4   suspensions, spray, inhalation aerosol, and


  5   inhalation powder.  However, for today's


  6   discussion, the remainder of the talk will focus on


  7   inhalation solutions and suspensions as they are


  8   the only two dosage forms that are packaged in LDPE


  9   containers.


 10             This slide you have already seen in Dr.


 11   Sullivan's presentation.  It just shows the type of


 12   drug products which are packaged into LDPE


 13   containers.


 14             Currently, inhalation solutions and


 15   suspensions are packaged in LDPE vials, and there


 16   are three components, basically:  LDPE vials, vial


 17   labels, and foil overwrap pouch.  Not all the


 18   inhalation solutions and suspensions may have foil


 19   overwrap pouch or adhesive paper label.  But in any


 20   case, the unit-dose vial--that is, the LDPE


 21   vial--is made up of low-density polyethylene by


 22   blow-fill-seal or form-fill-seal process.  The




  1   labeling information on a vial is conveyed either


  2   by a self-adhesive printed paper label or by


  3   embossing or debossing the labeling information on


  4   the LDPE vial itself during the fabrication of the


  5   vial.


  6             Foil overwrap acts as a protective


  7   secondary package and may contain anywhere from one


  8   to 12 vials per pouch.  The labeling information


  9   may be conveyed by a self-adhesive paper label on


 10   the foil overwrap, or the foil overwrap may be


 11   printed.  Furthermore, different colors for foil


 12   pouches may be used to differentiate the multiple


 13   strengths of the drug product.


 14             Now, let me go over the container-closure


 15   components of the LDPE vial, paper label, and


 16   foil-laminate.  I'll start the LDPE vial.


 17             The unit-dose vial, which is made up of


 18   low-density polyethylene, is chemically a


 19   polyethylene homo-polymer resin.  The polyethylene


 20   resin is made by polymerization process and may


 21   contain several chemical additives in addition to


 22   the reactant polymer.  They include chain transfer




  1   agent, chain initiator, antioxidant, so on and so


  2   forth.


  3             Furthermore, it is available in different


  4   grades for different applications.  That indicates


  5   that the composition of the LDPE may change


  6   depending upon how it is being used.  There are


  7   many manufacturers and suppliers of this LDPE.


        T1B                 This slide lists some of the               8


  9   characteristics and properties offered by LDPE or


 10   LDPE vials which probably makes it a material of


 11   choice for packaging of inhalation solution and


 12   suspensions from a manufacturer's point of view.


 13   These include:  they are flexible and malleable;


 14   stress crack, impact, and tear resistant; they are


 15   considered chemically inert at room temperature; or


 16   it may be used at elevated temperature for extended


 17   periods of time; or it can be sterilized.  They are


 18   used on high-speed production lines and,


 19   aesthetically, they can be clear to translucent in


 20   appearance.


 21             However, it is permeable to volatile


 22   chemicals and gases, and because of this




  1   permeability, there are several quality concerns


  2   which I'll be discussing later in my talk.


  3             The next I would like to talk about is the


  4   paper label, the components of a self-adhesive


  5   paper label and how it may contribute to the


  6   quality concerns of inhalation solutions and


  7   suspensions.


  8             Typically, a paper label consists of a


  9   base paper, adhesive, inks, pigments and dyes,


 10   varnishes, over-lacquer, et cetera, and depending


 11   upon the application, the base paper may contain or


 12   may be treated with all or many of the chemicals


 13   that I have listed here.


 14             Adhesive is the layer which comes in


 15   immediate contact with the LDPE vial when it is use


 16   with self-adhesive paper labels.  This slide lists


 17   typical chemical composition of an adhesive.  This


 18   is not an all-inclusive list.  There are many more


 19   proprietary chemicals used in the formulation of


 20   these adhesives.  Depending upon the physical


 21   chemical properties of these chemicals, that is to


 22   say, volatility, they may permeate through the LDPE




  1   vial into the drug product.


  2             I have listed here some of the


  3   over-lacquer components.  Over-lacquer is an


  4   evaporative(?) coating which is typically comprised


  5   of chemicals such as plasticizers, resins,  (?)


  6   solvents, diluents, surfactants, and many more.


  7   Some of these chemicals are proprietary in nature.


  8   Over-lacquer, or varnish, may be used for a


  9   transparent glassy appearance of the label, also a


 10   stabilizer for the print work and art work, or it


 11   can be used as a protective barrier to the moisture


 12   and overall to extend the longevity of the label.


 13   Again, in this case also, depending upon the


 14   physical chemical properties of some of these


 15   chemicals and their constituents, also the


 16   concentration and storage conditions, these


 17   chemicals may have a potential to permeate through


 18   the LDPE vials into the drug product.


 19             These are typical ink components.  One may


 20   think that ink might be just a single-component


 21   formulation.  However, if you look at it, there is


 22   more than one chemical included into the ink




  1   formulation.  And, again, these are also propriety


  2   formulations.


  3             These ink formulations may be  (?)-based


  4   or organic solvent-based, and depending upon the


  5   brand of solvents which are used in the


  6   formulation, they may have a potential to permeate


  7   through the LDPE vials into the drug product.


  8             The last I would like to talk about is the


  9   foil-laminate.  Primarily, foil-laminate is used as


 10   a protective secondary packaging for the drug


 11   formulations that may be sensitive to light and


 12   react to gases such as oxygen.


 13             Typically, foil-laminate is a flexible


 14   packaging composed of multiple layers of various


 15   types of plastic films which are fused together


 16   either by heat or pressure-sensitive adhesives


 17   applied to one or both sides of an aluminum foil.


 18   In this cartoon, aluminum foil is represented by


 19   layer D, and as you can see, the whole foil


 20   overwrap surrounds the drug product vial on an


 21   automated packaging line.


 22             The thickness of aluminum foil, which is




  1   D, and the number of pinholes per unit area are


  2   crucial for ensuring the consistent barrier to


  3   permeability.  Furthermore, each of the composite


  4   layers may contain volatility chemicals, organic


  5   solvents, as they are used in adhesives, which may


  6   permeate through a LDPE vial into the drug product,


  7   especially the adhesive layer that is closer to the


  8   drug product.  In this case, that is shown by G.


  9   So the composition of these are very critical.  One


 10   has to really have a knowledge of its composition


 11   before they can be selected for the foil overwrap.


 12   Alternate approaches to adhesive can be considered,


 13   such as fusion of the multiple layers of


 14   foil-laminate by heat-set process.


 15             In addition to the clinical concerns


 16   discussed by Dr. Sullivan, the permeability of LDPE


 17   raises several quality concerns, and these are


 18   listed on this slide, mainly the drug product


 19   contamination through ingress of volatile chemicals


 20   which may be originating from the environment that


 21   may be irritant or toxic to the respiratory tract


 22   and may sensitize individuals; drug product




  1   degradation because of the reactive gases and light


  2   that permeate through the LDPE vial and cause


  3   degradation of the drug product; and change in


  4   product concentration because of the water


  5   evaporation through the LDPE vials.  This in turn


  6   can accelerate the drug product degradation because


  7   of the concentration of the drug product.


  8             Now, let me share with you the results of


  9   an analytical survey of approved NDA and ANDA


 10   inhalation solutions marketed in LDPE vials without


 11   protective overwrap.  The basis for this survey was


 12   a large-scale voluntary recall of inhalation


 13   solution by a firm due to contamination of the drug


 14   product with 1-phenoxypropanol.  This is a known


 15   component present in the packaging components.


 16   This recall was conducted with FDA's knowledge and


 17   followed by a health hazard evaluation.  It was


 18   later found out that the source of this chemical


 19   was the varnish or over-lacquer that was used for a


 20   shelf carton.


 21             Alarmed by this incident, the agency was


 22   concerned that there may be other inhalation drug




  1   products with such contamination from packaging


  2   components.  As a result, it was decided to conduct


  3   a product quality survey of some of the marketed


  4   inhalation solutions.


  5             This was initiated by the Office of


  6   Generic Drugs in consultation with the Division of


  7   Pulmonary and Allergy Drug Products and in


  8   coordination with the Office of Compliance, Office


  9   of Regulatory Affairs, field offices, and Pacific


 10   Regional Laboratory.  Seven ANDAs and one NDA for


 11   inhalation solutions covering five different drug


 12   substances were selected.


 13             There were 38 samples representing 37 lots


 14   of various drug products in LDPE vials without a


 15   protective overwrap foil pouch.  The samples were


 16   screened for potential volatile chemicals which are


 17   known to be present in the packaging components,


 18   such as vanillin, 2-phenoxyethanol, and


 19   1-phenoxy-2-propanol by sensitive analytical


 20   techniques such as GCMS and HPLC methods.  Let me


 21   share the results of this survey.


 22             Twenty-nine out of 38 samples tested




  1   positive for chemical contamination originating


  2   from packaging components.  Five known chemical


  3   contaminants, as listed below, were detected


  4   originating from packaging, such as benzophenone,


  5   polyethylene glycol, 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol,


  6   2-(2-ethoxyethoxy) ethanol acetate, and


  7   2-hydroxy-2-methylpropriophenone.


  8             A health hazard evaluation was conducted


  9   at the levels these components were detected in


 10   these drug products.  However, it was indicated


 11   that the levels of these components did not raise


 12   sufficient safety concern in the intended


 13   population to warrant a recall of these drug


 14   products.  Nonetheless, the following issues were


 15   of concern:


 16             It was indicated that potential for these


 17   chemicals to cause bronchospasm at levels detected


 18   is unknown, especially in patients with respiratory


 19   diseases.


 20             It was also indicated that concentration


 21   of these chemicals might be grater at the end of


 22   expiry than what was detected at the time they were




  1   tested.


  2             It also showed that permeation through


  3   LDPE vial is a real phenomenon.


  4             It was also concluded that additional


  5   chemicals may be present, but may not get detected


  6   because the analytical techniques which were used


  7   may not be suitable, not knowing what components


  8   might be present into those solutions.


  9             And, also, future changes in the materials


 10   used in labeling and packaging may result in


 11   contamination with different chemicals.


 12             So, in a nutshell, product contamination


 13   can occur because of the formulation component


 14   degradation or by leaching of chemical constituents


 15   from packaging components, such as resin components


 16   I have listed, paper label components, foil


 17   overwrap components, cartons, and environment.


 18             These are the typical extractable or


 19   leachable components which have been found in the


 20   drug product from packaging components.  Some of


 21   them are irganox 129, 2, 2, 6-trimethyloctane,


 22   which is coming from resin components.  Some of the




  1   paper label components that we have seen is benzoic


  2   acid, ethyl phthalate, benzophenone, danocur 1173,


  3   cyclic phthalates.  From the foil overwrap, we have


  4   seen methacrylic acid, 2-phenoxyethanol, and some


  5   of the organic solvents such as acetone,


  6   2-butanone, ethylacetate, propylacetate, heptane,


  7   and toluene.  And from cartons, methacrylic acid


  8   and 1-phenoxy-2-propanol.


  9             So this raises a significant quality


 10   concern, and there are several other factors.


 11   These are the factors.  Because of the proprietary


 12   nature of components and composition of this


 13   packaging material, we may not know what is present


 14   in the solution.  The composition of these


 15   components which are present in the packaging may


 16   change without the knowledge of applicant and the


 17   agency.  And you cannot detect if you don't know


 18   what you are looking for.  As a result, there is no


 19   one analytical procedure to detect unknown chemical


 20   contaminants.  And there is incomplete


 21   toxicological data or information available for


 22   many of these identified chemical contaminants. 




  1   And as the environmental conditions change, that


  2   may introduce new contaminants.


  3             So what are the potential approaches the


  4   agency has taken to minimize and control the


  5   contamination from packaging components to the


  6   extent possible?  Our approach has been and we have


  7   recommended that characterize or identify all


  8   possible extractables and establish a profile for


  9   each packaging component, for resin, vial, paper


 10   label, foil-laminate overwrap.


 11             What I mean by extractable is extractable


 12   is a chemical compound, which can be volatile or


 13   non-volatile, that gets extracted from a packaging


 14   component in a suitable solvent by utilizing


 15   optimum extraction conditions, such as time and


 16   temperature.


 17             Extractable profile for a given packaging


 18   component typically can be a chromatogram


 19   representing all possible extractables.


 20             After that, establish a correlation


 21   between extractable and its leachable potential,


 22   and what I mean by leachable is leachable is any




  1   chemical compound that leaches into the drug


  2   product formulation either from a packaging


  3   component or a local environment on storage through


  4   expiry of the drug product.  An extractable can be


  5   a leachable.


  6             And to ensure batch-to-batch consistency


  7   of the drug product, appropriate specification for


  8   a leachable is established based on its


  9   qualification and observed levels in the drug


 10   product on storage.


 11             As a result, the next approach is we asked


 12   them to set meaningful acceptance criteria for a


 13   given extractable in corresponding incoming


 14   packaging components based on its qualification


 15   level and actual observed data.  Once that is


 16   accomplished, meaningful acceptance criteria for a


 17   given leachable based on actual observed data in


 18   the drug product also be established.


 19             These are the recommendations we have


 20   provided in the Draft Guidance.  We have


 21   recommended that adequate knowledge of composition


 22   and physico-chemical properties of packaging




  1   components is essential for appropriate selection


  2   of these components.  We discourage paper label


  3   directly on the LDPE vial and encourage alternative


  4   approaches, including embossing or debossing, in


  5   lieu of the paper label on the LDPE vial because of


  6   the reasons I discussed, because of the product


  7   contamination.  This can be accomplished by


  8   extended bottom flanges to unit-dose vial that can


  9   carry essential vial labeling information and can


 10   retain the product identity.


 11             We have also recommended use of protective


 12   overwrap foil pouch for the LDPE unit-dose vial.


 13   This in turn can minimize the ingress and leaching


 14   of chemical contaminants from the local environment


 15   provided that the components that have been


 16   selected for the fabrication of the overwrap foil


 17   pouch are appropriately selected.


 18             The self-adhesive paper label on a foil


 19   pouch or pre-printed foil pouch is also


 20   recommended, and different color schemes to


 21   differentiate multiple strengths of the drug


 22   product is also recommended.  This in turn can




  1   prevent ingress or leaching of chemical


  2   contaminants from paper labels and may improve the


  3   legibility issues.


  4             The last recommendation we have in our


  5   Draft Guidance is to limit the number of unit-dose


  6   vials per pouch, ideally to one LDPE vial per foil


  7   pouch.  This can minimize the risk of medication


  8   error by patients and health care professionals,


  9   and it can prevent unnecessary exposure to local


 10   environment when compared to packaging of


 11   multi-unit-dose vials in a foil pouch.


 12             So, in summary, so far I have presented to


 13   you that volatile chemicals present in the


 14   packaging components and local environment have a


 15   great potential to permeate through LDPE vials into


 16   drug product formulation on storage.  The agency's


 17   analytical survey and other supportive data have


 18   confirmed ingress and leaching of such volatile


 19   chemicals into the drug product formulations.


 20             Ingress or leaching of such chemicals into


 21   drug product formulation poses a safety concern for


 22   patients with respiratory illnesses, such as asthma




  1   and COPD.  Embossing or debossing of LDPE vial in


  2   lieu of paper label is recognized to have


  3   legibility issue.  However, paper labels, although


  4   perceived to address legibility issue, overall may


  5   not be the optimum solution because of the safety


  6   concerns associated with potential leaching and


  7   ingress of paper label components in the drug


  8   product through LDPE vial.


  9             The agency's current recommendations as


 10   stated in the Draft Guidance may serve as a first


 11   step in the right direction to address the issues


 12   that are being discussed today.  And the agency is


 13   seeking other viable approaches to address these


 14   issues to promote safe product use without


 15   compromising the integrity of the drug product.


 16             With that, I will conclude my talk, and


 17   thank you for your attention.


 18             DR. GROSS:  Thank you very much, Dr. Shah,


 19   and I want to thank the first three speakers who


 20   presented a very clear review of the problem.


 21             We are now open for discussion.  Perhaps


 22   I'll start off with a couple questions.




  1             We talk about low-density polyethylene.


  2   Does high-density polyethylene reduce transmission,


  3   number one?  Number two, would increasing the


  4   thickness of the container reduce transmission?


  5   And, number three, have other plastics been


  6   considered?  I'm not a chemist so I don't know, but


  7   polypropylene, polystyrene?  And are any of those


  8   possibilities?


  9             DR. SHAH:  So far, traditionally, LDPE is


 10   the choice of material by the manufacturer because


 11   of some of the properties it can offer.  And I


 12   guess one can increase the thickness of the LDPE


 13   vial or may use a different polymer.  However, one


 14   has to keep in mind that by nature, when you do the


 15   fabrication of the vials, it may have some kind of


 16   a permeability.  But that depends on the degree of


 17   permeability.  LDPE offers one side of the


 18   spectrum, or other polymers may offer a different


 19   type of permeability.  But one has to conduct some


 20   of the studies to show that it does not permeate.


 21             DR. GROSS:  Michael?


 22             DR. COHEN:  Dr. Lee mentioned shrink wrap




  1   at one point, and then added that there might still


  2   be some concern about, you know, the volatility, I


  3   guess, of the inks in the shrink wrap itself.  It


  4   does not come in contact with the actual LDPE


  5   plastic, though, so I'm trying to figure out why


  6   that would be a concern.  Do you think it's still


  7   possible for that to leach in?


  8             DR. SHAH:  Yes, let me answer that.


  9   Shrink wrap, again, it's a plastic and it suffers


 10   through the same thing.  It comes in direct contact


 11   with the LDPE vial.  So depending upon the chemical


 12   components of the ink and how it is being used, in


 13   a shelf carton or anything, it still will have the


 14   same unit problems that I discussed.


 15             DR. COHEN:  Can I ask a follow-up?


 16             DR. GROSS:  Yes, go ahead, Michael.


 17             DR. COHEN:  Have you done testing--


 18             DR. SHAH:  No, we--I mean, we have not


 19   even received--or we have not approved a drug


 20   product with the shrink wrap.  There is no example


 21   of that, at least to CDER.  Maybe in other


 22   divisions, another agency, but we haven't received




  1   any.


  2             DR. GROSS:  Jackie, next question?


  3             DR. GARDNER:  I understand the problem of


  4   potentially masking the effect of contamination by


  5   the condition, but I was surprised to see only 87


  6   reports of medication errors that you're working


  7   from.  And given the excellent presentation and the


  8   potential for confusion, I'm surprised that there


  9   were so few because it looks like it would happen a


 10   lot.  I wondered if we could have some perspective


 11   on why there would be so few, and maybe Mike can


 12   help with that.


 13             And then the second thing is I wondered


 14   whether any of the potential suggested


 15   recommendations or the different packaging types


 16   have been tested in any way that we could


 17   reasonably expect that they might reduce the


 18   potential for error if they were implemented,


 19   whether the foil wrap or any of these things have


 20   been tested among the people who would be using


 21   them.


 22             DR. GROSS:  Next question, Leslie?




  1             Does anybody have an answer?  Marci?


  2             DR. LEE:  Thank you.  As to the number of


  3   reports being few, since the review was done, there


  4   have been additional reports submitted to the


  5   agency for a total, I think I said, of 138 reports,


  6   which may still sound like a small number, but


  7   considering the problem is probably very underreported.  We


  8   also had some reports that were


  9   describing errors that had to do with restocking.


 10   For example, a transport team's pouch was supposed


 11   to contain three Albuterol and three Ipatropium


 12   vials, and at this one given time it contained one


 13   vial of one drug and five of the other.  So, you


 14   know, in the report the narrative says, "We suspect


 15   that at least one patient has been affected by this


 16   problem."


 17             The same thing can happen in an inpatient


 18   setting where the drugs are getting intermixed in a


 19   bin.  So it's really an unknown, the actual impact


 20   of the problem.


 21             DR. GROSS:  Leslie?


 22             DR. HENDELES:  I'd like to just respond to




  1   Jackie's comment.  Mixing these medicines up is


  2   very unlikely to be associated with a visible toxic


  3   reaction, so that might be--if anything, the


  4   adverse consequences is a lack of therapeutic


  5   effect when you're treating a disease that's


  6   involving acute bronchospasm.  So the clinician


  7   can't distinguish between lack of drug effect from


  8   worsening of the disease.


  9             But the question I had was:  Is there any


 10   evidence that these contaminants in any way


 11   interact with the active drugs to either decrease


 12   their stability or to in some way inactivate them?


 13             DR. SHAH:  They may not inactivate, but


 14   they will increase the degradation of the products.


 15   They may react with the active, and then you will


 16   form an adduct.  But you are not going to, you


 17   know, inactivate the drug product.


 18             DR. SULLIVAN:  The other thing t keep in


 19   mind is that the list of potential contaminants is


 20   innumerable.  So what may be true of one chemical


 21   may not be true of the others.


 22             DR. GROSS:  Curt Furberg?




  1             DR. FURBERG:  I'd like to expand on that


  2   question.  What are the health effects of these


  3   contaminants?  Are they all toxants?  And if we


  4   don't know that these contaminants have adverse


  5   health effects, is this a big issue?


  6             DR. SULLIVAN:  Well, I think the unknown


  7   is part of the problem, and being a clinician at


  8   the agency, we've been tasked with addressing the


  9   specific risk of specific chemicals that have been


 10   found in assays done, particularly--it was


 11   discussed in the analytical survey and so forth.


 12   So we get asked this question:  What's the


 13   toxicologic potential of this chemical?  And we


 14   don't know most of the time.  There haven't been


 15   toxicologic studies done.  We don't know the


 16   carcinogenic potential.  We don't know the extent


 17   to which it acts as an irritant or has other toxic


 18   effects.  And then we have to judge, okay, what's


 19   the risk out there, and it's very difficult.


 20             DR. FURBERG:  Yes, but shouldn't you add


 21   that to your recommendation that we find out?


 22             DR. SULLIVAN:  Well, I think that's part




  1   of why we're saying it's best to just try to limit


  2   potential exposure, because you can't list all of


  3   these chemicals.  For instance, the one that was


  4   mentioned was found in a drug product, and it was


  5   traced back to the fact that the actual carton that


  6   these vials were contained in, the manufacturer of


  7   that carton, who isn't the drug manufacturer,


  8   changed the glue or lacquer in that carton.  And so


  9   a chemical that we wouldn't have previously been


 10   aware of made its way into the drug.


 11             DR. SHAH:  Again, the agency does not


 12   control the cartons.  We will control to a point


 13   and look into the things.  The carton is something


 14   very--and as a result, I think our approach has


 15   been--or we recommend the use of overwrap pouch.


 16   That can also limit to a certain extent.  I mean,


 17   there is no 100-percent guarantee that it may not


 18   permeate or the glues which are used in the


 19   foil-laminate itself may get into the drug product.


 20             But one needs to study these things


 21   before, you know, providing to the agency.


 22             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Henri, and then we'll




  1   hold questions after that until later.


  2             DR. MANASSE:  I have a couple of


  3   questions.  One is:  Do we see the impact of the


  4   degradation on all of the active ingredients, that


  5   is, for the Albuterol and the Tobramycin and the


  6   cromolyn?  Is that pretty much standard across all


  7   of the ingredients that these volatile substances


  8   do have a degrading impact?


  9             The other question I had is:  What


 10   experiences can we gain from either the food and/or


 11   the cosmetic industry?  Are there experiences there


 12   since so much of this packaging is also with


 13   low-density polyethylene containers?


 14             And my last question relates to the


 15   potential application of the bar code to packages


 16   vis-a-vis the incoming rule.  To what extent will


 17   symbology printing either exacerbate or lessen this


 18   particular issue?


 19             DR. SHAH:  I kind of lost you.  What was


 20   the first question?


 21             DR. MANASSE:  The first question, Is the


 22   infusion, leaching of the contaminants equally




  1   impactful on all the active ingredients in these


  2   products?


  3             DR. SHAH:  I think some of these will stay


  4   as a degradation product.  They may not impact the


  5   active ingredient, but it will be just a product


  6   contamination.


  7             Now, itself, how it will affect the


  8   particular patient population, that is--as Dr.


  9   Sullivan said, we don't know the potential of that.


 10   So it may not probably reduce the concentration of


 11   the active into the drug product.  However, that


 12   uncertainty regarding the safety is a concern.


 13             The second question was?


 14             DR. MANASSE:  The second question relating


 15   to experiences in the food and cosmetic industry


 16   and what may be learned there.


 17             DR. SHAH:  Okay.  I think by far the


 18   most--these packaging components are used also in


 19   tablets and other solid oral dosage forms.  There


 20   the risk is less because you are taking it orally.


 21   Here the problem is because of the patient


 22   population, we are more concerned.  And I don't




  1   know what else can be learned from food and other


  2   industries because there is--I don't know that much


  3   scrutiny is there.  The only thing that is there is


  4   whether they are adequate in terms of oral dosage


  5   use.  That's it.


  6             Does that answer--


  7             DR. MANASSE:  And my last question related


  8   to the upcoming application of the bar coding rule


  9   and the imprinting of symbologies to implement that


 10   particular rule.


 11             DR. LEE:  Actually, LDPE vials was one of


 12   the products that was exempt from that rule.  It


 13   won't be required down to the vial, but any outer


 14   packaging it will be on.


 15             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  We'll take a break now


 16   and reconvene at 9:45.


 17             [Recess.]


        T2A                 DR. GROSS:  The first speaker will be            



 19   Mohammad Sadeghi, who will talk about container


 20   labeling options using rommelag blow-fill-seal


 21   technology.


 22             DR. SADEGHI:  Good morning.  I'm Mohammad




  1   Sadeghi with Holopack International.  I'm here to


  2   talk about container labeling options using


  3   blow-fill-seal technology, and most of all these


  4   products you've been hearing today about and


  5   packaging and LDPE, low-density polyethylene,


  6   they're all manufactured using blow-fill-seal


  7   technology.


  8             So what I'm going to do is go over what


  9   the blow-fill-seal process is, what container


 10   labeling options you have, what are the pros and


 11   cons on each, and some examples.


 12             Blow-fill-seal technology is an integrated


 13   aseptic technology for manufacturing aseptic


 14   products.  That's an example of a machine.  The way


 15   it works is you feed in raw pellet resins from one


 16   end and the  (?)  solution from another, and the


 17   machine will actually melt the pellet, created the


 18   container, fill it aseptically, and seal it.


 19             The process consists of four major steps.


 20   As you see, the plastic is molten first and


 21   extruded in a cylindrical shape, and the molds are


 22   formed into the container, the needle comes in, and




  1   there is the Class 100 in this  (?)  area, fills


  2   the container, and it withdraws, and then the


  3   container is sealed and ejected from the machine.


  4             Now, labeling options that you can have


  5   with this technology consist of embossing, paper


  6   label on tab if you do not want to put it directly


  7   on the container, or printing on the tabs.


  8             Embossing consists of a mirror--engraving


  9   mold with a mirror image of the information.  You


 10   have small vacuum ports on the mold surface that


 11   actually will do this, such into the softened


 12   plastic into the engraving embossing, hence


 13   embossing the container.


 14             This is an example of what a mold cavity


 15   looks like, and you see the surface inside the main


 16   cavity where the engraving takes place.


 17             This is a close-up of what it's like to


 18   have as the imprint.  What you see in the bottom


 19   would be replaceable magazines that you can change


 20   for lot number and expiration date.


 21             Another option of embossing is hot stamp,


 22   which in this case instead of molding it during the




  1   production, as the container is ejected from the


  2   BFS machine, it's actually put into a machine where


  3   it actually is a hot stamp that would actually


  4   emboss the container, again, and this is done on


  5   the tabs and not directly on the body of the


  6   container.


  7             Paper labels on tabs, one of the reasons


  8   this container was developed was to avoid direct


  9   contact labels with--paper labels with the actual


 10   container body, and the secondary was the


 11   small-volume containers that required information


 12   and there was not enough surface area to put the


 13   engraving on the container.  They developed a tab.


 14   Either it can be on the cap or as a tail, have the


 15   embossed information.


 16             You can use the same tab, actually,


 17   instead of--it's a solid surface, so you can use it


 18   either to print or add paper to the label.


 19             The pros and cons of each labeling option:


 20   Embossing has been discussed here.  The pros are


 21   there is no maintenance of label inventories;


 22   ensure 100-percent labeling of containers; labels




  1   cannot be removed; and ensure each unit is


  2   traceable and no leachables.  The cons are, which


  3   has been discussed also, it is difficult to read on


  4   clear containers.


  5             Paper label on tabs is--paper label


  6   obviously makes it clearer to read, and you can use


  7   colors.  It greatly reduces potential leaching into


  8   the solution because it's not directly applied to


  9   the container body.  However, there is still


 10   potential leaching of adhesive.


 11             Direct printing on the tab, it's clearer


 12   than embossing on the tab to be read; it eliminates


 13   potential leaching from paper, adhesive, varnish


 14   and stuff that goes with the paper label; and it


 15   greatly reduces potential leaching into the


 16   solution, again, because it's on the tab, on a


 17   separate space on the container, not directly on


 18   the container body; and, lastly, allows for bar


 19   code printing on line as well.  However, you still


 20   have the ink, which potentially can leach into the


 21   solution.


 22             Now, examples of these various things,




  1   there's a container with embossed labeling.  The


  2   containers can be also embossed and color-coded


  3   because the same container can be used for


  4   different concentrations of products, or you can


  5   have color-coded and embossed to represent the same


  6   product in different concentrations or doses.


  7             You can apply the paper on the tab, both


  8   removing the paper from direct exposure to the


  9   solution, but also it is readable.  Or having


 10   direct printing on the tab for bar code


 11   information.


 12             Also, you have traditional paper on the


 13   container, which is...


 14             Now, the other thing is the issue of--one


 15   of the things that comes to mind is the size of the


 16   containers, is eliminating paper containers--paper


 17   labels from all outside containers or is it


 18   dependent--it is a size-dependent solution.


 19   Obviously, if you have a liter container such as


 20   viewed here and you have a paper label, is that


 21   also going to be--it's something that has to be


 22   removed, and considered this is--it should be in




  1   relation to the size of the container.  If it is a


  2   three-  (?)  container, you have the same treatment


  3   as one-liter container.


  4             Another example of various container


  5   sizes.


  6             Thank you.


  7             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Now we'll hear from the


  8   Cardinal Health team, Rick Schindewolf and Patrick


  9   Poisson.


        x                   MR. POISSON:  Good morning.  My name is            



 11   Patrick Poisson.  I'm the Director of Technical


 12   Services at Cardinal Health Woodstock.  With me


 13   today is Mr. Rick Schindewolf, who's the general


 14   manager of the Woodstock, Illinois, facility.


 15             Just a little bit about our role in the


 16   industry.  Cardinal is a diversified health care


 17   company with operations in distribution, manufacturing,


 18   research, and management solutions.  The


 19   Cardinal Health Woodstock facility is a


 20   blow-fill-seal facility that produces approximately


 21   1 billion units annually.  Our product portfolio


 22   involves NDA, ANDA, 510(k), and USP Monograph




  1   products.


  2             Some of the advantages of why people


  3   select low-density polyethylene in blow-fill-seal


  4   is blow-fill-seal is recognized as an advanced


  5   aseptic process.  There's also an immense


  6   flexibility in container design that allows various


  7   applications of the container and its use.  It's


  8   also a very cost-effective approach to producing


  9   pharmaceutical products.


 10             Now, some of the limitations:  As


 11   previously mentioned, LDPE is a semipermeable


 12   material.  The technology also uses heat to form


 13   the container, and there may be issues with


 14   heat-sensitive products.  And based on the focus of


 15   this meeting today, there are obviously some


 16   labeling issues as well.


 17             Now, the general industry approach has


 18   been to emboss and deboss the containers to display


 19   the necessary information, which includes product


 20   name, concentration, manufacturer, lot number, et


 21   cetera.  Typically, respiratory products are


 22   packaged in a secondary overwrap in multiple units




  1   or single units, and that provides the additional


  2   protection necessary to prevent chemical


  3   contamination.


  4             This has already been touched upon, but


  5   these are the main highlights of the Draft


  6   Guidance, and I won't spend any time on this since


  7   this has been discussed already.


  8             Now, what are some of the advantages to


  9   the embossing/debossing approach?  It provides an


 10   immediate tamper-evident identification of the


 11   product.  It eliminates the potential for


 12   contamination from labels.  And it provides ease of


 13   label copy control.


 14             Some of the limitations associated with


 15   that:  It can be difficult to read on clear


 16   containers.  It does not provide a very readily bar


 17   code-readable print.  And the vial size affects


 18   legibility of the print that's embossed and


 19   debossed.  We cannot emboss or deboss down to a


 20   very small font size that's readable that could


 21   compete with a paper label.


 22             Now, we believe there are some




  1   possibilities for enhancing product identification


  2   in the low-density polyethylene container, and


  3   these are listed here:  reduce the content


  4   requirement to allow an increased text size;


  5   addition of physical/tactile identifiers for


  6   generic product groups; alternative label


  7   approaches such as a sleeve label; color coding


  8   unit-dose vials for generic product groups; and


  9   individual secondary overwrap.


 10             Increased text size.  There's a limited


 11   surface area on the container that is available for


 12   embossing/debossing.  Due to the technology, we


 13   cannot emboss or deboss on the sides of the vial.


 14   We can only emboss and deboss on the front.  The


 15   text size can be significantly increased; however,


 16   we would have to remove some of the information


 17   that's normally provided.  This approach would not


 18   change any of the materials involved in the


 19   process, so there would be no impact on the current


 20   product chemistry.  This could also be implemented


 21   fairly quickly, eight to ten weeks.  And there


 22   would be a one-time cost for the manufacturer to




  1   buy the appropriate equipment.


  2             This is a drawing of what that concept


  3   would look like.


  4             In addition to that, physical/tactile


  5   identifiers could be added to the container.  This


  6   would provide an easily recognizable/legible symbol


  7   on the container that would represent a product


  8   type, for instance, A for Albuterol sulfate, I for


  9   Ipatropium bromide, et cetera.  This is already


 10   currently being implemented on products


 11   manufactured at Cardinal Health.  This also does


 12   not change any of the container materials or


 13   process, so, again, no impact on the current


 14   product chemistry.  This also could be implemented


 15   in eight to ten weeks, depending on the regulatory


 16   approval of this label change, possibly as a CBE


 17   30.  Again, there would be a one-time minimal cost


 18   to buy the necessary equipment to do such a change.


 19             This is a drawing of what that concept


 20   could look like.  And we have some samples which


 21   we'll pass around for the committee to see.  And


 22   those can also be provided in clear plastic.  And




  1   here are some photos of the same vials.


  2             This is a picture contrasted with one of


  3   the current formats that is out on the market, so


  4   you can see that there's a definite increase in the


  5   identification of the products resulting from this


  6   type of change.


  7             The sleeve label concept would involve a


  8   redesign of the extended tab to make that area


  9   amenable for application of a non-paper label.


 10   Cardinal has designed such a vial that has a patent


 11   pending that would be capable of receiving a shrink


 12   wrap sleeve.


 13             This label provides a contrasted


 14   background for enhanced legibility and also provide


 15   a bar code-readable print.  This would involve no


 16   changes to the product contacting surfaces of the


 17   container.  The shrink of pressure sensitive label


 18   would be applied to an appendage of the container,


 19   not in direct contact with the product.


 20             This would also involve an increased


 21   manufacturing cost for equipment, labor, and


 22   materials, and we believe it could be implemented




  1   in 12 to 14 months following regulatory approval


  2   with associated stability testing data.


  3             This is a picture of what that concept


  4   looks like, and we have some samples that we'll


  5   pass around.  This particular product was mentioned


  6   in an earlier presentation as the catheter flush


  7   saline and heparin.


  8             Color coding.  Products could be


  9   color-coded to aid in identification.  That would


 10   be a similar approach to the AAO recommendations


 11   for cap color for ophthalmic products.  It provides


 12   a contrasting background to aid the legibility.  A


 13   colored vial is easier to read.  However, it could


 14   impact the product chemistry with leachables and


 15   extractables.  There would be a slight increase in


 16   manufacturing costs for raw materials.  Again,


 17   implementation time would be based on stability


 18   data and regulatory approval of such a change.


 19             This is a picture of what that concept


 20   would look like.


 21             Individual secondary overwrap, that has


 22   been touched upon.  It provides enhanced labeling




  1   opportunities, bar code-readable print for a


  2   single-dose vial.  However, the overwrap can and


  3   will be separated from that unit at some point in


  4   time during its use, and we don't control that, so


  5   we cannot predict when that will happen.  So there


  6   could be legibility/identification issues still at


  7   the time of use.  There's a significant


  8   manufacturing cost increase with the raw materials,


  9   equipment necessary, and labor.  If that was done


 10   with the current process, that change, the


 11   implementation time would be 12 to 14 months


 12   following regulatory approval of the packaging


 13   change with associated stability data.


 14             In summary, we believe there are


 15   opportunities for improvement of the labeling of


 16   low-density polyethylene containers.  Each


 17   alternative is a viable alternative, we believe,


 18   and it should be assessed based on impact to the


 19   product, speed of implementation, ease of


 20   regulatory approval, and cost to the patient.


 21             Thank you--oh, sorry.  Our recommendations


 22   are to increase label information font size on




  1   individual vials.  Add a tactile symbol for generic


  2   identification based on the following advantages:


  3   quick approach, no impact on product chemistry or


  4   stability, and no impact on patient cost.  For


  5   hospital-dispensed unit-dose vials, add a sleeve


  6   label to accommodate bar coding.


  7             Thank you.


  8             DR. GROSS:  Thank you very much.


  9             Our next speaker is Karen Stewart of the


 10   American Association of Respiratory Care.


        x                   MS. STEWART:  Good morning.  Thank you for         



 12   giving me the opportunity to present today.  I


 13   think in your packets you have my written


 14   statement, and I have a couple of slides here that


 15   I want to share with you.


 16             I've been a registered respiratory


 17   therapist since 1971, and I am here as the


 18   spokesperson for the American Association for


 19   Respiratory Care representing respiratory


 20   therapists both nationwide and internationally.


 21             Respiratory therapists, like all other


 22   health care professionals, are very concerned about




  1   medication errors.  In recent years, since the


  2   elimination of most paper labels on unit-dose vials


  3   of medication, it has become increasingly difficult


  4   to determine the content of the unit-dose vial.


  5   I'm going to share with you some pictures of what


  6   the therapist typically has on their person as


  7   they're making rounds.


  8             Not only is the print on the vial


  9   difficult to read, the size and the shape of the


 10   vial contributes to this difficulty.


 11             In 2001, the American Association for


 12   Respiratory Care completed a human resource survey,


 13   and at that time the average age of a respiratory


 14   therapist was 44.  This is another contributing


 15   factor to the difficulty of reading the content of


 16   the medication vial.  While I may have just


 17   emphasized that the current relative age of the


 18   respiratory therapist and the difficulty the older


 19   therapist experiences in reading the labels, I want


 20   to clarify to you that deciphering respiratory care


 21   medication labels is a problem that cuts across all


 22   age groups of respiratory therapists.  The problem




  1   is how the medication is labeled or not labeled


  2   appropriately.


  3             The work flow of the respiratory therapist


  4   I think is probably most important for you to


  5   understand.  The therapist typically includes


  6   delivering medications and treatments to a number


  7   of patients for a local geographic region in a


  8   hospital.  The patients that are assigned have a


  9   very wide variety of medications that are being


 10   delivered to them.  Once the medication is checked


 11   by the pharmacist for drug interactions, the


 12   therapist typically carries medication with them as


 13   they begin rounds.  It would not be unusual for a


 14   therapist to carry between 14 and 15 different


 15   vials of medication.  The medications must be under


 16   control so that therapists either carry the


 17   medication in a fanny pack or they carry the


 18   medication in a locked draw on a cart they carry


 19   with them.


 20             In some institutions, medications are in a


 21   Pyxsis system.  In this situation, the medication


 22   can either be placed in a single patient medication




  1   labeled drawer or they come from stock supply.  So,


  2   again, multiple vials in a stock drawer.


  3             I just wanted to give you a view of what's


  4   in somebody's pocket typically.


  5             Another concern that faces the respiratory


  6   therapist is the lack of bar coding on the vial.


  7   Many hospitals are moving toward the scanning of


  8   medication bar codes.  The driving force for this


  9   use of technology is to identify the correct


 10   patient, identify the correct medication, confirm


 11   the correct dose of medication, confirm the correct


 12   route of medication, and record the time of the


 13   medication delivery.


 14             I want to share with you a few comments


 15   that I picked up from some respiratory therapists


 16   in just the most recent weeks.


 17             Staff have complained about the inability


 18   to see clearly the medication information.  For


 19   this reason, we switched to a different product


 20   that is individually wrapped in clearly labeled,


 21   color-coded foil packaging.  The current situation


 22   with the raised-letter labeling is an accident




  1   waiting to happen.  I know you talked earlier about


  2   underreporting.  It's because we've given the dose


  3   and never know we gave the wrong one in some cases.


  4             This is a second therapist:  I complained


  5   bitterly when the look-alike vials came out.  We


  6   did not leave them for any nurses to confuse.  We


  7   do not know of any medication errors beck of the


  8   look-alikes.  Doesn't mean it didn't happen.  We


  9   just don't know.


 10             So, again, a little bit more emphasis on


 11   the fact that we are seeing probably underreporting.


 12             This is a third one:  We have had problems


 13   with the unit-doze Xopenex and Atrovent looking


 14   alike and labeled in the same clear package.  We


 15   use Pyxsis and it's still a problem.


 16             So even moving the medication into a more


 17   controlled environment continues to be a problem


 18   for the therapist who's on the floor.


 19             This is a fourth therapist:  One


 20   encouraging thing that I have seen is differing


 21   shapes and sizes on a very few of the medications. 




  1   Since the death of the multi-dose vial of


  2   Albuterol, we have a supplier who sends us


  3   unit-dose vials of Albuterol that have a very


  4   distinctive teardrop shape  and a much smaller size


  5   for medication.  I give that a Bravo.  A similar


  6   thing has happened with the octagonal unit-dose


  7   vials of Pulmicort.


  8             And I think if you look at the very end of


  9   this, that small round is the Pulmicort.  But this


 10   is what's in the pocket of the therapist, and all


 11   they have to read on most of those are just that


 12   clear lettering.


 13             I was at a program, I did a program in


 14   Cincinnati last week, and I mentioned this in a


 15   patient safety presentation that I did to


 16   therapists.  About 600 were there, and what was


 17   interesting about it is several of them came up to


 18   me afterward and said, Can you imagine what the


 19   night shift therapist goes through trying to read


 20   these?


 21             Now, low light--it's bad enough, you know,


 22   with the age, but the low light.




  1             There's a couple more comments from


  2   therapists in there.  I think that you've probably


  3   got those.  You get the gist of what we're trying


  4   to say.  So on behalf of the American Association


  5   of Respiratory Care, I really appreciate the


  6   opportunity to share the association comments.


  7             I have one more slide that I want to share


  8   with you, and it's this one.  What you're seeing


  9   here are just the different medications.  One of


 10   those happens to be Tobramycin.  One of them--two


 11   of them are bronchodilators.  Two of them are


 12   exactly the same medication in different doses.


 13   Just to really emphasize what the packaging is


 14   doing to the therapist at the bedside.


 15             Thank you.


        x                   DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Thank you very much.            



 17   We will not have the committee ask some questions


 18   of the speakers, and you can ask questions of any


 19   of the speakers that have presented this morning.


 20             Leslie?


 21             DR. HENDELES:  I have two questions for


 22   Karen.  First, is there any Joint Commission




  1   requirements in terms of how respiratory therapists


  2   are supposed to handle medication?


  3             MS. STEWART:  There's been--


  4             DR. HENDELES:  And I have a second


  5   question, which is:  Would respiratory therapists


  6   mind carrying these single-unit dose vials wrapped


  7   in foil in their pockets?


  8             MS. STEWART:  There are recommendations


  9   around the delivery of medications from JCAHO, and


 10   most of that is surrounding the control.  It is


 11   first the pharmacist's review of that medication to


 12   see if there are any other interactions, and the


 13   second being that that medication is always under


 14   control.  And you'll see as you go across the


 15   country a number of different ways that hospitals


 16   are handling the medication control issue.  Some of


 17   them--the folks that I talked to last week, some of


 18   them have a cart where they carry all their


 19   plastics and other things that they need with a


 20   locked drawer, and their medications are in that


 21   drawer.  Other ones are using Pyxsis, and some are


 22   still carrying it physically on their person in a




  1   side pocket or a fanny pack.


  2             Your second question is, if they were


  3   individually wrapped, I think that therapists would


  4   use those either in any of those devices under


  5   control.  The problem is that they open, for


  6   example, a packet of Xopenex with 12 vials in it.


  7   That's just too much for them to carry when they've


  8   got so many different types to carry.


  9             DR. HENDELES:  If it's just one, they


 10   would be able to?


 11             MS. STEWART:  I think they would be able


 12   to carry it, yes.


 13             DR. GROSS:  Yes, Stephanie?


 14             DR. CRAWFORD:  Thank you.  This question


 15   is for Patrick Poisson, but, Ms. Stewart, don't go


 16   too far just in case you want to add to it.  I


 17   thank each of the speakers for their presentations.


 18             Mr. Poisson, with respect to your


 19   presentation, the sixth slide was talking about the


 20   advantages and disadvantages--I'm sorry, the


 21   advantages and limitations.  Each of the advantages


 22   from my interpretation were in the manufacturing




  1   process.  As you presented, each of the limitations


  2   was from the clinical use.  So my question is:


  3   From the recommendation--potential alternatives


  4   that you suggested, have you conducted, your


  5   company, or performed any studies using clinical


  6   groups such as the respiratory therapists to see


  7   acceptability of each of these options?


  8             MR. POISSON:  One thing I probably failed


  9   to mention is that Cardinal Health is a contract


 10   manufacturer, and the products that we manufacture


 11   are distributed by our customers.  And it's


 12   difficult for us to step in front of them and ask


 13   for this type of work to be done.


 14             Now, we have done some work with the


 15   shrink wrap sleeve label, and the feedback from


 16   that was very positive.  However, that was a very


 17   unique opportunity for us to get involved with


 18   that.


 19             In regards to the recommendations, yes,


 20   some of them are manufacturing--are good for the


 21   manufacturing process.  However, one that maybe


 22   wasn't explained as well is the sterility of the




  1   product.  Using a blow-fill-seal technology to


  2   manufacture products is recognized as providing a


  3   better microbiological quality of product out to


  4   the market versus a conventional process.


  5             DR. GROSS:  Michael?  I'm sorry.


  6   Stephanie, another question?


  7             DR. CRAWFORD:  Thank you.  Just one quick


  8   follow-up.  One of your recommendations was


  9   increase text size.  You mentioned that, of course,


 10   something would have to come off if that were


 11   happening--would come off if--


 12             MR. POISSON:  I think we'd have to


 13   undertake those discussions with the agency as to


 14   what could come off.


 15             DR. GROSS:  Michael?


 16             DR. COHEN:  I've been looking at these


 17   LDPE plastics for several years, actually, and


 18   trying to come up with solutions.  And actually the


 19   best thing I've ever seen is that shrink wrap, that


 20   overwrap, or sleeve, or whatever you want to call


 21   it.  Is that a proprietary system, or is that


 22   available to any manufacturer?  And can you foresee




  1   the actual use across the entire spectrum of LDPE


  2   containers, even the parenterals?


  3             MR. POISSON:  Well, we're very pleased


  4   with the progress we've made on the sleeve label.


  5   It did involve some development that we regard as


  6   intellectual property.  So regarding availability


  7   to the whole industry, I really can't speak on


  8   that.


  9             There will be potentially some leachable


 10   extractables even from that system.  There is ink


 11   on that label.  So that has to be evaluated for


 12   each product that it's used for.  It still may not


 13   work for every product.


 14             MR. SCHINDEWOLF:  If I could just make a


 15   comment on the proprietary nature, what's


 16   proprietary about that vial is the rounded end.  A


 17   lot of the vials that you'll see and I think some


 18   that were presented earlier can be on a flat end as


 19   well.  And we found that the rounded end helped the


 20   legibility.  As the sleeve shrinks, there tends to


 21   be some--what's the word I'm looking for?  The


 22   print can be--




  1             MR. POISSON:  It can be distorted.


  2             MR. SCHINDEWOLF:  Yes, "distortion,"


  3   that's the word.  So this was to help the


  4   readability of the bar code label itself, so that's


  5   what's proprietary in that particular design.


  6             DR. GROSS:  Yes, Henri?


  7             DR. MANASSE:  In terms of patient safety,


  8   one of the biggest issues that I think most


  9   practitioners confront is the kind of work-arounds


 10   that people utilize to make things convenient for


 11   them, and this notion of carrying drugs around in


 12   your pocket is a very good example.  But it seems


 13   that the sleeve is a pretty critical issue with


 14   respect to the capacity of adding more information


 15   coupled with bar codes, symbologies, et cetera.


 16             Have you all thought about how you can


 17   eliminate the dissociation of the sleeve from the


 18   package itself?  Because the work-around, people


 19   are tearing off the sleeves and then carrying the


 20   package by themselves.  And is there a way that you


 21   can avoid that other than at the direct point of


 22   care?




  1             MR. POISSON:  I'll try and address that.


  2   One of the ways that these are used is that the cap


  3   is actually twisted off of the vial.  And one of


  4   the problems I see with individually foil


  5   overwrapping is the removal of that foil could


  6   potentially damage the vial in that process.  So


  7   it's a difficult thing to overcome.  We could


  8   tighten the foil potentially around the vial, but


  9   it just opens it up for damage in the transfer


 10   process from the location within the hospital to


 11   its use point.


 12             You know, there are a lot of advancements


 13   going on in packaging.  Certainly five years ago I


 14   don't think we would have all the options that we


 15   have now.  Maybe at some point in time we can get


 16   to a better alternative with the foil.


 17             DR. GROSS:  Robyn?


 18             MS. SHAPIRO:  I have two questions.  One


 19   is actually Henri's.  And this is to the agency.


 20   What factors, if any, are considered currently in


 21   the approval process with respect to these


 22   problems?




  1             And the second question is:  It seems to


  2   me that this morning we have much more information


  3   about the potential error, problem, than the


  4   leachability and contamination problem, and much


  5   more potential risk.  Has there been--maybe this is


  6   for Karen.  Has there been litigation over this?


  7   And, if so, what has happened?


  8             MS. STEWART:  I can't speak to any


  9   litigation, and I think one of the concerns that we


 10   have as therapists is that this probably goes underreported.


 11   The therapist delivers that care


 12   and leaves the bedside to treat the next patient.


 13   So they may not see an adverse effect or, as stated


 14   earlier by Dr. Sullivan, I believe, the patient


 15   does not get the potential relief of the


 16   medication.


 17             In other words, if you have Tobramycin and


 18   a bronchodilator in your pocket, they both look


 19   alike, you give the Tobramycin to the patient who


 20   needs the bronchodilator, you may not see the


 21   effect.  So it becomes underreported.


 22             MS. SHAPIRO:  And the patient may not




  1   either.  I mean, they may not realize--the patient


  2   or the family or whomever, the error may not be


  3   disclosed to anyone.


  4             MS. STEWART:  Except the patient's


  5   therapeutic treatment regime is going to be longer


  6   with a longer length of stay because they didn't


  7   get the proper--


  8             MS. SHAPIRO:  Sure, but they may not know


  9   why.


 10             MS. STEWART:  Right.


 11             DR. GROSS:  Are there any other questions?


 12             MS. SHAPIRO:  Can I have the first


 13   question answered by Paul or somebody about what


 14   currently is considered?


 15             DR. SHAH:  You are talking about in terms


 16   of the quality controls?


 17             MS. SHAPIRO:  In the approval process for


 18   any new drugs, what, if any, is considered with


 19   respect to safety relating to this possibility for


 20   error?


 21             DR. SHAH:  Let me just try to briefly


 22   summarize.




  1             When we get an application and we have


  2   these kind of packaging components, then usually


  3   the applicant may provide this information for all


  4   the components of each and every packaging


  5   component into the NDA, or they may choose to


  6   provide that information, if it proprietary,


  7   through a Drug Master File.  Then we review the


  8   chemical composition of each and very packaging


  9   component in a Drug Master File, but we cannot


 10   relay that information to the applicant.


 11             Once we know from the composition that


 12   there is a potential for volatile chemicals to be


 13   present in the component and they may permeate


 14   through the LDPE vials, then we ask the applicant


 15   indirectly, without revealing the other


 16   information, Have you studied any legibility or


 17   extractable--have you found any extractable, what


 18   kind of solvent conditions you have used to extract


 19   this leachable?  And we encourage them to contact


 20   the DMF supplier, work with them, and develop some


 21   procedures to find out what can be present and


 22   establish a profile.  Once you establish a profile,




  1   then you may identify, okay, these are the typical


  2   components present into a component, packaging


  3   component, and we are going to use that as a basis


  4   for screening the incoming packaging material.  And


  5   then you may have some kind of acceptance criteria.


  6   That may be a GC profile.  Or if you have


  7   identified a particular component by its chemical


  8   structure, then you may say, okay, it is extracted


  9   at, say, one milligram per ml or something like


 10   that, okay?  So then you will conduct some kind of


 11   a study for the shelf life, over the shelf life,


 12   whether that particular extractable gets into the


 13   drug product or not.  If it does not, then at least


 14   you have established that if I control the amount


 15   of incoming acceptance criteria, I have established


 16   incoming packaging material, then I do not see the


 17   leachable into the drug product.  So then you don't


 18   have to have a test for leachable into the drug


 19   product, but you have to establish that


 20   relationship.


 21             So we go through a series of steps to


 22   establish that, and once we are satisfied, then we




  1   may decide, okay, you are going to control or


  2   minimize this particular component at acceptance


  3   level in incoming packaging material.  Or you will


  4   have to carry out the leachable testing.


  5             MS. SHAPIRO:  What about the analysis with


  6   respect to the possible safety problems on account


  7   of the error issues?


  8             DR. SHAH:  Okay.  Once we get that, we see


  9   that, okay, it is present into the drug product at


 10   a certain level.  And if we know the identity of


 11   that chemical, then we ask our pharmacology and


 12   toxicology person to review that data and decide


 13   whether that will have any safety issue.  And if


 14   they decide that it may have a safety issue, then


 15   they may ask the applicant to qualify that


 16   particular material or chemical at that level.


 17             MS. SHAPIRO:  Okay.  And all that has to


 18   do with the leachability question.  But what about


 19   the question having to do with the confusion


 20   problems on account of the labeling and its impact


 21   on safety?


 22             DR. SELIGMAN:  For all drug products that




  1   are approved by the agency, we look at the accuracy


  2   of the label, whether it's misleading or not,


  3   whether it's nonpromotional in nature.  We look at


  4   the name for potential confusion.  We look at the


  5   packaging regarding dose and frequency.  And if at


  6   the time we find, either at the time of approval or


  7   even subsequent to approval, that there is such a


  8   potential for either name confusion, for misleading


  9   dose, or any kind of misleading information that


 10   might lead to medication error, we make a


 11   recommendation to the manufacturers to try to--to


 12   alter that.


 13             I think the reason we're bringing this


 14   particular issue to this committee is that this is


 15   a particularly vexing issue.  But for the vast


 16   majority of products that we review, when we find


 17   such potential for confusion or potential error, we


 18   recommend to the manufacturer that that be


 19   addressed prior to approval of the product.


 20             MS. SHAPIRO:  Have you ever, with


 21   containers like this, sent it back and said, no,


 22   this doesn't--this won't do given these sorts of




  1   problems?


        T2B                 DR. SELIGMAN:  I'm not aware of any.  Some         



  3   of them go through generics.


  4             Carol, did you want to respond to that?


  5             MS. HOLQUIST:  Yes.  Actually, our office


  6   in Office of Drug Safety, we only get whatever--we


  7   only see the packaging material that comes in with


  8   new products.  A lot of these products have been on


  9   the market for years and years.  So if indeed one


 10   of these products came in today with this packaging


 11   labeling, yes, of course, that would be one of our


 12   recommendations in our review that, based on


 13   post-marketing reports and evidence, we wouldn't


 14   recommend this.  But then the agency's hands are


 15   kind of tied because of the ingress issue.  So


 16   until we find an alternative packaging, it's a


 17   conundrum we're in.


 18             DR. GROSS:  Gene, did you want to comment?


 19             DR. SULLIVAN:  Yes, I just wanted to


 20   follow up on a couple things that have been said so


 21   far:  one, to just make sure the categories of harm


 22   to patients are in the right column.  There's the




  1   harm that the legibility issue brings in, so the


  2   harm that a patient suffers if he or she doesn't


  3   receive Tobramycin but instead receives Albuterol.


  4   And then what I was trying to touch on and the


  5   thing that's hard to get your hands around is the


  6   harm from the actual presence of these chemicals,


  7   and that it's well known that a patient may come to


  8   the emergency department and receive a few


  9   treatments of Albuterol and recover and be


 10   discharged.  Another patient may come in and not


 11   seem to respond and end up mechanically ventilated.


 12   And to what extent that could be related to


 13   contaminants in the drug product would be anyone's


 14   guess and impossible to day.  So I just wanted to


 15   make sure we consider those two sort of as they're


 16   the competing harms.


 17             The other issue I just wanted to talk


 18   about a little bit was the issue of the use of the


 19   flange or labeling that's not directly applied to


 20   the actual body of the nebule, be it with a shrink


 21   wrap or an applied label and so forth; that there


 22   is some intrinsic appeal because it seems to be




  1   less in contact with the LDPE, but keep in mind


  2   that if these are then put into an overwrap, a foil


  3   overwrap, perhaps for other


  4   reasons--light-sensitive products and so


  5   forth--that then you have sort of a micro


  6   environment, you know, like a little humidor with


  7   these chemical vapors that could then make their


  8   way--even though they're here on the flange, they


  9   could easily make their way into the product, and


 10   that's sort of evidenced by that case where we had


 11   the cardboard carton and that chemical made its way


 12   in.  So it's not, you know, a complete solution.


 13   We have to keep that in mind.


 14             DR. GROSS:  Arthur, you had a question?


 15             MR. LEVIN:  One is just a point of


 16   information.  Mike, is that the packaging with that


 17   label, that's what you are referencing when you say


 18   so far that's the best--


 19             DR. COHEN:  Not necessarily.


 20             MR. LEVIN:  Okay.


 21             DR. COHEN:  This is certainly acceptable


 22   as a way to identify a container.  But the ones




  1   I've seen have actually had a similar type of film,


  2   but it's been around the body of the ampule device.


  3   And there was a tear-off so that you would


  4   literally pull the tab and tear off the top part of


  5   the plastic.  It was a total overwrap.


  6             MR. LEVIN:  But it's something more than


  7   that.


  8             DR. COHEN:  Leaving the identify, even


  9   though this was exposed.


 10             MR. LEVIN:  Okay.  So the whole thing is


 11   shrink wrapped to something.


 12             DR. COHEN:  That's correct.


 13             MR. LEVIN:  Right, okay.  I didn't think


 14   we had seen one of those.


 15             DR. COHEN:  We didn't.


 16             MR. LEVIN:  Yes, okay.  So that clarifies


 17   that.


 18             The second thing is we seem to be sort of


 19   entirely focusing in inpatient and, you know, the


 20   issue of outpatient is certainly significant.  And


 21   I'm just wondering from, you know, what you've done


 22   to look at how well these kinds of solutions work




  1   in the outpatient pharmacy setting as opposed to


  2   inpatient settings where it's really--making sure


  3   that the respiratory therapist who administers the


  4   drug is clear on the right drug and the dosage et


  5   cetera.  What about an outpatient pharmacy?


  6             MR. POISSON:  Well, one of the reasons


  7   why--and someone may question why there's 12 vials


  8   in a pouch or even 28 or up to 60.  A lot of the


  9   reason behind that is because of the use period in


 10   the outpatient--outside of the hospital.  And based


 11   on feedback we've received, they view that as an


 12   advantage to have that type of packaging in that


 13   particular environment.  And the possibility exists


 14   that maybe some of these options we've presented


 15   today, such as the symbol on the vial would help


 16   them in that area from using the wrong product.


 17             So I think, you know, there's


 18   opportunities for a number of these options to be


 19   implemented based on the setting that they're used


 20   in.


 21             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Henri, you have a


 22   question?




  1             DR. MANASSE:  I just want to follow up on


  2   Art's point in terms of outpatient use.  I can't


  3   imagine given the size of these containers, given


  4   the unreadability of these containers, and the


  5   obvious confusion that is brought to bear to those


  6   problems, that outpatients, particularly elderly


  7   outpatients, can manage this on their own.  I think


  8   somehow we've got to contemplate where we go with


  9   that because the increasing number of people who


 10   are using these on an outpatient basis and the


 11   increasing aging of the population presents us with


 12   an incredible challenge.


 13             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Marci would like to


 14   make a comment.


 15             DR. LEE:  Thank you.  I just wanted to add


 16   to that.  Based on the medication error reports


 17   that we have received most recently, there are many


 18   comments about the elderly population using these


 19   drugs.  There are several reports from a pharmacist


 20   saying that his patients are expressing that


 21   they're afraid to use the product because they're


 22   afraid that they're going to double their dose




  1   accidentally because they're not sure what is in


  2   each ampule.


  3             Then, also, the letter in the background


  4   package that was sent to Senator Harkin, that also


  5   involved a woman who was writing in about her


  6   elderly mother that was having the same problem


  7   also from a mail-order pharmacy.  So in addition to


  8   a regular outpatient pharmacy where there's direct


  9   interaction with the pharmacist, you have people


 10   who are unable to get out of their home and receive


 11   their medications by mail having the same


 12   experiences.


 13             Carol wants to add something.


 14             MS. HOLQUIST:  Also, just in relation to


 15   the letters at the top of the vials themselves, we


 16   actually have gotten some reports as well where


 17   there's a question as to what the actual letter


 18   stands for, like A, is it for Albuterol or for


 19   Atrovent.  So some simple fixes, sometimes you also


 20   have to think beyond, that there's more than one


 21   product that begins with that letter.


        x                   DR. GROSS:  Okay.  We are a little bit            





  1   ahead of schedule, and we will proceed at this time


  2   with the open public hearing.  Dr. Eric Sheinin


  3   will present.  First I need to--


  4             MS. JAIN:  We need to read a statement


  5   first.


  6             DR. GROSS:  Both the Food and Drug


  7   Administration and the public believe in a


  8   transparent process for information gathering and


  9   decisionmaking.  To ensure such transparency at the


 10   open public hearing session of this Advisory


 11   Committee meeting, the FDA believes that it is


 12   important to understand the context of an


 13   individual's presentation.  For this reason, FDA


 14   encourages you, the open public hearing speaker, at


 15   the beginning of your written or oral statement to


 16   advise the committee of any financial relationship


 17   that you may have with any company or any group


 18   that is likely to be impacted by the topic of this


 19   meeting.


 20             For example, the financial information may


 21   include a company's or a group's payment of your


 22   travel, lodging, or other expenses in connection




  1   with your attendance at the meeting.  Likewise, FDA


  2   encourages you at the beginning of your statement


  3   to advise the committee if you do not have any such


  4   financial relationships.  If you choose not to


  5   address this issue of financial relationships at


  6   the beginning of your statement, it will not


  7   preclude you from speaking.


        x                   DR. SHEININ:  Thank you, Dr. Gross.  I              



  9   have no financial ties or interests in any


 10   pharmaceutical company or any other company or


 11   organization that would be interested in the


 12   proceedings before the committee today, so I think


 13   I'm okay with that.


 14             DR. GROSS:  Thank you.


 15             DR. SHEININ:  My name is Eric Sheinin, and


 16   I'm here today to represent the United States


 17   Pharmacopeia.  At the UPS, I am the Vice President


 18   for Information and Standards Development.  We do


 19   have an expert committee that deals with safety


 20   issues, and much of what I'm going to say today is


 21   a direct result of work that they have done.  But I


 22   would like to give you some background about the




  1   USP for those of you who may not be familiar with


  2   us and also to have it in the record.


  3             The USP is a nongovernmental organization


  4   that promotes the public health by establishing


  5   state-of-the-art standards to ensure the quality of


  6   medicines and other health care technologies.


  7   These standards are developed by a unique process


  8   of public involvement and they're accepted


  9   worldwide.  Many other countries around the world


 10   recognize the USPNF standards as their own


 11   standards in terms of regulatory procedures within


 12   those countries.


 13             USP is a not-for-profit organization that


 14   achieves this goal through the scientific


 15   contribution of volunteers, and the volunteers


 16   represent pharmacy, medicine, and many other health


 17   care professions.  These individuals work in


 18   academia, they work in government, both U.S. and


 19   international.  In fact, there are many FDA


 20   scientists who serve as volunteer to USP.  They


 21   also come from the pharmaceutical industry and


 22   consumer organizations.  In addition to standards




  1   development, USP's has several other public health


  2   programs that focus on promoting optimal public


  3   health care delivery.


  4             In our mission statement, it says the


  5   mission is to promote the public health, and I


  6   always liken that to the mission of CDER, which is


  7   also basically to promote the public health.  So I


  8   believe we're all interested in the same types of


  9   standards.


 10             At the USP, the volunteers, many of them


 11   serve on our Council of Experts and its expert


 12   committees.  The members of these committees are


 13   USP scientific decisionmakers, and they form our


 14   standard-setting body.  Council members are elected


 15   by USP's membership at our five-year convention.


 16   They're elected on the basis of their knowledge and


 17   expertise, and they serve five-year terms.  So even


 18   individuals who come from industry, from their


 19   companies, when they volunteer to work with USP,


 20   they represent themselves.  They do not represent


 21   their employer, their organization, or anybody else


 22   when they work on our standards.




  1             The 2000-2005 Council of Experts comprises


  2   62 nationally recognized scientists, academicians,


  3   and clinicians.  Each one of these individuals


  4   chairs an expert committee, and the expert


  5   committees are made up then in turn of


  6   distinguished experts.


  7             One of the committees is named the USP


  8   Safe Medication Use Expert Committee.  This


  9   committee is comprised of 18 members representing


 10   pharmacy, nursing, and medicine.  It includes an


 11   FDA liaison, Carol Holquist.  It includes Captain


 12   Jerry Phillips, who was formerly the Associate


 13   Director for Medication Error Prevention in FDA's


 14   Office of Drug Safety.


 15             For more than 30 years, USP has promoted


 16   the importance of collecting and sharing


 17   experiential data from health care professionals.


 18   In the last decade, particular emphasis has focused


 19   on medication error reporting and prevention as a


 20   way for USP to positively affect the public health.


 21   The data collected from two of our programs--the


 22   USP-ISMP Medication Error Reporting, or MER,




  1   Program and MEDMARX--are reviewed and analyzed by


  2   USP staff and USP's Safe Medication Use Expert


  3   Committee.


  4             In October of 2002, USP sent a letter to


  5   the chief of CDER's Compendial Operations staff,


  6   Yanna Mille, to inform her, on behalf of the Safe


  7   Medication Use Expert Committee, of the continuing


  8   concerns of the committee and of health care


  9   professionals and practitioners regarding both the


 10   difficulty in identifying drug products packaged in


 11   low-density polyethylene ampules and vials and the


 12   resultant medication errors from their misuse.


 13             Plastic ampule packaging is frequently


 14   used for respiratory therapy drugs.  The ampules


 15   often do not bear labels but are labeled by


 16   debossing or embossing the actual plastic


 17   container.  This debossing or embossing is


 18   described by health care practitioners who have


 19   reported to the USP reporting programs as being


 20   unreadable, causing difficulty in identifying the


 21   product within.  Because this packaging is now


 22   being used not only for respiratory therapy drugs




  1   but also for injectables and oral solution, it is


  2   even more important that the subject products be


  3   easily identified and readily distinguishable from


  4   each other.


  5             USP has provided the Compendial Operations


  6   staff, the Dockets Branch, and the Office of Drug


  7   Safety with more than 42 specific case studies


  8   where mediation errors occurred because of the use


  9   of these products.  We also have submitted copies


 10   of the actual product containers involved in the


 11   medication errors that were reported through the


 12   two USP reporting programs.


 13             In addition to providing comment on the


 14   concerns expressed to USP by health care


 15   practitioners, the USP Safe Medication Use Expert


 16   Committee unanimously voted to encourage FDA to


 17   establish an alternate method of labeling for the


 18   various drug products packaged in the plastic vials


 19   being discussed today.  This would be in order for


 20   these products to be clearly identifiable,


 21   hopefully thereby reducing the numerous medication


 22   errors that have occurred and likely will continue




  1   to occur.


  2             The expert committee also suggested that


  3   the FDA cease approval of products in these


  4   containers because their use continues to be the


  5   subject of numerous medication error reports.


  6             From April 20, 2002, through January 31,


  7   2004, an additional 26 reports of actual and


  8   potential medication errors have been received


  9   through USP's medication errors reporting programs


 10   regarding the similarity in the labeling of


 11   products in low-density polyethylene vials.  The


 12   problems with these containers continue, and the


 13   USP and the USP Safe Medication Use Expert


 14   Committee recommends that FDA take any necessary


 15   action to improve the labeling of low-density


 16   polyethylene ampules and vials.


 17             I thank you for your attention and your


 18   consideration of USP's concerns.  If you have any


 19   questions, I'll certainly try to answer them.


 20             DR. GROSS:  Thank you very much.


 21             Are there any questions from the panel?


 22   Jackie?




  1             DR. GARDNER:  I would just like to ask,


  2   Dr. Sheinin, does USP have a recommendation of one


  3   of these methods over another?


  4             DR. SHEININ:  A recommendation?


  5             DR. GARDNER:  For solving this problem?


  6             DR. SHEININ:  Not at this point, not that


  7   I'm aware of.  The obvious solution to me--and I


  8   actually worked at FDA for 30 years before I went


  9   to USP--would be to have a label on the containers.


 10   But there are concerns with migration through the


 11   low-density polyethylene.  I'm sorry I missed the


 12   end of the previous presentation where they were


 13   describing perhaps some way to help identify these


 14   products.


 15             DR. GROSS:  Robyn Shapiro?


 16             MS. SHAPIRO:  I just have a question about


 17   these report forms.  Was patient counseling


 18   provided?  And then, if yes, before or after error


 19   was discovered?  Does that mean about what the drug


 20   is, how to take it, how to read it?  What does the


 21   counseling refer to?


 22             DR. SHEININ:  I believe that the




  1   counseling is provided by the professional who's


  2   reporting the problem to us.  I don't believe USP


  3   does the counseling.


  4             MS. SHAPIRO:  So we don't really know what


  5   that refers to.


  6             DR. SHEININ:  Unfortunately, the Safe


  7   Medication Use Expert Committee is not under my


  8   area of responsibility.  But as far as I know, that


  9   counseling would not be provided by USP, and we


 10   probably do not know what the nature of that


 11   counseling was.  The form is asking if there has


 12   been any counseling.


 13             DR. GROSS:  Henri?


 14             DR. MANASSE:  Good morning, Eric.


 15             DR. SHEININ:  Hi, Henri.


 16             DR. MANASSE:  Two questions.  We've talked


 17   today about two major issues:  one is the leaching


 18   of chemical agents from various labeling techniques


 19   and embossments; the other having to do with the


 20   readability issues and the packages themselves.


 21             Has USP convened any technical experts on


 22   either one of those issues to contemplate what's




  1   the existing science, what do we know, what do we


  2   not know, as well as what our reasonable solutions,


  3   given what's known, in other industries or other


  4   options for dealing with this problem?


  5             DR. SHEININ:  Not that I'm aware of.  It


  6   certainly is a good suggestion, and I will take


  7   that back to the committee and to Diane Cousins,


  8   whom I think many of you probably know, and see if


  9   there is a way that we could proceed in that


 10   manner.  I think it's a very good suggestion and


 11   something that should be done.


 12             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Thank you very much.


 13             DR. SHEININ:  Thank you.


        x                   DR. GROSS:  If there are no further              14


 15   questions, since we remain ahead of schedule, Dr.


 16   Paul Seligman will now introduce the issues and


 17   questions that he has for the Advisory Committee.


 18             DR. SELIGMAN:  You should all, members of


 19   the committee, have a one-page LDPE Discussion


 20   Points.  These, I believe, are in the packages as


 21   well for public distribution.  Why don't we simply


 22   refer to these rather than booting up the slides.




  1             You've heard this morning about the issue


  2   related to the ingress of volatile compounds as a


  3   problem with these particular containers and


  4   various approaches to deal with this issue as well


  5   as not only--to deal with both the preservation of


  6   the purity of the drug, as well as ways in which to


  7   improve the legibility of the label.


  8             What we've asked in the first question is:


  9   Given the various approaches that you've heard


 10   today, including embossing and debossing of


 11   containers, the use of unit package overwraps, the


 12   elongation of the bottom tab and using that as an


 13   place to print critical information, the use of


 14   paper labels, the use of ink directly on the vial,


 15   various potential approaches including tactile


 16   recognition, shrink wrap labels, and then we


 17   actually even saw the use of glass ampules or


 18   vials, what we're interested in the committee


 19   addressing first off is to discuss the potential


 20   advantages or disadvantages of these approaches and


 21   to identify in 1b any creative solutions or


 22   alternate packaging design that would improve




  1   legibility and address the problem of ingress of


  2   chemical contaminants and at the same time not


  3   create additional problems.


  4             We'd also like to have you put on your


  5   thinking caps and consider if there are stakeholder


  6   groups, such as manufacturers, practitioners,


  7   consumers, and others, who might best advise FDA


  8   about possible new packaging configurations that


  9   might resolve some of these issues.


 10             And then given what you've heard today and


 11   based on our discussion, describe and advise us on


 12   an appropriate course of action to address not only


 13   the problem of ingress of contaminants but also


 14   medication errors due to legibility and similar


 15   packaging issues.


 16             So those are the issues before us.  Peter?


 17             DR. GROSS:  We share in your perplexity.


 18             DR. SELIGMAN:  Thank you.


        x                   DR. GROSS:  This is a difficult issue.            



 20             Thank you very much for the questions,


 21   Paul, and we will initiate the discussion.  The


 22   agenda allows two hours for discussion, so why




  1   don't we do roughly an hour, and then maybe we can


  2   have lunch and then finish up, if that's okay.


  3             MS. JAIN:  Lunch is on its way.


  4             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Well, whenever lunch is


  5   here, we will re-evaluate our timing.  But let's


  6   begin the discussion now.


  7             Anyone have any comments?  Why don't we do


  8   this in an orderly fashion and take the issues as


  9   Paul presented them, with 1a being the first.


 10   They're all sort of interrelated, but why don't we


 11   get specific and talk about 1a first.  Leslie?


 12             DR. HENDELES:  I'd like to preface my


 13   comments by saying that nebulization of


 14   bronchodilators is an obsolete way of treating


 15   acute bronchospasm, and part of whatever we do


 16   needs to focus on an educational program designed


 17   at using the meter-dose inhaler through a valve


 18   holding chamber, which is far more efficient,


 19   causes fewer side effects, less expensive way, and


 20   it's the way the rest of the world treats acute


 21   asthma.  The United States has a fixation on


 22   nebulizer therapy that they won't let go of, for




  1   some reason, especially pediatricians, but there's


  2   clearly 10 to 15 double-blind, placebo-controlled


  3   trials, a Cochran review, et cetera, that indicate


  4   that there are much more efficient ways and it


  5   would, of course, circumvent this problem for


  6   asthma.


  7             Now, having said that, I really like the


  8   idea of having that foil pack, like the Nephron,


  9   with a single unit, and I think that would solve


 10   the problem.  It would allow for the bar coding.


 11   And according to Karen, respiratory therapists


 12   would be willing to carry that in their pocket.  As


 13   I understand it, the reason why they carry single


 14   units in their pocket is because when they open the


 15   foil pack, there's 12 of them there.  If there's


 16   only one, they would probably carry it.  And, of


 17   course, that could also be addressed through


 18   professional education as well.


 19             DR. GROSS:  Leslie, for myself and anyone


 20   else who is not 100 percent clear on what you said,


 21   would you contrast the two methods of medication


 22   delivery again?




  1             DR. HENDELES:  Bronchodilators as well as


  2   inhaled steroids can be delivered by a pressurized,


  3   meter-dose inhaler that's attached to a valve


  4   holding chamber with an age-appropriate connection,


  5   either a mouthpiece for older folks or a mask for


  6   preschool kids that seals around their nose and


  7   mouth, and you fire off a few puffs, such as four


  8   puffs, into this chamber and it's equivalent in


  9   efficacy to nebulizing a bronchodilator in the


 10   emergency room.  It causes fewer side effects.  It


 11   takes a minute or two to give the treatment instead


 12   of 15 to 20 minutes, and it's far more convenient


 13   for patients and cheaper.  They don't have to buy a


 14   compressor for $150.


 15             DR. GROSS:  Could someone from the FDA


 16   comment on whether or not they want to tackle that


 17   issue?


 18             DR. SULLIVAN:  That may not be an issue


 19   for the FDA really to address.  I don't think there


 20   would be any--the evidence being what it is, that


 21   MDIs may effect just as great a degree of


 22   bronchodilation as a nebulizer, it would be




  1   something that physicians should interpret and use


  2   in their clinical judgment.  I don't think there


  3   would be any rationale for the agency to pull


  4   nebulizer solutions off the market.  I think that


  5   would be very drastic.  So from our perspective, we


  6   have to deal with them.


  7             Now, if the medical community starts to


  8   learn that maybe they are overusing nebulizers


  9   through Dr. Hendeles' shaking the cage a little


 10   bit, that's just great.  But the issue will still


 11   remain for us.


 12             DR. HENDELES:  And, indeed, there are


 13   patients who might be unconscious, for example, or


 14   would need the nebulizer, and there are drugs such


 15   as Tobramycin that can't be delivered by MDI.


 16             DR. GROSS:  Arthur?


 17             MR. LEVIN:  I realize it isn't within the


 18   scope of authority of the FDA to dictate clinical


 19   practice, but part of the problem here is we're


 20   dealing with a tension between an issue of


 21   potential harm, which is the leaching of, you know,


 22   substances that don't belong in the solution into




  1   the solution and the documented potential harm of


  2   error.  And we're looking at a variety of


  3   solutions, none of which is perfect and each of


  4   which brings with it some question:  You know, does


  5   it solve the error problem entirely?  Or by solving


  6   the error problem entirely, does it still leave us


  7   open to the problem of possible impurity?


  8             In that context, I think the FDA does have


  9   something to say, and then when we move to the


 10   ambulatory setting particularly, where these issues


 11   I think get even more complicated--and we really


 12   haven't talked about it--that if there are better


 13   ways to deliver the product that relief us of the


 14   burden of trying to figure out the perfect solution


 15   on these two different potential harms, that's


 16   worthy of comment.  I mean, nobody expects you to


 17   be able to pull the product from the market, but in


 18   dealing with improving safety of products, I don't


 19   think it's entirely out of character for the FDA to


 20   make a comment that one of the solutions here is to


 21   use a different form of delivery that obviates the


 22   need to talk about all of this.  You may not be




  1   able to say, "You can't use the other," but you can


  2   certainly say, "Moving in this direction seems to


  3   be a way to solve the problem," and I would say


  4   particularly in the ambulatory populations.


  5             DR. GROSS:  Maybe we'll have one or two


  6   more comments on this particular issue.  Then we'll


  7   have to get back to the questions raised by Dr.


  8   Seligman in 1a.


  9             Brian?


 10             DR. STROM:  yes, I'd like to in my initial


 11   start be more provocative.  We're hearing, as


 12   Arthur is saying, between two safety problems,


 13   without good data on either side to quantify each


 14   of them.  We're using in one case physiological


 15   chemical tests and the theory that leaching might


 16   be a problem, and it's clearly understandable why


 17   it can't be quantified more than that.  And we're


 18   hearing on the other side about medication errors


 19   based on the spontaneous reporting system, which is


 20   grossly incomplete.  We don't know how many there


 21   are out there other than the fact that we're seeing


 22   a number, and there are clearly many more out there




  1   than we're seeing that could be studied more


  2   concretely, potentially.  But, in either case, we


  3   don't have good quantification, and so part of the


  4   problem here is balancing two risks, neither of


  5   which are quantified.


  6             If we're hearing from Leslie--and you're


  7   not disagreeing--that there is a better approach


  8   which is more effective and is safer, why isn't


  9   that a regulatory reason for the FDA to remove the


 10   nebulizers--this packaging?


 11             DR. SULLIVAN:  Well, I'm not actually


 12   agreeing.  I'm aware of the various articles that


 13   are out there.  I have not reviewed those studies


 14   myself, seen the data myself.  Certainly the agency


 15   has not come to that conclusion that the MDIs have


 16   these attributes, these costs, and effectiveness


 17   and so forth.  And that's an open question, I


 18   believe.  Dr. Hendeles probably knows that


 19   literature even better than I.


 20             But for the agency to come to a conclusion


 21   like that is a very significant matter, and, again,


 22   although we can make comments, it's not clear in




  1   what context that comment will hold any water until


  2   or unless we were to, as suggested, remove them


  3   from the market.  And I think that that's quite a


  4   drastic step, and I think that as Dr. Hendeles


  5   pointed out, there would be very good arguments


  6   that there may be some populations who are only


  7   served by the nebulizers, and, therefore, it would


  8   be unwise to remove them from the market.


  9             So let me say that we haven't made that


 10   determination, number one, and that even if we made


 11   the determination that for the average patient it


 12   was efficient in some way that you would like to


 13   define efficiency, it would be hard for us to move


 14   on that.


 15             So I understand your perspective and I


 16   understand Dr. Hendeles' perspective that perhaps


 17   the American physicians are overutilizing them.


 18   But I don't think that's going to get around the


 19   issues that we have to face.


 20             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  I think that maybe the


 21   sense of the committee is that this is advice


 22   they'd like to give to the FDA to look into this




  1   issue and decide how they want to proceed.  But I


  2   would like that the issue should be brought to the


  3   attention of the national pulmonary organizations,


  4   and they in their guidelines should make this


  5   recommendation because in that setting they might


  6   have a significant clinical impact.


  7             DR. HENDELES:  It shouldn't be limited to


  8   physicians.  I think health system pharmacists and


  9   respiratory therapists and those organizations play


 10   a role, too.


 11             DR. GROSS:  Absolutely.  But that might be


 12   the way to begin to make the change, if that's what


 13   the scientific evidence indicates.


 14             Okay.  I know you've all been trying to


 15   avoid 1a, but we do have to address it.


 16             [Laughter.]


 17             DR. GROSS:  And I saw Michael's hand up


 18   first.


 19             DR. COHEN:  Thank you very much, sir.


 20             First of all, let me just ask the


 21   question:  Are we talking only about the


 22   respiratory ampules, the LDPE, or are you talking




  1   about all LDPE?  Because there's a difference


  2   between the two, and the way they may be labeled


  3   might be different as well.  So that would be the


  4   first question.  Are there, in fact--we need to


  5   clarify that there are, in fact, LDPE ampules for


  6   injectables and ophthalmics, et cetera?  Is that


  7   what we heard earlier?  That's number one.


  8             MS. HOLQUIST:  Yes, and that was one of


  9   our questions, too.  Should we treat the pulmonary


 10   products separately than these other products that


 11   are packaged by other routes of administration?


 12             DR. COHEN:  I guess what I'm saying is,


 13   even if we do clarify what you just brought up, Dr.


 14   Hendeles, we'd still need to address the issue of


 15   the labeling because there are other forms, if, in


 16   fact, they're LDPE.  So that was the first thing I


 17   wanted to mention.


 18             Can I make a suggestion to the Chair that


 19   we go through each of these bullets, perhaps


 20   separately?  Or do you want us to comment on all of


 21   them at the same time?


 22             DR. GROSS:  I think that's a very good




  1   idea, Michael.  Do you want to begin with embossed?


  2             DR. MANASSE:  Peter, I wonder if I could


  3   just interrupt.


  4             DR. GROSS:  Yes, sure.  Henri?


  5             DR. MANASSE:  I think before we jump to


  6   choosing between evils, I think we have to lift up,


  7   perhaps, to the 30,000-foot level a minute and,


  8   that is, if we're going to continue to use these


  9   low-density polyethylene containers in the sizes


 10   that we're going to use them, if that's a given,


 11   we're going to have to more carefully understand


 12   and identify both the packaging and ingress issues.


 13             I'm a little bit uncomfortable jumping to


 14   picking what we think is the best when we don't


 15   have all the information.  I don't think we're


 16   totally educated on all the potential leaching


 17   issues, all the potential chemical agents that


 18   could cause degradation, et cetera, et cetera.


 19             At the same time, I'd hate to see us jump


 20   to figuring out packaging solutions when at least


 21   I, for one, have not been presented with all of the


 22   packaging options that might be a possibility. 




  1   We're limiting ourselves largely to pharmaceutical


  2   packaging, and I'm amazed in this country how


  3   creative packaging can become.  All you have to do


  4   is look at the cosmetics industry to see some of


  5   that creativity.  I'm not sure that we've exhausted


  6   the dialogue around creative mechanisms by which


  7   people can read this stuff, that they can handle it


  8   without an intervening health professional, at


  9   home, for example, and particularly relating to the


 10   elderly.  And I'm not convinced that we know enough


 11   yet about what kind of package designs are utilized


 12   in other industries that might be applicable here


 13   that could solve our problem in a much bigger way.


 14             I don't want to be interruptive, Peter,


 15   but it seems to me that we've got to look at those


 16   issues.


 17             DR. GROSS:  I think those are very


 18   critical points, Henri.  I know from my point of


 19   view, I'm not sure I got an answer as to why other


 20   polymers have not been selected as opposed to


 21   polyethylene, you know, like polypropylene or


 22   polystyrene.  Is there any potential there?  Can




  1   that be looked at?  Is high-density any better than


  2   low-density is another issue.  Should the thickness


  3   of the LDPE be made greater and that would probably


  4   slow the migration?  But would it make a


  5   significant difference over a period of time or


  6   not?  So there's just a tremendous amount that's


  7   not known.


  8             But in the absence of all the knowledge


  9   that we need, which is the situation in most


 10   instances that we have to deal with in life, just


 11   read Robert Rubin's book, we still do have to


 12   address the questions posed to us.


 13             Does anybody have any other comments


 14   before we address those specific questions?  Yes,


 15   Jackie?


 16             DR. GARDNER:  Since we aren't experts on


 17   this and what you're saying is correct, and since


 18   Brian is leaving this committee and he always has


 19   one mantra, and that is, we need data, where are


 20   the data, and he won't be here anymore, so I'll


 21   take that up for him, my suggestion would be that


 22   we ask, maybe starting with Michael, of these




  1   options which is probably the most satisfactory on


  2   the face of it given everything we've heard today,


  3   recommend that maybe starting with that, some


  4   studies be done to address the extent of the


  5   ingress using that method, and has it solved that


  6   problem?  And so to that end, it sounds like either


  7   the shrink wrapping of the ampule, as Michael


  8   suggested, or the foil wrap, individual unit of use


  9   sleeve, which I happen to like because it seems


 10   like you could bar code it and also put


 11   instructions and colors and other kinds of things


 12   on it, but pick one, the best that we can come up


 13   with and ask them to study it and then tell us how


 14   bad it turns out to be.


 15             DR. GROSS:  Well, we don't even know the


 16   toxicity of the chemicals that are ingressing.  We


 17   don't even have that information.  Certainly a lot


 18   of products that are available commercially have


 19   low levels of toxin that are considered acceptable.


 20   So, I mean, that's another big area where we just


 21   don't have the information.


 22             Leslie?




  1             DR. HENDELES:  Did we learn whether this


  2   foil wrap actually prevents the problem or does it


  3   add anything else to the vial, the solution?


  4             DR. SHAH:  Well, it depends.


  5             DR. HENDELES:  Yes, okay.


  6             DR. SHAH:  Again, it goes back to the


  7   question of having adequate knowledge of the


  8   chemical components which you have selected for


  9   your foil laminate and, critically, the adhesive


 10   layer which is used.  Most of the time, the organic


 11   solvents which are used in adhesives, they migrate


 12   from the adhesive layer to the LDPE vial.  As long


 13   as the adhesive layer is on the other side of the


 14   aluminum foil, they may not have to worry about


 15   that.  You can use a sort of adhesive layer, you


 16   can use pressure-sensitive materials which can just


 17   fuse together.  Then you can avoid using adhesives.


 18             Again, that's solving one problem coming


 19   from adhesive.  However, the other layers which are


 20   used inside the aluminum foil, again, the product


 21   composition, chemical composition does matter.  If


 22   there are small organic molecules which have a




  1   volatile potential, there is a likelihood that it


  2   may migrate.  However, the applicant can do a


  3   one-time study and demonstrate that whatever


  4   leaches into the drug product is not significant


  5   enough to pose a safety issue.  If that is being


  6   done, then that may be a possibility.


  7             But we really don't know, I mean, in that


  8   sense that it will solve the problem of not


  9   leaching 100 percent.


        T3A                 DR. GROSS:  Okay.  We've been talking for          



 11   20 minutes, and we have still avoided the question.


 12   So anybody have any other comments before we


 13   address the question before us?


 14             [No response.]


 15             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  At Michael's


 16   suggestion, if that's okay with everybody, starting


 17   at the top, any comments on embossing?  Michael?


 18             DR. COHEN:  I have a few comments, but,


 19   again, we are talking about the respiratory use


 20   specifically?  That's fine if we are.


 21             DR. GROSS:  Well, go ahead and distinguish


 22   what you want.




  1             DR. COHEN:  Well, I think for the


  2   respiratory use, at least now there's not a great


  3   variety of agents that are packaged in this type of


  4   plastic, which may have an impact on my comments


  5   with injectables, et cetera.  I don't know what the


  6   future growth will be.


  7             But with the embossment right now, I think


  8   it's pretty clear that we really can't leave things


  9   the way that they are and that there are some


 10   changes that we heard from--I believe it was from


 11   Cardinal Health that possibly could help here.  One


 12   of them was the large type, and I thought that was


 13   a world of difference between that and the old


 14   type.


 15             However, I should point out that we're


 16   talking about clear containers now, colorless


 17   containers.  We're not talking about color


 18   containers, and there's a whole set of problems


 19   with that that I don't even know if we're going to


 20   get into.  But I would certainly discourage the use


 21   of color differentiation.


 22             But, at any rate--




  1             DR. GROSS:  Because?


  2             DR. COHEN:  Well, again, you know, the


  3   area of growth, confusion with other medications.


  4   Are you coloring them by class of drug or by


  5   individual drug?  If it's by individual drug, are


  6   there enough colors?  Et cetera, et cetera.  But,


  7   at any rate, we can get into that a little bit


  8   later.


  9             But I also want to point out that when you


 10   take these clear containers, what we saw was the


 11   container against a dark background.  When you put


 12   them against the table here or a lighter, white


 13   background, the readability still leaves something


 14   to be desired.  Plus, you know, the way that the


 15   photographer took the picture or something may have


 16   impacted, you know, how we viewed that as well.


 17   But I still think it really does have some


 18   possibility for us there with the large type.


 19             The other concern with that, though, is


 20   that in using that large type, it forced them to


 21   place the strength of the medication on the


 22   opposite side.  In reality, I still think there




  1   will be some medication errors where people will


  2   leave these on a counter or in a bin, for example,


  3   see, you know, Ipatropium or whatever the


  4   medication is, and not pick it up and turn it over.


  5   So you'll have some confusion between strengths


  6   still.


  7             So, with those caveats, I think that is


  8   one thing that should remain on the list, the


  9   embossment with larger characters.


 10             DR. GROSS:  Anyone else want to comment?


 11   Yes, Stephanie?


 12             DR. CRAWFORD:  I'd actually like to


 13   address my question to the agency.  What would be


 14   the feasibility from a regulatory perspective of


 15   increasing the type, knowing that other content


 16   would have to be removed from the immediate


 17   container?


 18             MS. HOLQUIST:  Well, right now there is a


 19   regulation for what's allowable for the smallest


 20   size label, and it's pretty minimal.  Basically


 21   it's the name of the product, either the


 22   proprietary name, the established name, the




  1   manufacturer, the lot number, and expiration date.


  2   I don't know how much less of that that you can


  3   include because if there is a product problem with


  4   a specific lot number, you're going to need that


  5   information with each nebule.  If it's on like one


  6   of these flanges and it's removed, that information


  7   is gone, so basically your stock is pretty much


  8   wasted because you'd probably have to throw it out


  9   because it's in doubt whether it's that affected


 10   lot.


 11             It would be great if nobody put a


 12   proprietary name on there, but we know that's not


 13   going to happen.  So, you know, it has to be the


 14   name of the drug and it has to be the strength


 15   because there are multiple products.  So I really


 16   don't know how we could eliminate much more than


 17   what's required on there.


 18             DR. GROSS:  Robyn?


 19             MS. SHAPIRO:  This is probably a stupid


 20   question.  Can you different-color the embossed


 21   figures so that you have embossments, or whatever


 22   the noun is, in a different color so there is




  1   contrast?


  2             DR. SADEGHI:  [Inaudible, off microphone]


  3   like a stamp, you have an ink layer [inaudible].


  4             MS. SHAPIRO:  Right.


  5             DR. GROSS:  Brian?


  6             DR. STROM:  I want to come back to


  7   Michael's suggestion, which I think makes enormous


  8   sense.  I think from the list of things you just


  9   gave us that are now required, there is a very big


 10   difference between the importance of the drug name


 11   and the strength versus the lot number, for


 12   example.  And to say that they're equivalent, I


 13   think from a clinical point of view, you don't need


 14   the lot number.  And if there's a problem, yeah,


 15   you'd like to know the lot number, but chances are


 16   it's going to have been thrown away by then.  The


 17   container will have been thrown away regardless.


 18             It would be nice to have the lot number on


 19   it, but I would not by any means consider it


 20   equivalent to the drug name.  And so the idea of


 21   having the drug name in big print like we saw and


 22   the lot number on the flange on the bottom in small




  1   print and the expiration date on the flange on the


  2   bottom in small print--again, I don't think it


  3   should be unavailable, but I think the two are


  4   dramatically different in their clinical


  5   importance.  And to differentiate between them in


  6   the label personally I would think would make a lot


  7   of sense.


  8             DR. SULLIVAN:  Let me see if I can


  9   respond.  I think we have to be a little bit


 10   careful because there is a specific regulation


 11   about minimum requirements in labeling, and we can


 12   presume that a lot of thought went into that.  And


 13   the requirement is regarding drug products that are


 14   so small that you have to really minimize what you


 15   put on there.  And through the process that


 16   regulations were developed, it was determined that


 17   this was the minimum set.  And I think we ought to


 18   be careful that in solving this problem we don't


 19   perhaps brush aside what probably was considered


 20   very carefully.


 21             And I would think that in a setting of


 22   particularly a drug recall that it would be




  1   critical to be able to have the lot number there.


  2   And this is just an off-the-cuff remark, but I do


  3   want to respect the process that apparently was


  4   undertaken to make the regulation to think


  5   carefully about what's the minimum amount of data


  6   that should be there.


  7             DR. STROM:  If I can follow up, let me


  8   just clarify.  I'm not saying--I'm not disagreeing


  9   with you.  I'm not saying that the data shouldn't


 10   be there.  What I'm saying is the weighting of the


 11   data and the importance of the data and the utility


 12   of the data are very different, that the lot number


 13   is important when you have a recall, which is


 14   hopefully uncommon.  The drug name and dose is


 15   important every time you give it, and so the


 16   data--I'm not saying the data should be eliminated.


 17   I'm saying there should be a differentiation


 18   between the size and how they're provided.  So if


 19   you have a fixed amount of space, use most of it


 20   for what is most important and you need every day;


 21   and if you can't normally read the lot number


 22   without a magnifying glass, who cares?




  1             [Inaudible comment off microphone.]


  2             DR. STROM:  You can't anyway, yes.  Yes.


  3             DR. SHAH:  I think currently we are doing


  4   in a sort of way that the lot number and expiration


  5   date is going to on the bottom flanges, which is


  6   always tiny, small.  So I agree with him that the


  7   increase of the text size does make a dramatic


  8   difference.  So I think there is an opportunity


  9   over there to make an improvement as far as the


 10   medication error is concerned.


 11             DR. SULLIVAN:  Yes, I thought the basis of


 12   that slide was that in order to increase this size,


 13   we'd have to eliminate some of what's currently


 14   required.  And if we were to say we agree with


 15   that, we ought to think very carefully.


 16             DR. GROSS:  Leslie?


 17             DR. HENDELES:  A compromise might be to


 18   use the first and second bullet where you increase


 19   the print size, leave on the essential information,


 20   but put one unit in a foil pack.  That would solve


 21   all of those problems.


 22             DR. GROSS:  Yes?




  1             DR. STEMHAGEN:  One of the things that's


  2   not on the list is changing the size and shape and


  3   differentiating by size and whether that's even a


  4   possibility, you know, different doses at different


  5   sizes and things.  We saw a couple different


  6   shapes, but we didn't really talk about that kind


  7   of change in packaging.


  8             DR. GROSS:  Thank you, Annette.


  9             Any other comments on embossing?  Arthur?


 10             MR. LEVIN:  In terms of shape and size--I


 11   mean, it's a little off embossing, but are there


 12   any studies that look at the ability of people to


 13   recognize that in the field?  It strikes me it's an


 14   accident waiting to happen.  But I just don't know


 15   if there are studies out there that look at these


 16   issues of differentiation by side and shape in the


 17   clinical setting.  If people are indeed carrying


 18   dozens of vials in their pocket, you're asking an


 19   awful lot if you expect that to make a difference


 20   or reducing the possibility they may pick the wrong


 21   dose or the wrong drug.


 22             DR. GROSS:  I guess part of that question




  1   is:  Does the FDA--can the FDA sponsor research


  2   studies to deal with some of these questions?


  3             DR. SHAH:  I'll just say one more thing


  4   regarding the shape--


  5             DR. GROSS:  No answer to that question?


  6             DR. SHAH:  No.  I think we can take it to


  7   the agency, but I think it's a policy issue, and I


  8   think they will have to consider that.


  9             DR. GROSS:  Okay.


 10             PARTICIPANT:  [Inaudible comment off


 11   microphone]--once you do that, [inaudible] same


 12   product, and then you have to standardize it across


 13   the board.  One manufacturer makes it this shape,


 14   another makes a different shape, [inaudible].


 15             DR. SHAH:  I was just making the same


 16   point, that, you know, if you are just going to


 17   rely on the shape, oh, this particular shape is


 18   associated with this drug product and somebody


 19   decides to make for some other drug product a


 20   similar shape, then we are still going to have a


 21   similar problem.


 22             DR. GROSS:  Brian?




  1             DR. STROM:  Just involved with the shape


  2   thing, I think it's probably--I'd be interested in


  3   Michael's answer, but my reaction is it's similar


  4   probably to the color issues, which I think is what


  5   Michael is suggesting.  To the degree you give


  6   people an alternative cue, they'll use that cue


  7   instead of the name, and you're more likely to have


  8   errors, therefore, because people are using that


  9   cue instead of the name.  I would rather people


 10   have to use the name but it be legible.  They're


 11   less likely to make errors, I think.  But, again,


 12   you know, I'd like to see data.


 13             DR. STEMHAGEN:  I was thinking that we're


 14   trying to squeeze a lot of information on a small


 15   thing.  If it were bigger, you'd have a little bit


 16   more space to make the print larger.  That's where


 17   the size issue was--


 18             DR. GROSS:  Let me see if I can summarize


 19   the sense of the group on the embossed issue:  If


 20   embossing is to be continued, it should be done


 21   where the drug name and dose is much larger print,


 22   and yet we still have to consider what to do about




  1   expiration date and lot number, although that could


  2   be smaller.  Is that sort of the sense of the


  3   group?


  4             PARTICIPANT:  Yes.


  5             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Let's go to number two,


  6   unit package overwrap.  Anyone want to comment on


  7   that?  Yes, Jackie?


  8             DR. GARDNER:  As mentioned earlier, I


  9   favor this one in conjunction with the former so


 10   that the embossed product that's inside would also


 11   have the larger, more legible features that were


 12   mentioned in bullet number one, and this would give


 13   us the opportunity for a good deal more in the way


 14   of information, identification, and bar coding.


 15             DR. GROSS:  Henri?


 16             DR. MANASSE:  I would urge us or urge the


 17   agency and the manufacturing industry to explore a


 18   mechanism whereby that outer overwrap cannot be


 19   separated until actual use of the drug from the


 20   original vial.  So when you rip off the outer wrap,


 21   that then opens the package for use.


 22             DR. GROSS:  So your comment addresses the




  1   issue brought up by many of the respiratory


  2   therapists that they'll take it out of the wrap and


  3   put all of them in a jumble in their pocket, and


  4   then the wrap is sort of useless for


  5   identification.


  6             DR. MANASSE:  Exactly.


  7             DR. GROSS:  I don't know if that's--I


  8   guess anything's mechanically possible to attach


  9   the two.


 10             Any other comments on the wrap?  Michael?


 11             DR. COHEN:  Just I absolutely agree with


 12   what Henri was saying about, you know, having a


 13   foil wrap but being able to tear it at the same


 14   time as you open the container.


 15             And just to point out that I have


 16   absolutely no doubt that people will remove--unless


 17   we do that, people will remove them from the


 18   overwrap.  We've seen that with, you know, nurses


 19   administering drugs that are packaged in cartons,


 20   for example, and sent as unit doses or some other


 21   type of outer wrap.


 22             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  So the sense of the




  1   group is that the unit package overwrap is a


  2   reasonable idea, but we still have to deal with the


  3   issue of it being discarded well before the drug is


  4   administered.  Is that fair enough?  Well, the new


  5   data curmudgeon's comments, Jackie, about having


  6   more data, we all agree with.


  7             [Laughter.]


  8             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  The next is the


  9   printed, elongated bottom tabs.  I know the one I


 10   saw that I liked with the refresh label.  The black


 11   writing, although small, was pretty clear, even for


 12   these eyes.  Any other comments?  Can you see it,


 13   Arthur?


 14             [Laughter.]


 15             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Any other comments?


 16             DR. STROM:  Is there a concern about


 17   leaching in that setting?


 18             DR. GROSS:  Dr. Shah, could you answer


 19   that?  If you put a printed label on the tab


 20   attached to the main vial, I guess it's


 21   theoretically possible that some of that print


 22   could eventually leach in, but it's less likely.




  1             DR. SHAH:  Again, if that is in an


  2   overwrap pouch and then it is a closed environment


  3   and if there are volatile solvents into the glue


  4   which has been used, then, yes, that is a


  5   possibility.  That will be exactly the same thing.


  6   Instead of the close contact, it is a little bit


  7   away, but it still will have that possibility.


  8             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Any other comments on


  9   the elongated tabs?  Do people like them?


 10             DR. STROM:  Let me suggest, maybe this is


 11   a summary, I think, of the sense that they look


 12   attractive, but if they raise the same concern


 13   about leaching, they're no advantage.  So what's


 14   needed before a decision is made is a similar study


 15   to the kind that you did with the marketed products


 16   to find out if, in fact, there's leaching, given


 17   what we're hearing is it's just theoretical.


 18             DR. GROSS:  Right.  More data.


 19             DR. CRAWFORD:  Dr. Gross?


 20             DR. GROSS:  Yes, Stephanie?


 21             DR. CRAWFORD:  Could I just add that I


 22   think and the sentiment of the committee right now




  1   is that we're not making a recommendation for this


  2   because we don't have evidence that it won't cause


  3   more problems than it solves for this particular


  4   one.


  5             DR. GROSS:  So we need some data before a


  6   sense can be formed, and that, you know, probably


  7   applies to almost everything that we're going to


  8   comment on.


  9             Okay.  Paper labels, not glued to the tab


 10   but glued to the actual vial where the medication


 11   is.  Any comments on that?


 12             DR. HENDELES:  Isn't there a problem with


 13   that?


 14             DR. GROSS:  Oh, well, this is what we're


 15   supposed to say, yes.  Right.  So Leslie's vote


 16   is--


 17             [Laughter.]


 18             DR. GROSS:  Leslie's vote is, hello,


 19   there's a problem.


 20             [Laughter.]


 21             DR. GROSS:  Okay, Michael?


 22             DR. COHEN:  Obviously there's a concern




  1   about the safety at this point.  I should point


  2   out, though, that whether we put labels on it or


  3   not, I think in some cases with unit-dose drug


  4   distribution, the pharmacy is going to put labels


  5   on them of their own.  So that's going to probably


  6   seep in if we don't do something to change it


  7   otherwise.


  8             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  So the--yes, Henri?


  9             DR. MANASSE:  Michael raises a really


 10   important point which hasn't been part of the


 11   dialogue today.  As manufacturers decrease the


 12   production of unit-dose packaged drugs, it forces


 13   hospitals into being in the packaging business.


 14   And most hospitals are not experts in packaging,


 15   and, consequently, this issue of the leaching and


 16   the paper label attachment is probably a warning


 17   that has to go out to hospitals who do engage in


 18   the packaging business, because we've now


 19   introduced a packaging phenomenon that's not well


 20   understood.


 21             DR. GROSS:  Leslie?


 22             DR. HENDELES:  By extension, then,




  1   pharmacists in the community who compound nebulizer


  2   solutions need to have that same warning.  It


  3   shouldn't be just in the hospital because that's a


  4   whole other problem that's outside the control of


  5   the FDA.  But, still, if there's a potential


  6   problem with commercial products, it's equally a


  7   problem with compounded nebulizer solutions.


  8             DR. GROSS:  Yes, Arthur?


  9             MR. LEVIN:  I want to follow up because I


 10   always thought we were hardly using unit-of-use


 11   packaging from manufacturers as a source compared


 12   to everywhere--it's one of these things, America


 13   versus everywhere else in the world where


 14   unit-of-use packaging is the standard.  And you're


 15   saying it's getting--actually, there's less


 16   unit-of-use packaging being delivered by--which is


 17   really troubling.  You know, if that's the trend,


 18   then looking at solutions that are dependent on


 19   manufacturers to do the right thing is crazy,


 20   because then we need to really be looking at where


 21   they get--at the repackaging problem.  So, I mean,


 22   I think that's another piece of data that we need




  1   to have, that if we're looking to have


  2   manufacturers use unit-of-use packaging as part of


  3   the solution or most of the solution to the


  4   problems we're discussing, and indeed they're doing


  5   less and less of that and there's repackaging at


  6   the community pharmacy level, the mail-order


  7   pharmacy level, or at the hospital or other


  8   dispensing level, then all of this is besides the


  9   point.  So we need to know more about that.


 10             DR. GROSS:  Michael, another comment?


 11             DR. COHEN:  The term unit of use is


 12   different than unit dose.  We were speaking about


 13   unit dose, meaning the individual dose for that


 14   patient.  Unit of use would be package that


 15   contains perhaps a supply of medications just for


 16   that patient.


 17             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  So the sense of the


 18   group with paper labels seems to be it's less than


 19   ideal and it's probably something that should be


 20   avoided.  But, once again, there is no data to show


 21   the human toxicity from the observed leaching of


 22   compounds, and that would just make, you know, life




  1   easier if it was at all possible to get that, which


  2   it may not be.


  3             Ink without label is probably even worse


  4   than paper labels, but, Curt, did you want to say


  5   something?


  6             DR. FURBERG:  I just want to say that for


  7   the paper labels, is it possible to have a warning


  8   box like we have for drugs, warn against using


  9   paper labels directed at the pharmacists.


 10             DR. GROSS:  Gene?


 11             DR. SULLIVAN:  You're saying that if


 12   manufacturers proceeded--or continued to use


 13   embossed or debossed and the pharmacist chose--they


 14   thought it was best to take their own label and


 15   stick it on?


 16             DR. FURBERG:  Yes, that's correct.  I


 17   mean, have you ever addressed that, warnings


 18   directed at the middleman, the pharmacist, rather


 19   than at the health care provider and the patient,


 20   warn them against doing things to the vial?


 21             DR. SULLIVAN:  Right.  I think--


 22             DR. FURBERG:  Any label, doing whatever,




  1   removing the overwrap, et cetera.


  2             DR. SULLIVAN:  You're right.  It seems


  3   unwise for people who are not expert to be using


  4   materials that are not well characterized and


  5   applying them directly to a permeable container


  6   closure system, and certainly that is something


  7   that--a practice that shouldn't be undertaken.  I


  8   think that we're today trying to talk about what to


  9   ask the manufacturers to do in regards to what they


 10   can do to improve the legibility so that perhaps


 11   pharmacists won't feel compelled to do what maybe


 12   they are doing.


 13             DR. SHAH:  Can I add to that?  Especially


 14   on the labeling, there is clearly a warning that


 15   says open just prior to use, so they are not


 16   supposed to remove it from the container.


 17             DR. FURBERG:  You can add to that.


 18             DR. SHAH:  Yes, we can add it, but this is


 19   just the practice and that's what happens, I guess.


 20   And I guess at that point I don't think the agency


 21   has a control over that, and I think that's another


 22   way to educate the people and then get the message




  1   around, I would think.


  2             DR. SULLIVAN:  It's been our informal


  3   assumption that if they were individually wrapped,


  4   it would greatly decrease the likelihood of


  5   respiratory therapists, you know, going in the


  6   morning and unwrapping 20 and then putting them in


  7   their pocket to care for patients through the day.


  8   I think that's probably less likely, and we could


  9   get some input from the speaker from the


 10   Respiratory Care Association.  Intuitively, it


 11   seems less likely that would occur.  I think you


 12   can't, just as you can't--you know, patients at


 13   home may take out five pills from their bottle and


 14   they're divorced from the labeling, that could


 15   happen.  It's been our assumption that it would be


 16   much less likely if there was just one vial per


 17   pouch.


 18             DR. FURBERG:  But you could still use the


 19   overwrap to have a warning.


 20             DR. GROSS:  Karen?


 21             MS. STEWART:  [Inaudible, off microphone.]


 22   I think if it--the problem comes when they package




  1   multiple [inaudible].


  2             DR. GROSS:  This is another favorable push


  3   for a unit package overwrap.


  4             Is there anyone who would like to speak in


  5   favor of ink without label directly on the LDPE


  6   vial?  Michael?


  7             DR. COHEN:  I don't want to speak in favor


  8   of it, but one of the examples that was shown was


  9   an injectable with the ink embossed--or printed


 10   right on the label.  That was the Naropin


 11   injection.  And I'm wondering, you know, if there's


 12   a concern with patients with respiratory disorders,


 13   is there a concern with systemic use of a drug like


 14   that?  Do we know anything about that, as a matter


 15   of fact?


 16             DR. SULLIVAN:  So the question is:  Is


 17   there a difference in our concern regarding the


 18   level of contaminants?  I think from a


 19   pulmonologist's perspective there is, that


 20   particularly because of the nature of the patients


 21   we treat, who can be very sensitive--you know, I


 22   touched on it my talk.  We haven't spoken too much




  1   more about it, but patients that actually develop


  2   specific immunity.  So they're allergic to things,


  3   and atopic patients, asthmatics, are more likely to


  4   develop specific immunity, and probably


  5   physiologically, humans are more likely to develop


  6   specific immunity when drugs are administered by


  7   the inhalation route than by other routes, like


  8   oral or even IV.  So I understand your point about


  9   separating these drugs.  The issue of there being


 10   multiple routes of administration is important


 11   because you mix up between the routes.


 12             The specific concern about the chemical


 13   impurities to me is particularly important for


 14   inhalation drugs.


 15             DR. COHEN:  I guess it leads me to ask the


 16   question then:  Will you allow--I mean, we have


 17   already several injectable products in this type of


 18   plastic.  There will be saline and heparin and, you


 19   know, various products like that.  And I'm


 20   wondering, I guess, if you would allow then the use


 21   of ink on these containers, because that would


 22   solve our problem if there's no concern at FDA for




  1   the ink and the volatiles from the ink.  With


  2   systemic use.


  3             DR. GROSS:  Yes, Brian?


  4             DR. STROM:  Speaking not as a


  5   pulmonologist but a general internist, I worry


  6   about IV injection of contaminants more than


  7   pulmonary.  I mean, yes, it may be less sensitizing


  8   perhaps than the lungs, but, still, IV injection of


  9   contaminants I would think would be at least as


 10   worse.


 11             DR. SULLIVAN:  Well, I mean, of course,


 12   all the products are carefully controlled, and I


 13   don't have the expertise--maybe Dr. Shah


 14   does--about the particular controls that are put on


 15   oral products or IV products.  But we very closely


 16   control inhalation products because of the issues


 17   of irritants and because of the issues of


 18   sensitization.  And which is a greater risk I guess


 19   I won't firmly state, so--


 20             DR. GROSS:  The sense of the group seems


 21   to be, in the absence of human data of actual risk,


 22   our recommendation would be to avoid the ink




  1   without label directly on the vial containing the


  2   medication.  Is that fair?  Anybody disagree with


  3   that?


  4             DR. COHEN:  I have a--


  5             DR. GROSS:  Michael disagrees.


  6             DR. COHEN:  These types of packages are


  7   used widely in other countries for parenteral


  8   medications, and I don't know that there's been


  9   anything ever reported, you know, as an adverse


 10   effect specifically tied to the inks.  I don't


 11   know.  But, you know, I express the same concern


 12   that Dr. Strom has.  If there's any evidence at all


 13   that there's leaching of the ink through the


 14   plastic, through the semipermeable membrane, that


 15   would be a concern systemically.  I just didn't


 16   know.


 17             DR. GROSS:  Leslie?


 18             DR. HENDELES:  There's actually precedent


 19   with sulfites and tartrazine, other substances in


 20   medications that cause reactions in selected


 21   patients.  So I think if there's any way of


 22   avoiding putting something in that you don't know




  1   to be safe, you should avoid it because there are


  2   examples of other contaminants causing the reaction


  3   than the drug.


  4             DR. GROSS:  The question is for the


  5   specific ones, do we know them to be unsafe?  Yes,


  6   Brian?


  7             DR. STROM:  I guess my sense in a


  8   data-free world that we're operating in here is to


  9   share the concern that you expressed, Peter, of a


 10   consensus of let's not use it here because of the


 11   risk of contaminants.  But I would take that


 12   further in two ways.  One is I would extend that


 13   for intravenous use; and, second, I would call for


 14   data.  It would be nice to know if any of these


 15   things mattered, not just in terms of measuring


 16   contaminants but even in animal studies, if we


 17   can't identify it.


 18             I would think in the respiratory situation


 19   would be one of the hardest places to get data on


 20   the clinical importance of them.  But perhaps in an


 21   intravenous setting, it might be more possible to


 22   get some data in terms of different products of the




  1   same drug, for example, that have ink on the label


  2   versus don't have ink on the label and is there a


  3   difference in subsequent allergic reactions to


  4   them.


  5             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  The next one is tactile


  6   recognition, use of textures on the LDPE vials.


  7   Anyone want to comment on that?  And maybe could


  8   someone from the FDA elaborate on what you mean by


  9   textures.  Do you mean smooth versus rough?  Or do


 10   you mean feeling the letters?  What's meant by


 11   that?


 12             MS. HOLQUIST:  A combination of any of


 13   those things, by using the type of letters that you


 14   can feel, by the different shapes, or should we


 15   make the vial feel from for different products?  We


 16   just threw it out there as another suggestion.


 17             DR. GROSS:  Jackie?


 18             DR. GARDNER:  It seems that the point that


 19   was brought up about standardization with various


 20   manufacturers applies here as well and should be


 21   considered.


 22             DR. GROSS:  Good point.




  1             Michael?


  2             DR. COHEN:  Again, I'll join the data


  3   camp.  I don't think we know much about the tactile


  4   cues.  I mean, from a human factor standpoint it


  5   certainly makes sense, but using them on actual


  6   drug products, I don't know of any history with


  7   other products where that's been successful.


  8             Perhaps the shape of the container as a


  9   tactile cue, the octagonal shape, the hexagonal


 10   shape, et cetera, square.  We used to do that with


 11   insulin vials, for example.  That might have been


 12   effective.  But if that's the case, I don't think


 13   you have enough different shapes that could be


 14   used, and it also puts burdens on the manufacturers


 15   and elevates the cost when you have these different


 16   shapes.


 17             DR. GROSS:  Again, a suggestion to the FDA


 18   from a research point of view.  When we had that


 19   conference--I guess it's almost a year ago now--on


 20   look-alike, sound-alike drugs and someone spoke on


 21   human factor engineering, it might be interesting


 22   to get some input from that kind of person and have




  1   them test some of these issues.


  2             Brian?


  3             DR. STROM:  I would also echo my comment


  4   before, like with color.  Anything that takes


  5   people--there aren't enough options in textures in


  6   order to replace the use of names.  And anything


  7   that removes people's attention from the drug name


  8   I think might be more likely to cause problems than


  9   less, though, again, that's supposition without


 10   data to prove that.


 11             DR. GROSS:  That brings up an issue that


 12   the Joint Commission has dealt with on using two


 13   patient identifiers.  Should there--you're


 14   suggesting you'll confuse people, and, you know,


 15   does that rule apply at all to drug use that there


 16   be two kinds of identifiers, or at least not


 17   another identifier that might confuse them?


 18             DR. STROM:  I guess my--I think the


 19   difference versus the Joint Commission situation,


 20   the Joint Commission is asking for two unique


 21   identifiers for the patient.  What we're talking


 22   about here would be one unique identifier, which is




  1   the name, and another unique identifier, the


  2   texture or the color--which isn't unique.  There


  3   aren't enough unique options in order to make it


  4   unique.  If it really was possible to have--you


  5   know, how many products are we talking about here,


  6   30, 40?  There aren't that many textures.  And if


  7   it were really possible to have enough unique


  8   colors or unique textures, you might think about


  9   that, though I would still think then training


 10   people to remember which texture corresponds to


 11   which name would be hard as well.


 12             So it's different than the Joint


 13   Commission situation where you're talking about a


 14   patient's name, which is unique to that patient,


 15   and both identifiers have that same name.  The


 16   equivalent here would be having the drug name both


 17   embossed and also on the overwrap.  And we are


 18   suggesting that that makes sense here.


 19             DR. GROSS:  So the sense of the group


 20   seems to be that tactile recognition is not


 21   recommended and may confuse.  Does anybody disagree


 22   with that?




  1             [No response.]


  2             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  The next item is shrink


  3   wrap labels as an example that was circulated


  4   around, and not attached to the LDPE vial itself


  5   but to a tab or an appendage attached to the vial.


  6   Is that what the FDA means by that?  Anybody have


  7   any comments?  Michael?


  8             DR. COHEN:  This would be my number one


  9   preference, as I mentioned before, because it gives


 10   you so much flexibility.  You can easily see the


 11   black type on a white background.  You can put bar


 12   codes on it, et cetera.  But, you know, I have a


 13   concern if FDA has a concern about the volatility


 14   of those inks, except, you know, I'd love to see


 15   the studies that you were talking about because it


 16   just seems to me that this is not an ink that is in


 17   direct contact with the LDPE plastic.  It's on the


 18   overwrap itself.  I understand that it still might


 19   be volatile within that micro environment, et


 20   cetera, but it might be at a level that's not even


 21   close to, you know, causing a problem.  I just


 22   don't know.  But I'd love to see the studies.




  1             MR. LEVIN:  Just a point of information.


  2   I would guess that there are inks and there are


  3   inks.  Are there vegetable dye inks?  Are there


  4   different kinds of inks that may increase or lessen


  5   the potential toxicity?


  6             DR. SHAH:  Yes, as I mentioned in my


  7   presentation, there are water-based inks and there


  8   are organic solvent-based inks.  So if you have


  9   carefully selected ink formulations in which you do


 10   not have volatile components, then there is pretty


 11   much not any likelihood of any volatile to be


 12   present in the ink formulation that may migrate to


 13   the vial.  So that is a possibility.  People can


 14   think about that.


 15             MR. LEVIN:  Is that something that the


 16   agency could stipulate, that inks used--I mean, for


 17   example, if this was the model and then further


 18   stipulate that inks used would have to not--you


 19   know, would not contain volatile substances to


 20   minimize risk?  It's a question.


 21             DR. SHAH:  I don't know.  I will have to


 22   ask our, you know, upper office and then find out




  1   about that.  I'm not sure about that.


  2             DR. GROSS:  Any other comments?  Yes,


  3   Brian?


  4             DR. STROM:  I just want to echo the


  5   comment that in many ways this is attractive.  It


  6   just would be nice to see before that the kind of


  7   studies of contaminants that we saw before


  8   deciding.  So I guess my recommendation would be a


  9   conditional, this is preferable after those studies


 10   are done.  Without those studies being done, we


 11   don't know that this is any better than the current


 12   approach in terms of leakage.


 13             DR. GROSS:  And that's part of one of the


 14   requests, that whatever we recommend doesn't create


 15   additional problems.  So we do need that data.


 16             Okay.  So what Brian said I think sums up


 17   what the group thinks.  Fair enough?  Okay.


 18             The last is glass ampules, and perhaps


 19   someone could comment from the FDA or Michael or


 20   anyone, why did we move away from glass ampules in


 21   the first place to plastic?  Was it accident prone


 22   or what?




  1             DR. COHEN:  I'm sorry.  I raised my hand


  2   too--I don't know why we moved away from it, but


  3   I'd hate to be a respiratory therapist if I had to


  4   crack open all those glass ampules.


  5             DR. GROSS:  Right.  So it's an accident


  6   issue.


  7             MS. HOLQUIST:  Also, I think it lends to


  8   errors, as you saw by Marci's slide with the


  9   acetylcysteine where it comes in an IV route and a


 10   respiratory route, and so it was confused because


 11   it looked like an IV product.


 12             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Any other comments on


 13   glass?  Brian?


 14             DR. STROM:  In follow-up to that comment,


 15   should we think about a recommendation that the


 16   plastic--especially if the plastic is being widely


 17   used now in respiratory and it's not being widely


 18   used elsewhere but beginning to, that, in fact,


 19   that distinction--we're talking about tactile and


 20   whatever--be kept clean, i.e., that the plastic be


 21   used for respiratory and for parenteral use it be


 22   glass?




  1             MS. HOLQUIST:  I think it's a good


  2   recommendation, but, again, it's something we have


  3   to bring back to the agency and provide to all the


  4   other review divisions that are involved.  It's not


  5   just the pulmonary division.


  6             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  I guess you're all


  7   getting hungry.  I'm not sure if lunch is here, but


  8   we'll probably break pretty soon.


  9             Annette, did you have a comment, or


 10   anybody?


 11             [No response.]


 12             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  So the sense then is


 13   the last comment that Brian made, if glass is used


 14   at all, there probably should be a distinction that


 15   plastic be used as pulmonary inhalation medication


 16   and glass be used for other uses, such as


 17   intravenous use.  Is that fair?


 18             [No response.]


 19             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Why don't we take a


 20   break and we'll address 1b, 2, and 3 afterwards.


 21   We have an hour for lunch.


 22             [Luncheon recess.]




  1                        AFTERNOON SESSION


  2                                                   [12:50 p.m.]


  3             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  We will begin where we


  4   left off, and that is Item 1b.  The question was:


  5   Please identify creative solutions or alternative


  6   packaging designs that improve legibility and


  7   address the problem of ingress of chemical


  8   contaminants, and at the same time, do not create


  9   new problems.


 10             Would anyone like to comment?  Leslie?


 11             DR. HENDELES:  How about tying a ribbon


 12   around the end of the plastic vial, and on that


 13   ribbon you can imprint "Albuterol, 0.083 percent."


 14             DR. GROSS:  I don't know whether to say


 15   thank you or less levity.


 16             [Laughter.]


 17             DR. HENDELES:  Yellow ribbon.


 18             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  So you're tying a


 19   yellow ribbon around the medication.


 20             DR. HENDELES:  Yellow for Ipatropium, red


 21   for Albuterol.


 22             DR. GROSS:  All right.  That's a creative-




  1             DR. HENDELES:  Red and yellow for the


  2   Duovent.


  3             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Are there any other


  4   creative suggestions?  Jackie?


  5             DR. GARDNER:  You know, there are


  6   thousands, and I have information that the


  7   manufacturers are actually working on some of them.


  8   And so I think rather than trying to come up with


  9   good ideas, however good that was, Les, maybe what


 10   we should do is encourage the people who have the


 11   most to gain from this to bring forward creative


 12   solutions that put all these objectives into play


 13   and give us some things to choose from--maybe not


 14   today but when they're ready--because they will


 15   have tested them as well.


 16             DR. GROSS:  Like we saw this morning,


 17   okay.


 18             Henri?


 19             DR. MANASSE:  I think as we consider new


 20   options and new directions in this area, I would


 21   hope that the industry and the FDA would very


 22   carefully consider symbologies that are




  1   electronically readable for patient verification.


  2   I think the system is moving in that direction.


  3   There are available technologies for that


  4   verification, and particularly patient-level


  5   verification.  Adding these technologies is going


  6   to be important.  I know what the issues are in


  7   terms of the bar code and the size of the bar code,


  8   but there are other symbologies that can be


  9   applied, like dot matrix technologies, et cetera,


 10   that wouldn't take the kind of space.  But as we


 11   get creative in this packaging, I think we should


 12   be real sensitive and help motivate and move the


 13   verification mechanisms along.


 14             DR. GROSS:  Any other comments?  Yes, Art?


 15             MR. LEVIN:  Just to reiterate the


 16   importance of also looking at the community


 17   pharmacy, ambulatory population, including the


 18   elderly, that use these products where the


 19   solutions may have to be different, frankly, than


 20   they are in the inpatient clinical setting.  And


 21   remember that that's probably an increasing


 22   population of use, and that we need probably to




  1   look at the research that's going on now in health


  2   literacy and cultural competency, et cetera, et


  3   cetera--in other words, a very broad view of what


  4   we need to know and sort of think out of the box on


  5   how to make this happen.


  6             DR. GROSS:  I think that's a very good


  7   point.  Just like they say children are not little


  8   adults, the elderly are not young adults, and we


  9   have different considerations for all those groups.


 10             I'm amazed--oh, thank you, Brian, for


 11   coming up with something.


 12             [Laughter.]


 13             DR. STROM:  I just wanted to return to


 14   Leslie's comments about the relative benefit and


 15   safety of these products as a class versus the MDIs


 16   and whether there should, in fact, be at least


 17   labeling comments or instructions that might


 18   provide some of the alternative data or in some way


 19   begin to push the field toward using the safer


 20   alternatives instead.


 21             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  There being no more


 22   comments for Item 1b, we'll move to number 2. 




  1   Please consider which stakeholder groups--we've


  2   discussed some of this already, but we should


  3   emphasize it now--be they manufacturers,


  4   practitioners, consumers, or others, can best


  5   advise the FDA about possible new packaging


  6   configurations that may resolve the issues we've


  7   discussed.


  8             Jackie already suggested we should


  9   encourage the manufacturers themselves to do this.


 10   And consumers.


 11             Yes, Henri?


 12             DR. MANASSE:  Peter, I again want to


 13   reiterate I think we ought to bring in the cosmetic


 14   industry packaging people.  They have done some


 15   incredibly innovative things in packaging.


 16             I think another sector that has a lot of


 17   experience in packaging has been the Department of


 18   Defense as we look at pouching food, for example,


 19   and sustaining it and everything else.  So I think


 20   our colleagues in the military may be helpful here


 21   as well.


 22             DR. GROSS:  I heard someone say space,




  1   involve NASA.


  2             DR. MANASSE:  NASA.


  3             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Leslie?


  4             DR. HENDELES:  In regards to the


  5   consumers, there are two lay organizations of


  6   people interested in asthma.  One is Mothers of


  7   Asthmatics, and the other one slips my mind.  But


  8   there are two organizations, and getting their


  9   input might be worthwhile.  I can e-mail you the


 10   name of that second organization.


 11             DR. GROSS:  Fine.  Michael?


 12             DR. COHEN:  I just want to say whatever


 13   anyone comes up with, I really think it will be a


 14   great idea to involve organized respiratory


 15   therapy, organized pharmacy, and probably--I don't


 16   know if FDA can do this, similar to what they do


 17   with the drug names, as we heard at the last DSaRM


 18   Committee meeting, the idea of failure mode and


 19   effects analysis for any of these packaging changes


 20   that are made to make sure that--or minimize the


 21   chance that there might be a


 22   medication-error-related problem with them.




  1             DR. GROSS:  Yes, a rigorous FMEA approach


  2   could be very helpful.


  3             Yes, Curt?


  4             DR. FURBERG:  I just wonder whether this


  5   is a unique problem in the U.S.  If it's not, let's


  6   check and see what other countries are doing, other


  7   regulatory agencies, other countries.


  8             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Good point.


  9             Brian?


 10             DR. STROM:  One of the things we talked a


 11   lot about this morning is the need for additional


 12   data here.  Some of it clearly needs to be


 13   generated by the manufacturer, but I wonder if


 14   there might be funding agencies--ARC, for


 15   example--more applied perhaps to CERTs.  Perhaps


 16   there's people in the CERTs who might be interested


 17   in studying some of these issues.


 18             DR. GROSS:  Good idea.


 19             Michael?


 20             DR. COHEN:  Just think a little bit more


 21   about that.  It isn't even just these products.


 22   It's other medication-error-related problems with




  1   labeling, packaging, you know, where is color


  2   appropriate, all that kind of stuff.  It would just


  3   be so helpful beyond this if we could get the right


  4   research done.  It just doesn't seem like things


  5   have been moving in that direction for whatever


  6   reason.


  7             DR. GROSS:  Curt?


  8             DR. FURBERG:  One way of getting research


  9   is to set up a meeting and invite people to come


 10   and present, and maybe it's time now to have a


 11   two-day workshop on these packaging issues and


 12   invite industry representatives, scientists, and


 13   others.  It's one way of advancing knowledge.


 14             DR. GROSS:  Like was done for look-alike,


 15   sound-alike names a year ago.


 16             Brian?


 17             DR. STROM:  Following up on Mike's idea of


 18   broadening the question, if the question were broad


 19   enough, you might be able to get the right group at


 20   NIH to be interested, focusing not so much on the


 21   specifics of the drug and the drug label because


 22   they're not going to care about that in the drug




  1   labeling, but issues of patient perception


  2   and--well, safety is really an ARC issue.  NIH


  3   isn't interested in patient safety.  But it's--but


  4   NIH would be more interested in sort of


  5   understanding patient perceptions and, you know,


  6   what is it that--you know, issues of color and


  7   tactile and sort of, you know, more broader,


  8   definitive, and maybe the National Institute of


  9   Mental Health, maybe issues--maybe the NHLBI given


 10   the importance of this for respiratory, but NHLBI


 11   probably would care less about that kind of thing.


 12   But NIMH or the National Institute of Nursing


 13   Research might be another that might be interested.


 14   Another might be NIA, actually, the National


 15   Institute of Aging, which has a pharmacology


 16   program and the issues here in terms of the elderly


 17   being able to read labels correctly and perceive


 18   drugs correctly would be a big one.  So in terms of


 19   looking at sort of who could potentially fund this,


 20   fund the necessary collection of data in a way that


 21   FDA can't, the NIA might be a logical one.


 22             DR. GROSS:  Any other comments?




  1             [No response.]


  2             DR. GROSS:  Well, that was very creative.


  3   Thank you.  That was very helpful.


  4             The last question, number 3, is:  Given


  5   what you have heard today, please describe an


  6   appropriate course of action to address the


  7   problems of ingress and medication errors due to


  8   legibility and similar packaging issues.


  9             Henri?


 10             DR. MANASSE:  Peter, I'd like to focus on


 11   the ingress issue.  I guess I'm impressed by how


 12   little we know about ingress in these kinds of


 13   plastics, the kind of chemicals that are creating


 14   the problem, the impacts that the ingress has on


 15   active ingredients.  And it seems to me that FDA


 16   ought to be stimulating knowing more about this and


 17   then from that making a determination as to whether


 18   or not the appropriate statutory and regulatory


 19   things are in place to be able to pursue requests


 20   about these issues, particularly the toxicities,


 21   through the application processes and the master


 22   file, et cetera.




  1             DR. GROSS:  Leslie?


  2             DR. HENDELES:  I recommend that the agency


  3   just revise that draft guidance to take into


  4   account some of the issues that we discussed under


  5   1a.  I mean, I think that would be the appropriate


  6   direction.


  7             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Art?


  8             MR. LEVIN:  As we encourage manufacturers


  9   to be innovative in finding solutions, I'm worried


 10   about the issue of standardization because I think


 11   when everybody's looking at error prevention,


 12   standardization is certainly one of the big fix


 13   items.  So I'm just raising the question of how do


 14   we balance the tension between innovative solutions


 15   and creating industry standards so that we don't


 16   have ten different ways that people are doing


 17   things, causing even more confusion than we have


 18   now.  And I think it speaks to Henri's point about


 19   how the agency perceives its authority to require


 20   standards.  Once finding the gold standard, then


 21   what does the agency do with that, and does it need


 22   additional authority, for example, to require that




  1   that be the gold standard for all of these products


  2   which have basically been out there on the market?


  3   They're not going to be new drug applications.  But


  4   could they go back and say, In the future over a


  5   period of time we expect you to convert to this


  6   gold standard of packaging?


  7             DR. GROSS:  Any other comments?


  8             [No response.]


  9             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Well, I want to thank


 10   the presenters as well as the Advisory Committee


 11   members for this thoughtful exchange of


 12   information.  And at this particular point, we are


 13   going to adjourn for a bit because the Lotronex


 14   part of the agenda was scheduled to begin about 3


 15   o'clock.  I think we'll be able to begin at 2:30.


 16   Is that it?  2:20.  Okay.


 17             If there's any change in that, we'll get


 18   the word around because everybody's staying pretty


 19   close.  Okay.  Thank you.


 20             [Recess.]


        x                   DR. GROSS:  Good afternoon.  I think we'll         



 22   call the meeting to order.  I'd like to begin by




  1   reintroducing the people who are sitting around the


  2   table because we have a new group as part of the


  3   open public hearing.  So if we can begin--oh, there


  4   he is.  Next to Brian is?


  5             DR. KRIST:  My name is Alex Krist.  I'm


  6   with Virginia Commonwealth University.  I'm a


  7   member of the Gastrointestinal Drugs Advisory


  8   Committee, and I'm a family physician.


  9             DR. GROSS:  Brian?


 10             DR. STROM:  Brian Strom, University of


 11   Pennsylvania.


 12             DR. MANASSE:  I'm Henri Manasse.  I'm the


 13   executive vice president and chief executive


 14   officer of the American Society of Health-System


 15   Pharmacists.


 16             MS. SHAPIRO:  Robyn Shapiro, Director,


 17   Center for the Study of Bioethics, Medical College


 18   of Wisconsin.


 19             DR. STEMHAGEN:  I'm Annette Stemhagen from


 20   Covance, a contract research organization, and I'm


 21   the industry representative to this committee.


 22             DR. GARDNER:  Jacqueline Gardner,




  1   University of Washington, Department of Pharmacy.


  2             MR. LEVIN:  Art Levin, Center for Medical


  3   Consumers, and I am the consumer member of this


  4   committee.


  5             DR. FURBERG:  Curt Furberg, professor of


  6   public health sciences at Wake Forest University.


  7             DR. GROSS:  Peter Gross.  I'm Chair of


  8   Medicine at Hackensack University Medical Center


  9   and New Jersey Medical School, and I'm Chair of


 10   this Advisory Committee.


 11             MS. JAIN:  Shalini Jain, Executive


 12   Secretary, Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory


 13   Committee.


 14             DR. CRAWFORD:  Stephanie Crawford,


 15   University of Illinois at Chicago, College of


 16   Pharmacy.


 17             DR. SELIGMAN:  Paul Seligman, Director,


 18   Office of Pharmacoepidemiology and Statistical


 19   Science, Center for Drugs at the FDA.


 20             DR. BEITZ:  Julie Beitz, the Deputy


 21   Director in the Office of Drug Evaluation III in


 22   CDER.




  1             DR. JUSTICE:  Robert Justice, Director of


  2   Division of Gastrointestinal and Coagulation Drug


  3   Products at FDA.


  4             DR. TRENTACOSTI:  Ann Marie Trentacosti,


  5   Medical Officer, Division of Gastrointestinal and


  6   Coagulation Drug Products at the FDA.


  7             DR. AVIGAN:  Mark Avigan, Director of the


  8   Division of Drug Risk Evaluation in the Office of


  9   Drug Safety.


 10             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Shalini Jain will read


 11   the conflict of interest statement.


        x                   MS. JAIN:  The following announcement            



 13   addresses the issue of conflict of interest with


 14   regard to this meeting and is made a part of the


 15   record to preclude even the appearance of such at


 16   this meeting.  Based on the submitted agenda for


 17   the meeting and all financial interests reported by


 18   the committee participants, it has been determined


 19   that all interests in firms regulated by the Center


 20   for Drug Evaluation and Research present no


 21   potential for an appearance of conflict at this


 22   meeting with the following exceptions:




  1             In accordance with 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(3),


  2   Dr. Brian Strom has been granted a waiver for


  3   consulting with two competitors on unrelated


  4   matters.  He receives less than $10,001 per year


  5   from one firm and between $10,001 and $50,000 per


  6   year from the other.


  7             Dr. Maria Sjogren has been granted a


  8   waiver under 208(b)(1) for consulting with the


  9   sponsor on unrelated matters.  She receives less


 10   than $10,001 per year.


 11             A copy of the waiver statements may be


 12   obtained by submitting a written request to the


 13   agency's Freedom of Information Office, Room 12A-30


 14   of the Parklawn Building.


 15             We would also like to note that Dr.


 16   Annette Stemhagen has been invited to participate


 17   as an industry representative, acting on behalf of


 18   regulated industry.  Dr. Stemhagen is employed by


 19   Covance Periapproval Services, Incorporated.


 20             In the event that the discussions involve


 21   any other products or firms not already on the


 22   agenda for which an FDA participant has a financial




  1   interest, the participants are aware of the need to


  2   exclude themselves from such involvement, and their


  3   exclusion will be noted for the record.


  4             With respect to all other participants, we


  5   ask in the interest of fairness that they address


  6   any current or previous financial involvement with


  7   any firm whose products they may wish to comment


  8   upon.


  9             Thank you.


 10             DR. GROSS:  Dr. Paul Seligman will give an


 11   introduction to the Lotronex issue.


        x                   DR. SELIGMAN:  Good afternoon.  It is my           



 13   pleasure to introduce the second topic for today's


 14   meeting.  This afternoon we'll be hearing an update


 15   on the Lotronex Risk Management Program.  On April


 16   23, 2002, the Gastrointestinal Drugs Advisory


 17   Committee and this committee met and recommended


 18   reintroduction of Lotronex tablets to the market


 19   with certain restrictions, such as having patient


 20   and physician registries and physician


 21   certification training for prescribing.


 22             On June 7, 2002, FDA approved the




  1   restricted marketing of Lotronex with a risk


  2   management program that was mutually agreed upon by


  3   the Lotronex manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline, and the


  4   FDA.  The details of this plan will be described in


  5   the subsequent presentations.


  6             Today, GSK will be presenting an update


  7   report on how the drug is being prescribed within


  8   the parameters of the risk management program and


  9   what the impact of this program has been.  The


 10   purpose of this discussion is primarily


 11   informational in nature to provide the committee an


 12   update.  As a consequence, we have allocated a


 13   limited amount of time for presentations and


 14   discussion.


 15             The risk management program that was


 16   implemented contained many but not all of the


 17   elements recommended by the Joint Advisory


 18   Committees in April of 2002.  As we gain experience


 19   with risk management programs, we think that it is


 20   important that there be a public airing of how well


 21   these programs function and whether they meet the


 22   goals that were set out for them.




  1             With that, I thank you for your attention


  2   and I thank the committee for being here today.  We


  3   will have both the speakers at the open public


  4   hearing as well as the speakers who are on the


  5   agenda to have them use this podium in front of the


  6   committee.


  7             So, with that, Mr. Chairman, I turn the


  8   proceedings over to you.


  9             DR. GROSS:  Thank you, Dr. Seligman.


        x                   We will proceed with the open public            



 11   hearing now.  First I need to read this statement.


 12             Both the Food and Drug Administration and


 13   the public believe in a transparent process for


 14   information gathering and decisionmaking.  To


 15   ensure such transparency at the open public hearing


 16   session of the Advisory Committee meeting, the FDA


 17   believes that it is important to understand the


 18   context of an individual's presentation.  For this


 19   reason, FDA encourages you, the open public hearing


 20   speaker, at the beginning of your written or oral


 21   statement to advise the committee of any financial


 22   relationship that you may have with the sponsor,




  1   its product, and if known, its direct competitors.


  2             For example, this financial information


  3   may include the sponsor's payment of your travel,


  4   lodging, or other expenses in connection with your


  5   attendance at the meeting.  Likewise, FDA


  6   encourages you at the beginning of your statement


  7   to advise the committee if you do not have any such


  8   financial relationships.  If you choose not to


  9   address this issue of financial relationships at


 10   the beginning of your statement, it will not


 11   preclude you from speaking.


 12             The first speaker is Dr. Sidney Wolfe.


 13             DR. WOLFE:  Right on time.  In August


 14   2000, almost four years ago, we petitioned the FDA


 15   to ban alosetron because, in our view, its serious,


 16   life-threatening adverse effects outweighed the


 17   marginally better-than-placebo effectiveness.  At


 18   the time of our petition, FDA was aware of 26 cases


 19   of ischemic colitis in people using the drug.  In


 20   the major randomized, placebo-controlled trials


 21   prior to approval, there had been three cases of


 22   ischemic colitis in 832 patients, or 1 per




  1   277--again, with good ascertainment, in contrast to


  2   what we are having here--but none in 700 placebo


  3   patients.  According to an FDA memo, in one large


  4   trial with adequate ascertainment--this is a


  5   different trial--adequate ascertainment of ischemic


  6   colitis, 10 out of 1,819 women being treated with


  7   alosetron for diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel


  8   syndrome developed ischemic colitis over the


  9   24-week duration of the trial.  There were no cases


 10   in the 899 patients in the trial treated with


 11   traditional therapy.  By the time marketing was


 12   stopped in November 2000, there were 85 cases of


 13   ischemic colitis reported to the FDA among the


 14   estimated 275,000 patients who has used the drug.


 15             Even though this is called the Drug Safety


 16   Committee, you know as well or better than I that


 17   this all has to be viewed in the context of drug


 18   benefit and, therefore, review of the evidence for


 19   benefit for at least one of the major trials for


 20   this drug is appropriate.


 21             In an analysis we published in the Lancet


 22   of data from one of the clinical trials, which had




  1   been misleadingly portrayed in a previous article


  2   in the Lancet by percent change as opposed to


  3   absolute scores, the figure of our look at the


  4   actual data can be seen on the second page of the


  5   testimony.  And what you can see is there is barely


  6   a perceptible--it's statistically significant, but


  7   no one can possibly believe that this is clinically


  8   meaningful, the difference at 1, 2, 3, months


  9   between those given 2 milligrams of alosetron,


 10   twice the dose being used now, for starters, and


 11   those being given the placebo.


 12             This excellent, hard-to-exceed placebo


 13   response rate--and that's certainly the challenge


 14   of treating this illness, is that the placebo


 15   response rate is extraordinarily high.  This is


 16   consistent with findings from a published review of


 17   27 randomized, placebo-controlled studies testing


 18   various treatments for irritable bowel syndrome in


 19   which the median placebo response rate was 47


 20   percent, percentage improved, with rates as high as


 21   84 percent, and 11 studies had placebo response


 22   rates of 60 percent or higher.  Unlike alosetron,




  1   placebos do not cause ischemic colitis.


  2             Because IBS is a poorly defined disease,


  3   which, although capable of causing significant


  4   distress in some individuals, is neither progressive nor


  5   life-threatening, the occurrence of


  6   serious adverse reactions such as ischemic colitis


  7   and bowel obstruction without ischemic colitis,


  8   sometimes requiring surgery, tips the benefit-risk


  9   equation against the use of this drug.


 10             The experience during the first one-plus


 11   years of this risk management program has hardly,


 12   as Glaxo claims in its statement, "been


 13   successful."  Among the problems, somewhat


 14   predictable because of the lack of the kinds of


 15   controls that could realistically be taken only


 16   under an IND, were the following:


 17             Twenty percent of the patients getting the


 18   drug not have all of the three criteria specified


 19   for getting the drug, which include frequent/severe


 20   abdominal pain, and frequent bowel urgency or fecal


 21   continence; and disability/restriction of daily


 22   activities.  They may have one or two, but these




  1   were the criteria, and 20 percent did meet these


  2   criteria.


  3             Secondly, only 42 percent of patients with


  4   a Lotronex prescription has pre-enrolled in the


  5   survey program and only 36 percent completed the


  6   baseline questionnaire.


  7             From the prescribing doctor's perspective,


  8   again, because this is not required, it happens, 20


  9   percent of prescribing doctors were not enrolled in


 10   the prescribing program for Lotronex.  That may or


 11   may not have something to do with the fact that so


 12   many of these average reactions were not reported


 13   by physicians.


 14             These are all elements that certainly were


 15   thought of if it not specifically suggested by FDA


 16   staff and ourselves at the meeting a couple of


 17   years ago, and you can't do these things unless the


 18   drug is there under an IND.  Marketing isn't


 19   compatible with those kinds of restrictions.


 20             The most alarming finding during this


 21   period was the reporting of eight cases of ischemic


 22   colitis and, according to the manufacturer, eight




  1   additional cases of "complications of


  2   constipation."  I say according to the manufacturer


  3   because they list eight, and the FDA talks about


  4   five.  The latter included a case of partial


  5   intestinal obstruction, one in which there was


  6   exploratory surgery for small intestinal


  7   obstruction, and a patient with diarrhea and


  8   intestinal obstruction.


  9             Assuming the accuracy of the estimate of


 10   9,365 patients getting alosetron during the risk


 11   management program, the rate of ischemic


 12   colitis--again, this is a low estimate--spontaneous


 13   reports was 8 per 10,000 or 8 per 9,365, or about


 14   0.8 per thousand, and it's actually higher than


 15   the, again, spontaneous rate of reports during the


 16   earlier mktg phase, which was 85 per 27,000.


 17             There are, of course, differences in the


 18   conditions for reporting that might explain some of


 19   this discrepancy, but I don't believe begin to


 20   explain all of it.  Enrolled physicians agreed to


 21   report all serious adverse events as a condition of


 22   participation, but obviously 20 percent didn't




  1   participate, and even those who did, so it appears,


  2   four of the eight cases of ischemic colitis were


  3   reported by patients, not physicians.  Similarly,


  4   none of the eight cases of serious complications of


  5   constipation were reported by the prescribing


  6   physician.  One was reported by a nurse.  Either


  7   the patients did not tell the physicians who


  8   prescribed the drug that they had gotten ischemic


  9   colitis or physicians violated their agreement to


 10   report such cases.


 11             The fact that 11 of 16 cases of ischemic


 12   colitis or complications of constipation were


 13   reported by patients as part of the Lotronex


 14   patient follow-up survey program may compensate for


 15   some, but we don't believe all or even most of the


 16   serious reporting deficiencies by participating


 17   physicians.  There is little question that just as


 18   the 85 cases of ischemic colitis reported during


 19   2000 were but a fraction of the actual cases, so,


 20   too, are these recent RMP, risk management program,


 21   ischemic colitis cases.


 22             For effective, life-saving drugs, such as




  1   some cancer therapies or the anti-psychotic drug


  2   clozapine, risk management is a critical part of


  3   their use, and we strongly support, as the FDA


  4   knows, risk management in those kinds of


  5   circumstances.  But alosetron joins an increasing


  6   number of other drugs, none with unique, clinically


  7   significant benefits, that have been the subject of


  8   ultimately failed FDA-approved risk management


  9   programs--the diabetes drug Rezulin, the painkiller


 10   Duract, the GI drug cisapride, the blood pressure


 11   drug Posicor--and were taken off the market.


 12             When I testified before this committee in


 13   2002, I stated, "The reintroduction of Lotronex


 14   into the market, even with the restrictions


 15   proposed by Glaxo, would be a serious public health


 16   mistake, likely, if not certain, to result in the


 17   need to ban the drug again."  It is time to end


 18   this failed effort to resuscitate markets and to


 19   take alosetron off the market.  As we suggested in


 20   2002, there is no reason why, under a carefully


 21   controlled IND, the drug could not be made


 22   available to, I would estimate, the several




  1   thousand, at most, people who might still choose to


  2   use it.  This has previously been done for the


  3   diabetes drug phenformin and the GI drug cisapride


  4   after they were taken off the market.


  5             I'd just like to emphasize that of the


  6   reported 9,000-10,000 people using the drug, in the


  7   FDA's Executive Summary it says only 10 to 20


  8   percent of these people were refilling it.  So we


  9   may, in fact, be talking about a group of people


 10   that is one, two, three thousand people, not the


 11   100,000 that the company claimed would be using the


 12   drug and which they used to help fend off an IND


 13   approach back a couple years ago.


 14             Given the marginal evidence of


 15   effectiveness and the continuing serious risks of


 16   the drug, Glaxo's suggestion to relax the


 17   restrictions on availability of alosetron to


 18   increase its use is nothing but ghoulish.  A quote


 19   from the end of their statement:  "The primary


 20   concern at present relates to the low rate of


 21   product prescribing given our understanding of the


 22   target population...This may reflect unintended




  1   barriers to prescription..." and they elucidate


  2   some of the unintended barriers, which is the time


  3   the physician has to spend explaining to the


  4   patient the benefits and risks of the drug and so


  5   forth.  I find that this attitude, certainly it's


  6   consistent with trying to sell more drug, but it's


  7   inconsistent with the public health.  And just in


  8   closing, I would just repeat it's time for this to


  9   be taken off the market.  It gives risk management


 10   a bad name to keep doing things like this.


 11             I'd be glad to try and answer any


 12   questions.  That's just about ten minutes.


 13             DR. GROSS:  If there are no questions,


 14   thank you very much, Dr. Wolfe.


 15             The next speaker, Dr. Lawrence Wilderlite.


 16             DR. WILDERLITE:  Good afternoon.  My name


 17   is Lawrence Wilderlite.  I am a practicing gastro-


 18   enterologist in Chevy Chase, Maryland.  We're part


 19   of a private practice group of 13 gastroenterologists with


 20   three offices in the


 21   metropolitan area, downtown Washington, in Chevy


 22   Chase, and on Executive Boulevard here in




  1   Rockville.


  2             In the past, I was a speaker for


  3   GlaxoSmithKline upon the introduction of Lotronex


  4   in 2000 and presently am a consultant for


  5   GlaxoSmithKline.


  6             I have been asked to talk today about the


  7   prescribing habits of this drug and the inability


  8   of patients to actually have access to the drug


  9   because of the restrictions that have been placed


 10   on this.


 11             I have had extensive experience with the


 12   use of alosetron when it was first introduced, and


 13   our group has used it, given the patient clientele


 14   we have, many times.  And we have had a favorable


 15   response with the drug and felt the drug to be


 16   quite helpful in our patient population.


 17             Inasmuch as there has been no new


 18   medication or no recent introduction of any drug of


 19   this type over the last 20 years for the treatment


 20   of irritable bowel syndrome, we felt that this was


 21   going to be a very important agent and something


 22   that we would be able to use to help patients that




  1   suffer from irritable bowel, in which we have no


  2   effective treatment today.  Initially upon the


  3   introduction of this drug, it was embraced by the


  4   GI community and was embraced by gastroenterologists that I


  5   can talk to in the Washington


  6   area.


  7             When Lotronex was recalled in 2000, it


  8   left a void, and that void is still vacant today.


  9   I feel our patients have no alternative to treat an


 10   illness that at times can be very devastating.


 11   Although not life-threatening, it is basically


 12   destructive to patients' lives and destructive to


 13   their ability to function in an environment in


 14   which they live.


 15             The present registration system for this


 16   drug is extremely tedious.  It takes a lot of time


 17   to register a patient for this.  The patient needs


 18   to fill out papers.  The GI doctor has to fill out


 19   the papers.  The patient has to be advised about


 20   the side effects of the drug.  The doctor has to


 21   register to be an appropriate agent to distribute


 22   the drug.




  1             At the end of all this, we in our office


  2   do refer patients to a website where they can get


  3   more information about Lotronex, where they can


  4   understand what the complications and the possible


  5   side effects of the drug are before they enter into


  6   the program or begin taking the medication.  We


  7   find--and I am not a member of that prescribing


  8   group.  There are only two people in our group of


  9   13 that elected to be registered for distribution


 10   of the drug, and of those two people, it came


 11   because they were quite friendly with one of the


 12   Glaxo representatives who asked them if they would


 13   register for this.


 14             We find that patients become stigmatized


 15   after they read the side effects of the drug.  As


 16   appropriate to Dr. Wolfe's comment, that many


 17   patients will not fill the prescription when


 18   they're given it.  Many patients will not take the


 19   medication appropriately.  Many patients will stop


 20   taking the medication.  Patients will forget to


 21   take it or take it on an alternate-day basis rather


 22   than appropriately because they're afraid of having




  1   some side effect and feel less is better than more.


  2   And eventually some of them will not come back or


  3   will not fill the prescription or, like many


  4   irritable bowel patients, these patients fail to


  5   come back again or don't show up in an office and


  6   go home and continue to suffer the symptoms they


  7   have.


  8             Physicians, because they won't register


  9   for this program, go back to treat these patients


 10   with conventional methods, of which we have no


 11   conventional methods.  Increasing fiber,


 12   anti-diarrheal type of agents that have been on the


 13   market and have been shown to be of little help to


 14   patients who suffer from this disease.


 15             The physicians fear--and when talking to


 16   other doctors--that because of all the publicity


 17   given to the side effects of the drug, should a


 18   patient encounter a side effect or an adverse


 19   reaction to this medication, the physician is now


 20   liable for some litigation or malpractice suit,


 21   and, therefore, they're not pushing to use the


 22   drugs.  They're not rushing in to join this type of




  1   prescribing program.


  2             The amount of time that this prescribing


  3   program takes is enormous.  It takes a lot of time.


  4   There are many physician phone calls.  There's a


  5   lot of interaction with the patient.  Unfortunately, in


  6   today's environment where there is


  7   little compensation for the amount of time paid


  8   because of the insurance environment that we have,


  9   this type of interaction is difficult, and


 10   physicians shy away from spending the amount of


 11   time that is necessary to educate the patients for


 12   this.


 13             The process is extremely cumbersome, and I


 14   find that in a group of physicians that we're


 15   friendly with in the Washington area, very few will


 16   enter into this registration process.  What I do is


 17   refer patients to other people in our group.  It


 18   changes the physician-doctor relationship, or I


 19   refer them to other doctors that I can find who are


 20   outside of our group to take care of these


 21   patients, or we continue to use the remedies that


 22   we have in place.




  1             I feel that whether it be alosetron or


  2   not, the GI community desperately needs a


  3   medication to treat diarrhea-dependent irritable


  4   bowel syndrome; that the mechanism that is in place


  5   today needs to be streamlined to allow access to a


  6   medication that I feel can help irritable bowel


  7   sufferers.


  8             The use of this drug is extremely limited


  9   and extremely confined to approximately--given Dr.


 10   Drossman's (ph) classification, less than 5 percent


 11   of people are available to receive this drug.  I


 12   feel personally that this is too confining and that


 13   the drug or the use of this drug should be opened


 14   up.  As different from the previous speaker, I


 15   think the drug is helpful and the drug needs to be


 16   freed up a little bit more in a more streamlined


 17   process to allow access to patients.


 18             I thank you and I am open to any comments


 19   that you have.


        T4A                 DR. GROSS:  There being none, thank you            



 21   very much, Dr Wilderlite.


 22             We will proceed now with the sponsor




  1   presentation.  Dr. Craig Metz, the Vice President


  2   for U.S. Regulatory Affairs at GlaxoSmithKline,


  3   will present their risk management program for


  4   Lotronex.


  5             MS. JAIN:  Dr. Metz, before you do your


  6   presentation, we just wanted to introduce another


  7   committee member that joined us in the interim.


  8   Dr. Maria Sjogren joined our group.  She is a


  9   representative for the GI community and also is a


 10   member of the GI Advisory Committee.  Thanks for


 11   participating.


        x                   DR. METZ:  Good afternoon.  My name is            



 13   Craig Metz, and I am going to be providing the


 14   sponsor's update on our experience with the


 15   implementation of the risk management program for


 16   Lotronex today.


 17             Joining us today are a number of external


 18   consultants who are involved with various aspects


 19   of the risk management plan for Lotronex and would


 20   be happy to answer any questions that you might


 21   have regarding their specific areas of responsibility for


 22   the RMP or any general questions that




  1   you might have for them.  I'm going to take just a


  2   quick moment to introduce our consultants.


  3             We have Dr. Robert Sandler with us from


  4   the University of North Carolina.  Dr. Sandler is


  5   involved with our Risk Management Plan Advisory


  6   Board.


  7             We have Dr. Lin Chang from the University


  8   of California at Los Angeles, who has been involved


  9   with our educational program as well as a general


 10   consultant to us for some time on Lotronex.


 11             We have Dr. Andrews from Research Triangle


 12   Institute.  She's involved with our epidemiology


 13   program, specifically the patient follow-up survey


 14   for Lotronex, and she serves as the data


 15   coordinating center for the follow-up claims-based


 16   research.


 17             We have Dr. Jerry Gurwitz with us from


 18   Meyers Primary Care Institute, University of


 19   Massachusetts.  Dr. Gurwitz is also involved with


 20   the epidemiology program.


 21             And, finally, we have Dr. James Lewis here


 22   from Georgetown University who chairs our Safety




  1   and Review Committee.


  2             Three underlying themes will form the


  3   basis of my presentation today.  Those themes are


  4   the successful implementation of the risk


  5   management plan for Lotronex from the standpoint of


  6   the appropriateness of the prescribers, the


  7   patients, and the behaviors that have been produced


  8   through this program; the impact of the RMP itself


  9   on the safety profile and on the prescriber and


 10   patient, as well as on individual components of the


 11   risk management program itself; and the cycle of


 12   continual RMP evaluation and revision that is a


 13   normal part of the stewardship involved with


 14   conducting a risk management program.


 15             During the course of my presentation, I'm


 16   going to share information with the committee that


 17   we didn't have when we last met to consider a risk


 18   management program for Lotronex, and that


 19   specifically is data on the impact of the


 20   interventions that we've attempted to put into


 21   place here.  It's our hope that this data will


 22   guide our discussions with the agency and the




  1   proposed modifications that we might make to this


  2   RMP as we move forward.  But as importantly, the


  3   RMP for Lotronex has been a very rich learning


  4   laboratory for us with regard to general issues


  5   regarding conducting a risk management program and


  6   the impact of these different interventions in


  7   real-term use.  So we hope that this information


  8   will tend to serve to inform discussions regarding


  9   the applications of these interventions elsewhere.


 10             In my presentation, I'm going to provide a


 11   very brief background summary.  I'm going to


 12   identify the goals of the RMP and describe the key


 13   elements of the RMP with results to date where


 14   appropriate.  I will finish with some conclusions


 15   regarding the implementation of the RMP and a


 16   discussion of what we've identified as emerging


 17   issues.


 18             Many of you will be familiar with the


 19   chronology of key regulatory events.  Dr. Seligman


 20   has already covered some of these.  Again, the


 21   product was voluntarily withdrawn in November of


 22   2000.  The agency and GlaxoSmithKline were




  1   inundated with calls from patients demanding that


  2   the drug be made available to them again.


  3             Subsequently, we submitted an sNDA in


  4   December of 2001 and met with some members of this


  5   committee and the GI Drugs Committee in April of


  6   2002 to discuss the information included in that


  7   sNDA as well as the general framework that was


  8   being proposed for the RMP for Lotronex.  In June


  9   2002, that supplemental NDA was approved and the


 10   product was actually reintroduced in November of


 11   2002 with a revised indication statement and a risk


 12   management program in place.


 13             What we were striving to achieve when we


 14   developed the risk management program for Lotronex


 15   was a framework that would mitigate the risks


 16   associated with complications of constipation and


 17   ischemic colitis, but would do so in a way that


 18   would not create extraordinary barriers to patient


 19   access.  And I think as we consider the information


 20   being presented today, success should be measured


 21   against this intent.


 22             We intended to achieve this through a




  1   focus on the following four goals:  making Lotronex


  2   available to those patients for whom the


  3   benefit-risk is most favorable; prescribing


  4   Lotronex to appropriate patients by qualified


  5   physicians; educating physicians, pharmacists, and


  6   patients about the risks and benefits of Lotronex


  7   and how to manage those risks; and providing a


  8   framework for ongoing RMP evaluation.


  9             A key element of making Lotronex available


 10   to a patient population for whom the benefit would


 11   clearly outweigh the risk was revising the


 12   indications statement to establish women with


 13   severe diarrhea-predominant IBS as the target


 14   population for treatment.  On that basis, Lotronex


 15   is currently available for women with severe


 16   diarrhea-predominant IBS who have chronicity of


 17   symptomatology, generally lasting six months or


 18   longer; have had anatomic of biochemical


 19   abnormalities of the GI tract excluded; and have


 20   failed to respond to conventional therapy.


 21             Additionally, diarrhea-predominant IBS is


 22   defined as severe if it includes diarrhea and just




  1   one or more of the following:  frequent and severe


  2   abdominal pain or discomfort, frequent bowel


  3   urgency or fecal incontinence, disability or


  4   restriction of daily activities due to IBS.  And,


  5   again, I would stress that only one of these


  6   criteria are required for the patient to qualify


  7   for treatment--not two, and certainly not all


  8   three.  Only one.  Later in my talk, I'm going to


  9   come back to this description of a 5-percent


 10   estimate for the severe diarrhea-predominant IBS


 11   population.


 12             And, finally, the indications statement


 13   states that in men, the safety and effectiveness of


 14   Lotronex has not been established.


 15             So the four key components of the RMP that


 16   we've developed for Lotronex are:  enrollment of


 17   qualified physicians in a physician prescribing


 18   program; a program to educate physicians,


 19   pharmacists, and patients about IBS and about the


 20   benefits and risks of Lotronex; a reporting and


 21   collection system for serious adverse events


 22   associated with the use of Lotronex; and, finally,




  1   a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the RMP for


  2   Lotronex.  In the rest of my presentation, I'm


  3   going to go through each of these components in


  4   order.


  5             To begin with, we have the prescribing


  6   program for Lotronex, and this was developed to


  7   address the goal of prescribing Lotronex to


  8   appropriate patients by qualified physicians.  This


  9   is a picture of the key steps card that helps the


 10   prescribers navigate their way through the


 11   prescribing program for Lotronex.  It's going to be


 12   difficult for me to use the pointer here in a very


 13   effective way, but you have the slide in front of


 14   you, and I'm going to walk you briefly through some


 15   of the steps.


 16             So the physician, in the upper-left-hand


 17   portion of this chart, decides to enroll in the


 18   prescribing program for Lotronex.  They receive a


 19   prescribing kit that I'm going to describe to you


 20   in a minute.  The physician identifies an


 21   appropriate patient for treatment, goes through a


 22   counseling activity with that patient, gets the




  1   patient to sign the patient-physician agreement


  2   with the physician.  That agreement is then placed


  3   into the patient's chart, and a copy of that is


  4   given to the patient.  The physician at that point


  5   affixes a Lotronex sticker to an original


  6   prescription, and at that point the physician also


  7   encourages the patient to enroll in the patient


  8   follow-up survey for Lotronex.


  9             At that point the patient has a


 10   prescription with a blue sticker on it that they


 11   take to the pharmacist so that the pharmacist can


 12   fill that prescription.  And, again, even the


 13   pharmacist has the opportunity to encourage the


 14   patient to enroll in that patient follow-up survey.


 15             As you can see, this is a fairly complex,


 16   multi-step process.  The act of physician


 17   enrollment actually involves the physician signing


 18   an attestation form that attests to his ability to


 19   diagnose and treat IBS, to diagnose and manage


 20   ischemic colitis, to diagnose and manage


 21   constipation and complications of constipation, as


 22   well as acceptance of responsibilities that include




  1   education, completing the patient-physician


  2   agreement that I've just described, reporting


  3   serious adverse events, and affixing stickers to


  4   prescriptions.  In a while I'll share feedback that


  5   we've received from physicians relative to the


  6   impact of this process on their practice.


  7             The prescribing kit for Lotronex that the


  8   enrolled prescriber gets contains the key steps


  9   card that we've just discussed, prescribing


 10   information, medication guides, patient-physician


 11   agreement forms, the prescribing program stickers,


 12   and the patient follow-up survey pre-enrollment


 13   cards.


 14             These are some of the steps that I've


 15   already described on the key steps card, but,


 16   again, there are a couple of things I'd like you to


 17   note.  First of all, this is what's in the retail


 18   pack that the patient receives.  It's a box that


 19   contains 30 tablets, a package insert, a medication


 20   guide, and the patient survey card.  I have to


 21   remind you that no refills are allowed currently


 22   for Lotronex.  All prescriptions have to be




  1   original, and all prescriptions have to have an


  2   affixed sticker.  There is no faxing, no electronic


  3   transmission of prescriptions for Lotronex.  Those


  4   are not allowed.


  5             In the event that a physician uses up the


  6   supplies in their initial kit, they can call the


  7   coordinating center for the PPL, and that


  8   coordinating center will check their name against


  9   the list of enrolled prescribers, and if they're on


 10   that list, they'll be sent a refill kit.


 11             In the next portion of my presentation,


 12   I'm going to address the educational program that


 13   was developed to support the introduction of


 14   Lotronex.


 15             The educational program for physicians is


 16   anchored by these two modules:  Lotronex Tablets:


 17   Understanding the Risks and Benefits, and Current


 18   Thinking about IBS:  An Educational Review on


 19   Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


 20             In addition to that, 345,000 "Dear Doctor"


 21   letters were mailed at the time of product


 22   reintroduction, and we've put a reminder program in




  1   place that I'll discuss with you in a moment that


  2   provides additional access to key educational


  3   messages for physicians.


  4             For the patient, education consists of the


  5   medication guide, which, again, they can get from


  6   two sources.  They can get that from the physician,


  7   and it's also included in product packaging.


  8             Physician counseling and the requirement


  9   to sign the patient-physician agreement further


 10   reinforces the key product messages contained in


 11   the medication guide.


 12             On the pharmacist level, at the time of


 13   product reintroduction 113,000 "Dear Pharmacist"


 14   letters were mailed.  Through an initiative that's


 15   well outside the scope of normal product launch


 16   activities, we also had 25,000 outbound telephone


 17   calls to pharmacists.  Those calls resulted in over


 18   12,000 requests for additional information on


 19   Lotronex.  We were impressed with this, and we


 20   think that this clearly indicates the potential


 21   power of these types of outreach activities focused


 22   at the pharmacist level.




  1             In addition, we sent an informational


  2   piece on Lotronex to the National Board of State


  3   Pharmacists to be cascaded into the newsletters of


  4   its individual member states.  And, finally, as


  5   with the physician, reminder letters to pharmacists


  6   also provide important information regarding


  7   Lotronex.


  8             There are a large number of additional


  9   educational activities that GSK has implemented to


 10   provide further support for the appropriate use of


 11   Lotronex.  These include a telephone conference


 12   series with physicians, speaker programs,


 13   informational booths at professional society


 14   symposia.  There's a website, and we have call


 15   centers that can answer questions and provide


 16   information on the PPL itself.  It can provide


 17   medical information, and they provide the sources


 18   of information to the practitioner and health care


 19   community.


 20             And, finally, we're also providing


 21   independent grants for IBS education that's


 22   delivered at professional society symposia and




  1   through other communication media.  Again, while


  2   components of this educational program are


  3   obviously targeted towards a prescriber audience,


  4   the materials are available to the general health


  5   care practitioner community as well.


  6             The next element of the RMP that I'd like


  7   to discuss is the reporting and collection of


  8   serious adverse events and adverse events of


  9   special interest associated with the use of


 10   Lotronex.  This essentially comprises a safety


 11   overview.


 12             Again, it's important to remember that


 13   there are some differences in the conditions under


 14   which AEs are reported currently versus the


 15   conditions that existed when the product was


 16   initially marketed.  We currently have a different


 17   target population for Lotronex:  females with


 18   severe diarrhea-predominant IBS, with the


 19   qualifiers that I've already discussed.  Through


 20   our educational program, we believe that we have


 21   better-informed patients and physicians.  We have


 22   an agreement from physicians to report serious




  1   adverse events, and we have the patient survey,


  2   which is proving to be a non-traditional source of


  3   AE information, and the way we're handling that


  4   information will be discussed in just a moment.


  5             So what are our sources for adverse


  6   events?  They consist of the typical spontaneous


  7   reports and reports arising from a clinical trials


  8   program, but they also include the patient


  9   follow-up survey program.


 10             The focus of our adverse event reporting


 11   is on these diagnoses and outcomes of special


 12   interest that were highlight as an area of concern


 13   during the initial marketing period, and those


 14   include ischemic colitis, mesenteric ischemia,


 15   occlusion or infarction, serious constipation,


 16   complications of constipation, as well as outcomes


 17   of special interest like intestinal or anorectal


 18   surgery and death.


 19             Adverse events are reported in a typical


 20   fashion stipulated by the regulations.  We have


 21   expedited reporting for serious, unexpected,


 22   spontaneous reports, and we also have expedited




  1   reports for serious, unexpected, and attributable


  2   survey and clinical trial reports.  But, in


  3   addition, we have a special agreement to expedite


  4   reports for all adverse events of special interest,


  5   regardless of their seriousness or expectedness.


  6             The patient survey that we've been


  7   discussing a little bit is intended to measure


  8   patient knowledge, behavior, and certain RMP


  9   process elements.  But through the process of


 10   either completing these forms in writing or over


 11   the phone, patients occasionally report adverse


 12   events.  As part of the continual process of RMP


 13   evaluation and revision, we have developed a system


 14   for processing this adverse event information


 15   arising from the survey.  To maintain patient


 16   confidentiality within the survey, Research


 17   Triangle Institute de-identifies the information on


 18   the adverse event report and forwards it to GSK.


 19   The GSK pharmacovigilance staff assess these


 20   reports for seriousness as well as special interest


 21   diagnoses.


 22             For those cases assessed as serious or




  1   possibly including diagnoses of special interest,


  2   RTI requests patient consent for GSK follow-up with


  3   the prescriber.  When that consent is granted,


  4   GSK's Pharmacovigilance Department follows up with


  5   the patient's prescriber in a fashion similar to


  6   that that would be used during a spontaneous


  7   reporting context.  And, again, adverse events


  8   arising from the survey are reported to the FDA as


  9   the data warrant.


 10             So what is our experience to date?  From


 11   November 20, 2002, until February 6, 2004, we have


 12   approximately 10,000 patients treated with


 13   Lotronex, or about 34,000 prescriptions.  This has


 14   generated 127 post-marketing AEs, which include all


 15   spontaneous reports plus all patient survey reports


 16   that are deemed to be serious or reports of special


 17   interest as I just described on the previous slide.


 18             Of the 127 post-marketing reports that


 19   we've received, 37 have been considered serious.


 20   Seventy-five percent of these 37 reports were GI in


 21   origin.  What we're going to focus on are the 19


 22   patients or cases that had diagnoses and outcomes




  1   of special interest.


  2             Of the eight reported ischemic colitis


  3   cases, six were medically confirmed.  Those same


  4   six patients had colonoscopic or biopsy findings


  5   consistent with ischemic colitis.  Three of the


  6   eight cases resulted in hospitalization.  All of


  7   the cases of ischemic colitis resolved without


  8   sequelae.  We have no reports of mesenteric


  9   ischemia.  We have no reports of serious


 10   constipation.  We do, however, have eight reports


 11   of complications of constipation.  Three of those


 12   eight reports have been medically confirmed.  Three


 13   involved fecal impaction.  Three were associated


 14   with intestinal obstruction; there was one ileus,


 15   one ulcerated colon.  Three of these eight patients


 16   were hospitalized, and three patients were managed


 17   in the ER only.


 18             Four outcomes of special interest have


 19   been reported.  There is one report of surgery


 20   which could not be confirmed by the patient's


 21   physician.  This same patient also had a diagnosis


 22   of special interest involving a complication of




  1   constipation.  No deaths attributable to Lotronex


  2   have been reported.  Of the three deaths that have


  3   occurred in patients taking Lotronex, two of those


  4   deaths came through the survey process and were


  5   reported by family members.  One of those was in a


  6   patient with cancer, multiple myeloma.  The other


  7   was in an AIDS patient.  The other report that we


  8   have is a physician report of a suspected pulmonary


  9   embolism in an obese patient with a very complex


 10   medical history.


 11             So, in summary, with regard to the safety


 12   of Lotronex, we have not seen any new safety


 13   issues.  Recognizing that we have a very low rate


 14   of prescribing, we feel that the ischemic colitis


 15   and complications of constipation cases that we've


 16   seen are similar to those seen during the original


 17   marketing period, and we believe that the outcomes


 18   associated with those cases are generally less


 19   severe.  We're also pleased by our review of the


 20   individual cases that suggest that prompt and


 21   appropriate action is being taken by the patient


 22   and the physician.  What we're hoping to achieve




  1   here is to change patient and physician behavior.


  2   We believe, in fact, that is what's going on.


  3             But the final component of the risk


  4   management plan involves the implementation of a


  5   plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the Lotronex


  6   risk management program.  This plan consists of


  7   three components:  a retrospective study to compare


  8   the roster of physicians identified in a general


  9   prescription database as prescribers of Lotronex


 10   with a roster of physicians enrolled in the PPL,


 11   the prescribing program for Lotronex; the patient


 12   follow-up survey program that we've mentioned; as


 13   well as a longitudinal, claims-based observational


 14   study program.


 15             First, the physician roster comparison.


 16   This is a study to compare physicians prescribing


 17   Lotronex within and outside of the prescribing


 18   program for Lotronex.  The way that's accomplished


 19   is when the M.D. sends the enrollment form to the


 20   database vendor, the vendor sends that enrollment


 21   data to GSK.  In parallel with that, GSK purchases


 22   a prescription data set from MDC Health.  Those two




  1   data sets are compared against each other, and


  2   through that process we determine who is


  3   prescribing within and outside of the program, and


  4   that information is reported to the FDA on a


  5   quarterly basis.


  6             So what have we learned?  These are the


  7   data that we have generated to date.  As you can


  8   see, the number of prescribing program for Lotronex


  9   enrolled prescribers has generally remained at or


 10   above 80 percent since the program was initiated.


 11   We're actually quite pleased with this aspect of


 12   the RMP.  This is the pattern of prescribing by


 13   physician specialty for the quarter beginning


 14   October 2003, which is representative of our


 15   overall experience.  Prescribing, as you can see,


 16   is being driven primarily by the


 17   gastroenterologists.  I think what is even more


 18   important is, of the prescriptions that have


 19   actually been written, 87 percent of those


 20   prescriptions had been written within the


 21   prescribing program for Lotronex, and we believe


 22   that that's a very good result.




  1             In the initial marketing period, 50,000


  2   physicians were prescribing Lotronex.  Currently,


  3   only 5,053 have even enrolled to prescribe Lotronex


  4   through the prescribing program for Lotronex.  What


  5   is particularly disconcerting is the fact that


  6   approximately half of the few prescribers who have


  7   enrolled have not written a single prescription.


  8   This may be a reflection of some of the RMP


  9   barriers that I'm going to discuss in a few


 10   moments.


 11             And, again, part of the evaluation and


 12   revision of an RMP program, we've developed a


 13   follow-up system for non-prescribing-program


 14   prescribers.  When these prescribers are first


 15   identified, an enrollment kit is forwarded to the


 16   prescriber.  In addition, we forward a reminder


 17   letter to the prescriber's local pharmacy.  If


 18   there is a second occurrence of prescribing by a


 19   particular non-enrolled prescriber, we forward them


 20   a reminder letter.  If they transgress a third


 21   time, we forward a firmer reminder letter to them.


 22             Now, the response to this process to date




  1   is hard to determine, but overall what we're seeing


  2   is 75 percent of these non-enrolled prescribers


  3   comply in some way; 25 percent of them actually


  4   enroll and 50 percent of them stop prescribing


  5   Lotronex.  And, again, this is a very dynamic


  6   situation.  It can wax and wane over quarters, but,


  7   in general, this has been the response to this


  8   follow-up process.


  9             Let's talk about the patient follow-up


 10   survey program, which is the next element of the


 11   RMP that we'd like to discuss.


 12             The objectives of this program are to


 13   assess patient knowledge of the risks and benefit


 14   of Lotronex to assess patient behavior in relation


 15   to the recommendations in the risk management


 16   program and assess the extent to which the patient


 17   satisfies the product labeling requirements for


 18   treatment with Lotronex.


 19             This is a flow diagram of how this survey


 20   process works.  We receive the pre-enrollment card,


 21   and upon receipt of that, an enrollment package is


 22   forwarded to the patient, and that starts the




  1   survey cascade, as you'll see on the left-hand


  2   side.  If we don't receive survey forms back from


  3   the patient in prescribed time frames, there's


  4   actually a contact from RTI to the patient to


  5   encourage them to complete and return those forms


  6   to us.


  7             So, to date, we have a 42-percent


  8   pre-enrollment rate for all patients who have


  9   received a prescription for Lotronex; 55 percent of


 10   those were issued by the prescribing physician.


 11   And, again, we didn't expect that.  That's a little


 12   bit atypical.  It's much higher than we expected.


 13             Most of the patients that we see in the


 14   survey are middle-aged patients that are typical of


 15   the population that you would expect to be


 16   receiving drug and having diarrhea-predominant IBS.


 17   Eighteen percent of the patients are over the age


 18   of 65 years, and 7 percent of the patients are


 19   indeed male.  Thirty-six percent of the patients


 20   that receive a prescription have actually completed


 21   the baseline survey form and entered the survey


 22   proper.




  1             So, again, I think you can see from this


  2   table that what we've enrolled in this patient


  3   follow-up survey program is a very motivated cohort


  4   of patients.  Recognizing the grace period for


  5   receipt of follow-up questionnaires from patients


  6   for whom that follow-up period has expired and


  7   questionnaire responses were due, I think you can


  8   see that almost all of those responses have been


  9   received across time.  So, again, it seems like a


 10   very motivated cohort of patients, and they're


 11   doing their homework and sending it in.


 12             What have we learned about these patients?


 13   Well, this table indicates that there's a very high


 14   rate of compliance with the key elements of the RMP


 15   process and also demonstrates that the discussions


 16   and activities that we wanted to have occur are


 17   indeed occurring.  I think you can see 97 percent


 18   of the patients discuss with the doctor how


 19   Lotronex can help them; 95 percent discuss the


 20   reasons with the doctor why you would discontinue


 21   Lotronex; 91 percent have received the medication


 22   guide; 87 percent recall that a blue sticker was,




  1   in fact, put on their prescription.  So, again,


  2   from a compliance perspective, we're pleased at


  3   what we see coming through the patient follow-up


  4   survey.


  5             Importantly, as far as patient


  6   appropriateness for treatment is concerned, this


  7   table shows that this survey cohort comprises an


  8   appropriate patient population for treatment with


  9   Lotronex.  Ninety percent of these patients met the


 10   treatment and severity criteria.  And, again, if


 11   you look at the individual criteria for treatment,


 12   95 percent have diarrhea; 98 percent had IBS for


 13   more than six months, the chronicity that we were


 14   looking for; 96 percent had previous treatments for


 15   IBS; and 97 percent have said they had inadequate


 16   relief of symptoms.  And, again, we believe that


 17   these are clear indicators of patient


 18   appropriateness.


 19             If you look at the severity conditions


 20   that are required--and, again, I'll remind you that


 21   only one of these is required to qualify the


 22   patient for treatment, not all three.  You have




  1   cramps or bloating present in 87 percent, ranging


  2   up to a somewhat or very hard life in almost all of


  3   these survey patients.  And if you look at the


  4   presence of all three severity conditions within an


  5   individual patient, you see that 80 percent of


  6   these patients have what you would describe as


  7   very, very severe DIBS.  They have all of the


  8   severity conditions.  And, again, I'll remind you


  9   that only one was required to qualify a patient for


 10   treatment.  So I think this is a potential RMP


 11   impact issue that we're going to come back to at


 12   the end of the discussion.


 13             The final component of the RMP evaluation


 14   is a program of longitudinal claims-based


 15   observational studies.  The objectives of this


 16   program are to describe or characterize patients


 17   receiving Lotronex, to describe or characterize


 18   compliance with the prescribing program for


 19   Lotronex, and to evaluate the incidence of events


 20   in patients treated with Lotronex versus an


 21   appropriate comparison group.


 22             These are three database sources that




  1   comprise the longitudinal studies.  In the


  2   aggregate we have approximately 8.5 million covered


  3   lives in this program.  Again, recognizing that


  4   there's a lag period of about six months from the


  5   prescription to potential data extraction, 121


  6   users of Lotronex have been identified through


  7   September of last year, the majority of which have


  8   come from the Engenics(ph) database.  These 121


  9   users received 277 dispensings of Lotronex and


 10   seemed to fit a pattern consistent with data that's


 11   been collected from other portions of the RMP; 89


 12   percent of the patients are female; 69 of the first


 13   dispensings are coming from gastroenterologists.


 14   Importantly, this is an RMP process check:  70


 15   percent of the patients' records did contain a


 16   signed patient-physician agreement.  And,


 17   obviously, it probably goes without saying that


 18   program viability is being impacted by low product


 19   uptake.


 20             At this point, I'd like to take a moment


 21   to give you our overall evaluation of the


 22   implementation of the risk management program for




  1   Lotronex.


  2             We certainly believe that we have


  3   successfully implemented all of the elements of


  4   this complex, integrated risk management program.


  5   We are pleased by the number of physicians


  6   prescribing within the PPL context, but we're even


  7   more reassured by the fact that the overall number


  8   of prescriptions coming out of the PPL is so high


  9   at 87 percent.  Data from the patient follow-up


 10   survey program indicates that the key product use


 11   that we wanted to have delivered to the patient by


 12   the physician is, in fact, being delivered and that


 13   the patients being selected for treatment are


 14   appropriate.


 15             We believe that patient and physician


 16   behavior is consistent with the goals of the RMP.


 17   Recognizing once again that we have a very low


 18   prescribing rate, we still feel that qualitatively


 19   the adverse events and special interests that we


 20   have observed are few and the outcomes being


 21   observed are generally less severe.


 22             We have entered into this process of




  1   continual RMP evaluation and revision, and through


  2   that process we've devised a program for follow-up


  3   for non-prescribers.  We've revised the patient


  4   survey questionnaires to include new questions.


  5   And we've developed a reporting paradigm for


  6   adverse event information arising from the patient


  7   follow-up survey.


  8             While we certainly believe that the RMP


  9   has been successfully implemented, we also feel


 10   that there is still much work to be done to


 11   optimize product availability to appropriate


 12   patients.  For the remainder of the presentation,


 13   I'm going to focus on the key issues that have


 14   arisen regarding the impact of the risk management


 15   program on product use relative to Lotronex.  These


 16   issues are certainly instructive in a general sense


 17   when one considers the use of these risk management


 18   interventions for other products.


 19             So the issues that I'm going to focus on


 20   really are impact of the RMP on the practitioner


 21   and patient, which can be collectively viewed as


 22   potential product access issues, and the impact of




  1   the RMP on some of its individual components.


  2             These are sources of feedback and data


  3   that we've been collecting on the RMP.  We've done


  4   some fairly unique physician- and patient-focused


  5   field research.  We have information coming out of


  6   our clinical trials programs.  We have interactions


  7   between our sales force members and practitioners.


  8   We have information coming into our customer


  9   response center.  And we have interactions with our


 10   key opinion leaders.


 11             What are we learning?  At the prescriber


 12   level, we've received considerable feedback on this


 13   attestation process.  Physicians are unaccustomed


 14   to signing a document like this and feel that


 15   somehow there's been a unique transfer of liability


 16   from GSK to the prescriber.  One might wonder if


 17   that isn't being somehow reflected in the fact that


 18   treatment seems to be being reserved right now for


 19   patients that only have the most severe


 20   presentation of severe diarrhea-predominant IBS.


 21   In addition, physicians feel that having to sign an


 22   attestation form is an affront to their




  1   professional training and somehow constitutes an


  2   unnecessary duplication of the licensure process.


  3   So one of the questions that we're dealing with


  4   right now is:  Is there a less intrusive way to


  5   ensure prescribing by appropriate physicians with a


  6   focus more on education rather than attestation?


  7             As you've already heard this afternoon,


  8   we've learned that fulfilling the RMP requirements


  9   is time-consuming and falls well outside of the


 10   normal clinical practice patterns.  There's also


 11   some uncertainty regarding the origin and purpose


 12   of the RMP.  Some people believe it's an IND study.


 13   People genuinely misunderstand the current


 14   marketing context for Lotronex.  To us, this


 15   represents a communication or education challenge


 16   that needs to be addressed for Lotronex.  But,


 17   again, it needs to be proactively considered in the


 18   implementation of other RMPs.  We need to address


 19   that confusion before it occurs.


 20             As previously mentioned, physicians have


 21   also expressed some confusion about the importance


 22   or utility of certain labeling statements like the




  1   statement that the severe diarrhea-predominant IBS


  2   population comprises about 5 percent of the total


  3   IBS population.  They really don't know how to use


  4   that information when considering whether or not


  5   the patient that they're looking at should be


  6   treated with Lotronex.  So it's information that


  7   confuses rather than enlightens.


  8             From the patient perspective, we've


  9   learned that the language in the product labeling


 10   tends to frighten the patients rather than inform


 11   them.  We are getting this message clearly from our


 12   field research, but even more importantly, this is


 13   a clear message coming out of our clinical trials


 14   program, and that's a context where we believe that


 15   patients typically feel safer receiving medication


 16   because of the oversight that they get.


 17             In our current clinical trial program, 28


 18   percent of the patients who were screened for study


 19   inclusion who the physicians believe would


 20   otherwise be appropriate for Lotronex therapy


 21   refused to participate because, after reading study


 22   information that's similar to product labeling,




  1   they stated that they were afraid to take Lotronex.


  2   And, again, this is a phenomenon that we don't have


  3   any precedent for within our GSK clinical research


  4   programs.


  5             And, finally, there is this requirement to


  6   sign a special document, this patient-physician


  7   agreement, that is somewhat disconcerting to some


  8   potential patients.  Again, it's something unusual,


  9   they don't typically have to do it, and it gives


 10   them pause.


 11             As far as the claims-based observational


 12   studies are concerned, again, it's obvious that the


 13   low physician-patient uptake has had a serious


 14   effect on this program.  Currently we have 10,000


 15   patients and have extracted data from 121.  At the


 16   current rate of prescribing, where we need 2,000


 17   patients to support meaningful analyses, we would


 18   need 155,000 patients treated with the drug, and


 19   that could take 15 years at the current rate.  So,


 20   again, this is a problem that we're going to have


 21   to address as we move forward.


 22             Again, you know, we certainly believe that




  1   we've successfully implemented the RMP for Lotronex


  2   and are effectively managing risk.  However, we


  3   have identified a number of RMP-related issues that


  4   may be posing a barrier to access by appropriate


  5   patients.  And our ultimate goal is to modify the


  6   RMP to improve product access for appropriate


  7   physicians and patients while continuing to


  8   effectively manage the risk.


  9             Ten thousand patients have received


 10   Lotronex since the product was reintroduced.


 11   Current estimates from the literature suggest that


 12   the severe DIBS population ranges in size from


 13   111,000 to perhaps as high as 2.9 million.  It is


 14   not 10,000.  We will continue to work with the FDA


 15   to close this apparent gap between patients who


 16   need Lotronex and those who are receiving it.


 17             And with that, in the interest of time and


 18   out of respect for the mental health of the


 19   Advisory Committee, I will stop talking and yield


 20   to the podium to Dr. Justice.


 21             DR. GROSS:  Thank you very much, Dr. Metz.


 22             The next speaker is Dr. Robert Justice,




  1   Director, Division of Gastrointestinal and


  2   Coagulation Drug Products, who will give the FDA


  3   update on Lotronex.


        x                   DR. JUSTICE:  Good afternoon.  I would             



  5   like to take a few minutes to discuss our view of


  6   the Lotronex update that you've been provided.


  7             I will cover six topics:  background on


  8   the adverse event and marketing situation around


  9   the time of withdrawal and on discussions about how


 10   to provide access; risk management goals and how


 11   they are being met; patient access issues;


 12   physician enrollment process issues; labeling and


 13   the tension between informing and frightening; and,


 14   finally, our conclusions.


 15             This slide is taken from a presentation at


 16   the April 2002 Joint Advisory Committee meeting and


 17   presents data on the number of cases of ischemic


 18   colitis, small bowel ischemia, and serious


 19   complications associated with--complications of


 20   constipation associated with Lotronex during the


 21   period of initial marketing in 2000.


 22             For ischemic colitis, there were 18 cases




  1   in the clinical trials, 84 cases in post-marketing,


  2   for a total of 102 cases, with 11 surgeries and two


  3   deaths.  For serious complications of constipation,


  4   there were 11 cases in the clinical trials, 113


  5   post-marketing, for a total of 124 cases, with 35


  6   surgeries and two deaths.


  7             In 2000, there were approximately 534,000


  8   prescriptions and 275,000 patients.  Off-label uses


  9   included diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease,


 10   custodial care, managing nursing home patients, and


 11   constipation-phenomenon irritable bowel syndrome.


 12             The prescribers at that time were


 13   predominantly primary care physicians:  32 percent


 14   were general practitioners or family practitioners,


 15   24 percent were internists, and 31 percent were


 16   gastroenterologists.


 17             Given the adverse events of ischemic


 18   colitis, small bowel ischemia, and serious


 19   complications of constipation, four options were


 20   considered:  restricted distribution to


 21   gastroenterologists only; IND access; suspension of


 22   marketing until a hearing before an advisory




  1   committee; and withdrawal.


  2             As you've heard GlaxoSmithKline chose to


  3   withdraw the drug from the market in November of


  4   2000.  In 2001, access became an issue, and


  5   approximately 5,000 e-mails from patients were


  6   received by the FDA.


  7             In 2002, GlaxoSmithKline and the FDA


  8   agreed upon a restricted distribution and risk


  9   management program, and Lotronex was reintroduced


 10   into the market.


 11             The Lotronex risk management program


 12   includes four goals.  The first is enrollment of


 13   qualified physicians in a physician prescribing


 14   program.  A decision was made to allow enrollment


 15   of physicians possessing certain qualifications for


 16   diagnosing and managing IBS and drug adverse events


 17   as opposed to certifying physicians by developing a


 18   whole new program of education and certification.


 19   Physician attestation of qualifications is allowed,


 20   and this is not a precedent for FDA or for


 21   physician maintenance of privileges or licensure.


 22   Participating physicians must attest that they are




  1   knowledgeable of the benefits and risks of Lotronex


  2   and about the management of IBS and drug adverse


  3   events.  The attestation and the patient-physician


  4   agreement include features of informed consent so


  5   that patients and physicians are fully able to


  6   decide about the appropriateness of Lotronex


  7   treatment.


  8             The second goal is the implementation of a


  9   program to educate physicians, pharmacists, and


 10   patients about the risks and benefits of Lotronex.


 11             The third goal is the implementation of a


 12   reporting and collection system for serious adverse


 13   events.


 14             The fourth goal is the implementation of a


 15   plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the Lotronex


 16   risk management program.  We believe that these


 17   goals are being achieved.


 18             Regarding the issue of patient access,


 19   GlaxoSmithKline estimates that there are 185,000


 20   women with severe IBS in the U.S.; however, as


 21   you've heard, only about 10,000 have tried the


 22   drug.  Whether additional women will seek treatment




  1   is unclear.  Some will decide not to start Lotronex


  2   after discussion of the risks and benefits.  Others


  3   who start the drug may not continue.  In the


  4   clinical trials that excluded severe diarrhea


  5   patients, those on Lotronex had a 13- to 16-percent


  6   increase over placebo in the median percentage of


  7   days with urgency control.  In the subset of


  8   patients with urgency at baseline on five or more


  9   days per week, there were 13 to 21 percent more


 10   patients on Lotronex compared to placebo, with


 11   urgency no more than one day in the last week of


 12   the trial.


 13             The goal of GlaxoSmithKline and FDA is to


 14   ensure access to patients whose


 15   diarrhea-predominant IBS is so severe that they


 16   will reap the benefits of the drug over its risks


 17   and be under the care of qualified physicians.  We


 18   are working together to try to identify unintended


 19   barriers to patient access.


 20             Regarding the physician enrollment


 21   process, physician responsibilities in the


 22   prescribing program must be clear, and the program




  1   still needs to ensure that only qualified


  2   physicians are enrolled.  These doctors must attest


  3   to their abilities and knowledge and take on


  4   responsibilities such as patient counseling,


  5   reporting of adverse events, and applying Lotronex


  6   blue stickers on prescriptions so pharmacists will


  7   know that they're enrolled in GSK's prescribing


  8   plan.


  9             Not all physicians may wish to accept


 10   these responsibilities or are able to manage the


 11   disease and drug adverse events.  However,


 12   GlaxoSmithKline and FDA are looking at ways to


 13   improve the physician enrollment process and are


 14   evaluating other possible means of attestation to


 15   ensure qualifications.  For example, phone-in


 16   attestations may be an option as well as the


 17   current fax-in forms.


 18             As was mentioned, there is a perception of


 19   liability transfer to the physician.  Perhaps the


 20   fact that liability is not being transferred can be


 21   made clearer.


 22             Regarding the issue of labeling, there's a




  1   tension between describing risks that may be


  2   frightening and providing adequate information to


  3   allow patients and physicians to make informed


  4   decisions.  FDA will consider labeling changes that


  5   enhance clarity and education.  However, any


  6   changes in the labeling such as the indications


  7   must be supported by clinical trials data on


  8   effectiveness and safety.  In addition, the


  9   labeling must include accurate information on the


 10   magnitude and severity of adverse events.


 11             In conclusion, we recognize that there is


 12   a tension between managing risk, providing access


 13   to the drug, ensuring appropriate use, and business


 14   considerations.  How drugs are used is influenced


 15   by many parties in the health care system.  We


 16   think there may be room for improvements in the


 17   risk communication and processes and are working


 18   with GlaxoSmithKline on them.  Overall, at the


 19   present time the risk management program appears to


 20   be managing risk and assuring appropriate use.


 21             At this point I would like to open it up


 22   to committee questions of GlaxoSmithKline, FDA, and




  1   for further discussion.  Thank you.


        x                   DR. GROSS:  Thank you, Dr. Justice.               2


  3             Are there any questions from the committee


  4   members for any of the speakers?  Jackie?


  5             DR. GARDNER:  Two points of clarification,


  6   if Dr. Metz could help me.  The first is whether


  7   there is any restriction on the quantity of drug


  8   that can be prescribed.  I appreciate that your


  9   packages come in 30s, but a prescription for 90 is


 10   allowable, for example.  Is the quantity


 11   restricted?


 12             DR. METZ:  Right now, what we're requiring


 13   is a prescription--what we're providing to the


 14   patient is a package of 30.  It is possible that a


 15   physician could prescribe multiples of that.  But I


 16   don't think we have any direct data on whether that


 17   is, in fact, happening and on what scale it's


 18   happening.


 19             DR. GARDNER:  But it's not prescribed by


 20   the program.


 21             DR. METZ:  No.


 22             DR. GARDNER:  And the second question I




  1   have relates also to access but to the


  2   post-marketing surveillance.  Regarding your


  3   population-based surveillance, do you know whether


  4   this drug is on the formularies of those HMOs?


  5             DR. METZ:  You're going to have to speak


  6   to a microphone, Bob.


  7             DR. SANDLER:  Right now our estimate is


  8   that 87 percent of prescriptions are reimbursed in


  9   some fashion when covered through managed care.  So


 10   it may not necessarily be on a formulary, but it


 11   will be covered.


 12             DR. GROSS:  Stephanie?


 13             DR. GARDNER:  Dr. Metz, I'm sorry.  That


 14   doesn't answer our question, because if it's not on


 15   those formularies, you're not going to find scrips,


 16   and there's no point in doing the post-marketing


 17   surveillance


 18             DR. METZ:  Dr. Gurwitz?


 19             DR. GURWITZ:  My name is Jerry Gurwitz.  I


 20   represent the HMO research network CERT, the Center


 21   for Education and Research on Therapeutics, that is


 22   conducting one of the studies, and nine health




  1   plans are involved in our study, our component of


  2   the epidemiology program.  In all of the health


  3   plans involved in our study, the drug is available.


  4   The access to prescribing the drug varies according


  5   to the plan.  Many of the plans require prior


  6   approval for a prescription.  But none of the plans


  7   forbid prescribing, and all of the plans, if


  8   approval is given, will allow it to be prescribed.


  9             DR. GROSS:  Okay.  Stephanie?


 10             DR. CRAWFORD:  Thank you.


 11             Dr. Metz, in slide 46 on patient


 12   appropriateness--this is the one where you have the


 13   categories for men and women and overall met


 14   treatment and severity criteria for women, 90


 15   percent, men, 84.  I have actually two questions.


 16             My first one is:  Why is the men not zero


 17   based on the label indications?


 18             DR. METZ:  Well, there's a difference


 19   here.  It's not indicated for use in men, but men


 20   that are using it can still meet the criteria for


 21   treatment.  So there's a difference here.  You


 22   know, the question is:  If we had a box in there




  1   that said women for whom it was--or patients for


  2   whom it was indicated, then you'd have a number for


  3   females, but for men you would have zero because


  4   it's not indicated for use in men.  But now the


  5   real question is:  Of the men that receive


  6   Lotronex, did they have the disease that would have


  7   qualified them for treatment for Lotronex?  And the


  8   answer to that is 84 percent of them did have the


  9   disease.  Is that--


 10             DR. CRAWFORD:  I understood how it was


 11   meant.  I guess I'm asking are you--the second


 12   question, which is not so quick, is:  You were


 13   rather general in some of the things you were


 14   alluding to, saying perhaps things from the


 15   sponsor's perspective could be handled through


 16   education, et cetera.  Can you be more specific?


 17   And as part of that, are you also saying that


 18   perhaps the indications should include men or not?


 19             DR. METZ:  No, again, right now we're not


 20   considering any change in the indications statement


 21   because, as Dr. Justice has suggested, those types


 22   of changes are going to require data from




  1   additional clinical research.


  2             I think what we're looking at and, again,


  3   what we're working with the FDA on is looking at


  4   the product information, the product labeling, and


  5   trying to provide a little more balance, trying to


  6   present the information in such a way that it's not


  7   naturally intimidating or frightening to the


  8   patients.  So, you know, we're looking at making


  9   modifications that provide balance and clarity, and


 10   I think that's the approach that we're trying to


 11   take as far as the risk management program is


 12   concerned.


 13             And as far as the attestation process, as


 14   Dr. Justice mentioned, we're taking a look at that


 15   and seeing where the points of tension are between


 16   the physician attestation process and see if


 17   there's another way to address it to take some of


 18   the venom out of that, if you will, and make it


 19   more acceptable to the practitioner.


 20             Again, that's an area that we just have to


 21   focus on because the feedback that we've gotten


 22   from the field indicates that that's an issue for




  1   some of the practitioners.


  2             DR. GROSS:  You mentioned that 80 percent


  3   of the prescribers were in PPL.


  4             DR. METZ:  Right.


  5             DR. GROSS:  How did the other 20 percent


  6   write for the drug?  And why was it honored?


  7             DR. METZ:  Okay.  Well, they can write a


  8   prescription for the drug.  There is no mechanism


  9   that we have to keep them from doing that.  But it


 10   would be akin to a physician writing an off-label


 11   prescription for a product, which they have the


 12   right to do.


 13             Now, at the pharmacy level, obviously,


 14   there is a little bit of tension created because


 15   for the pharmacists that are aware of the program,


 16   they're faced with filling a prescription that


 17   doesn't have a sticker on it and what they're going


 18   to do about that.


 19             So, again, we've addressed that with some


 20   of our follow-up information.  We have that


 21   follow-up letter that goes to the pharmacist when


 22   we've identified non-enrolled prescribers, just




  1   reminding them that this is the program that's in


  2   place for Lotronex and, you know, encouraging them


  3   to hopefully contact the prescriber and say, you


  4   know:  Are you enrolled?  I got a letter from GSK


  5   or from the prescribing program for Lotronex that


  6   says there ought to be a sticker on these


  7   prescriptions.


  8             But, again, we can't force that


  9   conversation to occur, and what we're finding is 13


 10   percent of the prescriptions that are written are


 11   coming outside of the program.


 12             But, again, you know, we have no benchmark


 13   against which to judge that, but 87 percent is


 14   pretty encouraging to us, frankly.  We're very


 15   relieved because we had no idea what would happen.


 16             DR. GROSS:  And from the patient's point


 17   of view, I guess it's not possible in the current


 18   program, but would it be possible once the patient


 19   and the physician work out their agreement to have


 20   the patient obtain prescription renewals, let's


 21   say, for the next two monthly ones, attain them


 22   without a visit and maybe just see the physician




  1   four times a year instead of monthly for


  2   prescription renewal?


  3             DR. METZ:  That's an excellent point, and


  4   oddly enough, we're in some discussion around how


  5   to address that issue.  Because, again, I think


  6   with these risk management programs, you start out


  7   in one place, and after you've had some experience


  8   with the product being marketed under those types


  9   of programs, you use the data to decide where to go


 10   next.  And I think we feel that maybe the time is


 11   right to take a look at this refill procedure and,


 12   as you've suggested, make sure that the important


 13   conversations occur first early on.  But then after


 14   that, once the patient is in a "stable situation,"


 15   perhaps you could provide for refills and, again,


 16   reduce the need for those recurrent visits.  I


 17   think that's a very good point.


 18             DR. GROSS:  Henri?


 19             DR. MANASSE:  Dr. Metz, I have two


 20   questions.  One relates to the intense time that it


 21   takes both physicians and pharmacists to


 22   participate in this program and do the required




  1   safety net activities.  What kind of dialogue has


  2   gone on within GSK to deal with the time, cost,


  3   financing component of the management of the


  4   program?  Question number one.


  5             Question number two:  Have you explored


  6   all of the different places and mechanisms by which


  7   prescriptions get filled by patients and the fact


  8   that all of these different ways probably require


  9   different ways of managing the program?  I refer


 10   specifically to where the patient has a choice in


 11   terms of going to pharmacies, both in hospitals and


 12   in communities, versus forced mail-order, for


 13   example, in some health plans--my point being,


 14   again, and my question relating then to how have


 15   you thought about these issues, and are there ways


 16   that these can be tinkered with, if you will, to


 17   enhance the participation of providers?


 18             DR. METZ:  Let me try to answer the first


 19   question first, as best I can remember it, and that


 20   was with regard, if I understand it, to the


 21   internal burden with GSK of running this very


 22   complex program--




  1             DR. MANASSE:  It's placed on the providers


  2   and the time and energy that it takes and the


  3   problems of remuneration we heard from one of the


  4   speakers today.


  5             DR. METZ:  Well, you know, again, if I


  6   understand the question, we are looking into that


  7   issue, and we're trying to decide which of these


  8   points should be addressed--you know, what points


  9   could be addressed to relieve as much of that


 10   burden or tension as possible, while maintaining


 11   the integrity of the RMP framework itself.  And,


 12   you know, it's a balancing act, and we're into


 13   those discussions with the agency, and we're going


 14   to look for ways to make this less onerous without


 15   undermining the integrity of the system that we


 16   believe has worked fairly well up to this point.


 17             DR. GROSS:  Brian--


 18             DR. METZ:  Now, there was a second


 19   question, and that second question was really have


 20   we looked into the other mechanisms or avenues for


 21   patients filling prescriptions and whether, in


 22   fact, there are any barriers there that we didn't




  1   envision that we should perhaps address moving


  2   forward.  And, honestly, we have not looked into


  3   that right now.  We'd be interested in hearing some


  4   views on that because I think that's a very


  5   important point.  And, again, we've been, you know,


  6   dealing with this, but I think as we move forward


  7   and if we consider some other ways to address the


  8   refill phenomenon, that's got to come into play.


  9             So, again, we'd be interested in hearing


 10   some advice about that.


 11             DR. STROM:  I have two questions.  One is:


 12   When we met about this two years ago, one of the


 13   ideas of the attestation and the debate about


 14   attestation and certification and


 15   gastroenterologists, primary care doc, was the goal


 16   to have this drug prescribed by a subset of


 17   physicians who really knew how to use the drug.


 18   And given the numbers you just described about


 19   10,000 patients and 5,000 docs, or even 2,500 docs


 20   prescribing it, that's an average of four patients


 21   per physician, which isn't very impressive.


 22             What proportion of patients are getting




  1   their prescriptions from physicians who are


  2   prescribing it to more than one patient?


  3             DR. METZ:  I think we have a slide on


  4   that.  Yes, we've got a bar graph with the numbers


  5   of prescriptions.  Just a second.  We'll see if we


  6   can find that.


  7             But you're right, again, if


  8   you--recognizing that no refills are allowed, some


  9   of those numbers that you see are original


 10   prescriptions for the same patients, so you're


 11   absolutely right, the number of patients per


 12   physicians who do choose to treat is pretty low.


 13             DR. STROM:  But, if anything, that argues


 14   there should be fewer certified physicians rather


 15   than more.


 16             DR. METZ:  Okay.  Here we go.  Here's the


 17   prescribing activity, and what we see here, this is


 18   total numbers of prescriptions.  And, again, it


 19   gets hard to put a denominator with that because we


 20   don't have any refills that are allowed.  But,


 21   anyway, I think what you can see is in the one to


 22   five range, very negligible.  There are a few, a




  1   few more actually, roughly twice as many dedicated


  2   prescribers, if you will, that are driving


  3   prescriptions beyond six to ten, out to greater


  4   than 15 prescriptions.  But it's a very small


  5   cohort.


  6             DR. STROM:  The second question:  As you


  7   were talking about, one of the key issues here is


  8   mitigate risk, and when dealt with this two years


  9   ago, one of the concerning questions, obviously


 10   through no fault of anybody, is that there was no


 11   way to predict--let me back up.  It appeared that a


 12   relatively small subset of patients actually


 13   benefited from it.  We saw two sets of data


 14   indicating only about 10 percent of patients


 15   continued the drug long term for a symptomatic


 16   drug, and it looks like that's what happening again


 17   now that the drug is on the market.  So there's


 18   only a small subset of people who get the drug who


 19   will benefit.  And there were no risk factors that


 20   were identified in the data then that could predict


 21   who was likely to benefit and who was not.


 22             In the same way, the risk of suffering a




  1   serious event is obviously much less than 10


  2   percent, but even in your new experience here with


  3   incomplete reporting, it's still one in 300


  4   patients suffering serious events.  And part of the


  5   problem is, at least as of two years ago, we


  6   couldn't predict who would benefit.  We also


  7   couldn't predict who would be hurt.  So that the


  8   only way to mitigate the risk was to restrict its


  9   access and to, in fact, limit it to as few people


 10   as possible, because 100 percent of the people who


 11   got the drug would be at risk of getting the


 12   adverse events, where only roughly 10 percent of


 13   the people who got the drug would benefit from the


 14   drug.


 15             In the interim, where you've got other


 16   clinical trials underway and additional experience,


 17   are there any more data you could share with us


 18   that would give information about predictors of


 19   either who is likely to be that 10 percent who


 20   benefit or who is likely to be in that one in 300


 21   who will suffer serious adverse events?


 22             DR. METZ:  No, we don't have any new




  1   information.  Our clinical trials program is


  2   ongoing, and, again, we just simply don't have that


  3   information available as we sit here today.  And,


  4   again, you're absolutely right, the ischemic


  5   colitis we believe is idiosyncratic; therefore, we


  6   can't predict.


  7             However, what we do think that we're


  8   seeing here is some improvements in the outcomes,


  9   and, again, our goal for this risk management


 10   program was not based on a target number but was


 11   based on changing behavior, prompt recognition and


 12   action on behalf of the patient and physician.  So


 13   that's where we are right now.


 14             DR. STROM:  But just as a follow-up


 15   comment, the logic of two years ago, which you're


 16   describing to me still holds, is if you can't


 17   predict who's going to benefit and you can't


 18   predict who's going to be hurt from it, the only


 19   answer is--we didn't want it unavailable because we


 20   thought there were people who clearly needed it,


 21   but the only alternative was to greatly limit its


 22   access as much as possible.




  1             DR. METZ:  Well, again, you know, we feel


  2   that with this specified target population, we've


  3   got a target population for whom we believe the


  4   benefits will outweigh the risk.  And we believe


  5   it's an appropriate target population for


  6   treatment, and we believe within this framework


  7   that we have developed here, risk can be


  8   effectively managed and people can have the


  9   opportunity to benefit from Lotronex.  And I think


 10   that's what we're trying to provide here is that


 11   opportunity.  So, you know, we'll finish our


 12   clinical trials program and hopefully be generating


 13   some data that we can share in the future.  But we


 14   are where we are.


 15             DR. GROSS:  Robyn has the next question.


 16             MS. SHAPIRO:  I think this may pick up


 17   some of that.  As I understand it, then, part of


 18   the qualification requirements for the doctor is so


 19   that he or she could properly manage in the event


 20   of something bad happening.  But it's not clear to


 21   me from your presentation about what you want to do


 22   about what you've already put in place to try to




  1   make that happen.  In other words, the perception


  2   of the liability transfer I think is ridiculous,


  3   and they will always be afraid about that and upset


  4   about that.  You're not going to answer that.


  5             Anytime when you want to require qualified


  6   people, that's an affront, I guess, to licensure


  7   and training.  But if you believe that that's


  8   important to be able to pick up--I don't think that


  9   any of these issues are significant enough or even


 10   credible to go back on the required training thing.


 11             DR. METZ:  Let me just address that


 12   question in two ways.  First of all, we're not


 13   talking about completely walking away from


 14   something.  What we're talking about is trying to


 15   modify what seemed to be perhaps the most offensive


 16   elements of it.  They don't like the signature


 17   process.  So, you know, as Dr. Justice has


 18   suggested, is there another process to ensure that


 19   they're qualified yet somehow or another doesn't


 20   serve as an affront to them and recognizes some of


 21   those sensitivities.  But, actually, I'd like to


 22   let Dr. Sandler address just some comments from his




  1   perspective on this process and some of these


  2   intangibles, if you will.


  3             DR. SANDLER:  I think that as a physician


  4   the program has incredible barriers and I think


  5   it's hard to convey.  And to sit down with a


  6   patient and ask them to sign this form I think is


  7   insulting for physicians and somewhat demeaning.


  8             I think to be able to give the patient an


  9   information sheet and to sit down with them and say


 10   if you get constipation, stop the drug and call me,


 11   if you get bad abdominal pain, stop the drug and


 12   call me, that permits me to educate that patient,


 13   just the way I do with every other patient.  This


 14   program becomes special, and by doing that we set


 15   up barriers.  And we're denying access to a drug


 16   that helps a lot of people.  Dr. Stronk (ph), whom


 17   I admire a lot, said that everybody has a risk but


 18   nobody has a benefit.  Well, going into it, the


 19   probability is everybody has a chance to benefit


 20   and everybody has a chance to risk.  We can't


 21   predict.


 22             MS. SHAPIRO:  But you're talking about




  1   what was going to be my second point.  My first


  2   point is:  Do we do away with the required


  3   qualifications attestation?  And that's different


  4   than the agreement and the time that it takes to do


  5   that.  But let me just talk about that, too, and


  6   then you can come in on both.


  7             One of the points in here is that it must


  8   scare patients away because after they go through


  9   this process, whether it's the signing of the form


 10   or hopefully, more importantly, the discussion,


 11   some of them don't want to take the drug.  Well,


 12   that's informed consent.


 13             DR. SANDLER:  That's fine.


 14             MS. SHAPIRO:  I mean, that is what the


 15   plan is.  When they hear things--


 16             DR. SANDLER:  What about the patients that


 17   are denied the chance to even get the drug because


 18   Dr. Wilderlite, he's a competent gastroenterologist, and


 19   he's afraid to use the drug.  He's afraid


 20   of litigation, he's afraid of--and the process is


 21   so time-consuming that we've set up barriers so he


 22   doesn't want to use the drug.




  1             MS. SHAPIRO:  The time-consuming thing


  2   just gnaws at me because while I'm very cognizant


  3   of the fact that, particularly today, doctors don't


  4   want to talk to patients because they don't get


  5   paid for it, they have to talk to patients, and


  6   particularly when they're dealing with a risky


  7   drug, they have to talk to patients.  And our


  8   reimbursement system should figure out a way to


  9   make it worthwhile.  But even before it does, they


 10   have to talk to patients.


 11             DR. SANDLER:  I couldn't agree more.  So


 12   let me answer your question about the attestation


 13   and then answer your question about talking to the


 14   patients.  There's probably a way to do this short


 15   of a doctor saying, "I attest that I know how to


 16   take care of IBS patients.  I know how to take care


 17   of ischemic colitis," signing a form.  I think


 18   there are ways that the agency and the sponsor


 19   could work to figure that out.


 20             MS. SHAPIRO:  Without assuring that they


 21   do?  Without kind of assuring that they really do


 22   know how to pick up on the signs and symptoms that




  1   would suggest that a patient's in trouble?


  2             DR. SANDLER:  Well, the system now doesn't


  3   assure it either.  They just sign the form and say


  4   they can do it.


  5             MS. SHAPIRO:  Okay.  Well--


  6             DR. SANDLER:  There's no way to guarantee


  7   it.  They're licensed--


  8             DR. GROSS:  I think we're going to have to


  9   go on to the next question.  Alex, do you have a


 10   question?


 11             DR. KRIST:  The question that I was


 12   wondering leads a little bit on what Brian was


 13   saying.  Back in 2002, there were discussions about


 14   whether the lower dose, which is now the starting


 15   dose, would have less risks of adverse events and


 16   whether the risk of adverse event would go down


 17   over time or whether most of the risk was when a


 18   patient initially started the medication.  And I


 19   heard you say earlier that we don't necessarily


 20   have information about who's going to be at risk.


 21   But part of my question that I'm wondering is I'm


 22   just interested in the systems in place for




  1   watching this to see if the lower dose will result


  2   in less adverse events and if the risk of adverse


  3   events will change over time that a patient is on


  4   the medicine.


  5             DR. METZ:  Well, you know, again, we have


  6   a survey that gives us information about the


  7   starting dose that patients are taking, and we're


  8   reassured by looking at that patient survey data


  9   that they are indeed starting with that initial


 10   dose that we wanted them to use.  But I think in a


 11   longitudinal way, I'm sure that we have the ability


 12   to monitor across time in the fashion that you've


 13   suggested.


 14             Elizabeth?


 15             And, again, that's some information


 16   hopefully that we'll get out of that ongoing


 17   clinical program that was part of our series of


 18   Phase IV commitments.  You know, that's the richest


 19   context for that type of information, but I'll let


 20   Elizabeth--


 21             DR. ANDREWS:  We do at every follow-up in


 22   the survey, we ask what their current dose is, and




  1   I don't have the exact percentage.  I can get it.


  2   But a substantial number of people are still on the


  3   lower dose.  I think your question was something


  4   else, which was what is the efficacy at the lower


  5   dose.


  6             DR. KRIST:  The risk across time.


  7             DR. METZ:  Risk of adverse event on the


  8   lower dose and the risk of adverse event over time.


  9   And, again, within the survey context, we don't


 10   have the ability to do that, but we have a very


 11   large clinical trials program underway, and those


 12   doses are included there, and that is going to be


 13   the richest source of that information.  But those


 14   studies are not completed yet.  They are enrolling.


 15             DR. GROSS:  Curt?


 16             DR. FURBERG:  We heard quite a bit about


 17   the good news, and I want to commend GSK and the


 18   agency.  We didn't hear much about the troubling


 19   news, at least two aspects of it.  One is the very


 20   low participation rate and the patient follow-up


 21   survey program, 36 percent responded.  I find that


 22   very, very troubling.  And the other one is the low




  1   physician reporting rate those serious adverse


  2   events.  Most of the serious events came from


  3   patients.


  4             So my question then is to you and your


  5   company:  What are you doing about it?  One thing


  6   is to take care of the issues and increase the use,


  7   but you also have to get better information, better


  8   data for us that we can assess the impact of the


  9   program.


 10             DR. METZ:  Well, as far as, you know, the


 11   general perspective on survey participation in this


 12   type of context, I think I'll let, again, Dr.


 13   Andrews address that.  But I would tend to disagree


 14   with you.  You know, given the experience with


 15   these types of instruments, we're not disheartened


 16   by 36 percent.


 17             Now, you know, are there other things that


 18   we should look at or could look at to change


 19   participation rates in future surveys and what are


 20   the dynamics around the patient's willingness to


 21   participate in these surveys?  I think these are


 22   interesting research questions that I think we need




  1   to look into as this field evolves.  But I'll let


  2   Dr. Andrews talk--


  3             DR. FURBERG:  I think you're saying you're


  4   going to overcome barriers for the other areas.


  5   This is an area that also has barriers, as you


  6   said, and you need to overcome them.  And 36


  7   percent is unacceptable, in my view.


  8             DR. METZ:  I'll let Dr. Andrews address


  9   that.


 10             DR. ANDREWS:  Well, 36 percent is--the


 11   issue is whether the patients are representative.


 12   Are there biases because of the low participation


 13   rate?  A 36-percent participation rate doesn't


 14   necessarily mean that it's biased, just as a


 15   90-percent participation rate might not mean that


 16   it is completely unbiased.


 17             What we have looked at in terms of


 18   representativeness is we've looked at the age and


 19   gender of the patients, geographic region of the


 20   prescriptions, and specialty of the physicians, and


 21   compared with sales, and we see the patterns are


 22   almost identical.  So that is--




  1             DR. FURBERG:  It doesn't carry the day at


  2   all.  I mean, those are fairly insignificant,


  3   nonspecific factors.  The reason why someone


  4   doesn't respond could be that they had a bad


  5   experience and just said, "I'm just out of it."


  6   And we never find out about it.  I think we have an


  7   obligation to get as complete information as we can


  8   from that part of the program.


  9             DR. METZ:  Again, that's a point well


 10   taken.  Would we be happier if it was 50 percent or


 11   60 percent?  We would both be happier.


 12             DR. FURBERG:  I'm just suggesting devote


 13   some effort to that as well.


 14             DR. METZ:  Yes, I agree.  And the second


 15   point that you made, I'm sorry, Dr. Furberg, was?


 16             DR. FURBERG:  The physicians, the lower


 17   reporting of adverse events.  Most of the events


 18   are coming from patients, which is unusual.  And


 19   here are they objecting to it, or is it just--


 20             DR. METZ:  Again, I'm not a physician.  I


 21   don't even play one on TV.  But I'm going to


 22   pretend for just a moment.




  1             You know, when we talk about seriousness,


  2   seriousness means different things to different


  3   people.  To a practitioner, they have a practical


  4   definition of seriousness based on the practice of


  5   medicine.  We have a regulatory definition of


  6   seriousness based on the regulations, and perhaps


  7   what we haven't done a good job of doing is


  8   communicating to the practitioner community what it


  9   is we want them to report here.  We've said you


 10   should report, but I'm not sure that we educated


 11   them as far as what to report.


 12             DR. GROSS:  Our next question is from


 13   Maria.


 14             DR. ANDREWS:  I was going to make the


 15   comment, I just wanted to make sure that you are


 16   aware that the participation in the survey is


 17   voluntary.


 18             DR. FURBERG:  I understand that.


 19             DR. ANDREWS:  And so for a voluntary


 20   program, the participation rate is actually quite


 21   high.


 22             DR. FURBERG:  I'd disagree with that,




  1             DR. SJOGREN:  Actually, I'll take up that


  2   point because where I work, we have several


  3   programs in which we do follow-up, and it is across


  4   the board 30-percent response.  When I looked in


  5   the literature, it is 30 percent no matter what.


  6   And so we put a follow-up program in place thinking


  7   that we were going to do better, and it came out


  8   right at 30 percent.  So their 36 percent I think


  9   falls within the literature, at least from what I


 10   recall in my research.  It's unfortunate, but


 11   that's us, that's human beings.  We don't like to


 12   answer questionnaires; we don't like to be followed


 13   up.  And I think that's part of the problem that


 14   you're facing, and I don't think you're going to be


 15   able to solve it.  Just look in the literature and


 16   you'll see everybody's 30 percent.  Actually, you


 17   are 6 percent above.


 18             But the question I wanted to--or the


 19   analysis that I did looking at the data and looking


 20   at what the FDA gave me to review is that indeed,


 21   although there were patients that has ischemic


 22   colitis, all of them resolved.  And I think, you




  1   know, talking as a clinician--I mean, I wear


  2   several hats, but one of them is as a clinician.


  3   If things resolve, you don't think that they are


  4   serious.  So that's possibly the cause why my


  5   colleagues are not reporting to you.


  6             Now, if we are in the midst of a clinical


  7   trial and you have an ischemic colitis or you have


  8   a hospitalization, then you absolutely report as a


  9   serious adverse event, but not in the practice of


 10   medicine.  And these observations are part of the


 11   program that you and the FDA put together.


 12             The fact that, when I did some rough


 13   calculations, you had less than 4 percent adverse


 14   events in this program and then, as was pointed out


 15   before, the serious adverse events--by seriousness


 16   considering ischemic colitis or some other


 17   diagnosis--was 0.3 percent.  So the program is a


 18   success in regards to if you apply this medication


 19   to the appropriate patient.  Then you have a small


 20   rate of adverse events in general and not


 21   dismissible but a small rate of serious adverse


 22   events especially when those serious adverse events




  1   resolve, because you remove the drug and the


  2   patients just can go back to their normal life.


  3             So I think, you know, the program that you


  4   put together is very good because it proved the


  5   point that the appropriate patient that takes the


  6   drug, then the risks are minimized.


  7             So talking now on the subject of being a


  8   clinician and having ten gastroenterologists that


  9   work with me and many friends in the community,


 10   I've asked in the past if they use Lotronex, and


 11   they've all told me no because when they enroll or


 12   attempted to enroll, they got boxes and boxes and


 13   boxes of paperwork to fill out, that it is


 14   horrendous.  They're very upset, the community of


 15   gastroenterologists in general, because there are


 16   patients in which, although the disease may not be


 17   life-threatening in the sense that they die, it is


 18   life-threatening in the sense that the guys cannot


 19   get out of the house or have to have an office


 20   right next to a bathroom.  There are things in


 21   gastroenterology that should not escape us, and I


 22   think the appropriate patient with this drug should




  1   have access to it.


  2             And I think that the reason for meeting


  3   today is to find a way to make it more accessible.


  4   Obviously, there were very serious side effects


  5   before.  There was misunderstanding.  There were


  6   physicians that perhaps were not following the


  7   letter of the intent of the FDA.  But those things


  8   I think we can work with and make the program more


  9   feasible for our patients and for our physicians.


 10             DR. METZ:  Okay.  That's our intent.  It's


 11   a continual cycle of evaluation and revision.  The


 12   advantage that we have right now is at least for a


 13   change we have some data that we can deal with as


 14   far as the potential impact of these things.  And,


 15   yes, there are things both good and bad that we


 16   need to address as we move forward.  But we think


 17   it's important to continue to make this available


 18   to these patients because this disease really


 19   insulates them from their activities of daily


 20   living.


 21             DR. GROSS:  Mark, did you have a comment


 22   you wanted to make?




  1             DR. AVIGAN:  Right.  I just wanted to


  2   speak to the observation of the adverse events, the


  3   eight cases of ischemic colitis that were basically


  4   predicted and pretty much on track with the usage


  5   that currently exists.  And then the question came


  6   up of the distribution of severity of outcomes out


  7   of those eight cases.


  8             Just to point out that the severe


  9   outcomes, the bad clinical actors that were


 10   observed in the previous experience, and just to


 11   sort of go back to the April 2002 tabulation, so in


 12   the post-marketing sort of ratios, out of 84 cases


 13   of ischemic colitis, 10 developed surgical outcomes


 14   and two were associated with death.  So it's a


 15   subset of the denominator of ischemic colitis.  So


 16   there may--there are two possibilities.  One is the


 17   early observation of ischemic colitis by the


 18   clinician, the patient really mitigates the risk


 19   for a bad outcome.  But the other is that because


 20   there were less patients exposed, you don't have


 21   the full distribution of severity of outcomes


 22   because of purely the number that actually got the




  1   adverse event.


  2             I just wanted to point that out, and I was


  3   going to ask you if you--and we already spoke about


  4   this a bit, whether you could distinguish between


  5   these two because that's an important point about


  6   your evaluation of the success of the risk


  7   management.


  8             The second question--and I just raise it


  9   as a question raised before--you mentioned that of


 10   the patients who are currently treated, 80 percent


 11   have all three severity criteria.  So my


 12   question--and you may not have the answer, but one


 13   that should be raised--is:  Of those patients who


 14   have frequent and severe pain, which is the first


 15   criteria, what percentage of those have frequency


 16   urgency or incontinence and/or the third criteria,


 17   which is the restriction in lifestyle?  In other


 18   words, what is actually the--if you already have


 19   one, what is the percentage of all three in order


 20   to understand whether you're being overly stringent


 21   because 80 percent have all three?


 22             DR. METZ:  Let's take the second question




  1   first.  And, Dr. Chang, maybe from your clinical


  2   perspective, it's the issue that we've discussed


  3   around what's the likelihood that a patient would


  4   have one or two of these things versus having all


  5   three.  Again, so the issue is, you know, is it


  6   fair to hypothesize that this all-three phenomenon


  7   does really represent a severe end of the spectrum?


  8   Or is there something else going on here?


  9             DR. CHANG:  There have actually been


 10   studies that have shown that if you have pain,


 11   that's a predictor of impact of quality of life.


 12   So I would imagine that the patients with severe


 13   irritable bowel syndrome who have severe pain or


 14   frequent pain are really going to have number


 15   three, which is disability or disturbance of


 16   quality of life.


 17             There hasn't been data on the urgency or


 18   fecal incontinence, but you can imagine that you if


 19   you have fecal incontinence, you're going to have


 20   an impact on your quality of life every time you


 21   step out the door.  But if you're going to assess


 22   urgency and that with pain, I don't think they're




  1   really tied together.  I think it's tied with


  2   discomfort.  But with quality of life, you have to


  3   only look at a subgroup of IBS patients, which are


  4   the diarrhea predominant group.  And my guess would


  5   be, my impression is that urgency is probably a


  6   strong predictor of impact on quality of life in


  7   that group of patients.


  8             DR. METZ:  So it sounds like one and three


  9   and two and three go together, but one, two, and


 10   three seem to define, you know, a severe end of the


 11   spectrum.  And I guess as far as--you know, we've


 12   been talking about these diagnoses of special


 13   interests and these outcomes, and if I could just


 14   have Dr. Lewis make a comment from his perspective,


 15   having reviewed this and chairing that Safety


 16   Review Committee.


 17             DR. LEWIS:  Thank you.  I chair a Safety


 18   Review Committee which we look at all the events of


 19   special interest regarding what is reported to be


 20   ischemic colitis or constipation complications.


 21   And in doing that, it's revealing that certainly


 22   not all the cases that are filed as that diagnosis




  1   turn out to be that diagnosis.  We spent weeks


  2   developing criteria, methodology to put together a


  3   true way to diagnose these conditions, which can be


  4   done for any adverse event.  I mean, we do it for


  5   liver disease and other things.


  6             And with the cases that we've seen in this


  7   program, while many of them were ischemic colitis,


  8   several of them were not by the criteria that we


  9   use.  The first and foremost is somebody has got to


 10   look in the colon and see if it even looks like


 11   ischemic colitis.  People can have rectal bleeding


 12   from lots of different reasons, and pain.  It could


 13   be diverticulitis, for example.  So we have


 14   criteria that we use.


 15             We also then--what's not shown here is we


 16   made a causal relationship jump to whether Lotronex


 17   might have been responsible for the constipation or


 18   the ischemic colitis, and there we have similar


 19   criteria and methodology we put together, and only


 20   a minority of those cases could we actually say


 21   Lotronex seems to be responsible in a probable or a


 22   definite manner.




  1             We still don't know why ischemic colitis


  2   occurs.  The latest epidemiologic studies suggest


  3   that it might even be the very far spectrum of what


  4   we call irritable bowel syndrome.  Remember, we


  5   still are learning about this syndrome.  We now


  6   know it's not just with Lotronex.  Tegasorade


  7   (ph)--I just got my letter yesterday, the "Dear


  8   Doctor" letter telling me Tegasorade, which works


  9   on a different serotonin receptor, is also


 10   associated with the condition.  I haven't reviewed


 11   those cases so I don't know how accurate it is.


 12   But it is a learning process.  I think we're


 13   learning more about ischemic colitis in the last


 14   couple of years and into the future than we ever


 15   expected to, and it's important that we do that.


 16             But just in terms of what we continue to


 17   do is try to identify in the future what patients


 18   might be at risk, and that will be very important


 19   to know so that we might not give certain patients


 20   Lotronex or the other drugs as well, because right


 21   now we don't know.  And some form of monitoring is


 22   certainly important.  An educational program that




  1   we're doing and telling patients what to expect and


  2   stopping the drug if they get those symptoms is


  3   crucial.


  4             DR. GROSS:  We have three more questioners


  5   before we close for the afternoon:  Art, Annette,


  6   and Jackie.


  7             MR. LEVIN:  I've been struggling with how


  8   to put this as a question rather than a rant, but


  9   first of all, just a few comments and then my


 10   question.


 11             I assume you're aware that in the context


 12   of risk management programs, this is risk


 13   management lite compared to some others.  There are


 14   other programs out there that manage the


 15   prescribing and dispensing of medications about


 16   which we serious questions as to the trade-offs


 17   between risks and benefits and a lot of unknowns


 18   that manage it much more rigidly than this does.


 19   And the notion that we're scaring patients away, I


 20   mean, I would call your attention to the Med Guide,


 21   which I think is mild and doesn't even follow the


 22   guidelines in having the black box warning at the




  1   top of the Med Guide.  It gets into the risks, I


  2   think, in a very general way.


  3             That said, it strikes me in listening to


  4   your presentation that you're looking to the wrong


  5   entity to fix the problem, if there is indeed a


  6   problem with access, because I think having


  7   barriers is what risk management is about.  I mean,


  8   it sort of defines it.


  9             I think we have to recognize that this was


 10   an extraordinary case, the first time in history


 11   where a drug which had been withdrawn came back on


 12   the market and about which there was little known


 13   about how to predict risk, and that everybody,


 14   including all of the patients that testified that


 15   day, seemed willing to ensure this special program


 16   in order to have access to the drug.


 17             I think the problem is in the prescribing


 18   community.  I mean, I would ask you to think about


 19   where is the problem.  And I am somewhat--I'll use


 20   the word--angry that the prescribing community


 21   describes a conversation with a patient about


 22   benefit and risk and signing their name to a




  1   page-and-a-quarter attestation as so burdensome


  2   that they opt out of this program.  And it strikes


  3   me that if a physician believes that this is a drug


  4   for the patient sitting in front of them, it


  5   borders on either misconduct or malpractice not to


  6   prescribe that drug because they have to sign an


  7   attestation or they have to go into a program which


  8   is designed to protect them and to protect the


  9   patient from harm.


 10             I would argue that your education--it's


 11   not a matter of relaxing the risk management


 12   program.  It's a question of educating the


 13   prescribing community that the things they're


 14   afraid of they should not be afraid of, that this


 15   program is in place to benefit everybody, and


 16   they've got to give it a chance.  And maybe if we


 17   do learn how to identify patients that are at risk


 18   and can be more scientific in selecting who gets


 19   this drug and not, we can change the program.


 20             To date, there's no more data than we've


 21   ever had, and I would argue to look to altering the


 22   risk management program at this stage is simply




  1   unacceptable in terms of protecting the public


  2   health.  And I think really what we should be


  3   thinking about is how do we educate the prescriber


  4   community to get over their fear and to prescribe


  5   this drug when they believe it's appropriate for a


  6   patient.  You guys are very good at educating


  7   doctors about your products.  You detail very well.


  8   And I don't know why you can't be doing educational


  9   detailing to that effect.


 10             DR. METZ:  On that?


 11             MR. LEVIN:  Yes.


 12             DR. METZ:  I didn't hear the question so--


 13             [Laughter.]


 14             VOICE:  It qualifies as a rant.


 15             DR. METZ:  You said you weren't going to


 16   do that, but I feel--so do you feel comfortable


 17   with my answer then?  Thank you.  I mean--


 18             DR. GROSS:  You can advise physicians


 19   there are billing codes for time they spend with a


 20   patient, which goes along with Art's comment.


 21             Annette?


 22             DR. STEMHAGEN:  I just wanted to confirm,




  1   in terms of the evaluation criteria, we're


  2   talking--I think you have Slides 45 and 46--about


  3   compliance and appropriateness.  And very high


  4   percentages, everybody looks great.  But my


  5   understanding is this is only based on that 36


  6   percent.  So we could be getting the best compliers


  7   because they're the people feeling motivated, I'm


  8   doing what I should and I'm going to tell you about


  9   it.  So understanding all the limitations of survey


 10   research, I do it all the time, trying to urge that


 11   there be some other mechanisms put in place to


 12   evaluate it, to get a higher percent so we can


 13   really feel comforted by the percentages.


 14             DR. METZ:  You know, we put that program


 15   in place.  That's the claims-based epidemiological


 16   research which was to look at that at the back end,


 17   if you will.  But, unfortunately, that aspect of


 18   the program is dependent on patient uptake, and


 19   right now it's not providing any value.


 20             DR. STEMHAGEN:  Well, I'm not sure


 21   exactly--in terms of the claims database, there are


 22   patients' self-reported criteria for whether you




  1   are the right candidate, and that's not going to be


  2   captured in the claims database.  You'll have to go


  3   back to the records, and that may still not be


  4   captured unless the physician specifically asks


  5   those questions.


  6             So while I agree it's another evaluation


  7   tool and I think it's an important one, I'm not


  8   sure it's going to get to all of these questions,


  9   either.


 10             DR. METZ:  You know, again, you're right.


 11   We have to make some qualitative assumptions about


 12   the generalizability of that cohort, you know, to


 13   all patients that are receiving Lotronex.  And you


 14   heard Dr. Andrews speak to the kinds of things that


 15   we're looking at.  But, you know, you can't say


 16   definitely, you know, these people are


 17   representative.  We hope that they are, obviously.


 18             DR. GROSS:  Jackie?


 19             DR. GARDNER:  In 2002, when we met, one of


 20   the discussions was around whether to restrict


 21   prescribing to gastroenterologists, and I recall


 22   that the Chairman of the Gastroenterology Advisory




  1   Committee, I think--I may be ascribing it


  2   incorrectly to him--said that won't work because


  3   some of us have taken our practice in some other


  4   directions--and I wanted to say liver disease or


  5   something that he said.  And so that's why it


  6   wasn't restricted to gastroenterologists;


  7   therefore, an attestation program was set up with


  8   their concurrence because not every gastroenterologist knows


  9   guts and so on--


 10             DR. METZ:  Is going to look at IBS, right.


 11             DR. GARDNER:  Right, exactly.  And some


 12   family practitioners really do.


 13             I'm struck by the difference in this


 14   meeting and one we had a couple of months ago


 15   around Accutane, in which those prescribers also


 16   are severely restricted.  They have the same kind


 17   of sit-down and sign things.  They've got to do


 18   pregnancy tests.  And we heard a lot about a lot of


 19   things at that time, but I didn't hear this kind of


 20   resistance to getting involved in these programs.


 21             So my point is that FDA, with a risk


 22   management program that is at least as onerous as




  1   this one, nonetheless, has somehow managed to find


  2   a way to make it more acceptable to the


  3   constituency such that, as you know, not only is


  4   Accutane tremendously prescribed, more even than we


  5   probably would want it to be, perhaps, but it also


  6   has four generics and yada, yada.  I mean, it's not


  7   running into this prescribing limitation issue.


  8   And so I would suggest that you all look to models


  9   within FDA for ways to handle this attestation to


 10   make it--to eliminate this accessibility burden.


 11             DR. METZ:  And, again, we take the point


 12   on perhaps an additional educational focus.  We do


 13   have a large educational program ongoing, and,


 14   again, that's another area where one could make


 15   modifications and see if you can get some


 16   incremental gain out of that.  But that's a


 17   multifactorial problem.  Let's face it.  There are


 18   lot of things intersecting here that need to be


 19   addressed in a careful, prudent way.  And I think


 20   that's what we're about here.


 21             DR. GROSS:  A special request from


 22   Stephanie for the last word.




  1             DR. CRAWFORD:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


  2   Actually, I was just asking for a word, not


  3   necessarily the last.


  4             I would like to actually give you a kudo


  5   because I've read some of the press that appear


  6   today--that made it appear that the risk management


  7   program is negative before we had this meeting.  I


  8   want to congratulate you on your risk management


  9   program for alosetron because many aspects of the


 10   program seem to be working.


 11             From the information presented, one of the


 12   major concerns that this committee expressed two


 13   years ago was what appeared to be a very large,


 14   inappropriate prescribing.  Without a question,


 15   that has gone down.  I am not convinced that the


 16   low numbers of prescriptions of patients is due


 17   mainly to unreasonable barriers.  It could be that


 18   it's being prescribed more appropriately and


 19   patients are making good, informed decisions.  We


 20   don't know.  I know all the discussion we've had


 21   from that.


 22             That said, however, I am in favor of any




  1   improvements to the existing programs.  Specifically for me,


  2   I would be in favor of revising any


  3   language that would ensure that the patient


  4   agreement forms are clear and informative, and I


  5   will just leave it at that, and also possibly


  6   extending the supply, dispense.  I don't want to


  7   discuss in terms of what you say, the refill


  8   phenomenon as much as I prefer that any changes be


  9   in terms of the day supply, because it's a huge


 10   difference if the physician prescribes a 30-day


 11   supply and you can refill it three times versus if


 12   he or she prescribes a 90-day supply that you're


 13   refilling three times.  So think in terms of day


 14   supply, not refill, if there is any change to that.


 15             Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


 16             DR. GROSS:  A pleasure, Ms. Vice Chairman.


 17             [Laughter.]


 18             DR. GROSS:  We began the meeting and we'll


 19   end the meeting with a thank you to Brian Strom for


 20   his invaluable service to the committee.  We really


 21   appreciate having you as a colleague over the last


 22   few years.  Would you like to make any comments?




  1             DR. STROM:  Sure.  Thank you.  I guess I


  2   began with a comment, and it's only fitting I end


  3   with a comment.


  4             I just wanted to follow up on a few loose


  5   ends and some comments that were made.  One is I


  6   think compared to Accutane, and in response to


  7   Art's comment also, there's a big difference here


  8   in efficacy.  And I think to blame it on the


  9   physicians and to say the physicians don't want to


 10   prescribe it--well, there may be a reason they


 11   don't want to prescribe it.  That's something to


 12   keep in mind.


 13             Second, I think the use of the claims


 14   databases make sense.  I think it is striking that


 15   the proportion of users in the claims databases,


 16   given the population numbers we saw, is much lower


 17   than the proportion of the general population we're


 18   seeing.  So what it's saying is our managed care


 19   organizations are saying don't use this, even more


 20   than the rest of the general public is.


 21             Third, Curt talked about 36 percent and


 22   the concerns of 36 percent, and there was a lot of




  1   argument about 36 percent.  Personally, as an


  2   epidemiologist, I would consider that a shockingly


  3   low number.  On the other hand, I think it's


  4   important to realize certainly no NIH grant would


  5   get funded with anything less than 80 or 90


  6   percent.  From a marketing study, it's high, but


  7   it's--I think we heard in the Accutane situation


  8   about numbers that were comparable.  So I don't


  9   fault the survey, necessarily.  I think in part


 10   it's the situation.  But I think it's important


 11   that what that means is we're missing two-thirds of


 12   the people and we're missing, as Annette was


 13   saying, the two-thirds that are probably most


 14   likely to be the problem people.  So we can't rely


 15   on those data because they're giving us biased


 16   information.


 17             The same thing in underreporting.


 18   Clearly, there's vast underreporting, as you


 19   indicated.  I don't blame the system because docs


 20   don't report, you know, exactly as you're saying.


 21   But what it does mean is the rates we're looking at


 22   here are much lower than the real rates that are




  1   out there.


  2             I want to emphasize again that part of the


  3   goal here is to create a barrier, and the barrier


  4   is working.  And so the goal isn't to eliminate the


  5   barrier.


  6             And I'll conclude with just a comment.  I


  7   was one of those who was skeptical of the program


  8   two years ago.  I think it's working.  I mean, I am


  9   very encouraged in many ways by what we're seeing.


 10   I wouldn't want it changed in major ways.  Until we


 11   have data on predictors of efficacy or predictors


 12   of adverse events, then I think it should be


 13   refocused accordingly.


 14             DR. GROSS:  I'd like to thank Glaxo and


 15   the FDA people for their presentations and input,


 16   and once again thank the Advisory Committee members


 17   and advisers for their comments.  Thank you all.


 18   Have a good trip home.


 19             [Whereupon, at 4:29 p.m., the meeting was


 20   adjourned.]


 21                              - - -