Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey
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Woolsey Calls for Direct Negotiations with Iran
June 10, 2008
Washington, DC – Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) today joined members of the Campaign for a new American Policy on Iran in calling on President Bush to engage in diplomatic negotiations with the government of Iran.  Woolsey made her remarks at a press conference this morning.

“Thank you all for being here.  And I want to thank my friend Congresswoman Barbara Lee from Oakland, and the Campaign for a New American Policy on Iran for organizing today's event.

“This call in campaign is just one of the ways we are sending a clears message to President Bush that Congress is not going to step aside while he expands the occupation of Iraq into Iran.

“It's essential that we ensure that the same President who manipulated his way into Iraq isn't allowed to double down and get us involved in another bloody quagmire in Iran.

“We are not going to step aside because we realize that an attack against Iran would have devastating consequences for our nation, for the region, and for the world.

“Iran would retaliate against our troops in Iraq, against our allies and interests throughout the region.

“Oil would spike, threatening our economy here at home.  And at the end of the day, our strategic interests would be poorly served - we would have accomplished nothing but further strengthening the pro-nuclear regime in Iran, while weakening our influence and security in the region.

“No member of Congress condones the actions of Iran – from the bigotry and denial of the holocaust to its nuclear ambitions.  These actions are unacceptable, and we must join with the world community in confronting the government of Iran on these, and other issues.

“However, as the bi-partisan Iraq Study Commission has called for, the solution is not through a military offensive, but through a vigorous diplomatic one.

“We must stand with our international partners and work with international organizations to confront the Iranian government head on.  Negotiating with one's enemies isn't a sign of weakness, and military force can never be the first option.

“But we must recognize that any negotiations must come from a position of strength, and the longer that we remain bogged down in Iraq, the weaker we become.  Our occupation has emboldened our enemies, and alienated our friends.  Bringing our troops home from Iraq will not only help stabilize that country, but the region as a whole.  And ultimately, this will strengthen our hand in any direct negotiations with Tehran.

“Negotiating isn't just the best choice for this situation, it's the only choice.

“And today's event shows just how easy it is - all you have to do is pick up the phone.”