Press Release

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May 9, 2007

Washington, DC -- U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) announced today that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded $1,000,575 to the City of Utica to provide emergency shelter for homeless individuals and expand affordable housing for low-income families in the city.

“The City of Utica has made progress in the last few years to increase housing opportunities for all residents - but there is more to be done and I am proud to help the city continue its work by providing federal resources for critical housing programs,” Arcuri said. “The HOME program helps people in Utica attain the American dream and own their own home by working with local projects to best serve the community.”

Specifically, the City of Utica was awarded an Emergency Shelter Grant of $129,309 and a HOME grant of $871,266 through HUD.

The Emergency Shelter Grant program provides grants to States, localities, and private organizations to improve the quality and number of emergency homeless shelters.

The HOME program helps to expand the supply of quality, affordable housing for low-and very low – income families by awarding grants to States and localities to fund housing programs that meet local needs and priorities. Since 1992, 645 communities across the country have completed more than 781,000 affordable housing units, including more than 327,000 for new homebuyers. $189, 947, 471 was awarded to communities in New York State for FY2007.


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