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Legislation Sponsored by Arcuri and Clinton Signed into Law
October 2, 2008

Washington, DC -- President Bush signed into law legislation this week sponsored by U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) and U.S Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) to rename the Waterville Post Office in honor of Corporal John P. Sigsbee who was killed in Iraq this year.

“Corporal Sigsbee paid the ultimate price for our safety and freedom,” Arcuri said. “The renaming of the Waterville Post Office will forever symbolize the deep appreciation we owe for this man’s life and contributions, and for the actions of each and every member of our Armed Services. We must continue to honor the sacrifice of this young man and his family, and strive to provide only the best for our soldiers and veterans.”  

“Corporal John Sigsbee’s actions are the embodiment of dedication to duty and love of country,” said Senator Clinton. “Corporal Sigsbee volunteered to serve his nation and he made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of the freedoms we all hold dear. While this is a small gesture to memorialize a man who gave so much, I hope that by naming this Post Office after Corporal Sigsbee we are honoring one of Waterville’s proudest sons.”

On January 16th, 2008, Corporal Sigsbee of Waterville, New York was killed in action 50 miles north of Baghdad during his second tour of duty in Iraq.  Corporal Sigsbee was 21-years-old.

John Sigsbee graduated from Waterville Central School in 2004 and attended Mohawk Valley Community College.  Upon completing his first year of college, John decided to join the U.S. Army to further finance his higher education and became wounded one month to the day during his first tour of Iraq.

John was sent home to recover at the Brooke Army Medical Center, where he was visited by Army personnel who awarded him for his bravery. These officers told John that he needed time to heal properly from the burns he suffered when his tank drove over two IEDs, and that he needed time to consider his decision to return to service.  However, John replied, with his mother by his side, “Give me one year and I’ll be back.”

Corporal Sigsbee valiantly served as a member of the 32nd Calvary Unit in the 101st Airborne Division. His family will receive his second Military Purple Heart Award on his behalf.

Arcuri sponsored H.R. 5975 in the House of Representatives to rename the post office in Waterville, New York in memory of Corporal John P. Sigsbee. Senator Clinton sponsored companion legislation (S. 3317) in the Senate.


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