Press Release

Media Contact:
Marion Read 202.225.3665


October 3, 2008

Washington, DC -- The office of U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) will host a 24th Congressional District Grants Training Seminar at the Radisson Hotel in Utica, NY from 8:30am to 3:15pm on Monday, October 6th.

 The training seminar will provide local government representatives and community organizations throughout the district with information on finding and successfully applying for government grants and foundation funding. The seminar will include two panels of agency and organizational experts to equip local governments as well as non profit agencies with the information they need to best apply for funding. One panel will focus on government grants. The other will include representatives from local foundations. During lunch there will be a “Grants 101” session with Kevin Marken of the Stanley Center of the Arts as well as a “Grants Tips” session with Pam Jardieu of the City of Utica. Special sessions for cities and counties as well as applying for educational grants will also be held.

Rep. Arcuri will address the group with opening remarks.

Government Grants Presenters Include:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Patrick Brennan 
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Barbara Andrews
New York State Div. of Criminal Justice Svcs., Eileen Langer-Smith
U.S. Housing and Urban Development, Nancy Peacock

Foundation Grants Presenters Include:
Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida, Corrine Ribble
United Way of Greater Utica, Karen F. Teachout
Sitrin Health Care Center, Rosemary Bonacci

There will be same day registration at the door on October, 6th. The registration fee is $35. 

24th District Grants Training Seminar

Time:              8:30am to 3:15pm
Location:        Radisson Hotel, Utica Centre
                      200 Genesee St.
                      Utica, New York  
Date:               Monday, October 6, 2008


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