Press Release

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Legislation Opens Up Nearly 80% More of Off-Shore Areas for Oil Drilling
September 17, 2008

Washington, DC -- To make America energy independent and bring gas prices down for local families, U.S. Representative Michael A. Arcuri (D-Utica) voted yesterday for comprehensive energy legislation which includes the largest opening of land off-shore for oil and gas development in our nation’s history, and invests in renewable energy sources to further lower energy prices and create more “green” jobs in Upstate New York.

To bring short-term relief to local middle-class families, the Comprehensive American Energy Security & Consumer Protection Act (H.R.6899), passed by the House of Representatives, would:

- responsibly open up additional off-shore areas for drilling,
- release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve,
- repeal tax breaks for oil companies, and
- invest in renewable energy.

“This bill is a culmination of months of urging our leadership to bring a commonsense energy solution -- including drilling and alternative energies -- to a vote in the House. It adopts an all-options-on-the-table approach that brings us closer to energy independence by opening up areas to off-shore drilling to get us through the short-term, and at the same time investing the revenue generated from drilling in renewable energy for the long-term,” Arcuri said. “It is a critical and comprehensive step towards true American energy independence.”

Specifically, the legislation would expand land available for oil drilling by ending the current off-shore drilling moratorium and permitting drilling off-shore for states that offer leases to oil companies. It also includes legislation, which Arcuri has already strongly supported and the House has passed, to require oil companies to drill on the 68 million acres of already-leased land on the Outer Continental Shelf and in the continental United States, and mandates annual lease sales of an additional 30 million acres of land in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

The Comprehensive American Energy Security & Consumer Protection Act would also repeal tax break for oil companies in a time of record profits and require oil companies to pay royalties already owed to taxpayers. Royalty payments would be invested in developing alternative/renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, cellulosic ethanol, and natural gas exploration, creating millions of new American “green” jobs. This legislation is endorsed by the American Farm Bureau Federation.

“Since taking office, I have fought for tax credits for alternative energy, fought to increase domestic oil supply and bring prices down, fought to invest in new technology and energy efficiency – all of which is included in this bill,” Arcuri said. “It is time to stop using energy prices as a political football and roll up our sleeves to work together – Democrats and Republicans – for short-term, mid-term and long-term solutions that will achieve true American energy independence.”

The Comprehensive American Energy Security & Consumer Protection Act builds on the historic and bipartisan Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which Arcuri strongly supported and was signed into law at the end of last year. This bill increases vehicle fuel efficiency standards to help save American families $700 to $1,000 per year at the gas pump. New building, appliance and lighting efficiency standards included in the new law will save consumers $400 billion through 2030. Additionally, the law invests in new “green collar” jobs through incentives and initiatives for American produced renewable energy.


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