Mike Honda
United States

Current Office

Democratic Party
Displaying 5 of 69 wall posts.
Aleita wrote at 11:40am on January 27th, 2009
HI there! It was great to see you at the Western States Ball!
I posted our photo!
Liz wrote at 9:48am on January 27th, 2009
Hi Mike, Thank you for your continued service to San Jose and our country.
You have been a valued friend. May the Lord Jesus bless you in your dissensions. Liz Davis, Hillsdale parent and San Jose resident.
Anh wrote at 5:53pm on January 24th, 2009
Hi Michaelsan,
Knowing you all these years has been such a privilege. Congratulations on your win this year - I had no doubt. It's great to know that we have someone with your compassion and heart as a policy maker.
I'm always here for you and ready to be of service in any way you need. take care, Anh Vo
Loren wrote at 4:40pm on January 24th, 2009
Hi Mike,

I am so glad to know that you are back on our side. You were such a great principal and we are so lucky to have you in the HOUSE.

Loren Mestressat
Lisa wrote at 10:49am on January 24th, 2009
I remember in first grade the school had and assembly for your bday and Mrs Worthys class was part of it. We all had funny things to say to you and I had to say "Mr Honda is very nice and every day he eats his rice" I will never forget that cause everyone laughed! Its good to see you. My mother is still involved with school. Shes been at the same elementary out here in Arkansas since we moved in 87.


Detailed Info


Work Info

United States Congress
Member of Congress
Time Period:
January 2000 - Present

Education Info

Grad School:
High School:

Contact Info



Displaying 5 stories

Mike Honda commented on his own note Green Caucus to push for sustainable energy & environment.

Today at 3:53am

Mike Honda imported a note.

Yesterday at 4:04pm
During his inaugural address, President Obama pledged “action, bold and swift… not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.’ Today, the House of Representatives passed legislation that will create and save 3-4 million jobs.

Mike Honda wrote a note.

Yesterday at 3:34pm

We’ve waited too long to address the looming threats of climate change. If we wait any longer, in just 25 years, climate change will claim up to 300,000 deaths per year, doubling the current rate.
January 27

Mike Honda imported a note.

Tuesday at 1:11pm
Several constituents who had tickets to the inauguration have reported to my office that they were unable to pass through the security checkpoints. This is deeply distressing to me, especially because so many of my constituents traveled all the way from California to attend the Inauguration.
January 15

Mike Honda wrote a note.

January 15 at 1:21pm
(cross-posted from the Facebook blog)

Mike Honda is a U.S. Congressman representing the 15th Congressional District of California, which encompasses parts of Santa Clara County including San Jose and much of Silicon Valley.