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Measure: Behavior Problems and Positive Behavior: Children ages 4-5 Years


The Behavior Problems and Positive Behavior measure for designated focal children between ages 4 and 5 is intended to be included in the Core Child Survey of the Hard to Employ Demonstration and Evaluation Project. The items include measures of problem behaviors (e.g. internalizing and externalizing), as well as positive behaviors (e.g. warmth, curiosity) and were adapted from the Social Skills Rating Scale (SSRS; Gresham & Elliot, 1990). Unlike the version of the SSRS used with families with one focal child (who will receive the full SSRS), the two-focal children assessments will include only the Internalizing and Externalizing scales. SSRS items differ slightly by age group (children 6 to 18 years of age).

The Enhanced Services for the Hard to Employ Demonstration and Evaluation Project is funded by the Administration for Children and Families and the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Labor. MDRC carries it out in cooperation with the following partners: Urban Institute, The Lewin Group, and the California Institute for Mental Health.

Population Assessed

The respondents will be Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients, former TANF recipients, or low-income individuals who are hard-to-employ from two of the six sites of the evaluation. Respondents to the Behavior Problems and Positive Behavior Measure will be parents of designated focal children between the ages of 4 and 5. Specific sampling and design features of the study are not publicly available at this time.


This information is not readily available.


Subscales of internalizing, externalizing, and positive behavior can be scored from these scales.

Procedures for Administration

The reporters for this measure were parents of designated focal children between the ages of 4 and 5. The measure will be administered as a questionnaire by an interviewer in a one-on-one setting. The measure is estimated to take between 8 and 14 minutes to administer.

Psychometrics/Data Quality

The Description of Baseline Survey Modules (written by the study authors) reported the SSRS internal reliabilities as being high: .71, .75, and .87 for the internalizing, externalizing, and total behaviors scales, respectively. Reported coefficient alphas were based on what was reported in the SSRS manual (Gresham & Elliot, 1990) and not the actual study sample. No information on validity was reported.

Languages Available

The instrument is available in English and Spanish.

Items Included

From the Behavior Problems and Positive Behavior measure for designated focal children ages 4 to 5 whose parents are respondents in the Enhanced Services for the Hard to Employ Demonstration and Evaluation Project.

Response Categories:

All of the time
Most of the time
Don’t know

CH17a. Different children have different personalities and different qualities. I will read some
statements about various characteristics. Please tell me how often (FOCAL CHILD) acts this way.
Is it all of the time, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, or never?

(FOCAL CHILD) is cheerful, happy. (Is it):

CH17b. (FOCAL CHILD) waits {his/her} turn in games or other activities. (Is it):
CH17c. (FOCAL CHILD) is warm, loving. (Is it):
CH17d. (FOCAL CHILD) has temper tantrums. (Is it):
CH17e. (FOCAL CHILD) is curious and exploring, likes new experiences. (Is it):
CH17f. (FOCAL CHILD) thinks before {he/she} acts, is not impulsive. (Is it):
CH17g. (FOCAL CHILD) gets along well with other children. (Is it):
CH17h. (FOCAL CHILD) fidgets or moves excessively. (Is it):
CH17i. (FOCAL CHILD) usually does what you tell [him/her] to do. (Is it):
CH17j. (FOCAL CHILD) can get over being upset quickly. (Is it):
CH17k. (FOCAL CHILD) is admired and well-liked by other children. (Is it):
CH17l. (FOCAL CHILD) argues with others. (Is it):
CH17m. (FOCAL CHILD) tries to do things for [him/her]self, is self-reliant. (Is it):
CH17n. (FOCAL CHILD) shows concern for other people’s feelings. (Is it):
CH17o. (FOCAL CHILD) disturbs ongoing activities. (Is it):
CH17p. (FOCAL CHILD) can easily find something to do on [his/her] own. (Is it):
CH17q. (FOCAL CHILD) shows pride when [he/she] does something well or learns something new. (Is it):
CH17r. (FOCAL CHILD) says nobody likes [him/her]. (Is it):
CH17s. (FOCAL CHILD) is easily comforted when [he/she] gets angry. (Is it):
CH17t. (FOCAL CHILD) is able to concentrate or focus on an activity. (Is it):
CH17u. (FOCAL CHILD) appears lonely. (Is it):
CH17v. (FOCAL CHILD) is helpful and cooperative. (Is it):
CH17w. (FOCAL CHILD) is considerate and thoughtful of other children. (Is it):
CH17x. (FOCAL CHILD) is aggressive toward people or objects. (Is it):
CH17y. (FOCAL CHILD) tends to give, lend, and share. (Is it):
CH17z. (FOCAL CHILD) is obedient, follows rules. (Is it):
CH17aa. (FOCAL CHILD) is calm, easy-going. (Is it):
CH17bb. (FOCAL CHILD) shows anxiety about being with a group of children. (Is it):
CH17cc. (FOCAL CHILD) sticks with an activity until it is finished. (Is it):
CH17dd. (FOCAL CHILD) is eager to please. (Is it):
CH17ee. (FOCAL CHILD) disobeys rules or requests. (Is it):
CH17ff. (FOCAL CHILD) is patient if you are busy and {he/she} wants something. (Is it):
CH17gg. (FOCAL CHILD) sticks up for [him/her] self, is self-assertive. (Is it):
CH17hh. (FOCAL CHILD) acts sad or depressed. (Is it):
CH17ii. (FOCAL CHILD) tries to be independent, to do things [him/her] self. (Is it):

References and Source Documents

No reference material is currently available for the users’ guides, codebooks, and methodology reports.

Briggs-Gowan, M. J., Carter, A. S., Cicchetti, D. V., Wachtel, K., & Irwin, J. (in press). The Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment: Screening for social-emotional problems and delays in competence. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.

Gresham, F. M., & Elliot, S. N. (1990). The Social Skills Rating System. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Systems



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