Emergency Medical Services Outcomes Evaluation Title Graphic

8.0 Future Research

The following are needed: 1) Studies to substantiate or refute the appropriateness of the measures suggested by the EMSOP investigators; 2) Studies to determine the feasibility and reliability of using outcome measures among all levels of prehospital care providers; 3) Studies to determine if feasibility and reliability vary based on condition and/or core risk adjustment measures (RAM). After initial research identifies feasible and reliable measurement instruments applicable to the prehospital setting, the next step is to use those instruments to describe the distribution of the values of that measure in the prehospital setting. Patients transported for minor trauma might benefit from prehospital pain control. Once the distribution of the different values of the measurements have has been described, the next step is to consider the relationship of various prehospital risk adjustment measurements to outcome measures in the prehospital unit of service, as well as more distal outcome measures. After identifying these important relationships, the next step would be to develop interventions that effectively treat the priority conditions that have been identified. It is possible that studies to determine the relationship of prehospital risk adjustment measures to outcomes distal to the prehospital interval of service will occur in parallel with intervention studies. Future research must also address identifying appropriate measurements for the outcome parameters of satisfaction and cost. Appropriate risk adjustment and outcome measures also need to be identified and evaluated for infants and very young children.

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