Rep. Roscoe Bartlett
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Representative Roscoe Bartlett | Sixth District of Maryland
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the 6th District

On January 6, 2009

The 111th Congress convened. 

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Home   /   Constituent Services   /   Presidential Greetings
My office would be happy to help you in securing any of the following: a congratulatory greeting from the President for a birthday (for persons 80 years of age or over-White House policy) or a wedding anniversary (50 years of marriage or more- White House policy). Presidential Greetings are also available upon achievement of the Eagle Scout or the Girl Scout Gold Award. Please provide at least three weeks advance notice. Send requests to my Washington D.C. office.

The Honorable Congressman Roscoe G. Bartlett                                   
2412 Rayburn House Office Building                        
Washington, D.C.  20515
(202) 225-2721
fax (202)225-2193

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