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For Immediate Release
April 19, 2005
House Announces Formation of Future of American Media Caucus
Goal: To Inform Colleagues On Wide Array Of Media Policy Issues Currently Being Debated In Congress

Washington, D.C. - With Congress and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) currently debating how to overhaul the nation's media policies, six Members of the U.S. House of Representatives today announced the formation of the Future of American Media (FAM) Caucus.

Chaired by Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) along with co-chairs Congressman Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Congressman David Price (D-NC), Congressman Jay Inslee (D-WA), Congressman Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (D-NY), the FAM Caucus will provide a venue where reasoned debate, expert analysis, and diverse points of view can come together to address critical media policy issues.

"A small handful a media conglomerates have come to control the majority of our media outlets, threatening the fundamental values of decency, localism, competition and diversity that are essential to our democracy," said Price. "Americans have told us in overwhelming numbers that they want their local media back. This caucus will be an important part of that fight."

"In order to have a well-informed society, it is imperative that the public has access to diverse sources of information. The same holds true for Congress, which is why we formed the Future of American Media Caucus," Hinchey added. "As Congress looks to rewrite the laws that will shape media in America for the next two decades, the Future of American Media Caucus will be there every step of the way to educate Members of Congress and their staff about these issues and how they will impact our constituents."

The FAM Caucus is composed of House Members who believe in an accountable, diverse, fair, and independent media. The Caucus is open to Members of both parties and it neither supports nor opposes any particular industry stakeholder. Currently, the FAM Caucus consists of 12 House Members. The FAM Caucus' goal is to educate Members and staff about media issues before Congress and to ensure that all parties - especially the American public - have a chance to participate in the vital debate over media policy.

Beginning in May, the FAM Caucus will host the first in what will be a series of briefings on contemporary media issues.

• On Thursday, May 12 at 2pm, the Caucus will host a briefing on the Future of American Media and the role of Congress.

• On Tuesday, May 24 at 4pm the Caucus will host an event featuring one of the most recognized and respected journalists in America, Bill Moyers, who will offer his views on the state of the media industry.


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