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U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Section 508 - Accessibility@FDA

Do You Have a Section 508 Complaint?

The Food and Drug Administration wants to ensure that information published on the FDA website is accessible to everyone.  However there are some exceptions currently in place. Documents scanned on the Dockets website are covered by an Undue Burden.  Due to the number of handwritten documents received it would be a significant difficulty for FDA to make those documents accessible.  In addition, technical documents that contain formulas and other medical graphs are also covered under the Undue Burden Exception.

Complaint Procedure

This law establishes a complaint procedure and reporting requirements that further promote compliance. Section 508 provides that any individual with a disability may file a complaint alleging that FDA fails to comply with Section 508 in providing accessible electronic and information technology. The FDA shall apply the complaint procedures established to implement Sections 501 & 504 of the Rehabilitation Act for resolving allegations of discrimination in a federally conducted program or activity. Under Sections 501 & 504, individuals may also sue an agency in Federal court to correct an alleged violation.

Employment related complaints should be forwarded to the Office on Equal Employment Opportunity (301-827-4838); non-employment related complaints and other complaints filed by employees, applicants for employment at the Department, or from members of the public alleging a failure to comply with Section 508 are forwarded to the HHS Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for investigation and resolution (202-619-0403.)

Web page created by sml 2007-07-05

US Food and Drug Adminitration U.S. Department of Health and Human Services