Keep Content Relevant[x] Standard Categories: [x] Management Standard: Web content must be reviewed regularly to ensure that it is relevant to 1) the users of the Web site and 2) the mission of the owning organization. When reviewing content for relevance, use these basic categories to determine content status and the most appropriate action to take: Category | If the content is ... | and it ... | then it is... | and you should ... |
1 | still relevant | accurately reflects current decisions and/or activities OR is valid until superseded | current | leave it alone. | 2 | still relevant | requires updates to be current and accurate | outdated | revise it and post the new version to the Web site; if the revision process is lengthy, or the outdated material poses a risk to the user or the Department, add appropriate notice or remove until information can be corrected. | 3 | still relevant for reference or legal purposes | cannot be updated | historical | archive it according to HHS archive standards and guidance. | 4 | no longer relevant | is not required for reference or legal purposes | obsolete | remove it from the Web site and take the appropriate action per the appropriate records schedule. |
Rationale: Each HHS agency is responsible, under existing laws and regulations, for the relevance, including timeliness and accuracy, of the information it produces and disseminates via public Web sites. Old content is a potential liability. It increases the volume of content to be managed, increases the number of useless search returns, and impedes the site visitor’s ability to quickly access the most relevant content. Content that is historical in nature is relevant for only a minority of site visitors. Content that is outdated or obsolete is relevant for no visitor and diminishes the Department’s credibility. Both categories of old content can increase the potential for site visitors to take an erroneous action on the basis of that content. Sources: Exemptions: NA Requirements (content & style): The review schedule must be appropriate for the nature of each item of content, based on factors such as the frequency of change or risk of error. At a minimum, most Web content should be reviewed at least once per year; some content may require more frequent review. Content that is outdated but historical in nature should be transferred to a clearly marked archive Web site. Content that is obsolete should be deleted from the Web site and processed as required by the Web records schedule or other established archive procedure. Related Standards: Related Guidelines: NA Checklist: Review all Web content regularly to ensure that it is relevant to 1) the users of the Web site and 2) the mission of the owning organization.