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Congressman Price: Issues Section
On the Issues

Immigration Reform

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As the chairman of the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, I strongly believe that we need to revamp our immigration policies to reflect the economic and security realities we face. We need to combine tough border security and immigration enforcement policies with effective programs to match foreign workers with U.S. employers who need them. If, through such policies, we could eliminate the flow of illegal workers crossing our borders, the Department of Homeland Security would be able to focus its resources on terrorist and criminal threats at the border. Unfortunately, legislation taking just this approach, the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act (S. 1639), fell victim to a Senate filibuster early in the 110th Congress.

For those who insist on enforcement first, much has already been accomplished in this area. The 110th Congress has made remarkable strides, going beyond the president’s funding requests and putting sensible priorities in place, both for border personnel and infrastructure and for interior enforcement.

In the end, however, our ability to cut the Gordian Knot of illegal immigration through funding bills is very limited. Sooner or later, we must enact a comprehensive, pragmatic program that attacks all aspects of the problem. We must combine worker programs, based on the legitimate needs of employers, with a path to legal residency for law-abiding immigrants, serious enforcement of employment laws, and the protection of our borders. Only in this way can we truly address the interconnected and complicated challenges of immigration in America.

Related Information

Funding for Border Security and Immigration Enforcement

Price Op-Ed in The Hill: "Enforcement Only is an Incomplete Solution"

If you need help with US Citizenship and Immigration Services, please visit my Casework page.

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