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Passes and Permits

Personal Use Firewood Permit

[Graphic]: Sign denoting Firewood Cutting Area.Mail in Personal Firewood Permit

Permits can be purchased that allow you to cut firewood on the Lassen National Forest. Permits are for noncommercial, personal use only. Cost of firewood permits are $10.00 per cord. Multiple permits may be purchased up to a ten cord limit per household with a minimum purchase of two cords per permit. Permits are also available for firewood cutters who wish to cut wood on both the Lassen and Plumas National Forest.

Permit tags are sold with a map of the forest and firewood cutting regulations. It is important to point out that the Plumas has different restrictions than the Lassen and the Plumas firewood map has those restrictions printed on it.

The Lassen would like to remind wood cutters of the following points of importance:

  • Falling Snags - Falling dead trees within 100 feet of a paved road or within 200 feet of a railroad or power lines is prohibited.
  • Dead hardwood trees may not be felled anywhere.
  • Diameter Limits - With the exception of lodgepole pine, the falling of snags is limited to trees 20 inches in diameter or smaller.
  • Downed Trees - No restrictions, unless otherwise signed or marked.
  • Third Party Permits - An individual may be a cutter or transporter for up to 2 third party permits per year.

Complete Fuelwood Cutting Requirements

Firewood cutters are recommended to contact their local Ranger District offices for information regarding forest road closures during winter months or fire restrictions banning firewood cutting temporarily during fire season.

For permits and additional information or for commercial firewood cutting information, please visit the nearest Lassen National Forest Ranger District Office.

*Note: The Forest Supervisors office in Susanville, does not sell Firewood Permits. The closest office is the Eagle Lake District Office at the top of the hill north of town. Please call us with questions. 530-257-2151

Christmas Tree Cutting Permit

Christmas Tree Cutting PermitsMore information on Christmas Tree Cutting Permits can be found on the Christmas Tree Permit page.

California Campfire Permit

Campfire permits are required outside of developed campgrounds on all California National Forest System Lands. Permits are free, and can be obtained at any Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, or California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection Office. Please See Contact Us for locations of Lassen National Forest Offices.

Dry California summers sometimes bring high fire danger and special fire restrictions. Regulations governing fire restrictions are specific to each National Forest and change with weather conditions and the seasons. Before each visit please check with the Forest you plan to visit for current fire restrictions.

Interagency Recreation Passes

[image] Interagency Recreation PassesHonored nationwide at all Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Fish & Wildlife Service sites charging entrance or standard amenity fees, the Interagency Recreation Pass is the best choice for those who visit our great public lands frequently.

For more information visit the links below:

Wilderness Permit

These permits are presently not required at any of the three Wilderness Areas (Thousand Lakes, Caribou, Ishi) on the Lassen National Forest.

Special Use Permit

Collecting lava rock even for personal use requires a Special Use Permit. Permits are also required when: 1. if you will need to occupy, use , or build on National Forest System Lands; 2. if there is a fee being charged or if income is derived from the use; 3. if an activity on National Forest System Land involves individuals or organization with 75 or more participants or spectators.

Visit our National US Forest Service Special Use Web Site for a information brochure [PDF Brochure] on obtaining authorization and the application process. For more information about special use permits required to conduct business on National Forests, visit our National US Forest Service Special Use home page. For local permit authorization please contact the Ranger District office nearest you.

Special Forest Product Permits

[Graphic]: MushroomsCollecting any thing on National Forest Lands for commercial use requires a Special Forest Product Permit. Commonly requested permits are for mushrooms (see also Mushroom Picking Tips), manzanita burls, post, poles and rails. To obtain a commercial product permit, contact the District Special Products Administrator and set up an appointment to apply for the permit. For more information please contact the Ranger District office nearest you.