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Two intriguing investigations -- One flight-proven spacecraft

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EPOXI's spacecraft captures Luna transiting the Earth 28-29 May 2008. EPOXI Films Earth as an Alien World
If you thought the single image was cool, take a look at the movie... This is just really awesome! On 28/29 May, EPOXI looked at Earth as part of its mission. One of the objectives was to also characterize the Earth as an exoplanet. Well, the moon was getting ready to transit in front of the Earth.
Press Release...


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EPOXI Newsletter
A short update straight into your mailbox about what's happening in the EPOXI mission.
thumbnail of hot jupiter
EPOCh Targets
Which planets and stars will EPOCh closely watch for the next couple of months?


image of traffic light to represent mission status
Mission Status
Very short updates about how the mission is going. Latest report: 2008-Jun-25
image of ABC to represent glossary
We will be quickly developing this website over the next few months. The Glossary and FAQs are good places to start though.


thumbnail of artist conception of extrasolar planet
ASP Podcast: Dr. Geoff Marcy, New Worlds and Yellowstone: How Common are Habitable Planets?
Astronomers have now discovered more than 250 planets orbiting other stars. Hear the scientist who has discovered more planets than anyone else in the history of the world discuss what kinds of planets we have found so far, and what a new generation of telescopes might find in the future.
thumbnail of artist conception of extrasolar planet
ASP Podcast: Dr. David Morrison, Taking a Hit: Asteroid Impacts and Evolution
Asteroids have hit the Earth many time in the past, and they will continue to hit in the future, whether we are prepared or not. Collisions with our planet over 4.5 billion years have profoundly influenced the evolution of life.
thumbnail of artist conception of extrasolar planet
ASP Podcast: Dr. Janice Voss, Searching for Earth-like Planets: NASA's Kepler Mission
Dr. Voss, who has logged 49 days in space discusses her work in space and what it's like flying on the Shuttle as a scientist. She then talks about NASA's upcoming Kepler mission, which will use a telescope in space to search for transits.
thumbnail of artist conception of extrasolar planet
JPL Podcast: A Tale of Two Planets -- One Hot, One Windy
"Narrator: A tale of two planets - one hot, one windy. I'm Jane Platt with a podcast from JPL - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California."


2008.07.17 - NASA's Deep Impact Films Earth as an Alien World
NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft has created a video of the moon transiting (passing in front of) Earth as seen from the spacecraft's point of view 31 million miles away. Scientists are using the video to develop techniques...
2008.06.02 - Hunt for Superearth Planets Underway
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center scientist, Dr. Drake Deming, will present an update on the EPOXI mission on June 2, 2008 at the 212th American Astronomical Society in St. Louis, MO.
2008.02.07 - NASA's Deep Impact Begins Hunt for Alien Worlds
NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft is aiming its largest telescope at five stars in a search for alien (exosolar) planets as it enters its extended mission, called EPOXI.



Deep Impact
Live pages at UM.
Exoplanet Exploration.
NASA Portal site.


link to flash animation of Deep Impact results
Deep Impact Science Results
Deep Impact science team members have been analysing the results since 2005. This animation summarizes some of the major results.
Four Ways to Find a Planet.
Four Ways to Find a Planet
How do you find something if you can't see it? Here are some of the techniques used by scientists.