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Dataset Descriptions and Ordering Information

The data collected by Lightning Team instruments is archived and cataloged by the Global Hydrology Resource Center where it is made available free of charge (see below) . Some datasets also have additional software packages available. Information on these software packages is in the documentation provided by the GHRC.

LIS/OTD Gridded Data
LIS Data
OTD Data
Long Range Cloud to Ground Data
NLDN Cloud to Ground Data
LDAR Data From KSC

NOTE: Most data sets have browse images which are created as soon as possible after initial data ingest. As time allows, quality control procedures are performed, especially on satellite datasets. QC refers to data which has been through quality control procedures, while Non QC refers to "non quality controlled" for which only the browse images have been generated. Where possible, we have provided both.

View Legend and Ordering Data Information below >>

  LIS/OTD Gridded Lightning Data
The LIS/OTD Gridded Dataset consists of six LIS/OTD climatology and time series datasets.
    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 0.5 Degree High Resolution Full Climatology (HRFC)
Example: Annual Flash Rate
Download by FTP
    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 2.5 Degree Low Resolution Full Climatology (LRFC)
Example: Annual Flash Rate
Download by FTP
    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 2.5 Degree Low Resolution Diurnal Climatology (LRDC)
Download by FTP
    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 2.5 Degree Low Resolution Annual Diurnal Climatology (LRADC)
Download by FTP
    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 0.5 Degree High Resolution Annual Climatology (HRAC)
Example: HRAC Globe Movie
Download by FTP
    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 2.5 Degree Low Resolution Annual Climatology (LRAC)
Example: Zonal and Meridional Breakdown ( 1, 2, 3 )
Download by FTP
    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 0.5 Degree High Resolution Monthly Climatology (HRMC)
Example: Monthly Flash Rate
Download by FTP
    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 2.5 Degree Low Resolution Annual Climatology Time Series (LRACTS)
Example: Huntsville Alabama
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    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 2.5 Degree Low Resolution Monthly Climatology Time Series (LRMTS)
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    Acrobat PDF LIS/OTD 2.5 Degree Low Resolution Time Series (LRTS)
Example: Climatology Time Series Animation (QuickTime Movie)
Download by FTP
    Click to view These image files are common to all data sets:
Total Detection Efficiency
Viewing Hours
    Acrobat PDF Dataset Documentation for all LIS/OTD Gridded Lightning Data (PDF)
    Click to view An Introduction to the Optical Transient Detector Data
    Click to view An Introduction to the Lightning Imaging Sensor
    Click to view LIS/OTD Gridded Sample Code

  TRMM LBA Lightning Instrument Package Data
Folder blank_spacer The TRMM LBA Lightning Data includes field mill data, conductivity probe temperatures from two probes, and navigation data. They were collected during the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) in north west Brazil (Rondonia), from Jan 23 - Feb 14, 1999.
    Click to view Order TRMM LBA Lightning Data from the GHRC
    Click to view TRMM LBA Data Documentation

  Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS)
Folder blank_spacer LIS is a space-based sensor which is being used to detect lightning activity in the tropics. It was launched into a low earth orbit on November 1997 as part of the TRMM mission.
    Click to view Order LIS HDF Data from the GHRC
    Click to view LIS Data and Software Overview
    Click to view An Introduction to the Lightning Imaging Sensor
    Click to view LIS/OTD Read Software [15MB compressed +Tar.Z format]
    Click to view Software User Guide [5 MB PDF format]
    Click to view Release Notes [14 KB PDF format]
    Click to view Quick Start Guide [3KB PDF format]
    Click to view Anomalous data receipt & processing conditions for the LIS instrument
    Click to view LIS Browse Images - Data has been inspected and passed our Quality Control measures
    Click to view Recent LIS Browse Images - Created from data that has not been inspected for Quality Control
    Click to view LIS Monthly/Seasonal Browse
    Click to view LIS Space Time Domain Search
    Click to view TRMM Orbital maneuvers
    Click to view TRMM Maneuver Times - Complete History
    Click to view TRMM Orbit predictions for the next 6 days

  Optical Transient Detector (OTD)
Folder blank_spacer OTD is a space-based sensor which has been used to determine the distribution of lightning activity around the globe. It was launched into low earth orbit on April 1995 on the Orbview-1 (formerly Microlab-1) spacecraft. The OTD Mission ended March 23, 2000.
    Click to view Order OTD HDF Data from the GHRC
    Click to view OTD Data and Software Overview
    Click to view An Introduction to the Optical Transient Detector Data
    Click to view LIS/OTD Read Software [15MB compressed +Tar.Z format]
    Click to view Software User Guide [5 MB PDF format]
    Click to view Release Notes [14 KB PDF format]
    Click to view Quick Start Guide [3KB PDF format]
    Click to view OTD Browse Images - Data has been inspected and passed our Quality Control measures
    Click to view OTD Annual and Seasonal Summaries

  National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN)
Folder blank_spacer The NLDN is a ground-based lightning detection network for the continental United States that is used to detect cloud-to-ground lightning. The distribution of this data is restricted to NASA EOS and TRMM science investigators. This data cannot be redistributed..
    Click to view Order NLDN data from the GHRC [restricted]
    Click to view NLDN Flash Data Documentation
    Click to view NLDN US Composite 15minute and Daily Lightning Documentation
    Click to view NLDN Browse Images - [password protected - restricted]

  Long Range Lightning Network
Folder blank_spacer A ground-based lightning detection network that is used to detect lightning over the Atlantic & Pacific oceans up to 1200 miles during the day and 2500 miles at night beyond the continental United States. Data are available from July, 1996 to November, 2003. The distribution of this data is restricted to scientists employed by the US Government.
    Click to view Order Long Range Lightning Data from the GHRC [restricted]
    Click to view Long Range Lightning Data Documentation
    Click to view Long Range Browse Images - [restricted]

Folder blank_spacer A type of lightning detection instrumentation that is used to detect both intracloud and cloud-to-ground lightning near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. ldarraw starts on 1997.059 (Feb. 28, 1997) and ends on 2008.163 (June 11, 2008).
    Click to view Order LDAR Data from the GHRC
    Click to view LDAR Data Documentation
    Click to view Daily LDAR Browse Images

Binary File Binary file [compressed, gzipped, HDF, etc]
Order Page
Order Data page for the selected dataset.
Browse Image Browse area.
Acrobat PDF
Adobe Acrobat PDF file. If you do not have Acrobat installed on your system, click here.
HTML Document Web page.
Plain Text File
Text document.

Ordering Data Information

Data can be ordered free of charge from the GHRC through HyDRO, the GHRC's online data ordering system, or by contacting the GHRC User Services Office. Please note that not all datasets archived by the GHRC are from the Lightning Team. Most datasets are available in several media forms, including digital tape and FTP download, and are available in compressed or uncompressed formats. Most datasets are stored in HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) files. Information about this format is available from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the URL NCSA provides a public domain library supporting HDF on a wide variety of computer platforms.


NASA Contact: Jim Smoot
Site Curator: LIS Webteam