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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Child and Family Services Reviews Update


Volume 4, Issue 2, December 2007

In This Issue:
Review Update
CFSR Unit Update
PIP Guidance
Consultant Travel
Consultant Reviewer Update
Happy Holidays

Onsite Child and Family Services Review Update

The fiscal year (FY) 2008 onsite Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs) will kick off with the Florida review beginning January 7, 2008. It will be a busy year with 19 reviews scheduled between January and September. The full FY 2008 review schedule is available on the Children's Bureau Web site at:

As they become available, documents from the FY 2007 and 2008 reviews, such as the Statewide Assessments, Final Reports, and Key Findings Reports, are posted on the Children's Bureau Web site at

CFSR Unit Update

As many of you may have heard, Jerry Milner, who has been the head of the CFSR Unit for the Children's Bureau since the initiation of the reviews, announced his retirement this month. His last day with the Bureau was December 14, 2007. Jerry has a wealth of child welfare knowledge and was a pleasure to work with. He will be greatly missed by everyone involved with the reviews. Linda Mitchell, who also has been with the CFSR Unit since the beginning of the reviews, is the acting director of the unit.

The unit, which also includes Sylvia Kim, Will Hornsby, Don Adams, Myrrl McBride, and Melissa Beard, recently was expanded to include Richard Longoria and Esther Sherrard. Richard has worked with the Children's Bureau Policy Division and the Children's Bureau Region VI office, as well as the State of Texas. Esther has worked with the Child Welfare Clearinghouse, as well as the State of Hawaii.

Children's Bureau Provides PIP Guidance and Suggested Format

The Children's Bureau has provided States with guidance and a suggested format for developing Program Improvement Plans (PIPs) for the second round of CFSRs. On October 9, 2007, the Children's Bureau released Information Memorandum 07-08, which describes the new PIP suggested format (referred to as the PIP matrix) and instructions for using the matrix. The memorandum contains the new matrix and can be found on the Children's Bureau Web site at: A more detailed version of the matrix, including sample sections of a completed matrix, also is available on the CB Web site at:

The matrix can be used for developing the PIP and submitting the required monthly reports. Although certain information must be included in the PIPs, use of the new matrix is suggested but not required.

Consultant Travel

As consultants begin to make travel plans for the FY 2008 reviews, the distinction between ground and local travel has been a source of confusion for some travelers. Local travel refers to travel that is within 50 miles (one way) of the consultant's home or office. This rarely applies to consultant travel. Travel to and from the airport, even if from home, is considered ground travel, not local travel.

Also, please note that consultants are now required to submit copies of boarding passes or Internet check-in receipts for all flights or rail trips. Effective with the FY 2008 reviews, consultants who do not submit the required documentation with their expense vouchers will be responsible for the cost of the airline or train ticket.

Finally, when working with Travel On to make travel arrangements, consultants should note that they should not have to leave their home before 6:00 a.m. or arrive home after midnight, unless such arrangements are requested by the consultant. Consultants may e-mail the Child Welfare Reviews Project at with any questions regarding travel arrangements or completing the travel expense vouchers.

Consultant Reviewer Update

Consultants who have signed a contract with JBS International, Inc., to serve as consultant reviewers or Consultant Co-Local Site Leaders for the CFSRs, or who completed a consultant training in FY 2007, are being asked to sign a new contract. The former contracts with JBS expired on September 30, 2007. The new agreement will serve as a contract with JBS through FY 2012.

The Child Welfare Reviews Project has sent three copies of the new agreement to most consultants; the remaining agreements will be mailed this week. One copy is to be retained for consultant records. The other two should be completed in their entirety, signed, and returned to JBS at the address provided. Upon receipt of the two signed agreements, JBS will counter-sign these, keep one, and return one to the consultant. Consultants may not participate in any upcoming reviews until the new signed agreements have been received by JBS.

Consultants who were not trained this year may have another opportunity during FY 2008. The Child Welfare Reviews Project also continues to accept applications from eligible individuals. There is a special need for Spanish-speaking consultants and those with tribal experience.

Information regarding consultant recruitment and the application process is available on the Children's Bureau Web site at

Finally, consultants are requested to send any updates relating to contact information or review availability to the Child Welfare Reviews Project at

Happy Holidays

The Children's Bureau and the Child Welfare Reviews Project, which assists the Children's Bureau in managing the CFSRs, would like to thank each of you for your work this past year toward achieving positive outcomes for children and families and we wish you a joyous holiday season.


The Child and Family Services Reviews Update is designed for professionals interested in the Children's Bureau Child and Family Services Reviews. It is supported by the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and published by the Child Welfare Reviews Project, which is managed by JBS International, Inc. For more information, contact the Child Welfare Reviews Project by e-mail at or by telephone at (301) 565-3260.