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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Section IV – Systemic Factors

A. Statewide Information System

Item 24: Statewide Information System. Is the State operating a statewide information system that, at a minimum, can readily identify the status, demographic characteristics, location, and goals for the placement of every child who is (or within the immediately preceding 12 months, has been) in foster care?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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B. Case Review System

Item 25: Written Case Plan. Does the State provide a process that ensures that each child has a written case plan, to be developed jointly with the child, when appropriate, and the child's parent(s), that includes the required provisions?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 26: Periodic Reviews. Does the State provide a process for the periodic review of the status of each child, no less frequently than once every 6 months, either by a court or by administrative review?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 27: Permanency Hearings. Does the State provide a process that ensures that each child in foster care under the supervision of the State has a permanency hearing in a qualified court or administrative body no later than 12 months from the date that the child entered foster care and no less frequently than every 12 months thereafter?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 28: Termination of Parental Rights. Does the State provide a process for Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) proceedings in accordance with the provisions of the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA)?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 29: Notice of Hearings and Reviews to Caregivers. Does the State provide a process for foster parents, pre-adoptive parents, and relative caregivers of children in foster care to be notified of, and have an opportunity to be heard in, any review or hearing held with respect to the child?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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C. Quality Assurance System

Item 30: Standards Ensuring Quality Services. Has the State developed and implemented standards to ensure that children in foster care are provided quality services that protect the safety and health of the children?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 31: Quality Assurance System. Is the State operating an identifiable quality assurance system that is in place in the jurisdictions where the services included in the Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) are provided, evaluates the quality of services, identifies the strengths and needs of the service delivery system, provides relevant reports, and evaluates program improvement measures implemented?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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D. Staff and Provider Training

Item 32: Initial Staff Training. Is the State operating a staff development and training program that supports the goals and objectives in the CFSP, addresses services provided under titles IV-B and IV-E, and provides initial training for all staff who deliver these services?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 33: Ongoing Staff Training. Does the State provide for ongoing training for staff that addresses the skills and knowledge base needed to carry out their duties with regard to the services included in the CFSP?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 34: Foster and Adoptive Parent Training. Does the State provide training for current or prospective foster parents, adoptive parents, and staff of State-licensed or State-approved facilities that care for children receiving foster care or adoption assistance under title IV-E? Does the training address the skills and knowledge base that they need to carry out their duties with regard to foster and adopted children?  

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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E. Service Array and Resource Development

Item 35: Array of Services. Does the State have in place an array of services that assess the strengths and needs of children and families, that determine other service needs, that address the needs of families in addition to individual children to create a safe home environment, that enable children to remain safely with their parents when reasonable, and that help children in foster and adoptive placements achieve permanency?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 36: Service Accessibility. Are the services in item 35 accessible to families and children in all political jurisdictions covered in the State’s CFSP?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 37: Individualizing Services. Can the services in item 35 be individualized to meet the unique needs of children and families served by the agency?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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F. Agency Responsiveness to the Community

Item 38: State Engagement in Consultation With Stakeholders. In implementing the provisions of the CFSP, does the State engage in ongoing consultation with tribal representatives, consumers, service providers, foster care providers, the juvenile court, and other public and private child- and family-serving agencies, and include the major concerns of these representatives in the goals and objectives of the CFSP?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 39: Agency Annual Reports Pursuant to the CFSP. Does the agency develop, in consultation with these representatives, annual reports of progress and services delivered pursuant to the CFSP?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 40: Coordination of CFSP Services With Other Federal Programs. Are the State's services under the CFSP coordinated with the services or benefits of other Federal or federally assisted programs serving the same population?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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G. Foster and Adoptive Home Licensing, Approval, and Recruitment

Item 41: Standards for Foster Homes and Institutions. Has the State implemented standards for foster family homes and child care institutions that are reasonably in accord with recommended national standards?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 42: Standards Applied Equally. Are the standards applied to all licensed or approved foster family homes or child care institutions receiving title IV-E or IV-B funds?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 43: Requirements for Criminal Background Checks. Does the State comply with Federal requirements for criminal background clearances related to licensing or approving foster care and adoptive placements, and does the State have in place a case planning process that includes provisions for addressing the safety of foster care and adoptive placements for children?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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Item 44: Diligent Recruitment of Foster and Adoptive Homes. Does the State have in place a process for ensuring the diligent recruitment of potential foster and adoptive families that reflect the ethnic and racial diversity of children for whom foster and adoptive homes are needed in the State?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

Item 45: State Use of Cross-Jurisdictional Resources for Permanent Placements. Does the State have in place a process for the effective use of cross-jurisdictional resources to facilitate timely adoptive or permanent placements for waiting children?

Address the relevant exploratory issues below in discussing this item:

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