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Barrett Announces $18,050 Grant for Jackson Fire Department

Barrett Announces $18,050 Grant for Jackson Fire Department


Jackson, SC – Representative Gresham Barrett (SC,3) announced today that the Jackson Fire Department will receive $18,050 in grant monies through the 2008 Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program sponsored by the United States Department of Homeland Security.  This money is to be used to purchase new operations and safety materials. 


            “The public service these firefighters provide is extremely vital to each of our South Carolina communities,” said Congressman Barrett.  “It is essential that they are given the tools and resources necessary to be successful in their jobs.  These grants will immediately impact the operations of the fire Department and will greatly increase our firefighters’ safety.”


The Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFGP) awards one-year grants directly to fire departments and non-affiliated emergency medical service (EMS) organizations.  These awards aim to enhance the nation’s overall level of preparedness and ability to respond to fire and fire related hazards.  The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Grants and Training (G&T) administers the program, in cooperation with the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA). The Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program includes training, firefighting equipment, personal protective equipment, wellness and fitness, health and safety modifications to fire stations and facilities, and firefighting vehicles.  Since 2004, with Fiscal Year 2008 awards included, the AFG Program has awarded almost $2.75 billion to first responder organizations. This year, Congress has appropriated approximately $500 million to be awarded through the AFG competitive grant process.  These funds will have a direct impact on response capabilities, and will more effectively protect the health and safety of the public and emergency response personnel.


For the most current information regarding the 2008 Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program, visit www.firegrantsupport.com or enroll in the USFA email distribution list serve for the most current news releases from the USFA.

