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Congressman Barrett Asks for All of the Above Energy Approach

Madam Speaker,


 It has been five weeks we have been in session here on the House floor.  But there were many of us that came to the House floor throughout August.  We talked directly with the American people about the immediate need for comprehensive energy legislation. 


 It became crystal clear that there is a disconnect between what is happening on the streets of America and what is being debated in Washington, D.C.  One day a colleague was talking and in a moment of doubt and frustration he said, “I don’t even know if anyone is listening?” a gentleman sitting on the floor stood up and said, “Congressman – America is listening.”  And he was right.


 The American people are hurting.  At a gas station in North Augusta, SC one gentleman – a special needs gentleman - came up to me and said, "Congressman, I can only buy $39 of gas – that’s a half a tank, because that's all the money I've got, and that's got to do me." 


 What are we doing to help this gentleman?  Madam Speaker, let's quit the partisanship. This is an American problem. And what we need is an American solution – we need an “all of the above” approach!