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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Appendix IV

Recommended Topics for Discussion by the
Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Team
During the Pre-Review Conference Call
and Before Reviewing Records On-Site

The pre-review conference call is held between the ACF and the State agency representatives at least 45 calendar days before the on-site review and after ACF's review of material submitted by the State agency, including the approved State plans for titles IV-E and IV-A. On-site, the discussion topics may supplement the training provided to the team before its review of case records. The ACF Regional Office leads the pre-review and on-site discussions and uses the State agency material to guide the discussions.

Case Sampling. Discuss the case selection process, including:

Payment History. Discuss information contained in the payment history and request supplemental information when data is questionable or missing.

Policy and Practice. Ask the State agency to describe its practice and applicable statute or policy concerning:

On-Site Review Logistics and Activities. Discuss plans for the logistical arrangements for team members and on-site activities during the review week, including:

Next Steps. Determine whether an additional conference call is necessary and what additional information, such as the placement history, the State agency should provide for the on-site review.