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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Chapter 3

On-Site Reviews

Advance Preparation for the On-Site Review

The ACF Central Office Team Leader for Eligibility Monitoring serves as the contact point for questions and concerns before, during, and after the on-site review

ACF Central Office Responsibilities

ACF Regional Office Responsibilities

State Agency Responsibilities

Case Selection and Review

Sample of Cases Reviewed

The ACF Central Office statistician selects the sample of foster care cases to be reviewed on site from the most recent AFCARS data and transmits the sample by e-mail to the State agency. The ACF Regional Office may request a stratified sample to ensure the sample proportionally represents the title IV-E foster care population when the State agency has a title IV-E agreement for placement and care with another public agency, such as the juvenile justice agency or a federally recognized tribal agency.

Cases selected for the sample must have a related title IV-E foster care maintenance payment during the 6-month period under review (PUR). Before the on-site review, the State coordinator must record the reason for eliminating any cases from the sample of cases that will be reviewed on site and furnish that information to the ACF Regional Office team leader.

Preparation of Case Records for Review

Case records must be organized and up to date. The tagging, labeling, or segregating of sample case documents to identify specific material pertaining to the PUR or on-site review is not encouraged or recommended. Nor is it recommended that separate case folders be established primarily for the on-site review. The State agency must make sure that all documents needed to substantiate individual child and provider eligibility in each of the sample cases are available to the review team. The review team will not infer or speculate about the eligibility of a child or provider. The determination of case compliance must be supported by the appropriate documentation, even when the State agency placed a child with an out-of-state foster care provider and the placing State agency retained placement and care responsibility of the child. If acceptable documentation is not provided during the on-site review, the case may be assigned a preliminary finding of undetermined. Subsequently, if acceptable documentation is not provided before the issuance of the final report of review findings the case will be determined to be in error.

Sample case records being reviewed must be available at the review site so that the reviewers will have access to pertinent case material. Furthermore, the State agency must provide any records maintained separately, i.e., provider records and/or eligibility records necessary for the review. During the on-site review, the reviewer typically should be able to examine the child's entire case record, family record, and provider licensing file. This allows for a thorough review of the child's placement beginning from entry into foster care and extending throughout the life of the foster care episode. It also affords the review team better insight into how the State implements the foster care maintenance payment program, and provides the State agency an opportunity to receive immediate training and technical assistance on site. The ACF authority for requiring access to sample case records is included in the Federal regulations at 45 CFR Parts 92 and 1356. The following list provides general guidelines concerning pertinent case documentation:

For further information on the review procedures pertaining to the title IV-E foster care eligibility requirements, refer to Chapter IV of this review guide.

Use of Electronic Files for Review

The State agency may use electronic files to substantiate title IV-E eligibility. If electronic files are used on site, the State agency should make computers and technical assistance available to the reviewers for viewing the electronic records or obtain hard copies of all the files or portions of the files that contain information relevant to the review. The State agency must provide training to the review team members to acquaint the team with the State's child welfare data system, and provide staff to assist reviewers in obtaining documentation that verifies the child's eligibility. The electronic files may be used to provide evidence of: the child's removal as a result of judicial determinations of "contrary to the welfare" and "reasonable efforts" or via a voluntary placement agreement; responsibility for placement and care vested with State agency; placement in a licensed foster family home or childcare institution; eligibility for AFDC under the State plan as it was in effect on July 16, 1996; and verification of safety requirements for children placed in foster care.

Before the on-site review, the ACF Regional Office should request that the State agency demonstrate how the automated system sustains the functional aspects of the eligibility program, such as provider licensing, AFDC eligibility determination, and court documentation. Perusal of ACF Action Transmittal (AT) ACF-OSS-05 and consultation with the ACF Office of State Systems will assist the ACF Regional Office in assessing the extent to which the State's automated system will support the on-site review and alleviate the State agency's burden to reproduce paper documentation. The AT ACF-OSS-05, issued August 21, 1998, provides guidance to States with State Automated Child Welfare Information Systems concerning the level of automation required for supporting title IV-E eligibility determination, and lists a number of approaches States may take to automate the determination process. This document is located on the Children's Bureau Web site at

The ACF Regional Office also should become familiar with the State statutes and administrative policies on electronic files, including signature and document authentication. It is expected that the State's automated system will document the data used to establish child and provider eligibility and apply all eligibility factors consistently and accurately in every eligibility determination. The ACF Regional Office's assessment of the automated process should entail a basic exploration of:

The above information is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all the factors to consider in examining the State's automated system. In general, the State agency should demonstrate to the satisfaction of the ACF Central and Regional Offices that the automated system is a valid representation of the State's business practice and policy pertaining to the eligibility determination process. A comparison of information in actual case records to that contained in the electronic files also will help the ACF Regional Office determine the validity of the State agency's automated system and degree of representation.

On-Site Review Instrument and Instructions

The On-Site Review Instrument and Instructions (checklist) used for the review will be provided to the team by the ACF Regional Office or its designee (at least 100 copies for the primary review). Copies of the On-Site Review Instrument also are available on the Children's Bureau Web site at (See "On-Site Review Instrument and Instructions," Appendix I; see also "Title IV-E Eligibility Criteria for the Foster Care Maintenance Payments Program," Appendix VII; and "Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Chart," Appendix XI.)

An On-Site Review Instrument is completed for each sample case in which at least one title IV-E foster care maintenance payment is made during the PUR. If the child exits and subsequently re-enters foster care during the PUR, an On-Site Review Instrument is completed for each foster care entry during the PUR.

On-Site Review Activities

It is preferable to conduct the review in one large room rather than several small rooms to allow for effective interaction among the team members. The room should be accessible to the review team at all times and secure to protect the confidentiality of the case records. Team members are expected to be flexible about their working hours in order to complete the review of all cases in the allotted 5 working days.

The State agency schedules the following activities for the on-site review: