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Press Releases

  • Barrett Statement on Bush Farewell

    As President George W. Bush prepares to leave the White House after eight years, Congressman J. Gresham Barrett (SC,3) released the following statement thanking him for his service and leadership to our nation.

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  • Rep. Barrett Meets with Corps Officials Regarding Lake Levels

    Washington, DC – Congressman Gresham Barrett (SC-03) met earlier this week with General Schroedel, commander of the South Atlantic Division, US Army Corps of Engineers to discuss the current drought situation and a better way forward. At the meeting Congressman Barrett followed up on a formal request he recently made to the Savannah Corps of Engineers that the releases from Lake Thurmond are kept at 3100cfs for as long as possible. In addition, Congressman Barrett has asked for a plan of action from the Corps of Engineers for any future drought conditions that are likely to occur.

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Floor Speeches

  • Rep. Barrett Floor Speech: Opposes TARP Expansion

    Before coming to Congress, I owned a small furniture store – the best and only furniture retailer in all of Westminster, SC. We only sold furniture; we did one thing, and we did it well. And before I ran Barrett's Furniture, I was a Captain in the US Army – a clear job title. In both organizations, I was taught to keep operations focused and not to expand our mission beyond its initial goals. So, what does this have to do with the legislation that we're discussing today? Unfortunately, this bill is a perfect example of Congress' bad habit of expanding its initial missions – a habit that brought us Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Community Reinvestment Act, and the Alternative Minimum Tax.

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  • Congressman Barrett expresses support for Improved Economic Stabilization Package

    Madam Speaker, we come here today in the midst of the biggest economic crisis this nation has ever faced. The proposal put forth by the administration earlier was unacceptable. No accountability no government oversight, too much burden on the American taxpayer, but politics is the art of the possible. This house is a place where policy and reality come together where people solve problems.

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