Laboratory Animal Sciences Program
Center for Cancer Research NCI-Frederick

Hematology and Blood Chemistry Analysis

PHL - Blood Analysis

The PHL Hematology section offers a multi-quantitative, automated, as well as manual, hematology service. Our impedance-based analyzers determine a variety of hematological parameters in whole blood. The laboratory also offers a comprehensive blood chemistry service to investigators.

The Blood Chemistry Analysis section offers a wide variety of clinical chemistry analyte tests on serum, urine, and cerebral spinal fluid. Methodologies include colormetric, potentiometric and rate tests.

PHL - Histotechnology Blood Chemistry Parameters


Minimum Volume

Alanine Aminotransferase

10 ul


10 ul

Alkaline Phosphatase

11 ul


10 ul

Aspartate Aminotransferase

11 ul

Bilirubin Unconjugated/Conjugated

10 ul

Blood Urea Nitrogen

10 ul


10 ul

Carbon Dioxide

10 ul


10 ul


10 ul

Creatinine Kinase

11 ul

Creatinine Kinase MB

11 ul


10 ul

Gamma Glutamyltransferase

11 ul


10 ul

Hematology / CBC

200 ul


10 ul

Lactate Dehydrogenase

11 ul


10 ul


10 ul


10 ul


10 ul

Total Bilirubin

10 ul

Total Protein

10 ul


10 ul

Uric Acid

10 ul

Urine Protein

10 ul



Minimum Volume

Estradiol - Available by Phone Only

Call Bobbi Smith

Progesterone - Available by Phone Only

Call Bobbi Smith

Testosterone - Available by Phone Only

Call Bobbi Smith

These tests are designed to be a useful addition to phenotyping capabilities within the NCI. This service will also be a valuable diagnostic tool when animal health issues arise. Although the service is tailored to mice, samples may be submitted for any species of laboratory animals.

Interpretation of results and consultation about various phenotyping services is available on request through the Veterinary Pathology Section within PHL.

Rodent Hematology

Complete hematology profile using the CDC® Hemavet™ blood counter calibrated exclusively for mouse and rat
Blood smears with manual counting when automated counting is precluded
  Example of Blood Chemistry Test Sheet
  Example of Blood Chemistry Test Sheet

Additional Information

Please contact Bobbi Smith, telephone (301) 846-1275, or Larry Sternberg, telephone (301) 846-6881 for any further questions.





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