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Contact Barrett

Inauguration Information

Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States

January 20, 2009 will be a historic day for our nation.  As you may know, tickets to the Swearing-In Ceremony of the 44th President are available free to the public through congressional offices.  

Due to the overwhelming number of requests already received, my office is no longer able to take requests for tickets to the Swearing-In Ceremony.

Notification by my office will be made in late December or early January, and individuals receiving tickets will be given specific instructions at that time on how to collect them.

BUYER BEWARE: There are websites claiming to sell tickets to the Swearing-In Ceremony. These are fraudulent claims, and I want to strongly caution against purchasing such false tickets.  Do not purchase "tickets" over the internet.  

 Helpful Links:

Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies

Presidential Inaugural Committee

DC Presidential Inaugural Committee 

Official Tourism Information for Washington, DC