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Contact Barrett

Fiscal Restraint

The American people deserve to know their tax dollars are being spent wisely. And as a nation in the midst of a global war, sacrifices must be made by all Americans not just our military personnel and their families. Unfortunately, federal spending is out of control and cannot sustain itself spending at this rate.

As Vice Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, Representative Barrett is committed to holding the line on spending and cutting wasteful government spending. He has offered a common sense plan which would reduce spending by five percent for five years saving the government billions of dollars. Included in this plan is a Pay-As-You-Go provision requiring offsets – not based off tax increases – be offered at the time any increase in spending is offered. Another key component is the narrowing of the definition of ‘emergency’ spending.

Lowering the overall amount of money the federal government spends forces those allocating the funds to better prioritize. This approach translates into a strong economy with low unemployment. For the future, it means the ability to keep and improve a health care system that affords opportunity to all citizens long into the golden years of life. The ability to create an environment that allows our kids to get a quality education giving them a better chance at a successful future.