U.S. Representative Silvestre Reyes.  Proudly Serving the 16th District of Texas.
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Column: Mental Health and National Nursing Home Week

Washington, D.C.

Congressman Reyes' weekly column: "Mental Health and National Nursing Home Week"

The U.S. is faced with significant health care challenges, and two important issues, mental illness and nursing home care, are highlighted during the month of May. The recent tragedy at Virginia Tech emphasized the power of mental illness and its ability to destroy lives and futures. The expense of quality nursing home care, which is already an emotional topic, challenges many of our elderly nursing home residents, as well as those who seek quality care for aging parents and loved ones.

Mental Health Month

Illnesses like panic attacks, eating disorders, depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are real and need our thoughtful and concerted attention. We’ve especially seen this tragic problem in our veterans. Especially as servicemembers are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with life-altering injuries, those who struggle with mental illness must have access to care. I serve as a co-sponsor of the Veterans Mental Health Care bill, which requires the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to increase their mental health service capacity by allowing them to contract out to community mental health centers.

I also co-sponsor the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007, which helps ensure that those who employ their mental healthcare coverage are not required to pay unfair medical costs and are able to access the same quality care available to Members of Congress. 

National Nursing Home Week

National Nursing Home Week, which highlights the need for quality care for the elderly and disabled, and the need for additional care providers in nursing homes, takes place this week. This year’s theme, “Treasure Our Elders,” honors the residents and all their contributions to our lives. This is an issue of growing importance in our nation, and an extremely emotional one for the individuals and families who have made or are making the transition to institutional care.

In Congress, it also reaffirms the importance of Medicare and Medicaid, critical health insurance programs for our elderly and low-income citizens. This year, the Bush Administration released a budget proposal that would reduce Medicare funding by $66 billion over five years, in part by cutting Medicare payments to doctors by about eight percent, and to reduce Medicaid funding by about $7 billion.

I strongly disagree with these proposals, and as my colleagues and I in the new Democratic Congress shape the budget for the year, I will advocate for increased funding for these necessary programs. Earlier this year, my colleagues and I also passed H.R. 4, the Medicare Prescription Drug Negotiation Act of 2007, which would help beneficiaries in El Paso and across the country pay the lowest price possible for their prescription drugs.

Throughout the month of May and throughout the year, I applaud the many health care
professionals who work hard providing for patients in their hour of need, and I pray for the health and quality of life of those who are undergoing treatment or change in their lives. The federal government has an important responsibility to direct funding and shape policies that will help both our caretakers and patients, and throughout the year, I will continue my work in the U.S. Congress on their behalf.