U.S. Representative Silvestre Reyes.  Proudly Serving the 16th District of Texas.
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El Paso cancer awareness delegation on Capitol Hill

Washington, D.C.
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A delegation of El Pasoans joined Rep. Reyes in Washington, D.C. to support federal policies that will help eliminate cancer as a major health risk.

El Paso cancer awareness delegation on Capitol Hill 

This year, 34,530 Texans will lose their lives to cancer, and Texas is still mourning the loss of our spirited and trailblazing governor, Ann Richards, to the disease. Congressman Silvestre Reyes (D-El Paso) joined with a delegation of El Pasoans in Washington, D.C. today to support federal policies that will help eliminate cancer as a major health risk. Eight El Pasoans traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in "Celebration on the Hill 2006" today, sponsored by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.

"The sad reality today is that almost everyone has been touched by cancer – either they battled the disease themselves or they know family or friends who have," said Reyes, a long-time advocate of cancer research and member of the Congressional Cancer Caucus. "The efforts of our fellow El Pasoans and the thousands others on the National Mall today play an important role in assisting me and other congressional advocates move legislation forward on Capitol Hill. I applaud and admire their strength and resolve to speak out and fight for such a worthy cause."

Prior to their visit, Congressman Reyes met with El Paso’s delegation in his district office and signed the "Congressional Cancer Promise," through which he pledged to make health system reform a reality; elevate prevention, early detection and survivorship; increase commitment to research; and expand access to care. Reyes also signed a bipartisan, bicameral letter to President Bush in support of the National Cancer Institute’s goal of eliminating cancer death and suffering by the year 2015. The American Cancer Society references this letter in their "Cancer Promise."

Throughout his career in Congress, Reyes has served as a co-sponsor of numerous pieces of legislation that support cancer research and care, and has consistently voted in support of funding for the National Cancer Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and other federal efforts to research and eradicate cancer. He also applauds the National Cancer Institute at the Department of Health and Human Services for their announcement today awarding the University of Texas at El Paso $169,787 in federal funding for a grant project on minorities and oncology.

The El Paso delegation included: Alma Balboa, El Paso County Judge Dolores Briones, Patricia Carter, Rene Hurtado, Marcia Kelley, Vivian Ortiz, and Maria Ruiz. County Judge Dolores Briones recently triumphed in her battle with breast cancer, and all other delegation members have fought cancer personally or supported family and friends in their fight.


Kira Maas