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Contact Barrett

Social & Constitutional Issues

Culture of life: Representative Barrett is a firm believer that life begins at conception, and that any attempt to harm or endanger the life of an innocent child, born or unborn, is wrong. He is a co-sponsor of several pieces of legislation supporting life and helped push for the passage of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban signed into law by President Bush.

Just as Representative Barrett is steadfast in his opposition to abortion, he stands against the destruction of embryonic stem cells for purposes of research as suggested by some. A balance can be found between the need to find cures for debilitating and life threatening diseases and the protection of unborn baby. Recently, Harvard University and Wake Forest University discovered that stem-cells in amniotic fluid are similar to those found and thought to be unique only to embryonic stem cells. In addition, non-embryonic stem-cell research has been successful in thousands of patients where embryonic stem-cell research has never yielded a healing application in humans.

Sanctity of Marriage: Representative Barrett believes a marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman, under God and under law. He has co-sponsored legislation that defines marriage as such, and will work to ensure traditional family values are upheld in law.

Activist Judges: Representative Barrett recognizes the important role the judiciary plays in a democratic system of government. Judges have a duty to interpret the laws and Constitution rather than substitute their personal beliefs and legislate from the bench.

Constitutional Rights: In their great wisdom, the Founding Fathers recognized the importance of the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech as essential and inalienable rights, enshrining those rights in the Constitution. Unfortunately, the courts have begun to undermine these rights by legislating from the bench. Representative Barrett will fight against attempts to impose a broad separation between “church” and “state” that was never the intent of our forefathers.

Additionally, as a staunch defender of the liberties guaranteed under the Constitution, Representative Barrett shares concerns of many regarding potential infringements of privacy rights and the right to due process.This is an issue on which he will remain ever-vigilant. However, Representative Barrett understands the need to balance individuals’ rights with the legitimate need to prevent terrorists the ability to plot, plan and carry out attacks against American citizens and the homeland.

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