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Marine Corporal Matthew Dillon honored

Washington, DC – One year ago today Marine Corporal Matthew V. Dillon was killed in action while serving in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq.  To honor him, immediately following votes this evening Congressman J. Gresham Barrett (SC, 3) introduced legislation that would name the new Veterans Clinic in Aiken, SC the Matthew V. Dillon Department of Veterans Affairs Out-patient Clinic.

“Corporal Dillon is an American hero,” said Congressman Barrett.  “Naming the new veterans facility in Matthew’s hometown after him is the least any of us can do.  To Matthew, the Marine Corps Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment were more than words they were values by which he lived his life.  It is my hope that others will recognize his courage and his sacrifice and allow this legislation to move through the process quickly.

Corporal Dillon was on his second tour of duty in Iraq.  After watching the attacks against our country on September 11th, Matthew Dillon enlisted in the South Carolina National Guard and was deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.  During that tour of duty, then Specialist Dillon earned a Purple Heart for wounds he sustained during an IED attack.  He went on to enlist in the Marine Corps in March 2005 and his unit was deployed to Iraq in September 2006. 

The morning of December 11, 2006 the Incident Report Team that Matthew was a member of came under attack in the town of Al Khalidiyah.  Matthew was engaged in the fight returning fire and killing one insurgent before the Hummve in which he was riding was struck by an IED.  He was killed in action and awarded a Purple Heart with Gold Star (second award).

While in Iraq, Matthew Dillon was recognized for several achievements, including the following:

• Awarded “Certificate of Commendation” for outstanding performance which resulted in his selection as “Marine of the Quarter” against 500 Marines.
• Received meritorious promotion to Corporal with only 13 months in grade.
• Received “Letter of Appreciation” from unit commander for conducting basic EMT training to fellow Marines.
• Selected to serve on the President’s Security Team in Washington, DC effective March, 2007