[Federal Register: October 25, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 207)]
[Page 63904-63905]


Privacy Act of 1974; Computer Matching Program, Office of
Personnel Management/Social Security Administration

AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

ACTION: Publication of notice of computer matching program to comply
with Public Law 100-503, the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection
Act of 1988.


SUMMARY: OPM is publishing notice of its computer matching program with
the Social Security Administration (SSA) to meet the reporting and
publication requirements of Public Law 100-503. The purpose of the
computer match is to establish the conditions under which SSA agrees to
the disclosure of tax return information to OPM.

DATES: The matching program will begin in October 2000, or 40 days
after agreements by the parties participating in the match have been
submitted to Congress and the Office of Management and Budget, or 30
days after notice of the match is published in the Federal Register,
whichever is later. The data exchange will begin at a date mutually
acceptable between OPM and SSA, unless comments are received which will
result in a contrary determination. Subsequent matches will take place
annually on a recurring basis until one of the parties advises the
other, in writing, of its intention to reevaluate, modify and/or
terminate the agreement.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent to William J. Washington, Acting
Assistant Director for Systems, Finance, and Administration, 1900 E.
Street, NW., Room 4312, Washington, DC 20415.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marc Flaster, (202) 606-2115.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: OPM and SSA intend to conduct a computer
matching program, as described below. The purpose of this agreement is
to establish the conditions under which SSA agrees to the disclosure of
tax return information to OPM. The SSA records will be used in a
matching program in which OPM will match SSA's tax return records with
OPM's records on disability retirees under age 60, disabled adult child
survivors, certain retirees in receipt of a supplemental benefit under
the Federal Employees Retirement System, and certain annuitants
receiving a discontinued service retirement benefit under the Civil
Service Retirement System. By law, these annuitants and survivors are
limited in the amount they can earn and still retain benefits paid to
them. In the case of the discontinued service annuitants, retirement
benefits will cease upon re-employment in federal service. OPM will use
the SSA data to determine continued eligibility for benefits being

Office of Personnel Management.
Janice R. Lachance,

Report of Computer Matching Program Between the Office of Personnel
Management and the Social Security Administration

A. Participating Agencies

    OPM and SSA.

B. Purpose of the Matching Program

    Chapters 83 and 84 of title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.) require
OPM to verify earnings data supplied by civil service annuitants.
Section 6103(11) of the Internal Revenue Code requires SSA to disclose
tax return information to OPM to administer programs under chapters 83
and 84 of title 5, United States Code. The purpose of this agreement is
to establish the conditions under which SSA agrees to the disclosure of
tax return information to OPM.

C. Authority for Conducting the Matching Program

    Public Law 97-253, Chapters 83 and 84, title 5, United States Code
and 26 U.S.C. 6103(11).

D. Categories of Records and Individuals Covered by the Match

    The SSA records involved in the match are earnings, self-employment
and other data which constitute tax return information pursuant to 26
U.S.C. 6103. The Earnings Recording and Self-Employment Income System,
SSA/OSR, 60-0059 (last published in the Federal Register at 59 FR
62407, December 5, 1994), maintains records of individuals' wages or
self-employment income from employment under Social Security. The OPM
records consist of annuity data from its system of records entitled
OPM/Central 1--Civil Service Retirement and Insurance Records (last
published in the Federal Register at 64 FR 54930, October 8, 1999), as
amended May 3, 2000 (65 FR 25775).

E. Description of Matching Program

    OPM provides an annual electronic finder file containing
identifying information for those records that SSA will verify. SSA
will then provide an electronic reply file containing information in
response to OPM's finder file.

F. Privacy Safeguards and Security

    The personal privacy of the individuals whose names are included in
the data exchange is protected by strict adherence to the provisions of
the Privacy Act and OMB's ``Guidance Interpreting the Provisions of
Public Law 100-503, the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of
1988''. Access to the records used in the data exchange is restricted
to only those authorized employees and officials who need it to perform
their official duties in connection with the uses of the information
authorized in this agreement. Records matched or created will be stored
in an area that is physically safe. Records used in the exchange and
any records created by this exchange will be processed under the
immediate supervision and control of authorized personnel in a manner
which will protect the confidentiality of the records, and in such a
way that unauthorized persons cannot retrieve any such records by means
of computer, remote terminal or other means. The records matched and
any records created by this agreement will be transported under
appropriate safeguards consistent with the manner in which they are
stored and processed. All personnel who will have access to the records
matched and to any records created by the match will be advised of the
confidential nature of the information, the safeguards required to
protect the information and the civil and criminal sanctions for
noncompliance contained in applicable federal laws.

G. Inclusive Dates of the Matching Program

    This computer matching program is subject to review by the Congress
and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). OPM's report to these
parties must be received at least 40 days prior to the initiation of
any matching activity. If no objections are raised by either Congress
or OMB, and the mandatory 30 day public notice period for comment for
this Federal Register notice expires, with no significant receipt of
adverse public comments resulting in a contrary determination, then
this computer matching program becomes effective. By agreement

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between OPM and SSA, the matching program will be in effect and
continue for 18 months with an option to renew for 12 additional months
under the terms set forth in 5 U.S.C. 552a(o)(2)(D).

[FR Doc. 00-27328 Filed 10-24-00; 8:45 am]